AUO 12, m a N ew s Notes From Netnan Starkey and his 9 months old child were klUed. and Jess Wil­ ROY P. WILCOX lard Starkey, 10 years of age, suffer MARY McSKIMMON ed serious injuries as the result of an automobile accident on the Pacific G le a n e d b y t h e W e s t e r n highway, nine mtlea south of Salem. The county court for Morrow coun­ N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r ty. taking action on a petition present B u sy P e e p le ed by more than 25 per cent of the qualified electors of the county, or Deer In Columbia county are re­ dered the submission of a proposition ported plentiful. every day throughout the summer to issue road bonds to the amount of season. Stopover wherever and as long John Strang, for SO years a resi­ 3550,000, to the voters of a special dent of Marshfield, died at the age of election to be held on the 14th of I as vou please within final return limit September. 93. —October 31st. The Oregon Independent Telephone J. H Bailey, the second dairy ano I Now plan your vacation journeys to association held a two-day convention food commissioner to serve the state I the east. Let our agents assist in fixing at Marshfield. of Oregon, and a pioneer in the se your itinerary. And include Mrs. Lydia Bechtel, mother of curing of pure food laws for the state Mayor L. M. Bechtel of Prineville, died died at the sumrier home of his daugh suddenly in Bend. ter, Mrs. D. P. Price, at Gearhart. Mr , either geingorreturning.or Both ways, 38 ilder and Agees clothing store in Bailey had not been well for some months. it you choose. See it’s manifold won­ Roseburg was robbed of merchandise A meeting has been called for I der at little, if any, additional expense. valued at more than 31000. August 13 in Portland when represen At a meeting of citizens of Heppner tatlves of the railroads, shippers and plans were made for a three-day rodeo members of the various northwest at Heppner, September 34, 25 and 2«. state public service commissions will | The Benson logging camps in the organize what will be known as a Miss Mary McSkimmon of Brooklin Clatskanfne district have resumed r«8i0l>«l advisory board. The purpose Roy P Wilcox of Eau Claire, WIs., Mass., who was elected president of | operations after a shutdown of over of the board Is to consider local traffic recently elected president of the WIs- the National Education association- a month. d railroad problems. eonsln Bar association, who Is a candi The Marshfield Hotel company has New markets for Oregon lumber in I date to succeed the late Senator Rob C. P. Moody, agl. Phone 226 decided to start work Immediately on several small European countries have I ert M- La Follette. a 3275,000 nine story structure and been reported to the department of finish it in 1926. commerce by American commercial at For the second time within a month taches abroad, with the advice that a firebug attempted to set fire to the sales will increase If the exporters Ran Francisco.—Six men in an auto big plant of the Ewauna Box company lend a hand in spreading Information mobile, crowding a United States mail at Klamath Falls. regarding the quality of their woods, truck to the curb here held up thf About 60 tax clubs have been form­ particularly Douglas fir. Washington, D. C.—A total of 9445 truck driver, transferred eight pouches Garages and accessory shops in va miles of federal aid highway were of air mail just received from the east ed in Oregon as a result of tax reduc­ tion resolutions adopted recently by rlous parts of the state that have been built and accepted during the fiscal and escaped Into the traffic of Market U. S. 4- C. T. C. T ir e s N e w . lo w - p r ic e d G ill Portland business men. certificated by the secretary of state year ending June 30 at a cost of 3190, street. M o ro s e r v i c e B a t t e r i e s fo r The robbery Is believed to be the With the opening of the next school now have their signs out as automo­ 485,399, of which the federal govern N o m o r e c o s t F ord, and bile lamp adjusters under the new- first of air mall since the transports year Willamette university at Salem ment paid 387,801,946. light law passed by the 1925 legls S k ille d A u t o r e p a ir in g tion of maii by airplane was Instl S ta r , o t her will introduce a department of health j . . . ; | In addition to this 4587 miles were lature, and which becomes effective completed but have not been accept- tuted. service for all students. C h e v r o le t s m a ll ca rs A u to a c c e s s o r ie s September 1. Many motorist, al ed formjlly by the government, at a Postoffice officials minimized the Registration of non-resident motor MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY vehicles in Oregon for the month of ready have had adjustments made. | cost of 3105,123,086. of which federal loss in the robbery, but newspapers here declared they had information aid totaled 347.606,101. July totaled 19,953 and exceeded that opinion prepared for the state board If these vouchers are paid the total from semi-official sources that the for July 1, 1924 by 2983. of education, upheld the contention of cost for the year will be 3295,608,485, value of the mail contained in the Fishing on Coos bay to this date J. A. Churchill, state superintendent westbound pouches that arrived here federal aid w would ...m i . .. . I v of ‘ which ” “ ‘v “ iv u c r a i mri o u ld constitute has been the lightest in years, and of public instruction that the state 3135.408.047 and the mileage would was exceptionally high. some fishermen have put away their textbook commission is without legal | (otaI 14,032 miles The holdup took place while the nets until conditions improve. authority to proceed at this time with Statistics made public Saturday at truck was en route to the Ferry post Fire which broke out In the drying the adoption of two-thirds of the text the department of agriculture show­ office from the air mall field. room of the Thomas B. Kay woolen books used in the schools of Oregon Officials said that the speed with ed Texas led with 784 miles built at Geological Survey Report* on Chem'st Shoots Self a s Of- mills at Salem damaged the plant to on which contracts have expired. a cost of 311.778,972 and received fed­ which the men operated and the the extent of approximately 31000. smoothness with which tluffr plans Effective September 1 local rate eral aid of 34,867,315. Potential Possibilities of fleers Batter Down Door The Pacific highway between Har­ charges on transcontinental shipments The total cost, the amount of fed were carried out indicated that the ___ aid and the mileage of the ac­ holdup had been carefully planned. risburg and Junction City, which had destined to branch lines in Oregon eral Great Stream of Apartment. been closed to traffic because of pav­ will be reduced from 20 to 25 per cepted highways hy Pacific coast ing operations is now open for travel. cent, the Oregon Washington Railroad I states Includes 3400,000,000 Tax Reduction Possible- Washington, D. C.—The geological Oakland. Csl. — Charles Henry By a majority of 120 votes the citi­ & Navigation company has advised the I California, 39,347,100; 35,072,101; 361 Washington, D. C.—Treasury offi- survey has decided that about s Schwartz. Walnut Creek chemist, kill xens of Bend voted for the 3600,000 public service commission In a new I miles, cals have started to prepare a budget seventh of the potential water power ed himself In an apartment here as Tumalo water project In an effort to tariff schedule. The reduction Is ap I Idaho, 31.212,978; 722.936; 93 miles with a view of recommending to con In the United States is to be found police were battering In the door te plicable to points on the Bend, Con I Oregon, 32,305,315; 31,323,270; 130 better the drinking water of the city. gross a tax reduction of from 3350, along the Columbia river, exclusive arrest him for the murder of the man don, Pilot Rock, Heppner, Shaniko and I miles. In case an ordinance now being pre­ 000 to 3400.000.009 for the fiscal year of the very large power resources ol «hose charred body was found In ths Joseph branches. Washington, *1,967,888; 3826,316; 69 1927. pared by the Salem city attorney be its tributaries Schwartz laboratory after an explo A lighted cigaret thrown to the miles. comes a law all municipal prisoners More than 8,000,000 acres of land slon the night of July 30, the victim dusty road in the town of Sisters re will be assigned to employment on can be irrigated within the drainage believed at first to have been suited In a warrant being issued for Salem streets. and m on ey are best when area of the river, the nurvey aays, ol 8ehwartt. the arrest of Fred Schlra, charged busy. Make your dollars work in which amount about 3,600,000 acres The fugitive chemist left a letter An increase of 16.55 per cent in re with throwing lighted material on a our savings department. A lbanv bTATH are Irrigated now The river, It says to his wife, admitting that he had celpts at the Portland postoffice dur public highway in Deschutes county B ank . Under government supervision. can he made navigable from Its mouth slain a man. whose name he did not ing July over the same month a year The warrant was issued under the ago was reported by Postmaster-Gen law passed at the last session of the j OSCOE AMES H A R D W A R E to the International boundary, a dis seem Io know The authorities art T his is good advice; “ 11 you live tance of 760 mites, If proper foresight convinced that the man ie Gilbert eral Harry S. New. legislature, which makes it a misde­ in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if yon live Is exercised In the location of dams Warren Berhe, Itinerant evangelist The Winchester Store Twenty-eeven persons have died In meanor to throw lighted material on in some other town, trade in that town." constructed primarily for use In de son of »he Rev Jqhn Barbs of Jersey Hut in these automobile days many re- Portland since December 1 as a re public property. 8hore, Pa. p i.h . I «¡ding elsewhere find it advisable to do Q r a r a d b a n d P ian os from $1*5 up veloplng water power. suit of traffic accidents, and of this Eight lumher and logging owners at least part of their buying in the If you want a bargain in a piano now The survey's summary of potential In his note Schwartz contended that number 10 deaths were directly attri ind operators of Klamath Falla have I larger town. Those who goto Albany is your chance. They're in Al rendition power along the Columbia river from h* had killed In self defense a mar butable to Intoxication. Davenport Music House. 409 W F ir. lddressed a signed statement to the I to transact business will find the firms the International boundary to Its who came to hie laboratory and de . . interstate commerce commission at I named below ready to fill their require- C ia p le and Fancy Groceries The right to give testimony at an ------------ mouth, with horse power estimated at manded money. ments with courtesy and fairness. early hearing and to interfere in the Washington. D. C., approving the pro­ Crot kery and Glassware 70 per cent efficiency, showed a total Schwartz carried more than $100, application of the Oregon Trunk de posed extensions of the Oregon, Call ▲ CCB8SORIE& AN D T IR E S Mrs, M G. Stetter natural flow of 3,954,000 horse power 000 In insurance, tome policies of ths Phone 139jj 206 W. Second st. velopment program has been given to 'orala A Eastern railway and stand Auto Supplies and regulated flow of 4,795,000 horse type that pay double Indemnity Ir u u i M t i u u i of n the tu n n c f B U H , v California a J iio r a ia i J- ìrdizatlon Nevada. J. n H. . A llison the Klamath irrigation district. C T iM s iiN T H E SHOE DOCTOR power 90 per cent of the time and 7, case of accidental or violent death t Oregon railway and opposing th e I m West First St A large silver tuna fish, taken in a Second street, opposite Hamilton's 842,000 and 7,977,000 horsepower 50 Two days after the discovery of ths store. gill net in Yaqulna bay by B. F. Wil extension of the Oregon Trunk line a j . L IN D A H L , hardware per cent of the time The total natural body In the laboratory, the police de Falls “ Sudden Service.' Bend to Klamath Falls. A . Dinnerware kins created considerable comment from Rend flow In Washington was 3.108,000 and elded that the victim had not beet Following negotiations between Tin shop in connection among fishermen and sportsmen. It the regulated flow 3,846,000 90 per Roh wart z. Albany,'Oregon I V ’aldo Anderson A Son. diatrib- John G. Heimrich, president of the JS) W. Pirat St. being the first ever caught there. ’ " utors and dealers fo r Maxwell, Chal­ cent of the time and 6,354,000 and 6. The chemist's wife Insisted that 1» Wasco Pine Box & Lumber company A l b a o y F loral Co. C ut flonerp mers, Essex, Hudson & liuumobile cars. 568,000, respectively, half of the time Increase In population, new build­ was the body of her husband So did ind forestry officials In Portland the and plants. Floral art for every Accessories, a pnliea. 1st A Broadalbin In Oregon the natural flow Is g46, the Schwarts family physicians and st ing and natural development of borne past week, erection of a mill with and ail occasions. 000 horsepower and the regulated flow attorney. The eipert evidence of ths and business property during the last V IC F R O L A S at cut prices. 150,000 feet daily capacity In The __ Flower phone 458-T. year has added about 315.000,000 to ’ $110 new machine for $65. All other 949,000 horse power 90 per cent of autborltiet was all to the contrary. Dalles is assured. Ail conditions per tpasthtirn 3ros.— Two big grocery models cut in same proportion. (he time and 1,488,000 and 1.408,000 the assessed valuation of Multnomah talnlng to the agreement have been * J stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Woodworth Drug Co horse power, respectively. 60 per cent county property. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS met and the terms of the contract Mam. Good merchandise at the right of the time. V E S P E C IA L T Y S H O P PE The portion of the Willamette Val regarding the gale of the first unit prices. hemstitching and stamped goods Sale of the 200 vessels for ecrapping ley Southern line between Yoder and 3f 253,000,000 feet of lumber In the Albany, Oregon was awarded to Henry Ford by lbs Mount Angel was opened up again Mount Hood national forest have been t p lit e Cafeteria and confectionery 318 W. Second st. Owner, Mr»’ Irene Davis. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ shipping board His bid was $1,704. after being under an embargo since agreed upon. ings. Courteous, efficient service. 000. Why suffer from headacheg? July 25. due to the dangerous condi We make our own candies. If you enjoy a good meal, France has answered Ah! El Krim'i tlon of bridges. W. s. D uncan . ■and know a good meal when you gel it, H ave E r r o n e o u s F a ith apparent Indifference to (he Franco The public service commission has E K )R D SALES A M ) 8 B B V K E You’ll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it. Spanish peace terms with a aeries ol Mr. Bryan had a firm conviction issued an order granting permission Our aim is to please von. Tires and accessories scattered but crushing blows. to the state highway department to that he was oalled of God to be Repairs The American debt funding commls K irk -P ollak M otor C o . eliminate two grade crossnlgs over the president. You can scarce eau- E x a m in ed slon met with the Belgian eommlsslos ALBANY tracks of the Southern Pacific com ceive what such a thing would on Monday to discuss funding of the mean to a Scotsman, with his U M rtm ille r F urn iture Co., fu rn i- pany near Moon, Benton county. G E O , M G IL C H R IS T tnre, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges $480,000,000 Belgian war debt. The Eastern Oregon District Ffedl traditions of hanging on to a Funeral directors. 427-43J west First Under the new rates, postal receipts notion forever, and to a Presbyte­ street, Albany, Oregon. cal society, meeting at Wallowa lake, of 56 Industrial cities. Increased 11.11 J e w e le r ^ O p to m e tr ists elected Dr. W T. Phy of Hot Lake rian, with his traditions of fore- per cent during July as compared with Bryan was both CM LEER GKO( K E Y . MÓ L y ra *s president. Dr. C. J. Kirby of La ordmation. * (Successor to Stenberg Bros ) Write lor booklet describing our 20- the seme month last year, the poet Albany, Oregon ] Grande was elected vice-president and Sootch and Presbyterian__ W- D. Groceries Fruits Produce office department announced. yrsr Rural Credit Amortized Loans Phone 263 R Dr C. J. Bartlett of Baker secretary- Jameson, The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ George Gray, former United States The Enterprise editor recalls a treasurer. tiring the principal Cheap rates No senator from Delaware and retired H O EM AN 4 JACKSON lady’s saying, during Bryan’s first delay. B eam L amp C o ., Roscoe Largent. a cook of Klamath ** Grocery—Bakery Judge of the United 8tatee circuit 133 Lyon rtreet, Albany, Ore. Falls, may lose the sight of an eye presidential campaign ; ** I be­ Everything in the line of eats court of appeals, died at hit home is Opposite Postoffice •nd suffer possible permanent Injury lieve Gad has raised up Bryan to Wilmington. He was 61 years old. save the ecuotry.” to the other as the result of an ex­ John Temple Graves, one of ths ub Candy Co., First street, next plosion of a detective rifle bullet most colorful characters of the south door to Blain Clothing Co. at lowest rate of interest while he was shooting at a target Noon lunches. Ml work done promptly an.I reatos snd known nationally through hit The Big Brother farm at Lebanon Home made candy and ice Cream. Real Entate Inauranee near Henley. writings and public addresses, died at Jeblv. 19)00« 266 has a flock of prize-winning barred his home in Washington. D. C. 31s All bids for the new women's term- Plymouth rocks and proposes to auc­ IM P E R IA L C A FE , 209 ’V. First Prompt service. Courteous treatment. was <9 years old. naslum building at Oregon Agricul­ tion off a lot of them Aug. 25. W m B a in . Room 5. First Savings Rank * Harold G. Murphy Prop. boilning, Albany tural college were rejected at a meet Phone 665 W r rrvf . r closr lnl of the board of regents In Port Washington State Leg1«" Maata. land. The bids were said to be con Port Angeles. Wash —The Washing M A G N E 'I i 1 E I.E ' I P.K CO. A m o r A . T u ssi n g ■iderably higher than the board was P ’ ASH P A ID for false teeth, den- ton annual convention of the Amer tai gold, platinum and ditearded Official Stromberg carburetor sere L A W Y E R AND N O TA R Y Prepared to pay for the construction jewelry, Hoke Smelting and Refiaing ice station ican Leglou opened a three day sea Conservative prices. Al work. work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second ‘ •ion here Beginning Thursday. Ce.. Otsego, Mich, lÍALStV. ORIOON J. W S TE P H E N S O N . A ll O v er O reg on Roundtrip Excursion Fares CALIFORNIA Southern Pacific Lines M any Millions A re ] Spent on R oads A ir Mail R obbed on T erra Firma A R R O W G A R A G E , G am ie Bros. Big P ow er “ W here Insurance M urder Rolls the O reg o n ’ is a Boomerang bany _ £/)i ree to ry R PARAGON CAFE YOUR EYES F. M . French & Son FARM LOANS F. M . H FARM LOANS GRAY, D R A Y M A N BARBER SHOP Work <•> ( £ ■