TVUt « KLRAL ENTERPRISE jut iGd»fwod«ot—-Nvt neutral—news • paper, published eveiy Wednesday, wy «aa. a. w a m x a $1.56 a year Advertising. 20c an inch ; no discoun | (or lime or apace ; no charge (or com •oaiUon or c langct. aa “Palfl ioi paragraphs,** tc a llaa. Me a d v a rtia m g dlzgulsad as aa w a KV K A C AUG. 1». 192? E N T E R P R IS E Items of Interest to Linn Ruralists The Great Outdoors A third payment ol 92U.OOO.OOO has been made by the Western Wheat Poo! on account ot last year’ s crop on the prairies. But for the pool, that tweuty million dollars would have gone not to the producers at wheat hut to those who handle the grain after its production— Toronto Sun. W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced Farm Co-operation Natural Crossing in Worries Gamblers Oats Is Ver>’ Smal> “ S c ie n c e fo r S e r v ic e ” D O N T H U R T ’EM Through the Extension Station, the Extension Service Oklahoma is following Oregon Market Fails to See-satv Experiments Show One Per £ £ and resident instruction Don't hurt the pcor, unfortunate and is working to standardize the at Beck of Chicago Cent in Iowar Variety. thug» and murderer» when they potato industry, lu 1924 there Grain Exchange was no shipped out stock inspected, are eaught. Send them flower» and (Fr«par«4 by the L'nltwd State« Departm ent v t -Agriculture ) while up to Aug 1 of this year words of comfort. Serves the Farms, the Homes and Industries of Oregon A marketing plan for tqualixing It has long been recognized that ® Dearly a thousand cars had been Tall them bow brave you thin! I t offers a oollege education io ’ the supply and demand at Port- when two varieties of corn are grown ® federal-state inspected and found they are to defy the law and do a- ready market« outside. Standaru. a id , Seattle and Spokane, effect­ In rows side by side a certain amount £ J f g ^ i c u l t u r t , S n g i n u r in g l Z fu rc stry , T i o m t S e o - of natural crossing takes place. A row they pleas«— apostles of persona' ¡ration of nearly everything is ive the 20:b of last month, ha» of white corn growing next to a row n o m i e t , A , a a a , W k a r m a c y , V a a a t i a n a l S a / u c a t io u , C h a m - demanded and it is those who get liberty. proved most successful. Toe Cat­ of yellow corn, for Instance, will pro­ l e a l S a g i n a a a in g . . ^ M i l i t a r y S c i a n e a a n d J a d i t a in early that get reputations and Don’t hang them. That might tle and Horse Raisers’ association duce ears that have numerous yellow £ permanent markets.— State Market entire kernels. Also it has long been a gen­ • prevent their performing furlhei of Oregon mapped the The SCHOOL O F BASIC ARTS A N D S C IE N C E S pro- Agent Spence. northwest into districts, each eral belief that the so-called close-fer f vides the foundation for all technical courses. The deed« of bravery. under a manager who keeps the tlllzed cereals, like wheat, oats and Orrgou pear grower» are learn, training includes Physical Education, Industrial Jour. Aholiab capital puniehment. I t ’» market directors informed about barley, very rarely cross naturally; ing the value of early picking 0 ’ nalistn, Social Sciences and Music. barbarou». shipments. The market directors that Is, a row of white oats, for In­ prevent core breakdown.— O. A. C. Prohibit by iaw the carrying of forecast the demand for various stance, growing bealde a row of black F all Term B e g in s S e p te m b er 21, 1925 Weak and diseased potato plant» oats would produce white kernels only pistole. Then the robber», being classes and grades of cattle and : Artificial methods of crossing the two are usually unproductive and For illustrated booklets and specific information write to breve enou gb to defy the law, w il1 calves a week or ten days in • kinds of oats were necessarily resort­ incurable. Plants showing a weag advauce and prevent the oversup­ ed to when plant breeders desired a T he R egistrar , Or< g >n Agricultural College t>e the only gun toters and will b< plying of any one market at any or unhealthy look are best dug out, cross. {Seedsmen, therefore, have Corvallis, Oregon sved pieoe and all, and thken at comparatively eafe. one time and the constquent drop grown plats of one strain of oats next once from the field before the in prices, If the men who murdered to plats of another strain, feeling as­ trouble spreads to other plants — sured that each seed plat would re­ guards end escaped from the peni A Chicago dispatch dated Aug. 10 O. A C. main pure. lentiary the other day are caught n the Portland Journal said: Such Is not the case, however, ac­ The linen mills being erected at "The wheat grower, using know­ cording to the United States Depart­ THE MARKETS and convicted, give them jail set - Making of Soft-Meate4 Salem are expected to have 4480 ledge gained from experience and the ment of Agriculture. Experimental teDcee, so they can escape again < r Fowls Out of Cockerels spindles and 200 looms. The backers Portland adio in addition, is engaged in show- work with oats at the Akron (Colo.) be pardoned or paroled and r< • The making of large, aoft-meated expect to produce 20,000 yards of Wheat- Big Bend bluestem, $1.56; ng speculators that he can do a lit- field station has shown that without fowls opt of cockerels that ordinarily aume their choaen industry. le influencing of market prices :e doubt natural crosses do occur In oats hard white and western white, 91.54; would be sold on the market as stags linen weekly and use the crop frpm 8000 acres. the same ns In corn, although to far soft white, 91.55; hard winter and I f they can get bold of enougl well as can professional traders. Is the real reason for caponizing cock less extent The extent of natural northern spring, 9152; western red money they can, the next tim< “Such is one well grounded expla- Mrs. G. L. Garrett of Central Point erels. Cnponlxlug also tends slightly crossing In oats vnrled with the differ­ to Increase the weight of the birds. ation given at the board of trade ent varieties. It was greater In some $1.48. they are caught, hire a few “ alien writes to the Oregon Journal that Hay — Alfalfa, $18@19 ton; valley When birds are ten to twelve weeks she can beat the record made by the late*’ to »wear they are insane for the recent sky-rocketing of wheat selections than others from the same timothy, $18®20; eastern Oregot: old they are ready for caponizing, al­ owner of barred rock pullets that Than tbay need not he long she prices, up 17 cents in a week, just variety. The greatest percentage of I timothy. $23®2tc. though It may be done earlier than this t the time when growers are in a natural crosses was observed In the j laid at 137 days. She has white up and out of job«. Thia, too depending upon their weight. They Butterfat—52c shippers' track. lowar vurlety, In which an average of i losrtion to benefit. may be caponlzed as soon as the sex leghorns that laid at 123 days. She Eggs—Ranch, 28@33c. will help the alienists make “Back of the rapid rise has been nearly 1 per cent of crosses was found, i ieem s not to take into account that cun be distinguished easily. Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; The natural crossing of oats Is so ! living. »i extreme shortage of actual wheat the big rock usually takes 7 months After birds have been caponlzed they small that It Is of no particular sig­ Triplets, 27c; loaf, 28c per lb. Don't hurt the thug who ha o meet market demands. The farm­ should he kept separate from the other to reach the laying stage and the Cattle—Steers, $7.50®8.25. nificance to the average fanner even fowls until the wounds are healed. No little Leghorn only 5. beau so unfortunato as to get er. by using his radio to keep in touch though he does grow his ow n seed oats. Hogs—Medium to choice, $14.25® roosts should be provided, as the less vith market conditions, and bulwark­ It Is of Importance, however, to the 15.00. caught. Other men, women and The department of agriculture an­ flying and Jumping they do Ute sooner 'd by a better financial position, has cereal Investigator nnd nursery seed Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice children can take care of them­ the wound will heal. T h| yard Into nounces that there have been over een putting into play his strategy producers. The need for formulating $10.50®12.50. which the capons are put should pro­ 100,000 fewer hired men employed on selves. better methods In plat nnd nursery f holding. vide them with shelter, food and water, farms of the country so far this year "Speculators have taken it for technique In conducting experiments Seattle. nnd they should be kept quiet. They Sometimes penitentiary convict than during a similar period last ranted that the growers would dump with flats 1» apparent If the factor of Wheat—Soft white. $1.55; westerr seem to he little inconvenienced by the waut firearms when it is inconven­ natural crossing Is to be eliminated. year. eir crop on the market just as soon white. $1.55; hard winter, $1.53; west operation and water and soft feed ient to knock down a guard am mixed with sweet skim milk can be etn red, $1.54; northern spring, $1.54; as it was harvested. But this season, A successful co operative exchange given them immediately. taka bis guu. Hence it is a kind Big Bend bluestem, $159. ccording to traders, while the crop Minerals Assist Chicks is that of Medford. It is believed to Birds to be caponlzed should be hearted administration that keep is small, the growers are adding to in Building Framework Hay—Alfalfa. $?$: D. £., $2$; tlrn ytarved from 24 to 36 hours. Caponlz- have added $20,000 to the year’s in­ an arsenal within easy reach o -yers’ troubles by hanging to their The science of feeding growing othy, $26; mixed hay, $24. liig la nut 8 difficult operation, but Ui come of the farmers of Jackson Butter—Creamery, 47®52c. -heat in the expectation of a 12 re- chicks has developed by leaps and him. order to secure the best results, an county. One of its most successful Eggs—Select ranch, 38® 40c. Jrn. It was this holding policy that bounds during the last few years. The experienced operator should be em­ teats has been in putting a stop to Hogs—Prime. $15.30. ployed. f “ Oregon Jones,’’ with his fre orced speculators into a comer discovery of vltsmlns and their rela­ the shipping to Portland of some tion to poultry feeding, the Importance Cattle—Prime steers, $8.00®8.25. quant crimes and Jailbrealte, In hen July contracts were closed out. of cleun yards and plenty of green feed farmers’ products that were in turn (¿tarantine against sniptnents ot po Cheese—Oregon fancy, 20c; Oregon “Un We to get wheat to deliver, have rnude the business of growing bought and brought back by other become quite a hero to eoim standards 25c; Washington triplets, tatoes Into Oregon from Washington veil after a 16c price advance, some poultry more economically successful. 26c. warped-minded boys. He didn't and Idaho and outgoing shipments fanners. All the freight charges luders defaulted on their contracts. During the last few yeurs more at­ from five counties In this atate will and cost of handling in Portland are look quite to heroic when the un­ “As a result of this deal the Board tention has been centered upon the Im­ be announced soon, according to C. cut out. Spokane. dertaker took charge of him. ( Trade now has an Investigation portance of a new element In the ra­ A. Park, quarantine officer for the Hogs—Prime, $14.76® 16.00. THa deparhincnt o’f agriculture i ■ ■■■ • inder way into charge), that ope big tion for growing chicks—minerals or state board of horticulture. The quar Cattle—Prime steers, $7.26®7 50 Inorganic material. Minerals supply says that juvenile club work stimu­ ruder, hacked by the farmers’ nr-« W hich way would you prefer I' antlne order would require all pota • • • llirpe dlstlqct functions In the chick's lates the desire for a college educa­ •'gy, had attempted to corner that ratloi), Thsy go tp bql|(J bqne, which After crops are laid by make a trip toes shipped out of the districts af tion. The more one gets of a good /lie , by a bullet from a thug or la lei i very. fected be accompanied by a certificate Is the frumework of the future pq(le( Io good farina to see how they are do­ an auto hung run in front of a showing they had been sifted and thing the more he wants. Instead the farmer is given cresl- or cockerel. A good skeleton Is pue- ing things. railroad train by a fool chauffeur' t for playing a long headed game by half the hettle, because on It must be • » » Mare fFSS frojs Colorado potato Boys’ and .girls’ livestock clubs are Tests show that scrub hog« require Beetle, eding his wheat to the market in attached »he meat and In It must be broadly recognized in the premium Linn qonnty is prosperous. Hay an orderly manner instead of dump­ carried the organs of reproduction, 20 per cent more feed thsn pure breds list of the Pgqific Livestock Exposi­ Growers affiliated with the which produce the marketable product, to make 100 pounds of gain. barns and the county ja il an ing. tion, which opens in Portland Oct. Cherry association at Salem received • • • the egg. That it is a paying g-m e may be «verflewjug, Removing the harneas at noon and 11 cents a pound for their 1925 crop, 31. The society offers 9750 in cash Minerals also have been found by een from the fact that September identifie teste to aid materially In the washing the work horse's shoulder according to announcement at head- to county clubs from all states; the ouarters of the organization. vheat is now selling for 35 cents digestion of other foods. Lastly, min­ with cold water adds tc his efficiency. The otfielal estimate of the liz» Union stockyards offer $1075 for pig erals have been found to exercise a «■ommerctal apple crop In Oregon la more than a year ago. when farmers contests and $450 for corn growing very definite relation In building up a vere being credited with making real ♦.*♦4.000 boxes, aa compared with 5,- and there are medals, a purebred naturel resistance and Immunity noney. 250.660 boxes last year. against disease. Holstein heifer calf and other prizes The growers are said to be giv- Prune (rowers of the Roeeburf vie This Is probably accomplished h) up- ng particular credit to the radio for tatty met Saturday to complete organ keeping the birds In perfect physical The Albany cannery is running on Isatloo of an association for co-opera keeping them in constant touch with condition. , Whirt minerals to feed and how to live handling and selling of the crops uarket whims.” beans from Lane county and expects F rm co-operation is growing, and feed them becomes the problem of the of members to put qp 150 tons. Sixty tons of here is room for it to take from feeder of growing chicken« during the f t beet» frqrq I.ebanoq will fqjlow. middlemen that one-third of the ulti- summer, so that the pullets may bo In A dispatch from T u alttin to ’he nate price which they have been the pink of condition as to size and vigor for the heavy winter lay. Oregi iiian says; Peaches grown pocketing and divide it between the long the Willamette river are jn vid your system of Catarrh or Deafnesi | producer and consumer, the for great demand thia season, at Ibe /IX Using Rape as Pasture caused by Catarrh. 1! ¡o ajsqs s.uoq aqj Jturnufi zaiu Eilers orchard, nsar Wilsonv'lle, JsW », ,0 MST. for Cattle and Calves /»X m e Oregonian of the 11th said: the crop is reported to he 8,000 F . ]■ C H E N E Y & C O ., T oledo, O hio | Rape may be used as pasture for /IX (ìives better results “Co-operation as a distinct class bushels. They sell at 91 75 a cattle but there Is danger of bloat /»X of business has grown to the point bushel and iho early Crawfords This danger Is not so prevalent at X I /IX hat it has become a subject of edu­ were sold in advance At the Dow first because the nnlmals usually have HE I IMP, for glasses is] U/ place at Ottawa landing the crop cation at an institute in Philadelphia to acquire a taste for the plant before /l\ right at the beginning ol s sold daily. Several »cow loads which, Secretary of Agriculture Jar­ they will rat large amounts of It, but the trouble with your eve1. re iskeo down the river each d«y line says, ‘is unique in that it brings when they have become accustomed Delays ere dangerous. Tin to It the danger of bloat Is always te the Canby ferry, where the fruit together members, employes and offi- •ye is me most delicate present. Milk cows being pastured on lie quickly sold to eager buyers. member of the human body and •ers of co-operative associations, rape are usually given a heavy feed Peaches seem to thrive better on •very,moment you delay after the teachers, business men, hankers, pub­ of grain before being turned on the the east bank t f the Willamette, lic officials and research workers,’ ’* trouble starts you art gating ju«< field so they will not eat so much of that much towards possible blind- It. Plenty of salt should also te fur­ P A ID for false teeth, den­ neee. Community fairs In Douglas coun­ nished animals that are feeding on tal gold, platinum and discarded Have your eye« examined today. ty are receiving support and encour­ rape It would not he wise to pasture jewelry. Hoke Smelting znd Refining agement from the county court. Ap young calves on rape because of the t a , Otsego, Mich, danaer of bloat and also because they proprtatloas have been made for the pull up many of the plants, cansing a several (airs which are to be held great deal of waste. The best way to soon. The court has appropriated feed rape to cattle is to cut It snd $200 each for the Smith River and then feed It to prevent waste. Glide fairs, and $500 for the Roseburg home and land products show, to be Idaho Storm Causa 9100.000 Damage Hav is worth ju st as much in storage as Boise. Idaho- A cloudburst accom held September 24. i t and 2« you might get for it in ease of fire. Th j AU work done promptly an.) reason The pear harveatlng. packing and panted by hall and an electrical storm, .ably. Phone 769 I A m erican Eagle Fire I nsur,in« .* Company shipping season la now In full activ­ caused estimated damage of mors ity In the Rogue river valley. More than $100.000 to two big Irrigation k rill pay you o f the mall value in , . than 200 cars have been sent out to canals, orchards and farms on ths of loss by lire. famous slope lands south of Emmett. the eastern markets It was the most damaging storm In The farmers of the McKenzie val­ Optometrist ley are planning to hold a communi­ the history of :hi ritnmett district. M sniiferturing ty fair at Waltarvtlla, 16 miles east Watch cornfields for root and ear Optician I of Eugene, the week before the Lane rot Select healthy stalks for seed OREGON county fair In Eugene com. J Oregon Agricultural College * H a ll’s C a ta r r h Medicine , 1 WHEAT, 4X OATS and BARLEY !i> W hole or Ground Ï FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER T O. W . F R U M A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. E. Ci Meade, ino, />» C. P. STAFFORD, Agent F. M . G R A Y , draym an BARBER SHOP First-class W ork J- W S TE P H E N S O N .