D A IN T Y » W T E K i n T SIUPONS, U T IL IT Y C O A TS FROM \T.RY women a T wm»rg N eh LI* :be ¿Veers t4WAr/>eW, .‘ .e ® * nxowde M htfteQ r to ' a c t o Ron;w-»r îmg M if,« cad * bkx ^ . * „ m s fis , * * 'r> rssffis |K ¿ P A R IS § F T O * Kitchen £ Cabinet .->n* bxr m m - ¡ it ng sk irts and * xxm > flirt nt« » otite ’ Lesson ’ TOW A tir ON PL A IN S T R A IG H T LIN ES •aiiorrj cloth or allk »ult. One notes I, ' harming ensem bles as a black foat and skirt wlih a vivid orange-col- ■ >It w aistco at A powder-blue lit enhanced with a knitted sll|,over worn under th e coat, pr, „ nn interesting phase esperlnl- f when the slipover or Jum per is dc- -1 H i W F O S KRY TOuR 9 k 'b Ju st a plain si-pie pie is bsrfl tvx boa: for ¿cltchwiawcns and if xs-cxxcfl wft> a Mt of wAipr*.' c re a m ssirv'ts* w ith g ra te r « ;« a HMc 4 erjf rtx Ap I*!* pie » U t* « a W'Wtt44k*d »'» » and c* ton*Mi iHa? X sv»r- U need ruX r* F»« «b* V kvrtkM mcnihuiist, yet any pie of fnatt is ** 1, OtMfceafttea C\«er dAh» Ma < (Ah. I wot ally g,sx, with * «gs-smfal of Ice .* « n . cream Try II on blaeberry. It 1» Ì Pavd*» PíVMpxwa» i <«. ,«6.' ■ su ’wclatbwly good. «» U»k,«g Ae x F" Ttbt» » i o tA tom iri R ib« »xRoee» Af Toasate CaaMaila— P rep are *iv jxe, r t s V. . M ¿-»n, If fWkJ Af their Aftdeavor. «w4 ear th e ocrs by cutting off the stem ««fl: re s? * s • xi-s - Mece a í the heitexw it * v*t tntA ä M m ote I he need* and th e w hite fiber b'tsxsr » h i tex-rure a re rbe tw e Af a H a a w a they w a t o making in theft IVel four to m ato es cat tato b a b a s aafl cr -ei fxo r < by wt.-rb the hom e V". - m»- 4# Af rwA a t 4 to n a < X X > a f evpedAr.vs TTH 1» « patrero C a t squeere out the secxts; ch<»j> one oaten m aker bev sc.-ces» Color »txd a 'I a í F ä a 4 iwimSvwarve te a ’ì ave» awA xV*wwtr*A» fine, put In a small d o th , tie and waah •g-ar'lhtg clesreew a-v jm iW îW 2. Ksnaaha* lVcenv>"wactAe ^x wringing out dry. CM th e tom atoes tact. They A' not however, «vmvtt »Ax-ATOl tjVAA» b»t 4 a AA( »ÇnAA»> ft It tw ATOPAA. bAÍl tbA 4 t o » p a 4 Ft «*» te ta k e with there >Ahw Into cube«, add the oatoa ahd sea»-« to r so rroeh to the evpert JeTty I ng, fin the i>e|vpers and s.ki Pronely r »key's way of ihtr.k.ng as the As- ftnift pAm*aX «r« Hi wftb b a it ft» Ma ih "'he > .mag vela »‘ a w Af thee« fAT AtCM At ÎAA ow^n w a» wwxs>e and nephew-, dressing Ibist tb e tep with ch o p p e I .-tons fresh fru it ftavoc hy which WtAAWnn» At 1»*.* »» bA « paraiey and aorx'«» o«e can fell caxapbevry from esirrabt «ftitotrt*« »M 4 t o FA Af? A, •'»Us'» (XpysM. ; ’ a w (X Fish Pudding.- F ree the fish fitxxn. Vxiy with the eye« sh et. awd as the ÍA7V TTit5 MA s V»W4 AVtTOd A* * IkA H e wv.% • v, r M»ck hese» *e b< f»îrlx rtxX» i* pAcftn «M skin and boaes and flake with a fork tei «Yiivenng tevmwe that «be verx ly r» T H a t fp ft»vAT. Hrt e f M» vtA»Act s'*« a w th« fAeree» V nr there should ho enough re fill a q u art word “>rtly* calls be mfisd. nex < X.-;t t í j « t ’K iTx flrM n XAily •*<*» dish lightly pressed down, Make a Ru es for Us -g Rereiea fwcTArjr ^naítty ♦ T hett SeparwttAA p v i soft cu stard n ith a pint of milk an.' The 1'r.tted S ’ates l \ x • •• -.-o f of Their oententfAn wa* wha»v th at r.x cn p M At fF'*t bnv* a «* the yolks of six eggs: while warm stir they »e|MiTOte«t It 1« fmpAwMhie te ah In one-fourth' cupful of b utter, sa lt A griculture g-.oos the foi ow : c mhex t'1 w ^»»riATO At » er.pFM At rn r» r iw-pper and a tablespoonful of w.wves for mak'.Rg *eiiy ftxxm rss-.boi-rieik. T a a w p a > wnc*t fb p-'ApArifAA tv» »»Mtitely «taecnMne whb-h Af ihewe tren b .a c k b o m « ctsffariA and oiheefbutt* ¡tAT-iín n>»r p rrx v rt .Wi? ft*Am r VR- w a» n t h t It I» gotte »'tear th at heth lershlre ssux-e nr anchovy p aste soft That Jehn bast do « iWC* w»Afc* tí *:r«py, tA> lìltì» were *■ m e re enetl with a little hot w ater, ami l e t to insure gxvod flavor ah.l rex tr e e I se. If possihlek a h alf a ad half m x *nc«r tA P M I» n KM FA*. II tu tAnh,b a re n « a i m e i ng bach. nfttls of lemon Juice. l\xur Hb IA o M bAP dtwtmted l'h a i swte ffcthtte in a >enng Into a baking dish a fte r mixing we.l Cure of underripe and n e e ffwlt. The 'Ally Af PA« »1 * '•n n'.l Aftpstemn him I « t H a f P l i H 1« AM YX with the fish and bake in a slow oven underripe gives the beet te x ia re and P t * hAW tP M V T. t» a w teng (iMketnatAn. tt max he that Any cooked fish can be ti-wd for th is the rijxe the beat flax-.-r. Th -xrfore. pxf'A tfc* tappar medtmm t» ix a ( nearw«1*« e f te ln th ' *' p w«i-ped V * dish, hut a sleamexl o r boded fish Is such a com bination is I,teal If ox-ec ripe fn itt must be uwe< adding -e tnstement Af U acnahaa t^n the other especially good. Fut F»« U etfyt h*nt, t.iia xerj fa»d m at h a te g ite» Creamed Egos With Onion.—Fry tnNespmm lemon Jnloe to each cup of F\xr N* ng 4t'w-n t«i»v »ml *i¿bl 'to Mach'» a r re b,- . two sliced onions In b u tter, but do not fruit J«ii,-e Just before It la combined ewe a large, flat tsxtiomed pan, ao that ter kjnal;fled him te Judge Af h,« At* brown, s t i r In one cupful of milk or with the sugar Imprx'x oa fax or. tex exaixonati.« wilt l-e rapid, and a-tr an Then again. It 1« te cream and two tahlcspoonfuls of flour titre, and d e a rn e ss, partlcularty of til the sxtc ar la dtwwxlv»! Then boll new» than Van! he pre»n»"ed that Paul n hent tb 'd rubbed to a paste with a little of the blackberry Jelly. < i io!', the m x am -shoets w«< thm »tm g Ant txt he ihe blaster, had VV.xsh the fru it thoo-ngMy hut do cream. Season with salt, pepper, a bit fVxsw the apoon Kemoxe ftxxm the of nutmeg, and when thick add eight not let It soak, and be careful n d to fire al «xnce and pewr lulo low glasse« a s ieater u n d en tan d tn g Af th e m atter Pex sb « it m at he that thl« at mm hard-cooked eggs sliced. H eat Ihop break the tender skin. whteh ha «e been n a she,! «nd boiled no'« of t'aid xx »« the terx thing that oughly and serve a t once. Prepare Small Q uantity. ftw tw enty minute» twvxiiiM Ma»< to hl» »en«ea K rt^m ni Mexican Eggs.—Split three green Make Jelly from six to e ht pounds Fill the glasses carefully a ml «h» ers over the ham and put a poached to destroy the fresh ffult flavor and uniti Ihe loll« Is Ann If ihe leltx baa i.'h'k Mack and nat'«*d to t'x p rn * egg on each slice. brilliant color, Crush aome of the does not set flnnlx Ihe first da« do noi and Paul xdte«e Httaw, and hetng reNww Good Things to Eat. fru it to atari the flow of .lube and be dlacoumgxxt eoxer It well and mende»! by the tu eth m o unte the gtrwen The early apples a re In llte m arket, boll It rapidly, allrrlng all the time, put It In th e sun for from three to of tied, went thrxmgh Hxrta amt (T ibia delirious. Juicy and healthful. For a for th ree to ten mintitea. depending fixe day a .lolly th at ''sms' slowly Is cxtnnrmlng the % hurt be« th e fhet dinner d i s h t o s e r v e on the condition of the fruit, Juice 1 sometime* the heal In tex tu re th at t'anl went forth with the rexnwn with steak try th e first for Jelly m aking ra n be e x tra ,,e d A fter the lellx has set hot not un tneodatton of the brethren max be a green apples front the from all berries and many other til then x-over each glass with pamfltn xlnslbatbm of the Hghttt«»» of hl« Duchess tree. Cut them fru its w ithout adding w ater, and hot hut not smoking B otate the glass aetlxwt li 1« A'm hwtlng to knew that a fte r w ashing Into thin when done hy thia method has richer while the parafilo h á rte o s sxx thaï It the fruttile« ef men «annoi thw art slleea, leaving the peeling flavor. B lackberries are an excep forms a high rtm Adjust Ihe Hu unremoved. Add a few tlon and seem to yield b elter and lot's of the glasses l a bel with kind tb* puns««*« of that nee c ten «tetar tb«wu One ef the meat «erto»«» dltn slices of onion and place more delicately flavored telly If one and dale, amt s h irt In a cxwxl, dry oultiea In ('hrtwtian week at ho»»»« and In a frying pan with a q u arter Io one half cupful of w ater placet abrx*ad, I» to get I'brtwllan« <«» wxwh little sugar, salt an I harm«»nbm»lx t,»gether pepper to give additional flavor. It. Flo «Png Tlnxethv (eh lit 1 At Before the D uchess apple Is ripe Is L A R D C A N IS U S E F U L R IG H T W A Y TO C A N 1 The P I h t o (tr 11 the tim e to can a few for w inter use. Vhla waa at Ihe t e r t plan* whe«a FO R H O L D IN G F L O U R The flavor Is much m ore delicious for j A L L S U M M E R BERR IES Paul ,»n hi» tirai leu in ej had endured sauce or pie. Canned w ithout sugar, cruel atoning Vhe «*en*er«l«Mt of thia the fru it may he rehented with sugar and a bit of b u tler added and yon have ; Kitchen Convenience In Idea W ater-Rath Method Good young man may he ie«a»d«>d a» tb« fruitage «»f b it te«tlmony at that time, a dish of apple sauce which tastes like of a V irginia Woman. for Various Fruits. 2 111» P arentage, t» 11 the frealt apple. 111« mot bet w a» a bello» Ing .teneaa, Roll Jelly C ake.—T h is Is s cake, ' P r s p a r s » k x » » • t e lla S S ia la # t x , , . a ,1 m a n i »» V m M *4 and bla fath er « Or»'oh Tbe mother*« of t letali u t « ) *»f Altlcfiltkt» » when well made, everybody nsks for Vlm 1 fl>, Oonvenlenroa neeil nel resi m inh F u 'e p t tb»( reqtllr* « nam e n«» P u n b e (It again. T ake th ree eggs, best very ' 1*1motb( a nn feign od fahb bad |»na«m«| Ingenutty In mnking good use of nr «n»M’lpr »Imp th»n olhrr». prn«'(l«'»Ht light, add one cupful of sugar, a pinch hrrrlo« m »t bi» runniM fr«»m bla grandm other I nla tbr«»ugb of aalt and two tRhleaponiifuls of bak , llile s wlilch have appnrvnlly servisi nil the Pun I t o to him Thl« Inehnb»« Ing powder alfted with one cupful of thelr purpose often resulls In lionse In lb* »»m* wn.x brrrlc« I ,i III» t'harw rtef (* 21 flour. ItHke In a dripping pan In a holfl Im provam enls for little or no blackbrrrlw». bluabrrtlr«, Ho bad a g«»od reputa Ilo»» In Ih* m oderate oven. G rease th e pan and esali outlay. An exeellcnl lllustrstlon bucklrbcrrlr«. h'Knhbrrtb'«, blackbrr ’ ebur» b al I »»tra and tconlum Tbla ! of thl» la shnwn In thè sbovi- pletore rl« k nn«l raapbrrrli*« Tbw n « tp r b«lb when the cake la done turn out on a ahnna that Ilio »oimg man fr«»m tba towel wrung out of cold w ater. If the - of n floiir blu made »ut of nn old Iwnt m dbm l la a»ll«i«ctnrir for «11 (b««r ro rr tir»! bad Pdlon od In I bo fo«»t edges are crisp trim them before roll ) ran. Beenuse of Ita tight fittlng Iti! fruit« Th« I ’lillrit Ntnt«« l*rp«rttu»nt ami Ita generiti alui|>e. thè eim una <»f Afc-rlcnlturo *lt«a th«* folio» In« «vn ; «tepe of bla aplrllual father «• a wit Ing. noaa for ftirlat | Just thè tlilng for atorlng II olir e-|>e «ml di reel Iona for canning 4 tim othy ( ’Ircum drcd (r i l rlnllv iifter It lisi! Iieen monnteil un f ’a«» only d«nn, frr«b «o«n<1 fruit« ^ i(L rbougti Timothy had boon carofutly t ’nn theni «■ «oon «■ po««|bl«* «ft»« Inatfttrted In lb« W«»rd of Ood I»» bla ptckln«* within tu n hour« 1« iln«lr«l»h mother am, gianduiotti«'» tb«» Moaal«* M ark W here German W«ab tb«* borrb’« thoroughly nnd pitots rite «»f clrrumelahm bad m»t b«**n com them In clntn |«r« or enn« ••‘III tin ptlo«1 w ith tioiihtl«'»« till» w a» bo Invasion Was Halted cuntnlnnr« up with b«»l,lng hot medium • a,t»o Id« fath er na» a U«'nlllo lu Two hundred and forty granite •Im p, mntle by bringing to the boll order to «»old o(T»»n«o among the .l«'ni^ landm arks stretching from the Hulas Ing point one p g r t of aug«r «ml two Paul « Irciinu l««'d I'lmotbi I bl» m ar frontier to the sea const of Belgium part« of wnter or fnitt Juice In tin «««'tu altango In the light of the do Indicate tbe limit of the Oermuii ad­ r««e nf gotiaobrrrlea tian n thick «Imp c|»|on of the .toruaatem t'oum ll n b b h vance In th e World wnr. conalating of «qu«l part« of «ugnr «ml •ot thorn free from tbla rite but It Seven of these are In th e Yprea wafer nr fm ll Juice »how«»d Ida wllltngu«'«» to conform to salient, and Ihe Yprea league, at Ilia l*ut tb« rubber« and tnpa on gl««» an r r<'na<»uablo dem and for the aak* Invitation o f the Belgian government, Jara nnd «dluat tbe aprlnga h « lfunt of oipodton«*«» How«'»ot when tbla provided the stones. T hey are four or place «crew tnpa mi looaety. It act luvoh a«| prim I pio bo waa uurhdd feet high, and each Is surm ounted by tin r«n« a re uaed, anal them com Ing, na In the caao nf TltW«. when be 8 carved representation of the "tin i ptetely. Het the Jara or can« i»n n rofuaod to tiare Hila done at tito tío hat.” On each Is Inscribed In Kngllsh, I rack nr fnlae bottom In tb« c«nuer I heat of .ludalatlc tea«dior«, (Hat '11. French and Flemish the p h rase; "H ere S They abmibl be entirely lmmer«ed (I t'lui 4 ,11 m arks on sites which became famous depth may be owed If ««quipped with T hor Wont through Hto c|t|*a and de during the fighting In Flanders. Each « rack ttiat permit« the w ater to clr 1 IhflO’d the d«u rroa which bat, hr« n is an Iron pvart bearing the name by J d ila te under the Jara The preaaore ordained a, the l«ru«a,om c«mn» I, which th e [dace was known to the runner at 212 degree« Pabrenbelt m at | (A rt« in IP 24» Tlda r»»au,ted In tb« tias>[« engaged, florae of the names ala«« I«o na«««, for borri«*« oatabllahmont of ••»<• < but« tie« In the which have beesnne Immortal, like ! Juat the Thing for Storing Flour. Pro«*«« quart Jara of b«»rrl«*a fn faith, and tb«» »tally (ncreaae In tb«« "Sanctuary Wood" and "K itchener in old crate to rnlae It a little. As 2G minute«, pint Jara for Ifl minute« num ber bo,lever» Wx>d.* ha»e a curt u« origin. The the Virginia woman who thought of and No, 2 and No H tin «ana for •*• latter has ao coeaection with the name aslng It In this wsy was doing rrver minute«, counting tim e aa a«»on aa the To Loew Gn«l o f tbe er s tn a s ia tte * of its real name. B os i kitchen Improvement contest, she lad, a c t,re ,y Then rem ore tbe Jifa to long to kttow th at whb h really I» de CnisiBler ta in te d the c»n white, and also th« from the canner, a«»al air tight a, ogee, The form er owe« Ra stran g e title to •rate, and added casters so that the Invert, and place o»it of draft« f'oo, The Hptrtl. the fact th a t when. In Octotoet. 1&14. mpr»vised floor bin coold t.e moved tin cana Immedfgtety by plunging P e ra o n e lity General Bulfla had collected there a about easily. She built a kitchen cabi­ them In cold water. aam her of small parries and strag ­ net herself. c»ut of lumber found Per»*>nalltr ba» been we„ def1u«d •« All Jara and can« abrodd be ao glers. be issued SO order th at they around the place and planned It so marked that each lot can be Identified M» ap»»c,tr f‘»r foltowablp ° <’ a An •w ere in sar.cruary and not to he e »- th at there was s place under one side Keep di*m at room temj«erafore fur at der«M»n Kent, ployed, except by fils In s tru c to rs “ of It w here the flour Mn could t.e kept lenat a week frtacard any »bowing The soldiers « m e to th e aa'irrsl "xl ab b «Issa us lb s rburclisA" t.« n i of Agri' .Iturs- hill