H a ls e y H a pp en in gs and C o u n ty Events •nd wives went to Harrisburg Sun- aay. D o in g s o f O u r P o p u la c e C h ro n ic le d in B rie f P a ra g ra p h s Schools will open Sept. 21. I and Mrs- Z*mro«rm«n and June Layton are at Newport. P- C. Morgason of Shedd is cessfully raising tobacco. ÎUC- . Potter thrashing companv W. C. Sickels has moved from started on spring grain Monday. Eugene to Alban.,. Ida Mitzner attended the Epworth C. G. Layton’s car was stolen League meeting at Cottage Grove Portland Sunday evening. Guy Layten and Jess Safley and Miss Mollie Miller of Omaha, Neb., families were at Triangle lake Sun­ has been visiting her cousins, B. M. day. fnd Beulah Miller. Ed. Zimmermans hTd'a family re- Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bloom and union at his place Sunday with about infant son of Albany were guests at 40 people present. Elmer Munson’s last week. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. As. Muller and Bloom is Mr. Munson’s sister. J ,ns Harold and Milfred were at Several members of the Potter T nar-le lake Sunday. Sewing club gave Mrs. Fruitt of Miss Grace Wallace and Lawrence Peoria, the oldest member, a sur­ prise last W clneslay, carrying Cromwell of Portland visited their lunches. parents, the Rectors, Sunday. B ro w n s v ille Briefs P a rtia l L is t o í C ontents " n” ' in‘ “ New» of Haleey... . . . page 1 Great Outdoors—Farm Item» Browa»ville . I Wheel Gambler» Worried Pioe G r o v e ......................... Mineral for chick hone* A,ford...................... Market. All Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . (•poniony Church Announcement«......... I. Enfant'» fame Isolate Serial »lory................................ Another buried Nevada illy Sunday uhool lesson A negro'» »nblltne faith Editorial comment Benedict Arnold, onitter l.tnch for Ficnic.. . . . . . ......... Patal Pith Poisoning Bunk About Income T a n ......... Jangle »lory___ . . . . . . Camp Food Problem..... ........... Superititioa»............... .............. President Campbell Dead ___ 5 Veur H ealth............................. Witnesses Murdered................... * HMhlCBS. . . . . . . . .. Belgian Debf................................ 5 Daddy's Fairy Tale ....... .. Uaahiegton Legion electa 1 Ftesic Loach............... Horror at llerrisburg I i Swi»e Chord ......... i on victa ontwit parcere I I Kitchen Cabinet . . . . . A lf o r d A r r o w s ' P in e G ro v e P o in ls j Wilkie Kletten« and »if» 9 pound boy. Escaped C onvicts S till at I «arge have a I Will Newton and wife, Crawford villa, have an K pound boy, Mearls Htraley will teach in r, new achoolhoi aa in tha Powell district B i iin F i T h e y (iw ily H ie to P o r tla n d —..... A little daughter <4 John \\ bit- Kalein. Or Poeaaa «ombtag iba llu*. laker had a linger ->ul off in a feed wrad rilatrl'-ts aaat and »«mb «r nil cu ller. • m « In aaareb nf Kllswortb M allay, iAf- and Mra. A A T utting g< | •nm Marrar aad Jam»« Wlllaa. home etrly this week iron, . |, |o Aria, aim shot ibalr way oat of iba »ra»,,,, «tala pal, 11 an i lar y bara laa» to W alla W alla. • .. . . . . 1 w,|l auf ba lai aliad from Iba •'»■’ I o lla a k in , tb s pbot"grs|»bsr. leid nalli lh a f u s ' i l r * . bava b«an a n * 'b, h" ' b ,,k A«’ , - A rainraari I« ib T u .it- fiv 2 r.'..*, k*7 ' «•••rtalaad da Jr,ar* •I®- (Isllaly (bai 'bay bava «»".ariari la Mis Henry fia ternari retu.nad nl Ute "'«tarry irles ba W ednesday from n .|||„ g • "« tha (aariria mona sUlar, Mrs G uy H su,brae, „„J ,n ............. husband al Meni, f T* ,< • • • *«»"iin'ari by A M Dsl (By an Enterpiite Reporter) (By Special Correspondent) J. F. I tom and family left Friday Mrs. D. F. Dean of Bandon is vis- Mita Anna Heinrich visited Mearle J. 0. Standish and wife received for their home at Oaxridge. F'raley last week. a Sunday visit from Fred Taylor and a and Mrs. Clara Gates and Mrs. John to Salem, where Mr. Zellmer pur- visited Mr. Curtis' nephew, Chester school start*. E E. Ktaoard of R y ,» o iv illa Anderson, sisters, and Ray and Lewis chased a Chevrolet car. Curtis, and family Kurtoay Misse« Peari and Emma Jehrwon baa probably gathered more Liu* Anderson and Musetta Gates visited 7 ba ahava » a s (ha aopp-mad a U . Mr. and Mn. George Godwin and ’ Kited . " Mr and ‘ M n J A. Johnson m u o ty lot» than ex u ta in auy The two James Rectors are vaca­ at W. F. White’s Sunday. o'her tin g le c0 |J»ei^/n jj , . . . . '<• ''« M'zfcday afta» ” O»rgoo " tioning at Newport, but the elder children and Mis* Etta Godwin .„d . ** An*"P *•"*»>• Mr» Elmer Manson entertained M n R K Btewsrt aod Heiew and '•ft a d ep srtm eot in the* J*’ ** K elle. Tom Mur. James is also overhauling a house Gail Prayther of Buena Vista the You Go I Go club at her home *’’d ^•'*** WlHoa had mada a Sunday visitor* at Jcfra Rolfe1». j Je flette Kettle ewited refattvea ia A.bany Munday beasoarst faaw there for exercise — and thrift Tuesd.y afternoon. Ice cream and Katarday a d ii«,» M lb* bemocra» ,h ' p « » iU o t|« y . I» I Funeral service« were held Bunds? togen e from hatorday 9t.nl F«oday H erald) »oder 'be tu la ' Old * b l' *' 1 M'“ ' 4« » • ' • k lUd aad cake were served by the hostess. Mi. and Mrs. W. F. Hall of Good- , evening in ™ the Alford cemetar? for Mrs. Homer Bloom and little son land K :... are Waiting with theT were guests mer’s sister, sister Mr». \fr . William win.-__ «uto wreck wh.-h mer’s Zellmer, happened i t Harrisburg last week. There has beer, rain in western ' and family of the Oak Plain neigh­ Mr». E. A. Starnes nad a* hey borhood. Oregon. In some places there was guest» recently her coeniaa, Mr». enough to be measured. Here those Mrs. Frank Porter and Gertrude Henry Thompson of Lot Ai. Mr. and Mr». Mill* at Wtlliaaa Waal * Mrs. George Maxwell was alone from this n» ghborbood » l i e Mr ard William Zellmer and W. T. Hall Saturday 9 at her home, talking ai at via*: the Mr* A -w h. Whilbeeb, fc a -itarr*. --- ••• ■ telephone, when she fell io the floor arid daughter Her rtvtta, Hattie s •' with an attack of heart disease. Mrs Katheryn and Mr and Mr; E 0 H-rWard atri Mr» A L r« i(fri« a A' <.ra g ■«*< f*«,« '» * M y «orviv » * . / Albany's M'za*d«y «•«rung, •net Ttorfau ; ’ •wa'/* p«rty »r *f • * s'.iz . U n d ! '» i-ra»-'.*', ’ Jesse Safley, to whom she wa* talk laom end daug- ter Beverl. only B*«*va "zu '/.tn d ’ r »4 .y,» J1** * • • • • • » a«»4 Ato az^ a« •* Mr» Oat*-’ Muntz.* T **»4*y »/ Ed ing, called up the ne- rest neighbor d ' r.(al>r-g G A. R J « .,g ’ ’ * ' * ' • ’ *’ • « » • ter»«ri»g EXCLUSIVE Mrs. J. C. Standish, and told her of Legion M e e tin g W M -*»*» * * o * 3 « v ». »«y , , 4 ' * " '* f *•** • <* F U F'/rilsAz». a sudden break in the conversation Mr aari Mr» MMtov -.f M«« A n*-, '.te yrt «*«'«ri f r w Uto t-to tri* .!-1 ” « * "'*y and advised that she »tep over and »rri Mri Ear«-a íjíi«**«-» «ari M» OPTICAL PARLORS ara in W ashingt on »M M n Wg» E««.'» auf 4a*ri">» -g a v » TA • «a f>oviri«*« »M, b » 'd » » 4 « '4 «r»»«ri see what was wrong Mr* Standiah « te a - drive» •->« avtz. «tezoa’ • i L . * c ' ' * * d f c ' . « t e i a . EJ xara-’. -ri ForGanri vi»«tee »•. i f . . •oon »urnmohed help Mr«. M»x. L b (riKA t a . ..r g v .'d z.g boto* y Port Aag«l«a »'«ah -Tka e v e r y t h in g o p t ic a l - z l ’«Ster'i ia< »•*» T h w n r iiu* well'» daughters, Mr« Sawyer of •an region conv^n-n» »u— ' **' •»•«-« Guay g .» .* S-yte»«**-. '«« gy ««ri ttaay y-**ar.: ^a«,. •(**« •• a* (Aa« r s Ora* . Tacoma and Mra. C lualvo i f H »r'-ok< H*lllsgbs» au«« »«.'tor 1 to-a a ,< *. Fam s* " a »own *A«y »-.-a y b a d o « « m - B an c ro ft O ptical Co. te X«nrp>tv*. r«*-w»z«o' Arcteri «md aa^riktoT v t . a*r v .f I**** « -" * * te î« 4 a a d . attor« t*« Olympia, are with her, She is not tiaodtr and fe»» •« im proving very fast. 31J West Fj.jt street AJhaay Or O to J f i «•It an n «iaI •> ^nto • ««a a ari«* a«;yaa f i a t • * * * * .r« * g»4 •to* a A pur-y t f ■ -.•»•g psztM» »- • . *• ag i ’ » « ri a» H » .« r* (Continued on page A) Tha togton pr» ««d tfcn C m I O» at '* *»**-, M«a a-.» F »j*.* Fs» •,***», 7«> »rt«.»«'.'to i*-*»« ■ A'fjiar! •"* " " ■ ■ nlnls’railon for «"vixymy b»> r : : Q ^ d ru p t« i a u .i,y »d any policy ibai wo«M pv«-**« «a Argaal»»4 V«/*-** (ftoïî*-** «»ri ( « n ......... - * — * * » * . I (Z u * U. C a rc h m c « J« «•••'to.’ '*0* Mauacy «of n m ,r y «arM**r«*ry, tasorva » • • *b*» «;gM*4 7 **•*«» b / t, Mnv«m«aia »« modify ta« ta»«* «•» ttetensri to M.'Xmrikmr'1 Sao*^*, ttosa feto » Fa-toir Stet« «».i A m ’ f »o7(- tr H'>rm f'mrftii hf ■loa ls» w»m proerns'sd d**r«»*-s '’•'»»■'■to-aan-iS« fw « p I-* »* ig < «un,, f**tetomry u» Nlsadly rslsHon* h«*»*»* •»« ’bbt tu y ñ u tí f/t *y « » ' ma >***.*♦* »f j>y y, y (,’nlisd (Hsus snd Jspsa G o ve a m e n t Seek« n»ítr»/»4 TfAift « •* « < **> M t x t * f wri Ths Isgton s«k*d ib« *'«•« -»» M C, 1 a>«tea< ««« vU*** vto*og*< . • rommli*** of stpons ’o mass 7»w Í»y atteo s A V» »"• '»ri 'AOtif '*»• tn *d]nsim*ni wttb sacit awrter ■ _____ D e lin q u e n t G >ic • ••*« « *d . H .'- sa v -, . / » z á . FriAMva M'tor* •< hn WÍilfs fyisff* ffsnfovd »sr ***** a U » • « * » «»«-y »tod «a* V .tor» » •» « v « fy *rr*to * *ti» a«;'.'.«» B. r* _ » , ar*rs^a-.* I»«' rrilttltf » k •ara *z»>te <« a«« »* rojaazav. P r e f e r r e d S to c k ’ ________ rneanw a!l ___ th a t the fiani< '*’*«/•» y*-'»,« »tz Th* ysscdnfte« pssssd y»daa*a»«mB- !w ’• to «-.ilto-- n 1: '■•«<« ■/ tell*** vy « r-.-vA '*to»W »tov A***. • iin p li - th e c h o ic e o f th e pa< k. Av*»« Fara ■y ÎS•z .■ » ' r '«*6« to <.l***TKtol: '1 lw * tri Z» r Wc» *i*mbsr i,1 s "mnniiM*«, i»* - , aa«a a ll * rr-*.*-*d t*-jr*-n.t** ] a * . -fc* »♦«* af» Mr avf Mr* f W h e n j o i bu> S to ck jfood • y o u »n« snd (don*»r» |» ib* PrS*». Barda •vaaMHu*7 air;, «su,.>in.'*mtoi' to * . ri* n * .i * M » v * af >p-.v a a t Mr» C-*7, <>•» •«« >**r,r to* JVîa V i n-»* Ha« 1 *» sd .to*.«-*vt atovac t*v».«** « », r* • h a v e w isely c h o s e n in c o m p a ra b ly th o boat mc - (latri«« 'iti* »nn that tkt» «o»»» •** -JBto tea Mratoir fcaz tea Í4 •a- * uto’i,rirt*d f*yn T « ,r |* « t »«te *c *3» is((rftim*nd tz, ib* t fs*s «a tz m z # '••'-tovj P , r - jz *« f l a v o r a n d ( p i a l i t •. • • •*« • u» » *, «ua »» »•» as tito** »*< want »11b »s>h ttUtUr l-«.*.g«* Zv».' ** > »a* otevar, I** V : Af 'S« «tut« 'ns* National r omma»4»r Jaat«« a • M ake th e u.-*t j<;urKu» ri* F «to to *» .i*,to»»ri«a*a liisin (,l*df*d «vary «ffnvy te i* 'vnnri uj Ztenmatsri« to • -ri » ’« itera »A tva «bdriv pteupiia • x to ck w ith o t h e r b ra n d * a n d it w i l l m oot w ith • Amari'«« l* .< i o n "»ward b r a g ,» torig**» a te alritil B " z i '0*0 14 ’< 'testa jrrran.r* v* ta» »"rid paa'a 1« tbla r««p»" 1« • your : . ;• - b o t< < • • l** • • • ' m i vg te « » • ' aa* We Ino» ibai >b«ra 'aa v» m to t« .'* » sort n ami* mar«**«* pai F”* I '*< 7 *»<«to V* •.« » »a pa«'« »lih/nti !n«'i/a * « »*,*,* •te'te,'«* a ll «a C^*«t .1*«* < " * * • • «»' ¡i«« Ira**« P r e f e r r e d *? t/»ck g fx y d i* a m n o t p a r k e d I o i i m o l a*v ■hai ibata 'an b« az, y,»>:z« »--«/tv 7 »to *>««.toto (te » y r * < «**«1« * • a p ric e . T h e y a r e iM/lff o n ly to tho * o w h o a p « £ y ro p a i m*ana of admlaia'arhag t » * (»tl«*?«*» to »r*— * « ptotete'« *.> M te to. ■iällä«* la a <-/mp*i*«i »< a r e diK tntrif t( f * o f a l i o u t l l m l y M K i i t i i n J 0 0 • P .*‘ ‘>-rr k ( (r io d n . a N*p»rl* frizm Haaai Hitot» gtoo -4* lnf»twi*il"i, lba> Is*!« W HKI ¡»ooo («te** to iw**«* I" itiin h»»» h iti» |2 b te 1« UAte a*m* »f llmbat m ibar aaigbbzxVzte a |*|>'I I* baln» mada iti ifc« taia. tete ln » a ho Ih a » > * ( * « « .4 ta* «a « • • • ‘toiri te*>* to «*W f.«M « • il A M. V. KOONTZ C O . , ba b««y O to to M '< * to z ** baary biaada a»4 i i » h , r*« «**> v»« b»a. alib Iba t.B a.4 baaria f**»*» ib« Utti» b a a ria « b ar.a a * f lal tela l.**am a^aariri* •* 1* '• * * .* * * r »ooroo a li m , ' tvt «J Izuya