rcuK A L E N T r n r u n c F-AO r. a » ••••••• Wishing to Escape Coming M A R IO N ACO. 13, 1,H D A V IE S • iCopynghted by A o tn ca s Ncwtpap. Union) (“ The Rosefram e” mu it have been named for OregoD, the land oi roses. A beautiful 1 “ ZANDER THE GREAT ” TORRANCE transparent frame with cherry When all the people have gone home nlay. Tho frame for all oceasiona. the animals In the too talk to esc supported by other, sometimes they talk shout th, HOLBROOK B U N N Ray best oh H ¡-speed Brake times they were free, sometimes they talk of what they like beet about the Service Station HOBART BOSWORTH zoo and about their onn family way HARRISON FORD —and sometimes they talk about th 212 East First s.. Alb ay, n»»r HARRY MYKES the skating rink people who come to visit them, and Rhone 379 laugh at the different ways people HEDDA HOPPER have. A maid, a man, and— moon­ “People say," remarked the Rocky shine. You'll aay it'a a fiery Mountain Bear, "that we don't get any romance, chance to do aa we pleuae when we're Halsey Railroad Tjme In the zoo. They aay we aren't free ALBASV But I fooled them yesterday." North South Next Sun. —M on.—Tues. 32, 3:24 ». m. flag 17. 12:09 p. m. ’Ton did. Indeed," said Muff and 16, 5:15 a. m. Angust 16— 17— lg 15, 12;45 p. m. Ruff in chorus. Muff and Ruff were 18, 8:16 a. m. flag two Russian bears who were neigh Optometris 14,¡12:09 p. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. fl.» 31, 1 :34 p. m. flig | bors of the Rocky Mountain Bear. 34, 4:08 t>- in. Halsey Happenings "And you gave me away," said the Optician Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passenger« Rocky Mountain Bear. "But no mat (Continued from page 1) from south of Eugene. ALBANY OREGON - A n Improvement on Printed Linoleum ter, I bad my little outing.” No. 31, direct conn action for MarshSeld Mias M carle Straley visited Mr "I couldn't bear it when I saw you points. Gordon Munkers Sunday. bend your wires and manage to es­ Passengers for svuth of Eugene should Resistance to wear is probably th« one quality you cape,” said Muff. take traia No. 17. Mrs. O. W. From and Ruth and look for first when »electing floor covering. And it "And so we both growled as hard Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­ Vivian were in Albany Thursday. is that quality above all others w hich has been sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:1» p m as we could," said Ruff. Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m and "That was what made the keeper Miss 1 hazel Johnson is at Albany built into Pabcolin. 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. Laandrv sent Tuesdays see wbat had happened,” said the for a week’s visit at James Johnson's Not linoleum, nor a substitute, but an improvement- Rocky Mountain Bear. "He didn’t Agency Hub Cleaning Work* Mrs. Lillian Howe was with Mrs on printed linoleum— a floor covering with its wear» know whether I was down In my cave Outgoing Mail Isom of Alford as nurse during he* or not.” ing surface composed of special enamel paint in­ A B E 'S P L A C E last days. a 6». “But we kept on growling," said A t the Halsey poetoffice mailt stead of the usual soft oil-paint. .. Muff, "and he came back once more close going north at 11:50 a. m. Miss Leitner, former teacher here This hard, wear-defying surface rests on a firm “ body” of t»> see what had happened. My, we and 5:20 p. in. D ELBER T STARR visited the English family early in long-fiber rag felt, made for this particular purpose, and were envious.” Going south, 11:10 a. m. and the week. u n e ra l D ire c to r and L i ­ thoroughly w aterproofed by a special process. "Oh yes, I had a fine walk and 5:20 p. rn. Frank Koontz is heme from New I t pays to buy Pabcolin because it gives you extra-Jongser* censed E m b a lm e r [ stroll around the park,” said the To Brownsville, 6:20 a. ro. end vice. I t keeps its gloss and beautiful colors far longer than port i.nd Alberta and Herman havi Rocky Mountain Bear, “and when they Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. 12 in. Morning stage to Browns­ you would suppose any printed floor covering capable, yet its came to catch me and bring me back gone there. Lady Attendant ville goes on to Crawfordsville, coat is no higher. Besides, you are offered a variety of beauti­ they said that they were so frightened Brownsville........ ........................... Oregon Holley and Sweet Home. Mrs. W. IL McMahan had Janit- ful patterns— many are new and exclusive. when they heard I had escaped. Andrews and family of Ontario a; Let us show you Pabcolin. There are patterns suitable "For they gold ray temper w asn't at week-end guest«. ways as perfect as It might be, and for bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen, porch, dining­ Paid-for Paragraphs so they were afraid! Ha, ha, growl, room, hall, in fact for any room in the house. Miss Anna Heinrich is home for i w . L. W R IG H T growl, I frightened them when I had (5c a line) two-weeks vacation from her employ my walk! M ortician & Funeral Director ment at Corvallis. ”1 didn't do any harm, but I did W a n t'd — 100 tons Evergreen Halsey and Harrisburg what I pleased. I walked where 1 Black Lekberria», 1(X) tons fresh Miss Amanda Mitzner gave thi Call D. T aylor , Halsey, or H A LS EY wanted to walk. I enjoyed myself. 1 W. L. W right , Harrisburg Prune». Highest market prices. lesson at Friday’s meeting of the M fooled them yesterday, all right. Stenbvrg Bros , Albany, Ore, :oat *650 and ia io d i » »ewm? ma- E W. F. M. 8. at W . P. Wahl'». "It took eight of the creatures they Phone 48211 Tiie man who will be the moat suc­ ubine. call men to bring me back again. r Mrs. Erskine of Portland, whose Obituary cessful and wean a high average num­ G«nevitve W ells bas 1 er tonsils ber of pigs from each sow 1« the man That was something for a Rocky husband was once the Methodist pas Old papere for sale at 5c a bundle Sophia E. Isom, 66, widow of the I who will plan to lake advantage of tor here, has been visiting Halsey oat. late David I. Isom, died at her home, at the Enterprise office. nature's tonlis. «r tends. Mre. M. M . Ward visited A l- 4 miles south of Halsey, Monday Mooris 4 Bathe gave an animal >atiy 'l'hurrday. The cucumber beetle can nest be evening, following a piplonged ill­ dhow here Monday night. Perhaps ness. She was bom in Meade Coun­ Once again W . J. Ribelin has cuntroll«rd by the use of tobacco or it illustrated the popular subject oi isd a stroke of paralysis and is re­ nicotine dusts. A 2 per cent ulcotlne ty'» Ky., in 1859, and came to Ore­ Eight hundred and fifty-four for­ dust Is effective lu killing some of the evolution, and if the last half of th< rovering. gon at the age of 13 years. She est fires have been fought by the for­ beetles and repelling the rest. firm name was a .good fit the outfit was united in marrit.ge to David I. est service in the national forest of Harry Perk made that vacation must have been sanitary. Isom in 1880. She is survived by Oregon and Washington up to July óme"im^O.rgotÌH‘* “ ,d 8a A ngeles promotion of commercial use of dirigi- ban«!, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Linn of out, still I had a flue, free time, and tian church in H alsey today at herder on Buttermilk Creek. While Long Beach, Cal., who were on theii surprised hi» brother J. C. this bles. presented the plan in tentative I fooled the keeper.” 2 p. m., with interment at the Alford in a willow thicket he knocked his It has been twenty form to the president and Secretary of way home from a trip through eus- morning. "You frightened them, too, you cemetery. pipe from his mouth, spilling the tern Oregon, Washington and part V««rs since Mr. Standish's last , Commerce Hoover, the adminlstra- lucky bear,” said Muff and Ruff. burning tobacco. When the forest visit to Halsey. tion’s chief economic adviser, at a of Canada. W. A. Carey and wife are home "Oh,” said Mr. Gray Fox, “I wish conference at the summer White 1 had got out of the zoo. I'm going from their visit to Mrs. Carey’s service trail crew arrived, there was When a load o, grain caught House. A cancer hospital, which will to try. I'm going to climb up the side mother, Mrs. Stone, at Baker. They an 8-acre fire. The sheepherder ad­ mitted having been the cause of it. u»a radium, will ba established in lire ob George Cox’ wagon he The proposed route embraces Chi of my cage, and I’ll escape. I will.” talk of moving to Salem. Portland., Cases may go to fai jumped tiff and unhitched his cago, St. Louts and Omaha, and Is be­ The judge did the rest. “I don't believe you will,” said Mr. that cure is impassible, hut wt horses in time to fsave them. In ing given serious consideration by the Red Fox. “The keepers weren't on have in Halsey a man, Arthui the jump he broke bones in one government. It was announced here the lookout for the bear doing this, T h e D ry , P a rche d T h ro a t Wesley, on whom surgeons bail (net and has to quit work for a at the summer White House by Sec­ but they are on their guard about you. They know that a gray fox will try to operated twice and refused to try while at his home in Brownsville retary of Commerce Hoover. get away by climbing and climbing of the motor g irl craves our deli- again because they considered the M>s« Marie Sneed, who has b»en over the top of anything he can, n case hopeless, who has heeu cured cion« and tem ptin g ice cream. tree, a fence, or anything. lt^ Portland, , ^4»» head of the library department of W h y not g ratify her? Could any­ the university of Washington, will “Now we would try to escape Restaurant is open again *Laat Friday was one of much he head librarian of a Portland thing be more health fu l? O a r ice through one of the entrances to our fan and jollity at the country library after Sept. 1. She home. We always have three en­ cream is more beneficial than home of H I, Stanley wheu Mis« peeled home on a viait. trances so we can get out of one door­ cheaply flavored soft drinks, which -very Sunday. Meals at all bouts way In our hole-home If we are at­ Maarle entertained a number til ! Come and try one. most d ain ty maidens entirely Dr. Allan and family of M ill tacked from one of the other two. her friends. The evening tri* Mre. Lottie Pugh. Yon don't care about digging and bur­ ignore. Let the fa ir ones decide. spent in rnuiie and the makiug of City were guests of Mrs. M. V rowing—you would rather climb. •ce cream, alter which they all Koontz and Mrs. J. W. Drinkard FOR SALE You're not as clever as we are. You journeyed to the fresh straw stack Muaday. They were iccotnpanied are not nearly so foxy.” and spent the remainder of the hv Dr. Allen's couain. Miss Laurs "Oh," said Mr. Gray Fox, "I know uigbt slumbering ( ») Breakfast Wood«, who remained for a short that you are very clever and tricky was served the next morning visit before leaving for her home rut and ready to deliver this fall, and deserve that name, but I am Present were Misses Pearl and in Ixis Angeles. worse then you are! There! As 1 Nora Pehrsson, Alberta Koouls, Place orders now with -aid before, I don’t care about any­ Kind \ tateh, Mrs. lloutia Croa» thing. If I were free I would only When were the wagou wheels E. S Hayce, R 1, Halsev and the hostess. think of myself. Here I only think arcaeed list? of myself. H ill & Co. have put in a naw "I don't think of Mr«. Gray Fox or FOR SA L I Seed treatment of oats and potatoes machine which sews soles on shoes provides an Insurance no farmer can the little ones I only think of mt- la tbs most approved fashion It ff» )»• wlfhsssvt self. I hate the keeper. I hate my C A P IT A L A N D SU R PLU S family. No Edgings C om m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited "No. I'm the gray fox. the sly, treacherous gray fox. Just now I don't delivered believe I will try to escape for I am sleepy. Nick Hera, Brownaville "But If ever I do you can think of me as out In the great world, perhaue at hack from my own old home—being For sale cheap ns cross and selfish as I was here tn “ PLATES T H A T F IT ” SIX -R O O M HOUSE the zoo, and not feeling sorry about Crowns, bridge work and filling» i , wql It In the least." BARN AND 12 LOTS pay you to get my prices on vo'u deutal work, House newly painted inside and Zn and Out Cusick bank br.Ad r.g, Albany out. H ill rent. For further p»r A father took his son of four years ticujara call J W. Morgan, phone tn the Incubator tn the cellar to eee 86, between Aug 1 and Aug, 16. the eggs hatch. K v e ry b o tly Hus a g o o d t im e u t o u r c a r n iv a l Said dad. Impressively; "Isn't It FOR SALE queer how the little chicks get «»ut of dance». the shell?" 1 COLONIAL RANGE “Huh." replied the youngster, “what G e t u p a p a r ty a n d c o m e . may c o » « » .,c a t. with Enmgn Lee of the Salva,io . Army lh, gets me Is how they get In there."— • 1 LARGE CUPBOARD ^ S n a p p y m u s ic * 8h,“ J *5 avenue, Portland, Oregon. Progressive Grocer. Reconditioning Shop : G LO BE J Pabcolin TZe artistic E. C. Meade, H. Aibro, durable floor covering Modern Barber Shop H I L L & Co. Expensive Tobacco Dad’s and Mani’s Chicken Dinner Clark’s Confectionery Cedar Posts HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $35,000 Good Slabwood CARNIVAL DANCE $4.50 a cord D r. C. FIC Q , Dentist T u m b le In n S A T U R D A Y N IG H T , A U G . 15 Io 1 KITCHEN CABINET ‘ TABLE il H F English Mr«. P. P Rase an dl. so* went to A lb a n y yesterday. r MH^H .« H 4 „.H 4 M H .H H .M m e m e e .,M H C A ny G irl in Trouble : ! : :• •••— —— ........................ aaaan The wisest girls keep out of t?oubk~