RURAL ENTERPRISE FOR HOPE-CHEST LINGERIE; THE SEMI-FORMAL TAILLEUR FAB as lingerie Is concerned it S O appears that all fabrics that are not light, silky and colorful are as fs r behind the tim es and as dead aa King T u fa wife. D aintiness ® dear to the hearts o f women that even goesam er m aterials, whose chief .eason for e xisten ce 1. sheer beauty, find th em aelve. In demand for under- head so cool and level that It Is not turned a little by the lure of Paris clothes» If such there be, don’t look for her on the big liners as they die- I charge their more or lees clad passengers, returning from Ku rope. Ladles of g r e .t wealth moving picture stars and buyer, of styles X ,-an afford <„ cover « v « ' w ith T he KITCHEN ] CABINET h «■ ■ «■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a . a B a . . BBJ 1414. W e s t e r s N e w e p e p s r U stw B .1 A wom an m a y a lw a y s h a lp h e r h u s b a n d by w h a t aha k n o w s , h o w ­ e v e r l i t t l e ; by w h a t she h a lt k n o w s , o r m lik n o w i, she w i l l o n ly te as e h im .— R u s k in . H O R S E R A D IS H F L A V O R IN S A U C E FO R BEETS V E G E TA B LE S S E R V E D R A W F O R C H IL D R E N Moat Delicious When They E ver y bod y Needs A ll Three Are Boiled in Skins. Kinds of Vitamins. Z A A K Y C K AHAAX D Ó N N E Ü 11 »4 «4UH» MflfW M , "Have you had your vitam ins to •lay»" la one way o f turning a popu­ FAIRY QUEEN’S TRIP lar form of slogan Into a practical, MORE REFRESHING DRINKS thoiight-provoklng question, lilveryhody The Fulry Quern took a trip on lh« ° U d." i'’ “ £ y £ , ‘ ,hPy I 'n “ betheworKkan: f Ä needs all three kinds of vitam ins In the back o f Fly High, the L ives’ bird und We need to be reminded of the many dally diet, hut In the fam ily where ever displace the beautiful and more ! fam ed French a rtista From th«L when aha was hack In Fnlrylsnd that wholesom e and refreshing drinks that there are growing children It Is espe evening all the others sat around while may be prepared d a lly Important to give constant atteu the Fairy Queen (old them what alt« In the home with tlon to providing vitam in rich food« bad sean. ordinary m ite regularly and In abundance. Liberal “ W ell,” alia an Id, “ I saw ■ llttla c«. rlals. If w e have am ounts o f vegetables ami fruits, par­ nary bird named Toddy who belonged been thrifty and ticularly If eaten raw, are among the to a little girl named Marlnn. Teddy put up grape Juice, best sources of vitamins. w as singing such a beautiful song I raspberry shrub, A salad once a day Is a good medium did enjoy listening to him. supplem ented with for Incorporating raw vegetables In “Ha w as out o f hla caga flying lemons and or a menu. Children can learn to like around a big room and I had gotta tutu anges. one may aulada when they are very young In tha room whan no one hud seen ma have a variety o f drinks. fact, as soon as they are old enough before Teddy had been let out o f ilia Just don't forget to can tw ice as to eat the various Ingredients, which cage. I hud gone In through an open much grape Juice rs you did last year should he grated, shredded, or other window. (tf m orsa whan they lei If the follow ing recipe Is used. It Is w ise prepared su ltshly for them. If Teddy out they were careful nut to sim ply fun to put up two-dozen quarts: the dressing la not too aour they will have any open window. Pick the ripe, perfect grapes from usually eat a salad as a m atter of “Rut there I was parched on lop o f a the Stems after washing well. To course when they see the other mem­ high uiantleplece, wearing my Invis­ each two cupfuls of grapes, add one bers of the fam ily eating It. Raw ible robe ao I could hot ha seen. 1 cupful o f sugar and fill up a two- vegetable salad s are quick and easy to it I most was seen ones. quurt can with boiling water. Seal at prepare, and refreshing to eat. When “They said; once. Be sure that the grapes are there Is only a little of this or that “ •<»h, what la that light on ths wall» perfectly sw eet, and that the Jars are vegetable on hand, a aalad disposes of It must ha a reflection from som e­ sterile and rubbera new. The Juice all the od teaspoonfu la a a lt til; - W hite turnips may alao be used | half teaspoonfuls of sugar. Stir and practical silk s and silky cottons, that prophetic d etails o t coming modes S c u p fu l a u ra r F«_w «rains pepper raw. but the rutabaga variety Is excep. add one-third glass of shaved Ice. (less I f d e s ir e d / 1 t a b 1 • s poo nfu are durable as well as delicate. Noth­ may be gathered. tlonally valuable. Raw carrots, tnr- Beat an egg, sepasatlng the yolk and flo u r ing Is more sturdy than crepe fle Full m any a darling of the gods n i|„ and radishes are best when chine, unless It is One voile, and this steps ashore In sports clothes— which white. Add the yolks to the fruit Boll the beefs until tender Mix all sliced very thin, diced or grated. quality m akes It worth while to trim seem to pass everyw here—and many Juice, then the stiffly beaten white, Ingredients, cook until thick, stirring When grated, radishes and turnips garments m ade o f them with fine. another in the seml-formal tallleur— j Stir and pour Into the glass. constantly. Let stand ten m inutes Peanut butter, when one enjoy« It over hot water to blend flavors. The should be squeezed dry. wear-resisting laces and to lavish for one Is supposed to dress up a bit An Infinite number of com binations roay be added to stuffing for pepper«, sugar and vinegar must be properly handwork on them. Dainty mate- upon landing, although no one will he may be m ade with these raw vegetable rials, good laces and handwork— ' criticized who w ears a plain, well- or stirred into a salad dreasing, adding balanced. If the amount of either Is aalad Ingredients, according to the sup­ much richness and flavor. Increased or decreased, the other must plies available. these are the ingredients of confec- tailored suit. When a costum e like Interesting color ef Tha Fragrant Mint. be changed accordingly. tlons that glorify and help to fill the that sketched above passes by, the fects may be obtained by blending va­ Mint as a flavor la much alighted In hope cheat. For variety tw o tablewpoonfala of rious vegetables camera of the fashion reporter will Home sort of leafy Pictured above la a set that will in approvingly click and register some the cuisine In m any homes. As a mint freshly grated horseradish n. iy be add base or bed la generally liked In a sau ce to serve ed Just before serving ; or a few grains spire a longing to own one like It, and of the high lights o f the new mode aalad, but Is not Indispensable If with lamb and a i of nutmeg, ginger, or cinnamon rosy txt there Is a foundation of lettuce, cate it Is so sim ply designed that alm ost in tailored su its of the semi-formal a pungent gar cooked with the sauce. The addition any woman can copy IL I’lnk crepe type. T hese and the plain suits are bage, cress, or other green vegetable, nlsh to an Iced o f one-half cupful or more crearn or however. It la Intended to Ire eaten . s w ioden ap-ion until sm ooth and n x>g pexr o f at» ab7 | creamy. Flavor with mint and color a trodey car.“ i light green Melt over led w ater and dr'li by teasfxe/nfula oo waxed pa(er R itir ile , Butter gem pan« and fill with v a - ' t l oa o ta cstatrì aoried mashed potato. B a se «&’£ te e -a r La-«“ . , brown. Herr« ax'xrnd a pla’ter ot I fiah. garnish wfvh sprig» o f parsSey. K fcevve A most delirious i-revu, ,v,e*vw - vr B ec»-una It i lie [rtrixired fr'xn a eupf^; good grated c h e e «e m ix e d w i t h h i * '«"te- go Mtro a ram-- -ae b-^-vf 'Team Potir Into Jara and s** :n '3ue A COSTUME »ROM FARIS » O e * - V , «»♦ riaM egee and parir. [ Ice etieel. • • • riCi-r make« a dedWoes *-v’ - e lag to the figure. Tbe siej^in chem let ci,hit* niirr and black ara favorita« »• «a the & Saren«» w m a e n a 1» trade in tha earn« way, but bas rib With these colors I« trial and skirt m sda with ri • addition o* leanoa R d r * . m*e-> « e n and a g«*x«w» bon shoulder strap« Ilka th e slip , Ib» pttaiel abades ara cbo«en for blouses f recae »> » -xga te e» - aod te e trike r » « a Paper d ► « o f aff k'-da m ey he latter develop« a little fu lln ess In the very often erirb h»d with embrutilery aklrt portion. To cr'rwn this Wro but Islloreil tilouaea of » b ite rre p o d » u«ed to t f i l e n i * lotachea or Its ’ »e F>>k*r* ’• **R*Jr* pr-ttcbable s*f and m ake the tisptil chlft», s i ’iurntcty tucked bsv» bait nr ||/tfr,0 * “' T 1« “he Iswier K Va* •a-neday-y L ’i r r n rt m bees o f Its wearer crenptete, a ben ground. Itros'bloth and alfoliar tur Frvcaua« M « . y r-uia» » soca in a '.ft *'< r t f ■ieat. of isc* p.nk rl' -s and f i n * « » » fai »a, In lighter colora, velvet ard vei wHl • • Tiny, tender, new beets are moot delicious to many people when simply boiled in their skins, peeled, snd served sliced or diced with plenty of butt» r, snd salt and pepper for season Ing Medium sited beets may he cooked SO that they are also very good, and served In the sam e way. The tim e of cooking may he shortened by paring and dicing them before boiling An acid flavor Is often liked with beets, and som etim es when vinegar Is used ns the scld, a little sugar Is added also. Various condim ents combine well with the flavor of beets, particularly bora» ■“ I tnay be added arid quilted pink ««tin tt .le» for the fe e t—or others m sde ot rihboo. Breathes there the w