AUG l9, 1/4.j News Notes From A ll Over Oreg on their original tax on or before May 1 of this year, according to a legal opinion handed down by the attorney, general. PRINCE AAGE The state board of control has ap proved contracts for tbe construction of a new school building and cottage at the Woman's Christian Temperance | Union farm home near Corvallis. The I school structure will cost approximate Fire losses I d Oregon, exclusive of ly 345,000. of which »35,000 was ap Portland, during July aggregated 1921, proprtated by the state. The coat of the cottage is »14,952. «30. G le a n e d b y th e W e s te rn N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r B u s y P e e p le REVEREND DUFFY LOW FARES TO « i» PORTLAND AND RETURN S a /r, dependable train» a t Cimi^nunl hoar» Ccnifortable, economical service daily. $3.90 $4.70 roundtrip week-end iicket;»t»n Fri-.Sat. or Sun Return lim it 1 uesday following. ro u n d trip «eaten ticket;on sale every dav. R e tu rn lim it 19 days. Ground was broken in Salem Mon Coyotes entered the yard of W a'ter P r o p o r tio n » « !» lo w f e r n to o th e r p o lo « . Knauff at Boerdioan and killed 17 day for the plant of the Western Paper Converting company, which ig A ik agent young turkeys. to be erected at a cost of approxi General showers In Baker county mateiy »200,000. The plant will be caused considerable damage to farm­ completed within three months and ers with hay and grain down. will employ more than 100 men A new 12-foot copper vein has been Operations will be confined to the struck In the Poorman tunnel of the manufacture of paper specialties Mother Lode Copper company near Oregon pensions have been granted Baker. as follows: Lorena A. Bowman. Port­ Reports received at the ofnees ot land, »24 a month; Arthur C. Lynn, the state forestry department in Portland, »15; Louis H. Houser, »12; Salem Indicate that most of the tlm Elliott C. Moore, Portland. »15; Harry ber fires are now under control. E. Williams, La Grande, »18; Pauline W ith the end of the commercial West. Pendleton, »30; Edward A fishing season on the Columbia river Brenner, Tillamook, »24; Anna W. loss than a week away. It Is reported Spencer, Gardiner, »30; Sidney S that a big run of fish has entered the Smith, Medford, »12. river. In order to continue activities of Rev. Francis P. Duffy, who was Prince Aage of Denmark, who Is Mrs. Lillian Iliff, 69. of Chemawa, Oregon's state-wide development or C. P. Moody A gent sleeted president of the Rainbow Dlvl. Phone 226 died in a hospital fn Oregon City as ganlzatlon. subscribers to the 3300, senior captain in the Foreign Legion lion association at Its convention in the result of Injuries sustained in an 000 fund which made this work pos of the French forces fighting the Rif- Chicago. automobile accident on the Pacific slble are being asked to re subscribe fiana in Morocco. highway. the same amounts they gave before - CENTENNIAL AT VANCOUVER John Ostrlm, 49, was drowned near Now that the work Is well organized, Wallace Island, In the Columbia river, the trustees believe that it may be Washington's Oldest City Has Color wh|le pp the way from Astoria to his carried on successfully the next two ful Pageant of Progress. > home in Clatskanie. He was In a boat Fears with a fund of 3250.000. Vancouver, Wash.— Vancouver. 100 and (ell overboard. Eight acres of land purchased by years old, Monday started celebrating Bids for the construction of approx­ the city of Klamath Falls for park Muncie. Ind. — Vengeance trailing imately 30 miles of highway and three purposes five years ago for 311,750 hose who testified against Gerald the fact that tt la the first city In the ) R e fle c to rs a n d le n s e s f o r n e a r ly a ll m a k e s of< bridges will be considered at a meet­ was sold to the Southern Pacific and ”hapman. bandit condemned to die for state of Washington to attain the cen­ K a rs . • | ing of the state highway commission Oregon Trunk railroads for 362,000 he murder of a Connecticut pollen tury mark. The Fort Vancouver Centennial, a 4,A ^ a v e y o u r lig h t s te s te d as s o o n as p o s s ib le * to be held in Portland Thursday. Beth rail lines sought It for trackage man, struck down Ben Hance and his H )o n t w a it t i l l th e la s t in in u to . The Oregon Trunk pur wife near here. The Haneea were celebration of the founding of the first Members of the state irrigation se­ Purposes. I permanent white settlement In Wash curities commission left Salem Tues­ chased two acres for »15,000, while nd Charles tone Arm) W olf of man is unfolded In three episodes of Mr. and Mra. R. J. Collins and E. B. lation of the state fire laws, among Muncie. music, dancing and action. In addi­ which were a number of stage and It was at the Hance home that Schoenback, all of Portland, narrow­ tion to the pageant there Is an indus BRIEF GENERAL NEWS ly escaped death when they were pin­ sight-seeing company operators who Anderson and Chapman lived after trial exhibition, an automobile show, ned beneath their burning automobile were arrested on the Mount Hood 'heir escape from Atlanta penitentiary which incidentally Is Vancouver's first Anthrax Is reported to have broken following a collision with a truck Loop highway by District Fire Super tnd after Chapman attempted the rob automobile show, and a big amuse- out among cattle in Oneida county, visor Ferguson, It was claimed these hery of a New Britain. Conn., mer ment section. near Canyonville. dellon and Smoot Visit Cool- southern Idaho. The selection of a successor to F companies failed to have the required ?antlle establishment which resulted Mra. J. P. Morgan, wife of the Inter­ idge Home to Discuss Situ- L. Campbell, president of the Unlver notices posted In their conveyances in the slaying of a policeman, Hance Connecticut glim tax la w Held Valid national banker, died at her home at concerning cigarettes. •vas one of the principal witnesses alty of Oregon, who died In Eugene, New Haven, Conn. Connecticut’s Glen Cove, I,. I. ction With President. Sales by mills of the West Coast igatnst Chapman following his arrest The stripping board asked for »22. probably will not be announced for law taxing motion picture films is here. several weeks, according to members Lumbermen's association dropped back legal and the United States courts 540.000 for the coming fiscal year and to old levels In the week ending Aug Plymouth. Vt President Coolidge of t^e board of rerentr. will not Interfere with collections of was told by the budget bureau It need ust 8, according to report Just isgqed xpecta an agreement to be reached »596,690,364 Gain in Foreign Trade. j the tax by issuing an injunction re­ not expect more than »15,300,000. Six wardens have been added to Washington, D C.— Foreign trade cf straining the state from putting the the force of the state game commls the total having been 9a.26g.864 feet Claude Holcomb and C. Z. Stephens n terms for refunding Belgium's debt sion, each to rove at will over the Sales of the previous week set a high the United States increased 3596,690 i law into operation, according to a de- were convicted In superior court at o the United States. An official statement issued after state with pack outfits and suppress record for this year when they totaled 364 thus far this year as compared , clslon handed down In federal court Los Angeles of conspiring to kidnap 123.593,350 feet. The week’s consol 1th the same period last year, the here. violations of the game laws. It was an Mary Plckford and hold her for »200,- he president had discussed the altua- (dated report covered 113 mills. They department of commerce announced. lon for two hours with Secretary Mel­ 000 ransom. nounced by Game Warden Averill. manufactured 102,088,393 feet, and on and • •nator Smoot of Utah, said Norway Saturday took official poa Alva R. Shumway of Milton. Joint shinned 99.117 633 fee» session of the Svalbard, or Spltzber final agreement” was In sight and representative from Um atilla and Mor ^ /^ Íb a n y ^ /) ir e c t o r y and money are best whet’ hat no deadlock bad developed row counties, has verified the report busy. Make your dollars work in gen archlpelsgn. which was awarded President Coolidge was faced our savings department. A i . h a x v S t a t e her by International treaty signed In that he will be a candidate for the quarely with the responsibility for ch­ B ank . Under goierniuent supi rnsion. Parts, February 9. 1920 republican nomination for United The federal reserve board announc aining settlement of foreign war States senator In the primaries next J^O SC O E AM ES H A R D W A R E ed that saving depoalts in 902 repre ebta of 112,000,000,000, only one third spring. T in » is good advice; " I t yoq live Eugene. Or.—Funeral service for in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live sentatlve banks of the country show­ >f which has been funded. Lumber shipments by water from The Winchester Store Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Prince H. Campbell, president of the in some other town, trade in that town, ed Increases from July 1, 1924, to the Columbia river during the month •lellon and Senator Smoot, Utah, re- University of Oregon, who died at hl« but i l l these automobile day» iqany re July 1, 1925. of 1633,368.000 Q p O O a d h a n d Rianna fro m 8185 U| of July totaled 122,386.315 feet or near horn? last wqek were held Tuesday tiding elstwhere find it advisable to du More than 400,000 children who en mbllran, both members of the Amar- I f you want a bargain in a piano non it least part of their buying in the ly double those of July, 1924, accord­ afterpoon qt » o’clock In the auditor larger town ter the first grade In elementary ran debt funding enmmlsalon. came In is your chance. T hey're in A1 condition T hose who go to Albany ing to figures complied by the Co­ D aienport Music House. 109 W ITi (uni of toe woman's building on the to transact business w ill find the firms schools each year fall to advance to hla little mountain pass village to lumbia River Loggers' Information university campus The body lay in named below ready to fill their require- the second grade, a tabulation by the •ring to the president's attention con- Q ia p le and Fan cy Groceries bureau. Iderstton of the deadlock at Waahlng- state for one hour before the services nents w ith courtesy an I fairness. Crockery and Glassware bureau of education of the department on over the »480.000.000 Belgian debt. Additional trail crews numbering 21 In the alumni hall of the woman’s of the interior reveals Mrs, M G. Stetter A CCESSOKIES A N O T IR E S rahn have been ordered by C. C. Hall, building. Upon the settlement of the Retgtan Phone 139. J 206 W. Second it. It is reported that Governor S. O Auto Supplies forest supervisor, to report to the Services were la charge of six Sorlte of North Dakota Is aerlously lebt depends In large part the con- J- H A llison QTIMIM TH E 8HOIC IX IX U, Fish lake control atatlon for work on clergymen, who represented the state 142 West First St timmatlen of the French debt of »6.- Second street, opposite Ham ilton's considering appointing Mrs Rtzpah trails to be completed thia year and i t large, Eugene and the university Sprague Ladd, widow of Senator Ed •00,000,000 and the Italian obligations store. J- L IN D A H L , hardware. French and for which appropriations have already Bishop W elter T. Sumner, Episcopal win F Ladd of that state, to her bus •f nearly »2.000.000 000 “ Sudden Service." Dinnerware been made fallen delegation» are coming to church of Portland, and the Rev W band's seat In the senate. Tin shop in connection 3'aahlngtnn soon to go over exactly . The Booth-Kelly Lumber company 3 .»Elliott Jr., of the Unitarian church 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon I V ’alibi Anderson à 8©O. distrib- ’ ’ u to rj and dealers for M axw ell, Chal­ he same ground, and the three late taa announced that Its two mills one if Portland represented the state at Allies Agree on German Reply. A lb a n y F loral Co. C ut flowers mers, Essex, Hudson A I I tipmobile car». illlea can be expected to offer a unl­ tt Springfield and the other at Wend­ large The Rev Henry Davis, head London.—The conference between Accessories, a pnlies. 1st ,V Broadalbin n anti plants. Floral art for every ing. would resume their six-day week, i f .the United Christian work on the ind all cccasions. 1 M Rrland. French foreign minister, ed front In their attitude toward lebt». T H E “ F A D A ” R A D IO running Saturday after having been ampus. and the Rev Bruce J Glften and Austen Chamberlain, minister of ____ Flower phone 458-1 4 We think the Fada is the best. / ak It 1» unlikely th«t in iftnounremant aperating |»ut five days a week for a university pastor for the Presbyterian foreign afaflrs, brought the two na Woodworth Drug Epastburn Bros.— Two big grocery for demonstration •f the president'« derliton will be aumber of months. •hurch, represented the university. Dr. Hons to a epcedv accord on the terms Calvin Ingle Prop Mores, 212 W . First and 225 South t-°- of a note to be dispatched to Germany nade until after Mellon and Smoot The semi-annual report of Tillamook E V Stivers, pastor of the First Main. Good merchandise at the right V E S P E C IA L T Y SH O P PE as a rejoinder to Wtlhelmstrasae'a lava returned to Washington ant» Bounty clerk June 39 shows the coun­ Christian church of Eugene, and Dr prices. *■ hemstitching and stamped goods communication to Parla on the aecur •ommunlcated with the Belgian con- ty to be In better financial condition E. C. 8anderson. president of the Eu Albany, Oregon E ^lite Cafeteria and confectionery 318 W . Second st. ntaaton. ify pact last month. than for several year«. In the last geoe Bible university represented Eu Owner, Mrs. Irene Davis. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ gene. six months the total bond and war­ ings. Courteous, efficient ¿ervice. Prohibition Chlefa Called to Conclave. Slahop Brown Asks Chenoa for Appaal rant Indebtedness of Tillamook coun We make our own candies. If you enjoy a good meal, Galllon. Ohio. — Bishop W illiam Washington, D. C.— All state pro W. s. D uncan . ly has been reduced by 1180.000. «nd know a good meal when you get it, MOUNT SHASTA WARMING UP Montgomery Brown of Galllon appeal- hlbltlon agents and dlvialon chiefs D O R D S A L E S A M ) 8 K B V H E You’ ll be back, tor yon 'll not forget it Um atilla county was made defend­ have been summoned to Washington id lo the general convention of thw O ur aim is to please vou. Tires and accessories ant In a damage suit when the John­ Activity of Crater la Feared by Many *• for conferencei with L. C Andrewa Protestant Episcopal church, which Observers. Repairs son Contract company of Portland fil­ aaalRtant secretary of the treasury, In meets In October, to set up a court of K ikk -F ollak M otor Co. ed a complaint asking an accounting Redding. Cal.— Unusual conditions Appeals to consider the action of thw charge of prohibition enforcement. ALBANY between the county and the contract­ in the vicinity of Motfnt Shasta, near E portm iller F u rn itu re Co , fu tn i- Episcopal trial court In finding bin» ing company for work performed In here, have given rite to the belief ■- ture, rugs, linoleum, stovas ranges. G E O , M G IL C H R IS T • 6«MfUft Blip (tie MOI I. guilty of heresy. 1922 and 1923 on the Pine creek road. among many that the old crater Is Funeral directors. 627-433 west First • • • street, Albany, Oregon. Stanfield sheep Interests will prob­ getting ready for volcanic activity Watch the watermelon vines for Washington Coal Data Annovnctd- ably move their headquarters to Baker anthramoee. Investigation a by the United States P l LLBR GROCERY, Olympla, Waah. -Coal production In I.x a a a thin fall. sccord|ng to a statement of bureau ot fisheries show that water 1 (Successor to Stenberg Bros ) the state of Washington for the 251 W rite lor booklet describing our 20- Lime scattered on the fields makes coal mining concerns making complete Hugh Stanfield, brother of the sen­ of the McCloud river le four degrees Groceries Fruits Produce yeer Rural Credit Amortized Loans 263R ator. The Stanfield headquarters have warmer than uaual, that the mud Phone __________ • The lo >n pays out in 20 payments, re- • -ood foundation for the whole farm reports to the state department of g the principal. Cheap rates No been at Weiser for the past four years, fl«w is increasing and that grass is 14 OEM AN A JACKSON labor and Industries during the first I tilin a , A, A, A , delay. B eam L and C o ., having been moved there from On­ dying In meadows much earlier than six months of 1925 amounted to Grocery— Bakerv 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. tario. E veryth in g in the line o( eats uaual. 1,033,036 45 tons. Why suffer from headache»? Opposite Postoffice , There were two fatalities in Ore­ Heat In the bowels of the mountain gon due to industrial accidents In the is believed to be the cause. Poindexter to Stay In Peru. U nb C an d y C o ., F irs t street, next ' week ending August 13. according to Seattle, Wash.— Mrs. Miles Poin­ door to Blain Clothing Co. at lowest rate of interest » statement Issued by the Industrial Pardon of Former Governor Asked Noon lunches. dexter, arriving here for a visit, de Home made candy and ice Cream. accident commission. The victims Real Estate Insurance clared that her husband was fond of Washington. D. C.—Armed with 225 were W ilbur Pegram of Astoria and Prompt service Courteous treatment. hla work as ambassador to Peru and E xam ined letters and petitions from promlneol [M P E R IA L C A F E , 209 ’ V H r s t Robert Casey of Vancouver. B C. A would not run (or senator from Wash­ W m B aim , Room .5, First Savings Rank officials all over tbe country, a dele Harold G. M urphy Prop. total of 938 accidents was reported. bnilning, Albany ington. Phone 665 gallon of Indiana citizens went before W e never close Property owners who weuld obtain Attorney-General Sargent and asked Building amounting to nearly 1200.- 'he temlaalon of intereat. penalties and for a pardon for former Governor War 000 was started In Albany last week : J e w e le r,, O p to m e tris ts ‘ M A G N E T O E L E C T R IC CO. cotta accruing on delinquent taxes for ren T. McCray of Indiana, serving 10 with the building of the Albeny Lehan-I 1 ,1 Official Stromherg carburetor serv the year 1921. baaed on the aaaeaa- years in Atlanta prison for forgery L A W Y E R AND NOTARY A lb an y, Oregon J on section of the Kantian highway] ice station. Conservative prices. At taent roll of 1920, must h ive paid and using the malls to defraud., »ork guaranteed 119-121 W. Second H alsky . O k to o a leading the Hat with 197,093. I A V v a v v v s a » v a v v v v v a v >*»' t v <■ * e r < ‘ « f r t P .« Murderers Kill 1 wo Witnesses A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. J AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION 1. j I 4 ( Debt Settled— j Peradventure M '" Head of U. of O, Called by Death A PARAG O N CA FE FARM LOANS FA RM LOANS Have YOUR EYES F. M. French & Son Amor A. Tussing I i