jÁcr. Kur í *•.»« • * »• »• »e««« a fiûgett home to that ----------- 5 bi luging Mona home. t : » city and i Fastest Coast Tiip Man Ever Made Busin ss Hands! „ {^forcem ent in Jtim Stfndiah Still Q jj J I : jj , Washington. D C.—Assistant See- re. arj, Andrews of the treasury depart- tn effOrt» to rebuild the pro ^n,jt,OB enforcement crgauisation. has mappfc e i I citlsens' committee of 1000. which in- ll * * l l , a *. I * « " I* a i-iditri i.ie cluJe, Elbert H. Cary of the United Ite p s i . I ) • • , » • • • e M a c l e a V * » t » I e S'.ates Stesi corporation; John D. » I.ItAM a» n q 'ie - liù lue i*> form a corp.*- __________ Rockefeller __ Jr. ____ and ______________ other lesders of N ex t S o '. — A.on. . l i n i , b e r » b i .1 »»labll»b » C .llt«’f- industry and finance and this group Z August 9—If la p la n i, a l u u w i l l u r u i . a l . y (■ t . , arree(, to al)f k;n, cbtaininf ver leg H - '« •-•>»« » « a lib i r. cn c l Fuf.-lcl?nt ability to give him * » ••« ••« • . • • ! * • » l i t t l . s . ' l . » t o .k li .e v I - F lill.ll tile p n - j r c t a lil i hope for drying up the renn'ry's wet I; alley Happening; !. in »viking m Cteecod Clt) spots. « K S ta n d ish , ■» • “ h is li I* mis k uu w , 1» i.< t » eiy sta n d - t-li li » le a d , t-e 1» • eci*«edl) g • • ->». Me la u s u a ll) < li th e go a : t.e , i u , i - - i m p ! When he is a»leep, T he ft r o a ­ i d •C'iarllUie* th ru i.g s o i.um «-f n o i e of hl» ui«r» . i » t («-U if’ - ■U I» In ui a l e e n • liivit hr »is' e l i al S u illtl R iver, i* i , Juli 27 : I h u i « « k n g '«ul o f hera at » III, ».Ul have lo t ta k en u r ti J u L ii * lili Milton ¿ Viola Sills S Dana G LO BE ((.'oi.tn.u* d from page 1) IL a r the harvest hum ! Lyman H aratets is horn.- i.oiti (. a.iicuii.a. Mrs. Elmer Munson and Mis. Percy Tay.or wc.e Albany shop yt-ts lhuisday. 1 homes Dudley and Lila and M,g. Louise Koonett weie a. Newport over k ,e week end. Ted Mitzn?r took a carload o, le.atives and friend, to Cottage Clove Tuesday of iart week. Mrs. E. S. M arsters is honr* fiom a visit to h»*r son Charted and o'. er relatives in Portland Miss Freda Koch of Portlan spent the week end with he patents, Mr. and Mrs. II. KocL - ■ 11*111 a i Ilia io n ’ ll c o ll i i.i» s ii» lie t e I ,.-I H illa t vv riih -g . l i m e d a S af r 1 a i t i m i . 1 » » » »fielt«! ol. . nr l.i.aid ■ I illi» c oia and M Ctelart < | I l e i t i . in er ot t-i-liiinefi e und l i » f e a ( l e - i l p la n e t o » o r * |,n lim ili g « i ew-iiHper. i» » l i l l ) , ib lo i.g l, fro m III Chicago Board of Trade Under Fire Chicago.—Rumblings of a financfal war and almost certain investigation in . 3* . Iteai ie m g lil ti «m an ’ or the Chicago board of trad? were .1 i vriieet li.v or) a ..«I Rav i- - heard along La Salle street. Chicago's ■ d i v i , g » ir i- k :..r ib e M audartl avenue of finance, as a result of Arthur W. Cut’en's spectacular coup On 1-.IHM- n ». Am leiivn-g tn o ig h l f-*r Crekcenl in the wheat pit. Cutten, who first gained financial C il) , » lie te 1 » i l »l»y a «I»* «* i.tu , i . r n i . i i l<- E - i o g - i a i.d fr in ii prominence heraux? of hl* sensational H ie t » ! . . e « » F' ai.i'ltH-i» lo a liv o li earnings in the corn market, is cred l.e S «lv llig - < « ,y • «tiititii-xliiuvr»’ Ited with leaping a harvejt of 1250.000 . e. Ii u g . A i e " a-u » .-tk ii g uu tl.e is the »neat pit when he sold his stored holdings at sharpl? advanced i - « » p u p . r l i l e i e e i Ui.» o Ihar». prices to dealers who were "short" K. titlii k M a i-le» ), p u n r o f l l i e and were forced to buy at any price ReportR that Secretary of Agricul •>| rleHV i a 1 a r, n» » tiie li Mr .-.iHi.iluth i» e n .p lo i .d , h a i j 1 lure Jardine would launch an inquiry C. II. Koonts came horn eeii g ia liltil « i . ii I» rarv cm t to ascertain whether a "corner" lr alone, leaving the o tic r va::- j u t c i u i l i ! • » ! r a i l.il-g "Ulk’dv li- - wheat had been negotiated were free Loners of his family at New­ *ccu li* m u»iug lii« lain i ai .. ly circulated In the financial district, port. n a llg lila ai U"l<< R vad l ami but they had no Influence on the mar ket, grain prices making further gains Mr. and II.a . \V, A. Muller I . ui n »*r'ieiiiig » lie e u u ly ru m at the Saturday sea-iion. u h llietr i,ii»r«in» *. P iilin r and Mrs. Muller’s uncle spenr i - i l'i'iiip .ti'«« a u i t <>( h l i a i l i e r - Lunday in A r.any visiting rela . h » «-ui Hie |iiu -e "I « « ’tuon tm««- WASHINGTON DRIVERS SLOW tives 17 « i . l l 'a « p . i i i u i i n f j , a t «Ilici, 3ffieials Estimate One-third of Licenac Mrs. W. A. Milder and Mit>. ie i - n i i »p *n«<> . Applications Now In. P . 11. Freerksen called on Mr;. More than 4000 years ag» Olympia. Wash.—With 150.000 ap Lavina Cl.ng-man Satuiday a f ­ ; ltr t occurred in the Euphrates plications for motor vehicle drivers' ternoon. I .lley a controversy similar to lic io s -s received nt the department Ten members of the Past that which has lesulttd from f lie ns« oftlces. it was estimated ('ran d s’ club and Mis. E. B Lie evolution trial in Tennessee. that only about one third of thr Penland, a pucst. met with ,.s is levealed on tablets re­ drivers in the stale had a; plied to M i. Robins Friday. cently translated by Dr. Edwai • license». The applications were iraat Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Freerk en, Chieia, professor of Assyriolog) er than two years ago, officials said only lOl.oOO had applied by A u g u s t Mis. Agnes Clark and Mrs. H. t the E niveisity of Pennsyi- •m 1. 1422. The applications are r.flw he i'rceiksen of S v dd motored to .’.nia. Accoiding to the cla;. Ing received at the rate of about 9000 tablets, which were w ritten o:« Albany Sunday afternoon. day, it was said. with a wooden stylus, the Assy a Ileglnnlng Saturday, highway patrol Ray Commons of Shedd and ■ ;s clashed on the origin oi men have lieen instructed to checi H a n y Commons a d S. A. Mi>fi. n in. The difference was finally lip on motorists found driviug with were at the funeral of Harvey mposed by a ¿ompromis -. out licenses and local peace officer» C mu -11« al JVC i l l ’s M II- l ull a hey agreed th at man firs’. have been asked to aid in the work i ' . i ;. . I I isted as a four-footed a ’dm n it was said. hir. and Mrs. Flank Laepei oi Lake Cleek had a Suiiuav visit from their sun Harry 1 rand on Francis, itoni Eu- tene. Mr. an d ’ Mis. Herman Detii- in i and children from Hoon River aie visiting Mrs. Del i tj.i 1 III) v i-n -d t iie llr r n a a iid B a u d o t) t ie d a g r e a t • hick ate glass. A fter va .. t • gods created two patron,, -i i" of cerea'8 and another o.« II cks, and through these th.. t ,o-legged type of man w; u.-veloped. Crepoti oak, our "sciub oak," i dec aicd by exports to he so nr tuperior to eastern oak*fo’ > igon and fu in ltu ie making, cause of its superior strength Last Section of Pacific Highway Done Eugene. Or. The Harrisburg-June tlon City section of (he Pacific high «ay. r icently paved, wll he opened ti traffic August 7. Several smal bridges remain to be surfaced, bu this work will not alter plans for thi opening of the paved section. Th, stretch of highway is the last to h. paved, and provides unbroken pnv“ ment on the highway from Canada t( California. AUG. ENTERPRISE The Elephants TORRANCE (C o?)tight.d b> Autriua.n S.-m paptr Unios) , Reconditioniiig Shoj Round Trip Vanrouver to San ! “I've a better memory than you have," said .Mr. Elephaut. Frarcisco Made in "1 suppoae you're right." said Mrs Raybeshiu Hi-gpeed Trakc Elephant. One Day. Service Station Ha. ha." auld Hr. Elephant, throw ing his trunk up in the air—hut nut •IH J12 Ka«t First «. A'b ay, near Vancouver. Wash,—Lieutenant Oak* losing It entirely, "now I know some­ the »katiiig rink Pilone 379 ley G Kelly, flight commander at Van thing.’* "What do you know?" asked Mra. coover barracks, arrived here at 6: IS Saturday night from San Francisco, Elephunt. "J know I cun talk to you and that hsving made the round trip in one you Hre feeling gentle and quiel. T h a i » Kafccy Railroad Ijm e day because Mis* Elephaut is a month old. The purpose of the flgiht was to re­ »lisa Elephaut hud taken all of the North 9onth ceive a consignment of newly-coined time and attention of Mrs. Elephunt. fen, plereg , he united g u te s hut now Miss Elephant waa old enough 72, 3:74 a. in. flig 17, 12:09 1* in. 15. 12;45 p. m , „ SaB p ,anclsco, designed to to look after lierself a little. Anti 16, 5 1.5 A. III. 33, 8.12 p. in L O!BmeBoreU the 100th anniversary too. her mother didn't have to worry 18. 8 :1 b a. in. f i x 14, 12:09 p. in fli.ir 31 1 :3l p. m. flaç I tfc# ,oundiBg cf Fort Vancouver about Iter. As site didn't have to 34, 4 OS t> m ‘ On its face the new half dollar bear» worry about Iter site wasn't so tier Nt i. 14 a rd 16 stop to 1«*t off passen ger« the likeness of Dr. John McLoughlin. cons, und so could be genlle und pleas I No. 31, direct con unci tou for Marshfield On the reverse side is the figure of a ant once more. "In your nervous days," auld Mr. poi n i t. Hodson's Bay trapper. Elephant, "you would liuv^ objected Passengers for s ,nth of Engtn* should Lieutenant Kelly made the trip from to being told that I bud tlie better ' take tiaia No. 17. h’sn Francisco In five hours and ten memory, even though It Is true." I Halsey-Prowusville stage leaves Hal. minutes actual flying time and five " O il yes, 1 feel free of worry now," •ey at 7 «. nt and 12:15 and H;ll p at. j L e a v e s Brownsville at 7;h.» a. in auj hours and SO minutes elapsed time, said Mrs. Elephant. 3 35 and 8:65 p. in. having atopped 20 minutes at Eugene ”1 think." said Mr. Elephant, ••that I shall sing a sottg to Miss Elephant. for gasoline "TlteD I alinll tell Iter an Elephant Cutgoxg Mail He left Vancouver at 6 15 A. M. in the morning for San Francisco, reach­ Jungle Bedtime story. But I »III only A th e lla le e y p o sti.ffii-e m ails ing there in five hours ar.d 45 minutes tell it io her. No one else sltull bear cl,.so goin g n in th at 1 1 5 3 a . ip , actual flying time. He made a stop IL "1 must sing the song now; « ml 5 .2 0 p m . of 15 minutes at Eugene on the way , T o u w e « b ig t i l i n g . G dug puuth, 11:10 a . t.t a n d down the coast, bringing the total to T o u w ee b ig th in g , 5:20 p. in. .six hours. li u a r k e n to y o u r d a d d y I'o B ro w n sv ille. 0 :2 0 a. in. and S in g . s in g , s in g It was declared that Lieutenant i ' l l tr u m p e t and c a ll 12 m, M ir o io g -ta g e to B ’• >wita- Kelly's flight was the first round trip For m y t.aby so e m a il v ille g - es oo to Gr* vf()i4.«vi||a( A n d «he II go Io «le e p from Vancouver Io San Francisco in A n d n e 'e r a t e a r w eep. H olley and S w eet II u n e . •ne day The actual flying time con­ H e r e le p h a n t e y e , sumed for the trip was 10 hours and V, III go a -b y e -b y e s . Y o u re an a d o r a b le b u n k , ». minutes, while the total lime from | Paid-(or Paragraphs A nd y o u r d ear little tru n k he plane's departure from Vancouver 1« a jo y to b e h o ld . *1 he w o rld sh o u ld be to ld (5c s lin e ) o its return was 11 hours 55 minutes, Of y o u r b e a u 'y an d charm. "he distance by rail is 730 miles and Mr. Elephant didn't sing (us he W a n te d — 100 ton» E vergreen xe Shasta Limited takes about 26 culled 11) any more then for Miss B ack i'ckoet it»», 100 to n s Ireslt murs to travel the distance one way I Elephunt hud fullen asleep and was I’riit.e-. F t heel m arket p rices. having a little nap. S en* ' rg B'os , A lb an y, Ore, Li.iEt* b th th A L hfcWS h'o he went on tulking to Sirs. Ele­ I'ltone 4S2R phant. The general strike of British coal "I like to bathe in the summer, but iiin frs which had hoen scheduled to ■ I must say I don't care about it in Card oi Thanks start Saturday has been called off. | the winter," continued Mr. Elephant W e wish Io ex p r e ss ottr tlta n k i Charles C. Hart of Spokane, Wash., j "li seems s foolish time of the year to to fr ’et d» and tirigh b oi» who he new American minister to Al- , bathe.” h elp ed u - Ot 11'“ recent fire. *1 tie lauia. Saturday presentee his creden- As the keeper knew they felt that way about it tie gave them oil hath« on tier ot a kit of to n ’s left at that rials to President Ahmed Zogu. John J. McClellan, organist in the In tiie winter and kept them line and lim e can have th em by c a llin g . W- A. M ull" and F a m ily . Mormon tabernacle at Salt Lake for. dean, too. Tiie oil hatha were to keep their the past 20 years, died following a skin frupt cracking, which It would Old pupers tor » . Ie h i oc u I und's laraiytic stroke. He was 51 years of age. j have done In tiie warm buildings it th e E llie ’ m in e i-ftics where they lived in tiie zoo. When Mrs. Robert .(I. La Follette has the elephunts are free they cun look formally anounced that she will not ' after their skirt and see Hint It gets seek the seat In the United States oiled—for It needs to he o'led Just as R O T EC T vonr ev es front Ih# senate made vacant by the death of giu re H ve voi r (la -s c s her husband. giniiiiiJ ii S O F T - L IT E ur George W. Vallery, of Denver, waa elected grand master of Haights Tem­ plar in their 36th triennial conclave in Seattle. Detroit will entertain the next conclave in 1928. Announcement of extensive auto mobile price cuts by several of the lending automobile manufacturers the past week is generally regarded in 1 Wnll street as a forerunner of intense 1 competition this fall. P C R O C K t b A K1«*»- ’’ T hés" Culots y V« th e iiielîow i'c u ilo r l i l ohi la t lie d r a l »iti- • l o » » .” “ 1 I a s ,liv to ti.e r ig h t ,’’ !.. t o th e eyes. Evolution Suit Is Withdrawn. Washington, D. C. Washington's i evolution suit was withdrawn hy the ! “Ha, Ha,” Said Mr. Elephant. government < lerk who filed It. At the 1 our skin needs soup and water. They «»me time the lea v ers said they > .M, go Into the swamps which are oily «•ould draw up another complaint, | and iq that way they get the oil they i Mis. A ifr.d Steinhauer of more free of obtentions, and probably require. • I v t a i i i v « p l a i n , lla k »<><•- fiieenieaf is the editor’s giant. would name another man with Wit' When the elephants are free they Optometris there will be none of it in the tit«*r. • Mt«« and her hus­ i w at a plaintiff. keep their nails In good conilltlon by f h tie ! Ill 'k v l ek I«'. Ill* te fll-r , A ll-*-***» M I'itif du rin g band visited the Wheelers Lu i- climbing over rocks, hut in the zoo or optici n ** Ve ' - Il »cr«l*i ink, 1» »1 I 1 F jht of Shipping Loxrd to C al Chip- In the circus—»lien In captivity—tiie »' y. La Follett» Jr„ In Senrte ft»e«. A L B A N Y OREGON. keeper has to cut their toe nails for I ia Upheld. Dr. Marks and wife spent th*- Save our sciub oak. It will b. Madison. Wis - Robert M. La Fot- them. There are no rocks and rough Vvathingtco. I). C.—The right ol ’Site Jr. has announced his candidacy I tier pai t of last week at Fred worth much money. places for them to walk over in the the shipping hoard to sell 20*1 vessel» i pp epate’s in Y’oncola. Mis f( i United States senator in the ape- | too. (!« •* e r l . k e , m o e tiv«*« *>in-l tn Henry Furd for scrapping was up ai election to fill th” seal left vacant I Ma’ks and Mi's. Applegate ill”, ’'I've learned some new tricks." snlit - r It* t h e n i t . - i l .--t » I , « t l i s t i a y li Id by Attorney General Sargent.- Mr. Elephant, "and the keeper is go y the death of his father. listers. | i . - l i - r m d «lv I t , a t t i l l - e a « « -.(• | In an opinion requested by the board ing to tench some of them to you und • • ‘ • Mrs. 1’ir.nk \ .o kinder r . i ' * »• m »e I t-*|'ien«-y in r- [ * r » nt the suggestions of Comniisslooers ft 8 b’ld «' n’^’ .v.ie- t.pj» f 0t? rf •» Miss Elephant, w ho w as mttch plcaseil. Laundrv sent Tuesdays km li .t ta li o n « |i ie i a inc.I • c’li'd n n a;.d her m other. Mrs Benson and Thompson, wiio had quea flgbf btt'r R»n tl’F g. | «• ninth and the for elephants keep on going to acl-md Xgeu.’y Hub Cleaning Works |l I I I I I I» . I I I I . F . I W t lil- t l H l't ll I e\en when they aie grown-up. 1'le Uone-I the legal authority for di.ipos Japiinett beet!*». I . 11. l icet!; cn. visited at tli • • • • phants' school means school win re ll. E. Chandler home Fiidaj Hll-H I 'S e lies 1 *0 l-.'l. t lilt ’ Ing of the vess.-ls for destruction th A B E S P L A C ;' K e o f l l", «1(1 .11. .I Ju ly JÄ att rney general sa«d the sale wax a- ( ’iihhagH I» n cpiiinmh ,»<*•< tricks are taught. Mftci noon. farlo uri »fon» f ’*r m i ! «»>h • mthfL ' No time for more talking now,’' ... ll. a» t.i" i,,| I" h a v e * ( • . * , ranged under the discretionary auti D E LB E R T S TA R T • (J. Hotiman lias !> en able to > , • li ■ I i i«4ii |,e in i i-itrn .k l nri'y of the board as defined in th* »»inlp at the rat» of nna «un», t to ilfh l s-ild Mr. Elephant, as he threw tits Tun ra l D ire c to r and L i­ or ten gMllons of n ntrr trunk high over his head—hilt not an d era and s ave him elf th, r .i.ii -r m oithsnt mar,tie all" Wbm In me he wid soon be cuttin. t ondttiona as the hoard may pre bean Is tb* grp«! g rd®n filler, and I fbcient Service. Motor Hearse. tit for a king or a pregideat or en i a - i tl II e O l * l I l f e l m e t « I- oi cat again. j •ertbe.*’ I adv Atterda iL •'«obant femllvl" nne cr^p ton gmw rn pror a*df t a w li I n it a ’ •••I - i ip i tb" The Tord offer was for |1.70Sh!Kl string b.Mns mathra in from CO tn 75 Hr ...... .......................... .Orefc •«* I -s I«• m t* |n*l f h ,i e . • ?— , Miss Apnea I’ugli h been I 0»w et Mad? Sioux Indian Chief. for the 20» vessels, a few of which da j t. c e.'tcd to teach Harmon., M in tl H r .1 • • • Cheyenne. Wyo. Vice-President may be converted to Diesel engine rit'iool, instead of M s. Joe I i- Ketunrln» c»»«a fruii p>*attire Mur to Dawes became a chief of the S!ou> pr pulsion for commercial operation 1 <>t, who failed to ptu.i t'i. Indian Irlhe and was named "Gi ' a e I.: i? County F arn u rs The r si wilt be broken up. the en •rvau l »»ura befora milkinv Hn»e «01 W . L. W R IG H T t-ach eis’ exam n ’ ■ n. on :«d four retail sto:c3. gines and equipment ot sonic of them •»Ihnlnd^a gr^aay and itradr rtarr»ra In White Father No 2 hy the re.lwJ^I Mortician & Funeral Director ndlk. Thè le r ftr period ia Beeta*nry 'fore than 15 nan persons «-itn.--.-d Prof. English and family ex arc in Eiigm e, Spi n -. Iwlog og. t In h's nanttiao-urlng ntdy in thè c ita of leaks and garHc. ey It<1>(v an*) Harrisburg the ceremony, which was s part ol 1 cel to yo tn their new horn • pii Ma. 1 and Cottage Grove. • • • C all D TavtoR. Haltet-, or the closing program of tl»» frontier nt Mvi tie Creek aitout Align • W. I.. \3 ktr.HT. Harrisburg Th* striped cuccmher beetle spreads V'l. M iantiinc t rev arc oflerin; A*.i- r v o 'u t.b n B ill k i l l e d In G«o g s I r m e s F F a e to n N o w L e g on A d ju t e n ’ • he bacterial wilt of cucumbers ('on days "Wild \V (si celebration. Indianapolis, ln-1 Jam?» F Barton i:i an Hifvc tisem nt eisewher V’tint«, t!a The t.-irg t« house ot rol the beetle and thereby prevent the Spraying the plants frequently ..n a tiv e « hy viva vine vole d ' F -t Dodg". I» h»i became natlnnai ■ it» k»me house held si tid es for ,.a'e f -i-t -I -n m il evr liitinn bill. The ad titani ot th» American l.eg'nn. site ep.h hord aux mixture, 4-5 5ft, piq« T i c I 't y , I ’t r r L t d T h r c c t Mlt« Mens P<»' d is homo free, tn e s it’-e would have prevented any ■ ding Pusselt Cr-’Vi ton. Meri".« rwo p Hinds of arsenate of lea I powder rd t'rontia'on resigned to heron« ia seen as the plants are making the O. A. C. rum m ''r schoo'. Io-el Irath r In the public school.* ot t l ll ,e nm’or g ill ir * v « s our «fili­ H er brother. R. M., h o ' h t.corg * from teaching any theory ot i*l«t d lred -r of the A . u r r h I V > leaves and until the runners are sev c o n s a n ! tem pii* g ¡re e r e a ii. •rat feet long will greatly reduce Moih.r«' n eu:jr.-I. m other 1 tv . «»•• n family h. .' * er g n c( m. in contrary Io the i nasse. W t v r«-t g tn iil) In t? C -u ld an y­ AU miy baturday, faking M a. I' ulu. th in g be tuore healthfu!? Our i e FOR SALE Attractive alg.ia telling «hat Is to . 1« e |.e |> FOR S M I i- rream ia ir.ora Imnetirial than k e a.dil and ho« Inc it I« to the ate ml i I X - KOC-M H O U S E < 1« st j fl, v("gi' ,. It * p i I«, * ) ,i( b 1 C O L O N IA L i n N i . ' i : re an Imp Hunt part of the rnadsl I* Place ilmm far enough on B A R N A N O 12 L O T S n io-t d ain ty tia iil-n » entirely No E d gin gs market I LAKG H ( t ’ PB O A K n •neh aide "f the market an that ttw It. ii.» n ew iv |.» in ’ed h sM » «nil ignore l,««t Vie la ir ones derid e. notorlst may alo » down and «top 1 K IT C H E N C A B IN E T ¿ei < ret T i n t «.v *M,,*,*r V*r (here the fruita, vegetable* ami cg.» l A I H E t.qulars e«ll ,1 W M organ, phone are for sale. Nick lists, J ro w u s v ills 311, bet tvs»o Aug 1 and Aug, 10, >• ••• ► I* I'r lil» , I M ll« i A M I.M I * r c n u ti f t Lib*» E. C. Meade, H • íYlhro, A Modern Barber Shop Good Slab wood $4*«j.) a cord Clark’s Confectionery *«,