RURAL ENTERPRISE eew************ 77"Lcr t."l't>e New York.—Mrs. Thom as Kooe bing pain»? teel years older than you Following the direction of Je rry ’s of Long Island City put her ish kidneys are to e? Too often aluggisb eyes, Ithoda lifted a languid hand and year-old son In a peram bulator blame. Once they fall 11 behind in filter­ filter- felt vaguely about tier forehead, com­ ing off impurities, blood n ear a third-story window. ing to a sudden, electrical alertness upaet. It's little wonder, then, you Thomas. J r , was seized with have constant backache, dizziness, as she felt the two curlers. She ran the urge to Investigate. rheumatic pains. Don’t risk neglect. If to the m irror for a minute Inspection. luggiah, use Doan't He clam bered upon the win- , , “For heaven's sake," she wailed, ________ helped thousands— dow ledge and looked down Into • • are used th e world over. Ask your “did I go like th at to the party?” the yard, where a dog was walk- . , neighbor! Jerry assured her she did not, and lng back and forth. T hom as < » WN'U Servie» A California Case Ithoda sighed in great relief. C o p y r ig h t b y th e B o b b e - M e r r lll Co. yelled at the dog and reached Q . R o s e n b e rg e r, •«» Ska. "Well, I don’t know bow It hap­ r e a lt o r , l« > * H i 'a . l w pened.” she said, "and I don’t care. 2 out for him. The next Instant G l e n d a l e A v e .. £ he landed on the back of the G le n d a le , C a l i f . , taxi on tlieir lng not one word, T heresa working B ertrande brought me home. P erhaps £ surprised dog. The baby w as a a y a ‘S h a r p ) « rap s, they were in he did It for a Joke. As long as I did c a tc h e s t o o k m e| steadily at her easel, Jerry curled up way to Brooklyn. £ not seriously hurt, nor w as the th ro u g h m y b ack JERRY QUITS not disgrace myself at the party, I com fortably on the tum bled couch. T h at was the night of Je rry ’s first M y k id n e y s a c te d l $ dog Injured. “I'm glad your eyes are blue,” T he­ don't care." to o o fte n , espe­ studio party, th e night of C arter J Y N O P S I8 — P A R T O N E — A t a c ia lly at n ig h t She tumbled upon the bed t gain, resa said suddenly, with one of her Blake's “contract aoune,” as It was a f­ w h e n I h a d to g e t1 m n y p a r ty I " th e a tu d lo a p a r t - - - u p to p ass th e se­ fectionately recorded In th e memories rare smiles. "I don't mind your star- and Jerry sat down beside her. meo: o f C a r t e r B la k e , N e w Y o r k , c re tio n s . I a ls o *■< »11. such a head," moaned Ithoda, Brown eyes give me the J e rry .G e r a ld in e ) H a r r ie r . P r u ­ of ills friends forever after. And th a t Ing about h a d a s te a d y a c h e and soreness d e n c e ! d a u g h te r, m ee t« D u a n e LITTLE BOY GIVES lifting her hands to her throbbing a c ro s s m y k id n e y s . B u t a f t e r u s in g was th e night when Jerry , basking willies." A lle r t o n , w e a lth y Id le r He ad­ one b o x o f D o a n 's P il ls I w a s r id of temple«. "I sw ear every time I'll "W as I staring? I’m sorry." I warmly In th e Intoxicating Intimacy LIFE FOR MOTHER m ire » h e r trem « n d -> u » ly , a n d »he th e tr o u b le ." T heresa looked at her curiously. In never do It again, and then I do.” lik e » h im B u t A lle r t o n g e t» a of D oane A llerton’s friendly smile, lost Jerry took off her gloves, removed b it e x h ila r a t e d , w it h u n fo r t u n a t e the glamorous Illusion of h er girlhood's Jerry 's abstraction, she found food for r e s u lt» J e r r y , re e e n tln tf hl« a » - her folded her coat nicely over T rie s conversation. teuderest dream. to S h ie ld H e r W h e n ■ u m p tlo n o f f a m i lia r it y , le a v e » “Oh, I don’t mind. I w onder If It the hack ef a chair, and went to work. STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS th e p a r ty a b r u p t ly , th e » lo r y W r a p p e r T a k e » F ir e . Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem.» Buffalo. N. Y. She got out cups and sco ters, meas­ tu r n « to J e r r y » c h ild h o o d a nd Is because your eyes are so blue th at CHAPTER IV y o u th a t h e r hom e In De« M olne». your lashes seem so cloudy, or because ured coffee und w ater Into the electric O n ly c h ild o f a w e a lth y fa t h e r , New York.—Dreaming, perhaps, of your lashes a re so dark th a t your eyes per- lator, and connected the switch. w h en »he 1» t w e n ty »he fe e l» W h a t E v e ry G r a d K n o w » When Jerry Gave Up You’d better have It black.” she the picnic of which fate cheated him, seem so blue?” th e r a i l o f A r t a nd a »k » h e r Tim ely taffy front the W ashington It was four o’clock In the morning p a re n t» to le t h e r g o to N e w flve-year-old Tommy Daly died In S ta r : "College com m encem ent develops said, “hut I'll tak e cream as usual.” “I don’t know.” Y o r k f o r » to d y W it h »om e m is ­ I when Je rry reached her little studio Encouraged by her gentle activity, L'nhm hospital, a victim of love for Interesting essays on current events. Again T heresa swept her a quiet g iv in g . th e y a g re e to h e r g o in g . I apartm ent on llellly's alley a fte r C ar­ look. "Or perhaps it Is the midnight Ithoda pulled a dressing-gown about his mother. In N e w Y o r k J e r r y m a k e « h e r All so.ue of them need Is political ter B lake's hilarious "con t r a y souse" blackness of your hair, and the olive her shoulders, bathed her flushed face, Playing with His younger sister, R ita, backing to m ake them respected and hom e w it h a M r» . Ite la n e y In Brooklyn. She went in very slowly, cream of your skin, th a t effects the brushed out her tousled locks, and In the kitchen of the Daly home, Tom- |n fluentlal expressions of statesm an- < M lt n l" ) , »n a ctre « «. w h o , w ith T h e re » » , a p a in te r , o c c u p le , th e very quietly, and placed tier g reat fur subtle com bination.” then drooped w earily upon the tum ­ my watched his m other cooking a pot | ghlp ,-_ B o a to n T ran scrip t. house J e r r y ta k e « an Im m e d ia te cloak carefully on Its hanger in the o f chirk.-n for a family picnic to Bock* | ____ _______________________________ bled couch once more. li k i n g to T h e re » a , w h o 1» t a l ­ Jerry said nothing. sm all closet. And then she set to e n te d a n d e c c e n tric an d th e tw o “We didn’t con, - home until six away Beach. His father. P atrolm an “ Have a good time at the p arty ?” becom e fa s t frie n d » . work, with the m inutest care and or­ o’clock," she said. “We had breakfast Thomas J. Daly, Just returned from "Oh, yes, lovely." derliness, piling together every pen­ “Y ou're late for your class. I’m go­ before we left —ham and eggs and night duty In Chinatown, w as asleep ciled sketch, every laboriously painted ing to report you to th e A m algam ated everything. I made the toast. Burned In another room. CHAPTER III— Continued tree and flower, efery anxiously out­ Middle West. You're supposed to be myself, too.” Suddenly the chicken boiled over, lined face and figure th a t was even “Six o’clock! But, Ithoda, how can extinguishing the gas burner below It. prom pt.” "Now w ear your very fluffy-ruffllest remotely connected with the pursuit of The escaping gas, set on fire by another you work—” and "I'm not going to the class.” party clothes, so they’ll all fall In love Art. When she had it all In one heap, “ Who's going to w ork? I told you burner, billowed out and Ignited Mrs. "W hy not? Too much p arty ?” with you.” admonished Btiodo. “He’s she wrapped It in heavy paper and tied “I’m not going to sRtdy Art any yesterday I couldn't work today. Daly’s flimsy house dress. In childish sure to have some awfully amusing It with a stout cord. Then she clenned more." T hat's why I finished the picture. Oh, terror, Tommy and his sister ran from folks, and you’ll he crazy about It. her brushes with painful, painstaking the room, but the m other's scream s such a h e a d !” “Why not?" You get dressed and come by for me. Intentness, closing every hottie and "Well, of all the silly things," Jerry stogped Tommy’s flight. "Because I can’t paint. You knew We’ll he rath er late. I have to finish a tube and Jar of paint and oil, wiping It all th e time, didn't you?” Resolutely he turned about and hur­ said, In her most pompously Prudence drawing before we go. You come along them neatly and packing them all In voice. "Work all night, or dance all ried back to his m other’s side, unaw are "Yes. How did you find out?” about ten. and we'll start as soon ns th eir boxes. These she put away on “I don’t know. It Just cam e to me, night, or— It is plain Intemperance, of the flaming danger th at threatened 1 get the darned old lamp in the right the top shelf of her closet. Last of all. all of a sudden. Why didn't you tell Ithoda. You ought to use a little Judg­ her, but determ ined to protect her. she released the supports of her easel place." ment nlsiut things! No wonder you're When Daly was roused by th eir cries, me, T heresa?" and let It down, and then, with a "The lamp? What lamp?” both m other and son w ere severely "You do very nicety, Je rry —for a wreck." “In my drawing. It’s a background great effort, managed to shove it Into am usem ent—for—for passing aw ay Ithoda laughed feebly. “Now, Iowa." burned. Daly quickly beat out the thing. T here has to be a Hour lamp, her bath closet behind the ridiculously she protested teaslngly. “T here speaks blaze in his w ife’s clothing. and the lady villain falls under I t small tub. Neighbors aided in carrying the the corn-fed b a b y !” T hen she ndded Jerry did not know why she did T here’s only one place In the picture m other nnd children to the street, soberly: “Did you enjoy It, Jerry ? It can possibly go, and when I put it these things. She did not even wonder Every one liked you so much. They while firemen put out the fire th a t de­ there. It throws a shadow where there why. She only knew th at she must thought you were perfectly lovely, rl- veloped a fte r It had destroyed most should he a light, fin the lady’s face— banish every rem inder of a dead pas­ thottgh discreet. Korzky sahl you were of the kitchen furniture. see? I’ve been having the devil’s own sion—though really Art had never been Mrs. Daly was lying critically burned quite annoyed becuuse he kissed you a passion with her. but only a pleas­ time with It all day. My lamp lan't In Union hospital, only a few beds —at least he thought it was you. And tall enough, so I’m going to borrow ant, luke-warm Interest. When easel, a»-ay, when Tommy died. Daly, eight Duane—” one of Mimi's to take along home, und sketches und paints were gone from years a policeman and a w ar veteran, “I had a lovely time, thanks," Jerry her sight, she sighed a llttl? wearily. perhaps It will go b etter.” and R ita were treated by am bulance Interrupted. “It was the most am us­ "Why don’t you let It go until to­ She removed th e llume-colored gown surgeons for burns on face and arms. ing thing I ever saw In my life. No morrow?" asked Jerry. "Then you'll und went to bed. The only thing not burned In the wonder we hear these little stories At ten o’clock the next morning she be nice and fresh for It. If you work kitchen w as the picnic chicken. about Greenwich I” tonight you'll lie ull tired out. Wult went up to Theresa, carrying a gaudy "T hat Isn't Greenwich, th a t’s Brook­ tray, on which she had arrange'! a till tomorrow.” lyn,” objected Ithoda. “ But anyhow Win« Wild Race With “Oh, hut I can't work tomorrow. charm ing little break fast with thut we adm it It. We do nothing by frac­ daintiness which characterized every­ Avalanche and Death We’re going to a p arty !" /or Constipation, tions. When we Jazz, we Jazz. But thing she did. Theresa, who kept her "Another party tomorrow?" Indigestion and Jackson, Wyo.—Racing ahead of an door forbiddingly barred to Mltnl, and rem em ber this. Old Mississippi. When Torpid Liver "No, no, tills one, tonight. But I I avalanche with his life and the safety «•e work, «-e work. I’ve slaved away j of his fam ily and home at stake, and to ull the world besides, a fter the first Successful for 69 year». can't work tomorrow. 1 never can every night hut th ree In the last three few days of th eir acquaintance, had 80c and 90c bottles — work the day after a party." A L L D R U G G IS T S months. T he th e a te r twice, the party 1 winning by a m atter of minutes, «-as given Jerry u duplicate key. Jerry dismissed the subject with n the experience of Gil Huff, Wyoming “Come In whenever you like," she once. If I w ant to Jazz until morn­ shrug of her pretty shoulder. She had rancher, whose story of seeing the said. "You have an easy way about RUB YOUR EYES? ing—” long since ceased trying to understand north side of Sheep m ountain crumble U se Dr. T h om pson » B ye w ater. you th at doesn't drive me wild, like “ It's nobody's business hut your druggist's or the ways of eager Itliodu and tired and fall across the Gros V entre river 1166 B B uy it e a r t ,T your r o y , N i . B o o k let. everybody else. But don’t knock 1 own," Je rry put in, laughing, as T heresa She was going to the party, valley n ear here the other day, became Ju st use the key and come right In I Ithoda hesitated. too, as well as Ithoilu. Jerry was attre THEY SPREAD i known. T here’s never any love-making to In­ “Itlghto I Kush along the coffee, she would he a t her class us usuul the Huff said he w as on horseback at Pl»re.l .nyw bere. DAISY FLY K II.I.BR DISEASE »ttr»rt. end terru p t here." Angel-face. My merry-go-rounds are ■ the foot of the mountain when it be­ kill* ail flie«. Neat, clean, ornam ental. convenient ana following duy. J W — d i m i d Lirr - a , eheap Last« al I T h eresa’s nbhorrence to knocking back-firing on me." Z* «Oh. Ilaf metal, gan to move. He w as riding near his At ten o'clock th at evening, rad ian t­ was a frenzy with her. A state of can ’t spill or tip over; Je rry hastened to pour th e coffee, ranch, he said, when he saw this. He ^,11 not anil or injure ly lovely In a atunnlng little fiame-col- nerves, Jerry called It, but Theresa, anything Guaranteed. and they drank a cup In silence, then turned and began a desperate ride for D A IS Y ored gown of chiffon velvpt, with pearls who never acknowledged nerves In any F L Y K IL L E R another. With the third serving Je rry safety. T he avalanche, with a roar, nt her thro at and swinging beneath shape or form, denied It. although the ___________ at your dealer or broke the silence. 6 by EXPRESS prepaid. Il 26 Huff declared, bore down tow ard him the cluster of curls over her ears, slightest tapping startled her to such There W as a Huge Black Sign on Her "Ithoda. who Is Frnncy? I haven’t In the form of a moving wall of bowl­ HAROLD SOMERS. Ife b e K alb A ve.. Brooklyn. N. T. snugly bundled In a great soft cape of a degree that It was a physical pain. Door. met her. have I?" ders, trees and earth 10<) feet high, j finest kolinsky, site took a taxi to “Oh, I’m off In the clouds, and It “Fruncy ? Oh, you m ean F rancy j pjjs frenzied horse, struck by flying K hoda't studio. And opening the door. Jerks me down to earth so fast It the time, and all that. You Just England. Well, she is Dunne A ller­ splinters and stones, ran to higher ! In response to a mu tiled. strangled. m akes my teeth ch atter," was the way haven't the spark, th a t's all." ton’s new flame, since K itty K arson “Cm* on In," she stood aghast, staring, she described the sensation. "I wish you had told me, Theresa." got m arried. W hat did he say about ground ut one side, and the big land­ slide missed him by only a few feet, eyes wide, lips parted. T here was a huge black and white Jerry was w retchedly abject in her her?” he declared. “Mimi's tallest, handsomest, rosiest sign on her door which read : despondency. “He didn't m ention her. It was Once clear of the oncoming moun­ floor lamp stood conspicuously In the S e n d f o r S a m p le s “For God'a sake, don't knock. "W hy should I? It am used you. and Almee. She didn’t say anything—Just tain, Huff raced to his home nearby. ren ter of the room, and on a rug di­ Cough, and I'll let you In, If I w ant to you have money to pay for any amuse­ spoke of her." He took his wife and daughter to a rectly beneath It, lay llliotla herself. In see you.“ ment th at pleases you. If you hud "She’s not really In our crowd, you a shimmering evening gown of gold A c c o rd in g to C ustom Jerry, with th at delicate reserve ac­ gone In professionally, expecting to know. She’s one of the Batik Trall- point of safety. Huff said many of his cattle were killed, two ranches and green, writhing, twisting, squirm ­ quired In tw enty years with Prudence, make a career of It, a living—McDow­ “W hat ever made you give your girl above his w ere wiped out and th at the ing, studying herself frownlngly In a would not for the world have Intruded ell would have told you. But you « ere ers. diamond engagem ent ring?” "T he B atik—” ranger station nearby was sub- j “She did.” small hand m irror to get the effect of so bruakly even when Invited to do so. never really one of us, you know." “ I'm , you know. B atik T railers— merged by the rising w ater. His home, h er contortions. and « u s alw ays careful to approach "You mean I— I ant a nilsflt." the Idle rich—those who can’t paint, which w as In the bed of the suddenly I As th e meaning of the curious panto­ slowly, with a slight clearing of her Sad Case "Yes, a misfit." T heresa sm iled upon can't sing, can’t w rite—but like th e a t­ formed reservoir, Is under many feet mime hurst upon Jerry, she broke Into throat, fumbling a bit with the key. Bunny—So R abbit's w ife left him. her. m osphere and move In to get the air. of « liter. peuls of merry laughter and then pausing a long moment be­ C ottontail—Yes, Indeed. Why, after “ You—y«»u don’t like me very well, I have to provide entertainm ent for "Oh. Ithoda, you esn't Imagine how fore opening the door, to give T heresa only three months the poor sap ran out do you, T h eresa?” Jerry s voice was them. Sometimes lt’8 china painting, ridiculous you look," she cried. time to adjust herself to company, of nam es so half th eir children didn't pathetic. I som etimes weaving, or bend w o rk ; Dental Theme Painful. Ithodn got up. She took Je rry ’s w hether she wished for tim e or not. T h eresa’s answ er surprised her. “I rljgtit now It’s batik. H eaven knows Girl Dodges School get labels a t all. handsom e kolin sky w rap and tossed It T heresa looked up at her entran ce think you a re the sw eetest, the most | w hat n e x t! I t’s th e raison d 'e tre for New York.—It was like pulling teeth W h a t Y o u n g M a n W i l l W e a r across a chair. and nodded briskly In greeting. The­ lovable girl I ever saw In my life In , t Art Trailers.** to get Carm ella I ’e fo u n t, fourteen, to "Yon do It." She waved a light hand resa never said “good m orning." She fact, you’re th e only one I ever did | The C utter—How did you m anage to go to school, Miss M argaret Manning, toward the picture on her easel. “See, held th at a nod m eant welcome, and a sell th at suit which turned out to be attendance officer for the board of edu­ such a terrible misfit? It's like this. T here’s the lady. The frown requested your absence. Jerry flushed deeply w ith Now th a t Je rry realizes th at cation. testified in the Flushing police lamp bus to he there It throw s her “Come and eat," Jerry said, w ithout The C lerk—A young chap thought It she is no genius, w hat is she go­ nnd pleasure. court. face Into shadow, see? And It's got preamble. "You’ve got on nty con­ « a s "collegiate."—Youngstown Tele­ "You may not be an artist, hut ing to do? And is Allerton out She has rem ained aw ay from school to he clear ami In a bright light. Now science so I can’t sleep nights, th in k ­ gram. you're a heavenly tine kid. You re not of it? ever since she « a s asked to w rite a how the dickens—” ing of you up here w asting away to a going home, a re you?” composition about her experience with Under her Insistence, Jerry was shadow, and for no good reason either. "N no. I'm not. I think not. I the dentist, she said. H ealth Inspec­ obliged, flame colored chiffon velvet I’m expel ling any tim e to find you've don’t know w hat I am going to do." (T O H E C O X T I N U E D .) tors a fte r an exam ination of her mouth and all, to spraw l out on the rug on devoured your easel." T heresa put the tray on the floor, at school two months ago, told her to T heresa « a s thinner, w anner, the anti Jerry went dow nstairs. • he floor turning this way, tw isting C h a n c e A c q u a in ta n c e get her teeth fixed. A fter such painful dark circles shadowing her brilliant (hat, head thrown backward, tilted Nearly every season I make th e ac­ duty w as perform ed her teacher asked eyes deeper and wlttef than before. higher, while Ithodn stood over her. Jerry expected quite confidently to quaintance of one or more new flowers. her to tu rn hi an essay on the care of st ow ling, criticizing sw earing softly She took the tray gratefully nnd b al­ h ear from Ithoda. by telephone at I It takes years to exhnust the botanical the teeth and tell of her experience in beneath her breath, moving the lamp, anced It on her knee. I trer.sures of any one considerable "You are th e nicest kid, Jerry ," she least, to m ake Inquiry us to her saf» ! neighborhood, unless one makes c dend undergoing treatm ent. now here, now there. arrival alone at that ghastly hour But It « a s such a painful subject that Anil after some ten m inutes of (tain sahl. " I am hungry. I wish I could »he n either telephoned nor citne. And -Id went with It. Smith s« a,n hack, Also battle» of 24 and 10O—Druggists resit drinking the hot coffee, nibbling »mall .’A t!" "W hat makes y t.j think T h st's flic ! Much obliged, Jerry eyes swollen. Inflamed and dull Iwo hut Ms re«.-lie e ffo rt» w e r« f u tile . Ths !« the tr» -> m urk o f B »v*r Man»« You’re the nicest little «iwirt 1 ever the crisp toast, with warm apprecla Uct»«« «4 M od .MOvUMcUMatar «( lUoAcjUcacfc* grotesque kid curlers, protruded stif­ th a t? ’* “His dog wags its tall up and bodies wer« recovered. lion. The alienee was not unusual down lastead of sideways."—Answers fly over her left eye, whll» the rest At e in e n o'clock. muffled In haavx Sometimes they sat for an hour say Sack Giving Out Prudences Daughter By E T H E L i H U ESTO N D O A N ’S p'kLS «¿1 «fegs» F Green’s August Flower Kill All F lies! C u ticu ra ToiletTrio 5 entune » • • • • • • S piri H Say “ Bayer” - Insisti I