RURAL ENTERPRISE (MFRCVED UNIFORM WTERNATlONAt Prudence’s Daughter — ’ Lesson By ETHEL HUESTON I to sixes and sevens over nothing at all. REV H n r iT Z W A T S K . D D , !> •» • *7t " r - . r - u S c h o .1 . *« Mlml especially. I feel she «• ' w > * l!tn C o p y r ig h t by th e B o b b s -M e r r lll Co. when she start» up the lust flight of stairs, and I begin to see cross-eyed WNV Service NOT INTERESTED rigl t away. You are the nicest khl." L esson for A u gu st 23 After that. Jerry took entire charge S Y N O P S IS — P A R T O N E — A t » had overestim ated the Im portance of of Theresa’s room and T heresa's be­ m e r r y p a r ty In th e » tu d lo riding th e heavens could harness a an unessential trifle, but she w as glad T H E M A C E D O N IA N C A L L m » n t o f C a r te r B la k e , N ' » Y” r ‘l - longings, sorting out soiled bits of silk I fathom less ocean! I used to »it, Hke Theresa was pleased with her. J e r r y (G e r a ld in e ) lU r m e r , P r u ­ for the laundry, things Theresa bad ' ' an ugly blackbird, on the highest rocks. d e n c e ! d a u a h le r . m e e t ! J’“»’’* As she v a s tripping, alm ost hap­ L E S SO N T E X T — A c t» 16 6-16. overlooked for months, and washing A lle r to n , w e a lth y Idler. H e » “ - G O L D E N T E X T — "Com! o v e r In to pily, alm ost as In the days before the m ir e s h er tr e m e n d o u s ly , an d ehe hundred tim es I went home drenched studio party of such sorry memories, out especially fine pieces with her own M u'-cdonla. a n d h e lp u s .”— A c te 16 »• U k ee h im . B u t A lle r to n « e ta a P R IM A R Y T O P IC — P a u l's W o n d e r fu l to the skin, soaked, hut exalted with b it e x h ila r a te d , w ith u n fo r tu n a t e down the stairs to her own room, she hands. “Oh, Theresa.” she said one day, I ' ‘ ju n io r T O P IC — P a u l C a lle d to B u - rapture, to lie soundly whipped for my r ee u lta . J e r r y , r e s e n t in g hla a i - was stopped by Mlml. a radiant vision a u tn p tlo n o f f a m ilia r ity , le a v e s mischief, and put to bed In disgrace." In a filmy gown of silk and silver wish you were niv sister.” th e p a r ty a b r u p tly , th e »‘ W ^ I N T E R M E D I A T E A N D S E N IO R T O P - “Oh good heavens!” She paused, smiling nt Jerry. tu r n ! to J e r r y a c h ild h o o d an d lace, who held a cautioning Unger IC__T h e M a c e d o n ia n C a ll a n o W h a t It “Go on, go on,” she begged feverish­ - V s . I do. 1 had a llttle brothpr- y o u th a t h er h o m e In D ee M oines. across her lips to Insure silence. O n ly c h ild o f a w e a lth y fa th e r , but he died. I cannot rem em ber him. YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P - j ly. ’T e ll me." "Sh I” She whispered. “Go quick, w h e n »he Is t w e n t y "he fe e ls “F irst, I suppose It was Just a per­ and get dolled up. You have a caller Oh i do wish you were my sister! 1C— T h e H a n d o f G od In M is s io n s th e c a ll o f A rt a n d a e k s her gonal emotion—I wanted to ride the Then I should he satisfied Just to live p a r e n ts to le t h er g o to N ew —the beat looking thing you ever saw I. Forbidden by the Holy S pirit waves. I chafed at my bondage to on this way and take care of you and Y ork fo r s tu d y W ith so m e m is ­ In your life I” Preach the Word in Asia (vv. 6-8), g iv in g . th e y a g r e e to h e r g o in g . solid, sordid earth. I thrilled myself do little things for you. I should feel She turned expressive eyes tow ard In N ew Y ork J e r r y m a k e s her The Inclination of Paul and his com­ , ,, . , v Im portant, Indeed—you do to a rap tu re by fancying myself swept hom e w ith a M rs. 1,ell*n “ Y the ceiling to convey the extent of her paint such exquisite things, T heresa— panions was to tarry In the provinces high on th e topmost wave. And so tie- ( M l m l " ) , an a c tr e s s , w h o , w ith T h e r e s a , a p a in te r , o c c u p ie s th e of Asia Minor preaching the Word, fore long—my thought a mother to the rapture. ”1 took him in my room to give I should be so proud of you. I'd prob- h o u se . J e r r y t a k e s s n Im m e d ia te ably take all the credit for everything but contrary to their inclination they thing, I suppose—It really seemed to you a chance to fuss up a little, after lik in g to T h e r e s a , w h o Is t a l ­ T here were many do, and brag about the way ’ I were hurried along. me I saw her, the Ocean Rider, a love­ e n te d a n d e c c e n tr ic a n d th e tw o messing about with Theresa. Shull I you oo, m o o o,,*» **«'” “ * tile people In Asia who yet needed the ly, slim, white woman trium phant on b e c o m e f a s t fr ie n d s J -r r y n ow brought you up.” make some tea?” d e v o te s h e r s e lf to T h e r e s a , w h o They might have reasoned, je rry laughed gleefully at this pic­ Gospel. the waves. I worshiped It. It was a je r r y ’s eyes were no longer starry, r e tu r n s h e r lik in g . god to me. I have only been able to ture of herself, but T heresa did not w hat difference would It m ake w here but cold as Ice. “Who Is It?’ we preach so-the Gospel is preached? work on It when the passion is hot “Sh, lie'll hear you. DuHne Allerton join her merriment. “Funny thing. Jerry, but you are the We have here a fine lesson on Divine upon me, so It has been a very slow _th e stunuingest thing I’ve seen In CHAPTER IV— Continued flrst person in the world—the first guidance. T he Holy Spirit Is as active thing. A dozen times. In a storm, I woman- who ever wanted me for any- and faithful in closing doors as In have gone off to the Islands to do an ­ years I" “Art T railers! T hat Is what I am, I other hit on my Ocean Rider. It Isn't t hlng—friend, foe. or fellow citizen. I opening them. “The stops as well as CHAPTER V suppose, an Art T railer.’ think I must he quite getting on In the steps of good men are ordered right yet. The ocean Is good enough, “Oh, no, Jerry, you’re a student. If hut the Rider—I haven't quite got It." the world, to have somebody craving of tbe i,or d." We ought as truly to you want to am use yourself studying There was brooding discontent In me for—anything. I feel quite stuck recognize God's hand In the shut-ins Jerry Meets a Genius. A rt—" „ T heresa's voice. ’T h e light In her eyes Jerry 's slender hand upon the tllmsy up about It." ' as in the “open-outs." “It’s nobody's business but my own. She put her brushes down abruptly —It's not right. I wonder, Je rry —” b s n ls tT of the stairw ay grew sudden­ II. The Call to Macedonia (vv. 9-12). Jerry finished promptly, wlien Rhoda Her voice took on a sudden wheedle- ly te n s j so that the blue veins stood and wen’ out of the room w ithout The Gospel having broken the con­ hesitated again. someness Jerry had never heard In It out clearly upon the delicate w hite­ apology, anil Jerry, with thnt new wis­ fines of the Jew ish city and country, •R ighto!” Rhoda laughed, ngreelng before. "I wonder—would you mind— ness of her skin. dom of hers which w as only Intuition the middle wall of partition having Rhotla begged her to stay for dinner would you let me use your eyes? I Will you tell Mr. Allerton," she and not the least understanding, went been abolished, th e tim e has come for —promising to cook most delectable have wanted a hundred times to ask said gently but with firmness, "th at 1 on with the papers aha was filing and It to leap across the Aegean sea and things on the grill, to take her out any you but—” paid no attention when she went, nor begin Its conquest on another conti­ do not care to see him? I—” where she liked, to go to the theater, "Oh, Theresa. I shouldn't mind at all Soap. Olntmont. Tolono, «old iv sr r w h sr . Sh, for heaven’s sa k e !” begged when she came again. nent. C hristianity th u s ceased to be E 5 a f C .U .u r. L»bor»«orU». Pop« M. M e A. a, MtM generously profuse In her enticement. —I should love It. Why didn’t you ask Mlml. “He’ll hear you. I'll tell him an oriental religion, and through the Rut Jerry would not be persuaded. me before? Rut she looks so lovely to you’re o u t I’ll give him a cup of tea. Jerry went about a great deal, some centuries has been mainly occidental. She said she had to go home and fix me the way she Is. I’m afraid you will If you don’t mind, to put him In a tim es w ith Mlml. She was not fond G r e a t T e m p e ra n c e A p o ttle 1. T he Vision (v. 9). something for Theresa, who was look­ spoil her.” F a th e r M athew w as Theobald good humor and then—" of Mimi, but enjoyed her Immenselv Being hemmed in on all sides, a ing wretchedly III, who had no proper T heresa shook her head. “Not “But I'm not out, and I'm not busy, She was a constant source of gay de­ vision was given to Paul of a man M athew, apostle of tem perance, born regard for food, or rest, or exercise, right. It’s her eyes I've known It all and I'm not engaged. I'm Just not light, with her pretty vanities and of M acedonia pleading for help. Thia In T ipperary, Ireland, studied fo r the and who certainly required a strong the time—that Is. I've felt there vns boasted conquests, where T heresa was m ade plain to him the closed doors Catholic priesthood, but Joined the Interested." coercive hand to force her Into reason. something lacking. And when I saw Je rry ’s enunciation was perfect, the like a brooding pain to her. Sh.) about him. In finding the Divine will C apuchin M inorites; w as in 1814 or­ “T heresa’s making heaps of money," you, I knew w hat It was. She must hallway narrow, the transom open. laughed at Mlml, but In her h eart she , we should look both ways. Before dained a priest and located In Cork, Rhoda said surprisingly. “She’s do­ She went into her room and closed wept aloud over soul and body-worn there can be any g re a t forw ard'm ove- w here a t sight of the cruel effects of ing marvelously." the door. T heresa in a sim ilar circum ­ Theresa. ment, there m ust be a vision. T here drunkenness on th e m ass of the peo- "T h e re sa !’’ i pie he resolved on a crusade to stam p stance would have slammed It furious­ Duune Allerton sent her flowers. Is no victory w ithout a vision. “Yes, why not?” | It o u t ; he sta rte d on th is enterprise ly, but Jerry w as not given to furious Rhoda, in such a case, would have 2. The A dvance (vv. 10-12.) "Hut—then—why—for heaven's anke, In 1827, but It took a year and a half slammings as a means of expression. tossed them from her window In hoi” As soon as the Divine way was then, why doesn't she get a decent «corn. T heresa would have crushed known, they moved forw ard therein. before his mission bore any fru it, and She closed It softly. room, and eat a decent meal once lu a Mimi, left alone, distracted and be­ them to crum pled petals between her Visions m ust be quickly translated, then It wns accom panied with m ar­ velous success w herever he w ent. He while? I thought—” wildered in her predicam ent, threw bare bands, the thorns of them prlc and aggressive action taken or else "Well, you thought wrong. It Isn't out both Jeweled hands In a remon- lng her skin to crimson. Je rry looked they a re blotted from our skies. Paul lived from 1790 to 1856. ' the money with people like Theresa at them, gave them to Mlml. He w rote never questioned the wisdom of God stratlve, anxious gesture. like ail of us. It's that burning up In­ Now. w hat can you do with a girl to her. Jerry rend the notes, Lnd tore nor delayed action. T his Is ch aracter­ side—we can’t help It. Don’t try to them up. She never thought of re­ istic of all God's tru e servants. With like th at?" she walled. know what I'm talking about, old The auaw er enme from the farth er turning them to him, unopened, al­ a straig h t course, Paul moved out of Angel-face; the more you think about doorway, Mimi's doorway, w here though she knew from whom they his own country to the strategic center It the less you'll understand I” Duane Allerton stood and laughed, came. Thnt would have been too dra­ of a new continent. matic, too theatrical, for her. The but ruefully. I I I . The F irs t Convert in Europe It was the next morning when Jerry “Not much. I’m afraid. Not espe­ w aste basket served her purpose well (vv. 18-15). slipped softly upstairs with a break­ cially keen about seeing me, is she?" enough. The m issionaries flrst went to Phil­ fast tray th at T heresa asked her dif­ With a visible effort, Mlml pulled One afternoon she saw him She ippi and spent several days In fidently', almost apologetically. If »lie herself together, dimpled, used the wns dancing nt tea at the Biltm ore studying conditions there. The Jew ­ would cnre to see a few of her long lashes to the best possible effect. with Mimi and two young friends of ish elem ent in this city was com­ “things.” "Slie'8 tired, poor thing.” she said hers, boys fresh from college. One paratively Insignificant. So much so "Oh. I should love to,” Jerry cried sym pathetically. “You m ust excuse wns cubbishly Infatuated with Jerry, th at they could not have a synagogue. flushing with pleasure. her. She works so hard, you know.” and she, In mischief, had set herself T herefore, the devout people were ac­ Theresa was vaguely surprised, a “Oh, she does I I understood that to tan talize him to the limit of her customed to w orship by the river side. little troubled, at tier eagerness. “If shp did not work nt all.” charm . In the m idst of her pretty To th is humble gathering Paul came INSIST! Unless you see the you wanted to see them, why didn’t “I mean she—e r—she's tired, nny- coquetry she looked up suddenly, and fln(1 prPa<.be(j to the women assembled “ Bayer Cross” on tablets you you ask me?” hnw. And nervous, site's frightfully saw Duane Allerton nt u table across (bere x certain woman from Thyntlrn “Oh, I couldn't nak, Theresa. I are not getting the genuine nervous. Don't hold It ugalnst her. from them , sitting with n woman, very named I.ydia, a proselyte, believed his thought perhaps you’d rnther not show C an't I give you a cup of teu—’’ lovely, very sophisticated, very young. message and w as baptized. The steps Bayer Aspirin proved safe by ma—I was Just hoping you would sug­ "Oh, no, thanks. I feel I shotildi, t "F rancy," Je rry thought at once. In Lydia’s conversion are worthy of millions and prescribed by phy­ gest It some time.” pollute her atm osphere any longer Mlml would have redoubled her a tte n ­ note, for they are ty p ic a l: For the first time In the weeks she sicians for 24 years. than Is absolutely necessary. Aw­ tions to the young adm irer, to whet 1. A ttendance at th e Place of W or­ tiad known Theresa, she really took fully good of you; th an k s very much." I A llerton's Interest, to stir his Jealousy. ship (v. 18). time to do a tiling quietly, deliberately He went dow nstairs at once, and , Jerry could not do th at, she did not U sually those whom God Is calling and with comfortable easiness. She That Same Afternoon Jerry Posed for let him self out Into the narrow street. even think of It, She yielded to the Bayer package nre found at the place of prayer. Lydia spent the full morning with Jerry, the Eyes of the Ocean Rider. And Mlml knocked on Je rry 's door, I natural hush th a t sw ept over her at wns a woman of wealth, culture and showing her doxens of little sketches opening It herself w ithout w aiting for | seeing him, and sat. a subdued an which contains proven directions wide experience, and yet she had need unfinished lilts of landscape, lovely hnve the light In her eyes thnt you an answer. softened figure, with the others at the of Christ. She was seeking the Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets had when you came first to the city, heads, delicately draped figures w ith­ you ’ ,able “Jerry ," she began plaintively, “yon ghe knew his eyes remained heavenly light. God sends many an In­ Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists out number, discussing them mean­ ns you were when I saw you first. I hnve hu rt his feelings Just terribly, terribly. on her face. She knew Aspirin l ! the trade m irk o f Barer quirer to the prayer meeting. facture o f U ouoacellescl,leoter of feaUcjllc&Cld while with an Impersonal, Judicious In­ shall never forget It—th at sort of poor hoy—and so good-looking. N" " ' m arveled th a __ t she perm itted the silly 2. Listening to the Preaching of terest th at charmed and fascinated radium assurance. Look! Iler eyes th a t's positively not nice.” exaggeration of this ardent boy's de­ the Word of God (vv. 13-14). T h e F i r t t C ir c u t Jerry. She touched upon thetr beauties are too deep, they are too subtle for a “Go and cheer him up if you like.' votion, ___ and yet repulsed Ids own more The Instrum ent used In the conver­ T he sermon hud been about Daniel of enmpositloo and execution generous­ free woman." said Jerry . "H e’s easily com forted.” j tinjgbp,| advances. Jerry herself did sion of sinners Is the Word of God. Jerry flushed. "T heresa, th a t Is ly, hut without personal warmth And and the preacher described vividly the "H e w ouldn't w ait—I mean Von j know why she did. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hear­ prophet's ex traordinary experience. she pointed out their defects with a Irony I Eyes like mine for a free might at least hnve Introduced m e i ing by the Word of God" (Rom. 10:17), On the way home from church little keen eye and an unsparing tongue. woman I Why, I don't know what The best looking thing—” It Is highly im portant that nt every B etty said to her a u n t; “ W hat a fuss freedom Is. I haven't the nerve to And then she said : Jerry may not be a flirt, but prayer m eeting the Word of God shall they made about It, auntie." “I have saved my best tilt the last. find out when I have a chance. I atn she > s doing just the thing to Je rry learned afterw ard thnt he had | be spoken so th at the Inquirer a fter “About w hat, dear?" Jerry. This Is my one passion, my hound hand and foot—to conventions gone to Rhoda for her address, nnd attract Allerton— if he’s in God may find the lig h t “About D aniel going into the lions’ —to convictions—to Prudence." darling and my adored.” earnest. Is he? two days Inter he went to her again, 8. H er H eart W as Opened by th s den. I guess It must have been t te "Yes. th at Is what 1 mean. You It was typical of Theresa that she to ask her to Intercede for him, to re­ Lord (v. 14). first circus they ever saw.” did not keep It on display, “her darling don't find th a t blithe and buoyant con­ m o n strate with her disagreeable prote­ Only the Lord can convert a soul. (TO BE CONTINUED.) and adored,” hut packed aw ay with fidence. th at trium phant Joyousness gee from the Middle West. He asked G ood L a c k M e a n t W o rk It Is our business to preach the Word tender cnre In a dark closet, obviously of surety, In freedom Itself. Only In Rhoda If Jerry w as a flirt. of God. and It Is God's business to W hen a m iner finds a nugget, folks the pursuit of It. In eyes th at have Shoes of Olden Time th e one tiling In her life th at received "A flirt?” echoed Rhoda vaguely open th e h eart of the Inquirer. Re- usually say th a t he is lucky. But It In the early days of American his­ 1 generation Is a supernatural work. her tender care. Jerry almost held her seen freedom "—she waved a light hand “Good heavens, I don't know. What Isn't luck. T he m iner w ent for nug­ tow ard her Ocean Rider—“like this, breath ns Theresa brought It out, re ­ Is a flirt? They used to say In college tory when necessity was ofttim es the When the Gospel Is preached the Spirit gets w here they w ere—and dug, and m other of Invention for comfort, the moved the protecting wrappers, and subtle, understanding. Inscrutable—” th at she was, but they m eant It nicely of God opens the sinner’s heart for dug. When you land a prize It Is be­ “ P erhaps—perhaps you mean li­ turned It about for her to see. every one wns crazy about her. T hat's knitting needles played a part In the the reception of Christ. cause of word— and brains. T he pos­ cense, Theresa, Instead of freedom." shoe styles of our ancestors. During It was a cruel green ocean, lashing Iowa, you know. A girl who Is quite sessor of good luck is a w orker.—GrlL 4. She W as Baptized (v. 15). T heresa smiled nt her gentle diffi­ great waves Into while foam, an ocean wickedly awful In the Middle West the severe w eather even governors had Every one whose heart the Lord has dence. “Yes, I get the distinction. of blackening shadows, and shifting seems like an sngel from heaven when to wulk about In deep snows nnd warm opened desires to confess Him In bap­ C o rre c t A n t u>er lights. At first glance, Jerry saw only Rut unfortunately, Jerry , one must try she's tran splanted to Greenwich Don't footwear was necessary. In the old tism. B aptism Is an outw ard sign of W aggish D iner (w ith m enu)— both before one knows which Is South church at Boston there Is on the turbulence of a m ultitude of wa­ ask me anything about her. I don't , inw ard grace. Chicken croquets, eh? I say, w aiter, which! T here's the pity of It. And display a pair of shoes worn by Gov­ ters, and then, looking deeper, stand know. She's a lovely thing, and I 5. H er Household Believed (v. 15.) w hat p art of a chicken Is th e cro­ e rn o r’ Phillips. They are heavily lag out with sh arp Incisiveness once the eyes are faithful register«, they tlduk a lot of her." Real conversion cannot be concealed. quet? record It all. So my brave Ittlle lined with sheep's wool and covered she had discerned Its presence, riding » • • • • • • When one Is converted those In the YVaiter—T hnt p a rt th a t's left over with dark brown yarn In stockinette the highest, wildest wave of all, Oceun Rider has got to hnve—not eyes from th e day before, sir.—Boston It did not rem otely occur to Jerry stitch. The soles nre of leather. Prob- house will find It o u t th at have known freedom, but which stretched the slim white body of a th at she was unhappy. Instead, si •• ahlv every bit of tlie yarn was made 6. P ractical H ospitality (v. 15). T ranscript.____________ _ woman, trium phant w hite face up­ hold n vision of It—unreullzed.” felt th a t she was quite Joyous, car Those who have experienced God’s Thnt same afternoon, Jerry posed by band by the busy wife who had to raised, dominant white arm s flung free. She took a great ileal of plea« saving grace are thug disposed to have wide—a Joyous, Jubilant, fearless fig for the eyes o f the Ocean Rider, who ure in doing things for Theresa, maV (lnd time to keep her lord and m aster part In Ills work by rendering aid to must know not freedom, hut cherish a W am ity clad In days when the servant lire of youth, swept on the black wa­ lng her com fortable—Theresa, wl question w as as difficult as It Is today. His m inisters. dream of It. ters. sprayed with the while FOR INDIGESTION cared as little for comfort as a horn If not more so, and lubor not a que» ’•I think 1 m issed my calling after Jerry cried out. enraptured. bee for snow. She scoured the mark.- True Humility B iv V K H S ' turn of P«.v. but scarcity of folk. nil," she said. “I should he a model •T h e re sa ! Oh, T heresa! It Is beau­ for tem pting delicacies, and becai - T rue humility consists not In think­ tiful I It 1» the most —th rilling—thing The other night I was a corpse for very proficient In preparing them nb IHOIG/STIONj ing little o f oneself, but In not think­ A n n e de R o h a n I ever saw. It makes you feel so full Rhoda, and now Put a m erm aid for |y on her little grill. One day There ing of oneself at all.—CapL J. A rthur you." Anne de Itohun. the daughter of of—freedom." 6 B ell - an s lladfield. And she sat. sweetly patient. In a asked If »he would mind ruminm. T heresa nodded, her dark eyes I through a couple of old boxes fo r I • ' C atherine de I'arth eo sl. heiress to Hot water bright light, starry-eyed with delight of Soublse. was born In alight with pleasure. “Um, freedom the house | In search of a p articu lar bit of tin 'iM 2 iuid acquired, like her mother, a Selfishness Sure Relief J've been working on It for years th at she could be of service, while she |>«rtlculariy needed for a costu , • i ! reputation In the literary world. Nothing parches the soul like Jerry. A thousand or more, I think. I T heresa worked passionately on the Jerry flushed with pleasure She would have been one of the grea’- news; the heart that feeds upon Itself used to spend (he sum mer on the coast eyes th at were not Just right. And “Oh, will yon let me? May 1 g I est poetesses of her age. hut her de- grows old fast.—W. L Watkins. In Maine with my nurse when I »«« when she had finished. and declared through the draw ers, and everytt 254 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE the result far exceeded her expecta­ t ” voted pie’y turned her taleni Into an a kid, you know. I udored the ocean. and fold thlnga up—I'll be very qu tions. she klased Jerry Im pulsive­ far oilier channel. She died, unm arried, It Is the only really free—realty re­ Our Tasks T heresa laughed,at her. "Ge. »» SAVE YOUR EYES! In 1646 She " P rotestant and Dr Tbowpacn • Ry »water len tless- thing I ever saw It knows ly, for the first time, not on (he lipa as you like," she said getter"’ «1 “O ur tasks are easier when we pray L’»e Bn» at fnardmcftM'i or You » as celebrated for her courage as well no law but Its own. Oh, yes. I know hut on the brilliant eyes which could Ur N T BuuklM. Funny thing alsuit you. Jerry about them." see visions. Jerry herself saw no dif­ n c i us her learning.—Chicago Jo u rn a l w hat scientists say about the moon, never bother lue. Moat people n.i, and th e tides No, no, whut little moon ference In the picture, felt th at Theresa Cuticura Soap B est fo r B ab y enuvrie PIRIN Say “ Bayer Aspirin’’ o Accept - Sure Relief A B ELL-ANS