f n RURAL ENTERPRISE s OUR OWN stands for luxury as agninat bare «*■ ceaaity. Tbos tf may become tea merely By DOUGLAS MALLOCH dreg» but leaven: conspicuous or bid­ den M may bec'cne a margin of n r t nets for the m diriduai evea w hile in E A R E ao careful of our speech another form It drives factory execu­ W hen strangers listen, lest we tive* to sat. j : «rictus and baldnena. It say • urntely, we would find that roost of i VIALS OF HATE is like the pleasure* uf wl.enraa The | the to rm w t and upheaval* whlcb Some word unkind. O a r Ups we American baa never adm itted tbose leach gnaw away our peace and happlnesa. • * • • Les» m ■ j . r ig- ■ «» ip » >'*») •$ •« «■>■/ pleasures; pvwalhy that la a by be baa a V . i ” .e many poisonous ’ ’ ngs !« re directly traceable to thia common , T o guard themselves by night and Annua! Induxtry 1 . c . r v lire pr- ne to n compensation earned ’ be ( ¡ c i * of I M i l i i s * F ' m < v e n tila tio n fo r Instance. day. scourge. waster. To bita. Robert Lauds Steven­ ! » n m . tout us. and uncork w ith more Is accused o f a iosa n ,n ti Dg in to m .l ured at $30,000,000,000 In all grade« of aoclety, among all For 1*ur aome careless, thoughtless frequency, are the dim inutive son. w h e n be extols idleness, has (''h things as they are can only lower :h - is tndlisted by auch things as the view o f life which la to be ersred mind» nnd bleeding hearts. O r stranger heuring may not heed. burn up though they needn’t, and a A m eriraa living standard. present warning« and the earlier call n>-i*-i In tbe p h ra s e quoted above. A fte r all ihe human emotions have ■ But when your word cuts some one banker's eatlm atr o f the ao*-t»l dead Life to D avid Hum e waa a aober All Ibis pertains to tbe social aide ‘ fo r tbe e p a e rv a tio n o f resource«. (•een mustered to the front, carefully uear loan In the earnings o f the gainfully of waste. It la waate in mass pro thd.g—a ttb -g to be taken with seri Prodlgaoty of hiatura. velghed and Inspected. It w ill be F o r endleas day« some heart may employed «m- » and regarded a» a stepping duclioa Looked at in terms of mao Suture heraelf haa not seemed to found that hate Is the most treach- bleed— If one railed on other expert«. the p o w e r, tor taatan'-e It la the aort of care. »0 f« r She doe» not create the Mone to some future existence where emus, the most persistent, dangerous , How many know the to rtu re of billions. quite likely, would go M l roll thing which make« the cotnmun.ty »(■ring blonnoroa on a plan of e ffic i­ o n e « «Tatu» w o u ld he determined by and destructive. j h e kn ife th a t «tabs. In bands they ing up Indefinitely. till America »l>eiid » I / » » breaking in a new hand kl» i. t durt here. “Greut pleasures” If we suspect that we have a vial of ' love, turned out to he owing Itself money <>n various Join while his earning» m ency. and aa fo r economy of mean«, were «• sr<-e in bis life and not nearly hate hidden In the pockets of our There are aome who figure the low the aame period are leaa than that consider the million eggs laid to bring so frequent as " g r e a t paina.’’ in fact. ' lipurt». or beneath our tongues, let us Love gives no license, friendship right. forth a arngle fl»h. T here is no need power In smoke tbai goes up chim­ auin. I, , „ f e to say that great pleasures j tt. „ hou, an,,ther „...m eiit’» de- T " hur> b,’c" U8e ‘ ,ieT loTe us «»• to g« ao fa r afield: April 15. aay. neys. and aome the cost of aendlnr - : r . . w c askance hy m. n of the „ gnJ fl „ . Hu, Kreatpr duty> BorP d e lig h t le Jay W alking T b r lf t f brings two files, and hy Scptemfrer »J a I I - , lin n o an- L z . a»c.» u I rixwzv ' > ___________a _ _______ empty freight ra m bark and forth an < who retained we may preserve our good name, the | T o guard from wounds the ones we Beside« there are varioua way« of nature ha» expended on the m atter in «• ...i of Ibtvid Hume other» who make long ealetilatlon» -th a t pleasure tbe idea of th e P u rita n i know— Leisure baa been hand energy sufficient to m ultiply tranq u ility o f our home and our coun- baaed on Or. Charles W. E lio t’« dis­ estimating wasie. WB, - r ventl n of the D e v il and m ust Rnd (be M |v a t|o D o f o u r Kind not to travelers alone. covery that school children «|>end • I defined as tbe non-productive rooaumie those two flies to akr..!<3JN*i/*AIUUd— be Indulged seldom. ' But In our house, and to our own. tlon of time. Is waiting for tbe t r a f ­ enough to reach from ear*h to »an, 3 ) year« going through books which they I® by M cClure N ew sp a p er S y n d ic a te .) H ; r Is t»est known a» a historian br aiecinr» ttvwaaaaar Srnatcatai fic signal, advising pedestrians they abreast, if the greater |>art had not could read In 48 hour« and philosopher. H is tvest known may cruan the avenue, leisure! O r 1« been sacrificed, anliorn. to waate. How Big la Thia Sum? Ing the i| Il w aste! Is I he ja y w alker a bene Besides, waste 1« largely relative, as works are an “ Inquiry Concerning The $42, * * l , ply neven thousand billbai dollar» a year at at I at lest method: thu« translated >» »■« r * - r H««* the atatlstlcal method to the {ledetnnan , 7 r 7 b n - T i m T k ^ b e r e x t e r n - « ' » - the row of digits and cipher« stand» r e i,f life. Fifteen Fifteen yea y e a r, have tieeu published the first part ol his “ His- and one Ciuls It cos la Rew Vork ■ l « t i of life. vealed aa ten times the United State« lory of England ’’ hut It was not until (ytgy.iaai a year to w all at the curbstone added to the average life, and the pres­ budget, or twice the national detd, or 1781 thai he completed It. His "Inquiry for the "go” whistle. Thia la simple ent aim 1« ten more by 1930. But almost one and a h alf time» the in tbe Principles o f M orals” wus arithm etic. T ak e New York’s adult meanwhile the waate goes on by the dehtedne»« In all Am erica’« federal, males, and a tenth o f the adult fe than— —1 billion, estim ating only the I w ritten and published In the year 7752 s t a le and municipal obligation» All The publication o f the "H is to ry of males. Each loses, aay 12 mlnu'ea a capital needed to produce the a»er- the factories In the country turn out England" brought considerable fam e to day waiting for the chance to get agP w orker’s Income during tbe years goods worth only h a lf as much again Its author and he was well rewarded a year. Thia purtlal waate hill repre­ a< ruas streets. Reduce this tv aggie lie might have lived had Ihe span financially for hl« work. In addition gate working hours, charge up the lost Peen longer T he Individual, however, sent» an eighth of the country'» en to the royalties he received from the time at the same rate that colds In the is apt t» U til* thought to all tire w ealth— land, good» In Mock, ma head are charged, and the result 1» thewe billions. Even If he did. he publication of live book, he received a rhlnery, everything. W e throw away pension from the govern men! because KfSOjOUU a day. I I 12 minutes too might « a y : “ W ell, better a abort life In merely these five Items h alf ns much high, or do not nil the males try to and waste the odd years I f I can Uve of the reputation It made for him. wealth as we had altogether a qtiar Hume was born A p ril 28. 171L reck­ cross the s tre e t! Add In, then, the the aort o f life I like." 1er of n century ago; tliey m o a l the aggregate national wenlth of Italy, the '‘ « » In , for aubway tra in , and For tlie moat pert, of course, he oning the years by the old njyle calen­ dar then In vogue. In 1741 he became rltja Netberlanda. Kwl.serlaud and Peru ’ “ iH tTaper r a p e r elevators; e le v a to r.; the t o u t re- can’t, lik e the rest of the world. He sei retary to General St. C la ir and tra v ­ mains safe. is as wasteful o f life as o f m aterial. The dabbler In Indolent wastefulness eled w ith him to the courts of Vienna Masse«] figure« make long colun.n». Rut once be ha« got past w riting hangs his head at atleti a showing One but the in»ldlou»nrsa of w a d e Ilea in “ W illfu l waste makes woeful w an’ " and T u rin on behalf o f the British gov­ man. he sighs, ran do so little. Or ■ he little things. There also Ilea Ha In his copy hook. lie can show bis true ernment. In this capacity he procured po.slhly he questions the fuel» There appeal, which Is like a charm T h a ' feeling hv giving glamorous names to much valuable m aterial which was seems to he llllle hojie for him there Inter used in w riting his history. He la what makes crusading against the spendthrift and piling up hard however T ake them up. Item hy Item : died In Edinburgh, Scotland, tlie year waste such an uphill job. I t belongs words for the other aort— such m akin Industrial «nates cause an annual that tlte Am erican Declaration of In ­ Ions of g3f n)lnd takeB , he p|ace of t h„ vention the other day that a survey of "1 A» for the re»L they w ill »pend th e ir' (.u|( (|f |n,|o|pnce to he found in oldet alx Industrie« showed an average money to tie told bow to spend more P„ un, r|P, _ N Pw York Time«. waste of Mt |>er cent In raw m aterials money, but won't be able to Bee a 40 ___ ______________ and man |mwer foot billboard giving them the contrary _ — . t'olil« In the head cost the country advice. Burn Equipment in F l o w e r in The c ra n n ie d w a ll f l .’■«»1.000.000 a year In loaf working yo u o u t o f th e c ra n n ie s , I'erbapa Ihe explaniillon of the»- School U»ed by Leper» I 1 plu<*k lime. That la the estimate of Dr. b o ld y o u h e re , r o o t a n d a ll In m y w Y o r k — Teacher» and pupils of hand. lleiinian Douglas of New York, given readily observed phenomena Ilea In Copyright O V iE R L i t t l e f lo w e r — b u t I f 1 c o u ld u n d e rs ta n d That Ihe waster measure» hl- Avon avpnUP public school In New before the annual convention of the lids W h a t y o u a re . ro o t a n d a ll. a n d a l l lu c| uaternd around the fiery opening l.aryngolngtcal, llhinologtcal nnd Oto- wealth not hy what he keep» but whu' ; a il, nineapple. F ry by spoonfuls In deep ful of whipped cream. Then add fine­ loglcal smiety nt A tlantic (Tty. lie lie wastes. Was Aduni uware of bia o f a furnace In the basement. 1 s h o u ld k n o w w h a t G od a n d m a n Is. ly chopped pineapple and candled fat. richea hvfure he threw away the gur- — T e n n y s o n . All the hooks, papers, pens, pencils figures |t»i t»ii.i»»t polda annually, each cherries; freeze as usual. erasers and manual training equip­ cuuatng art average loaa of three days, deu! Pineapple W ith Cheese. Opan and Secret. ment In the school were consigned to LUSCIOUS PINEAPPLE at an average wage value of |.’> a day Pineapple Cake. Place a slice o f pineapple In the This Is not the same thing as the I tllp flanies. Then there la the avoidable fire loss M ake an angel food baked In a center o f head lettuce, put n bnll of n w ag a pyre kindled by the fears « .ill It H<«l.<»»i<»»i. The National doctrine of conspicuous waste set forth I IN E A P P L E S like other fru its are In the cavity of the pine- sheet. Cut nnd put together In layers. cream ch ht teachers eight teacher» and many parents Hoard of F ire Underw riters estimates by Professor Veblen to account f o r ' of P|a never better thau when served apple slice, sprinkle well w ith French using a filling o f whipped cream that articles brought near to H a le and the total at more than half a lillllon social Institutions. Waste devoted con and eaten fresh. Hut we are glad Io dressing and riced egg yolk. sweetened and flavored w ith shredded and aaya three fourths of It Is un­ «plcuously to gswds may prove to the F rank George, student lepers, might be have a few cans during the season pineapple well drained, added to the world that the wuster Is rich enough J Infected w ith the dread tropical dis tie- eaaary. when they are not In the m arket to cream. Pineapple Dessert. to pay for usefulness hut Ihe com ease T h e bonfire cost the taxpayers help out In the menu-planning. To Curopa for a Drink. Arrange on individual plates a slice ■miner aallsfactlon In waate Is a dc of New ark more than $2,000, as books As a salad there is nothing more de­ Another $ pg|.t».»t,tg»l 1« set iluwn hy ; 1 ¿ ’ .' i t of pineapple for each serving. In the light enjoyed In secret. : are furnished free. licious than crisp hearts of leltnce the A»»<>ctatlun Against the Prohibi­ center o f each slice place a cone of It Is not the glee of the amall boy M eantim e, the George lads, thirteen <(£}. 1>2$. W estern N ew sp a p er U n io n .) w ith the Juicy diced fru it sprinkled tion amendment to the dry law. Am er­ ----------o ---------- smashing things, but o tranquil dlsre and eleven years old. were receiving over It dressed w ith a g->od French Ice cream and sprinkle w ith chopped icana going abroad for vacations spend nuts. gard untunsclous as good digestion. ex|iert treatm ent at the Essex < ounty or mayonnaise dressing. g-jt»tfl»»l.is»l. says the aaaoclatlon. and This'Indulgence 1« not Ihe waste prob- Isolnllo J hospital. Chnulnroogra oil. H E Y O U N G LADY h alf of them go to get a drink Other Frozen Pudding. lorn of industry, all rl.ld le.l with prob the s t ifle for leprosy was being ad Pineapple F rlttere. estimates of the foreign Vacation hill le m , of efficiency and management I ministered regularly and the hoys. In ACROSS T H E WAY M ake a custard of a pint of m ilk, Prepare a fr itte r b utler, using one I ih w run more Ihnn twice aa high, on and morale. It I . aomethlng common « - « ' « id rll.. « « re receiving v l.lt» from cupful o f flour, one h a lf teaspoonful three egg yolks, a cupful of sugar and s the other hand, reasonable Vacation their parents. of baking powder, a pinch of salt, two a pinch of s a lt; strain, add a ten-; expenditure cannot be cal led waste, er. though doubtless w ith a much well-beaten eggs, one-half cupful of spoonful of vanlllH and almond ex­ smaller aggregate cost. Perhaps It so that thia Item roams ontaldo the A portable X ray outfit has been In­ sugar and one-half cupful of m ilk. tract mixed, then fold In the whites of llm lia of conservative statistics. Ilut romea close Io the »lO.IOO.OOO.IMl prob vented which will »how the location Heal well, add one cupful of shredded the eggs beaten until stiff, and a cup- ■ that la of no great moment: such a lent set forth hy the hanker, through of pipe lines and beams Inalile the etijnll amount could eaally lie rrplaced those Individual» who try to buy $3.000 walla uf buildings. by any of several others. If one were worth o f autumobllea and radio» «od Bill for Waste in the Millions OMETHING TO THINK ABOUT $ y F. A. WALKER W IPtiO SAID T S C H O O L D A l]S A P i r tf C T MILLIONAIRE LEAVES $4,000 BONDS TO CAT IN HIS WILL lloston lllltc r resentment years woman to whom h* *» mu»’< «1 • abwed inurrl»**! ny«!n-' tolahr« !• to I * inoflt«’ fo r ft B trftM * « M - "n tw is t* of w I kw H |rF!hg W » M A<«or(llns * • on» n t Wr. Wood’t most Inilrnwift ftw»*»ri$ii*ft. the ftg*d ftftMfv'l*r lw»«aght fo«ir Swn talv ftd o r * M t r$mt tMiiKls Inst pinneil ■ not« ••$ wtftttng »!»• Income w m to be Hard by bl« bo«. w rit« the n il your Last Name Î ••» I Seaton, horn In l7Sf>, In King Wllllatq- | county. Virginia, w as one of the first i American journalists of distinction 'H E Seatons are of Scotch origin. | | p „ c o u s in o f Patrick Henry, J Roscoe, Cal. -Unless It he black John lle n rv . flee y e a r, old and aah ( n() (he |)up It was Henry Seaton who came lin<| thnug'i lie was horn too late to he the biggest .n d heaviest pet . a, of from Scotland In l'tssi anil «cuff'd in participate In the Revolution he ,n B o s t o n I . now living in .«ate at th. | h|oom th# Gloucester county. Virginia, where he allowed him self to he possessed o f the Wood apartm ent. nmrried4Cliznbeth Todd. T here Is little kind of patriotism out of which our Alma Johnston. In Orange Cove, In thia known of hltn hut from the meager Revolutionary heroes were made. vicinity. T he bush produced several records we can see that he possessed blossoms last year o f indifferent »hade For many years he lived In Wash I China and Japan the «olid characteristic« of th rift, fore­ Ington. from MHO to 1850, He was • Exchange Boy Scouts and color. sight nnd godliness that usually dis­ fountler of the U nitarian chnrch in ' Tokyo. F ifty boy scouts from Ja­ tinguished hl« countrymen. Washington, and when lie was seven Gets Aged Lock pan w ill go to China thia summer to ty nine year« of age he acted ns a I Although the Scotch were not ao Piqua. Ohio.— A hanihuade lock, pass several weeks In ramps there. private In defense of Washington numerous In the South as In some of At the same tim e two dozen Chinese more than 113 Jears old. has been the M idd le state«. Henry found fellow when It was attacked hy the Southern hoy scout« w ill com« to Japau for a presented to the Kchmlillapp Lib rary , «xMintrymen among his neighbors and force». museum by F. E. Campbell, furniture visit I The meaning of the name casts an . established a Hue of Seatons that may . « I — IX « .« . ' The plan of exchanging hoy a e o tila | merchant. John Riddl« had the ha-k , T w r " it 8 » ’ h* MP,y hl” or> w ith various countries has aroused placed upon a log cabin he built neur l>e regarded a» one of th« t>cst of I of the family. It 1« said that In Scot Scotch Aouthem fam ilies. conaldernble enthusiasm among the Iters m government land io 1812. I l*n«t the flnm * w»« ffir*n tn mo« O re « f hl» many descendant» was . . . E n " th*" who scout leader» here. ~ 1 ’ ,nwn or • by , h. was stated th a t the boy scout In Norway. Sweden and Finland, Angustia«, who e a r n e d M ary W in * „rganlastlon of Hungary h«a begun !.► 1 women are frequently And their son, W illia m Winston i • C »r n c ;» r , n «„. p > e ¡gotlstlons with lbs Japanese or»«nl«* wiUvr», sud do their work e x c elle n ti/. treas- 1 and that he told her to take care of *'«1'’ the boltda anil tha cat a fte r hl» j y r e d IB his In a rt for more Ilian t o r t j tlon with the view of exchanging visits T he Hungarian scout officlsls pn>|H>se to send fifty boy scouts to Japan next year If a return visit of Japane«« scouts chu b« arranged for the follow­ ing year. IS IT SEATON? Blue Roses Bloom - t li e ,h * y o u iig i la o d u y j l « i x v i io o .v « o « I lite llg - w w a a s ,« y a s ra ay aj — s Income lax Isn’t bringing In as much h i It was and she supitoses the governstent won’t have much money on hand nntll the next bond Issue Is paid off and It gets «he setiini caslx i £ bx U c C la r. N i w i . i i a r » ra d ic a l« .)