AUG: S, ( A u RURAL News Notes From / All » I I Ovpr \-/V e f v J re g O n l cvBuaUuma (189, Mg E N T E R P R IS E PAGE S loaned ,roouu ffar «»««««G uV R:v. 6. C. PIO7E0 1 »ral* and a bridge from Marshfield tc LO W FARES TO MRS. JOHANNA GREGG PORTLAND Eastside. , . ... | „ , The fl,h «HnmiMlon’» hatcheries ol G le an e d by t h e v\ e s te r r . | Ttuamook county probably win be ex panded, according to R E Clanton N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r recently appointed director of hatcher B u sy P e e p lo iea of the state commission, who was Cottage drove la to have free mall delivery after October 1. Miss Vera Bruner. 16, of Woodburn, was drowned while bathing at Ocean Park. Wash. Building permits issued In Baker call for new construction valued at close to *300,000. AND RETURN S a /r , dependable a f consentent honri F M. Gilliam of Fossil is six months older than the Idaho woman who re cently was acclaimed as the oldest tlvlng native Oregonian. He was born March 7, 1647, at the old Mission farm below Salem. court in Portland by Mrs. Margaret B. W right against County Clerk Jo soph Beveridge, alleging that the ex tra *5 filing fee required in divorce cases is "class legislation. Indirect 'axatlon and unconstitutional.” ' W illiam H. Miller, twice elected mayor of Gold H ill, and the moat widely discussed mayor In the state over the Gold H ill speed cop questloh has tendered his resignation and will remove to Salem. Anticipating the Increase In Interest in boys’ and glrla' club work In Ore gon. the state fair board Is witnessing the completion on the fair grounds in Salem of a large and modern building which' will be devoted exclusively te Salem officials are in a quandary as the housing of the grownups of the to how to provide food and necessl state who coma to the fair each sea ties for persons sentenced to terms In son accompanying the exhibits which the city jail. The appropriation is ex have brought them recognition at haustsd and the city has no legal au county or local fairs. thorlty to Issue warrants. Expresstoa of Oregon sentiment oh E. L. Elliott, who was named dla a tax reduction program at the next trict attorney of Klamath county, was session of congress will be sought by Indicted on a charge of malfeasance Portland business men who have for In office while prohibition commit mulated a resolution at a conference »loner last year in a secret Indictment here, to be submitted to representa­ tive taxpayers of the state for approv returned by the grand Jury. Rhea Lupor, state engineer, hat a t - The resolution urges the ellmlna toln of the Inheritance tax from the signed a contract entered into be tween the state and the United State» federal tax laws, leavlog this source gologlcal survey for completion of the of revenue to the various states, and surtax rate. topographic survey of the Bend quad reduction of r ’ the i , The appointment of a state com rangle. The expense will be *5000. State agents in various counties are mission of Americanization, following a meeting of the stale board of edu reporting many abandoned stills, sc cording to W illiam 8. Levena. state cation, included L. R. Wheeler, Port land: B F. Irvine, Portland: John L. prohibition commissioner, who be lieves that the penitentiary sentence» Rand. Ralem; H. H. Herdman. Port­ This have done much to discourage the land; J. A Buchanan. Astoria. commission was created by an act of small still owners. the last legislature and la to have the The state highway commission an direction of the work of Americanize Bounces that construction work on ths tlon In the schools of the state Pacific highway Just north of Oak through a state director, to be ap land, Douglas county, makes it neces pointed by the commission. •*fy that the highway be closed tc Governor Pierce has called a sea traffic from 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p m »ion of the state text book 'oneinls for about three weeks sion to consider the matter of letting F A. Rasch. for the past 12 year* contracts for books The governor employed as examiner by the Oregon vetoed a bill passed by the 19*1 legls public service commission, has re latnre empowering the state board of •Igned to accept a position as seniot education to enter Into contract» with examiner for the Interstate commerce publishers at the beet possible prices, commission He will make his head which were te be no higher than the Quarters In Washington. prices In any other state. Publisher» W illiam H. Paisley. 80. an old proa- have refused to renew contracts at PS'-tor who has spent many years In the old figure«, and the governor various parts of Oregon seeking min wants new contracts let hy compeil- •ral property, was accidentally killed tive b'ls »• Glendale, when he was struck by the locomotive of the second section J. E. Burbank and wife have of a southbound Southern Pael'lc "one on an unannounced itiner train. The city of Marshfield gave abcut '100 majority for both measures on the good roads bond Issue, the state tweh ty p a | for th ^ highway ’ Âs'H P A ID for falte teeth, der- C Ta Teeth Expose an Claim Valuation Insurance Fraud Too Altitudinous Ran Francisco. — Henry Schwartz, vice president and general manager of the Pacific Cellulose dompany. who was supposed to have met death In his own laboratory at Walnpt Creek last week by an explosion is being sought by Sheriff R. R. Veale, of Contra Costa county. A. J. Nielson, a dental expert, who had worked on Schwartz’s teeth, de­ clared after a minute examination of the charred body found In Schwartz’ laboratory that "this dead man Is not Schwartz." The teeth vary widely from Schwartz' teeth. Schwartz carried *180,000 in life in surance, Joe Rodriguez, a laborer, has been missing from the W alnut Creek dis­ trict since the explosion. "You ran announce that Schwartz is wanted for murder," the San Fran cisco Examiner quotes District At torney Tinning as saying. "This body is positively not Schwartz. I have asked the sheriff to broadcast a re quest to sheriffs and chiefs of police to find Schwartz." Seattlo, Wash.— The Northern Pa ctflc Railway company has filed with the state tax commlaslon a petition for a *5.969,020 reduction in the valu ation of its property In this state as assessed for purposes of taxation. This demand Is in addition to the 6 per cent reduction of the valuation which was granted the company by J. M Thatcher, ex-supervisor of taxation. Just a few days before he was retired and his official functions taken over by the tax commission May 1. In the petition asking for the further reduction the railway coni pany maintained that for many years there had been Included In its assess ment an Item of *12.291.805 for "good will," which was added to Its physical valuation by the old state railroad commission at a time when ita earn ings represented more than a reason able return on the physical value. It now represents that Its earnings have gradually shrunk until Its stock sells for less than one-half what It sold for at that time. Spray melons and cantaloupes with nicotine dust to protect the vines from melon aphis Chickens need sunlight to prevent rickets. Don't lie stingy- sunlight I» free ^ y ^ ib a n y £ / ) i ree tory M m T h is is goo I advice: ’ ’ l l you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that tow n." Hut in these automobile days many re- siding elsewhere find it advisable to do i t least part of th eir buying in Ihe larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firm» named below ready to fill th eir require nenta w ith courtesy an I fairness. a m i m o n ey a re best w hen busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. A l b a n y hTATt B a n k . Under government supervision ro u n d trip te a io a ticket ron tal» every day. R e tu rn lim it 15 day*. The Winchester Store _____________ ' n j . ,771 . ^ ppond b an d I isnos fro m >ou want a bargain in a piano no» is vour chance. They 're in Al conditio- Davenport Music House, 409 W. F C l a p l e and Fancy Groceries Crockery kery and Gia Glassware Mr». M G. Steller Phone 139, J 206 W. Second at. Auto Supplies J. H. A llison C T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR 142 W est First St. A .J- Second street, opposite Hamilton's store. L IN D A H L , hardware. Dinnerware T in shop in connection W. First St. Albany, Oregon lib C P. Moody Agent "Sudden Service.' W f a l d o Anderson A Son. <1 latrib- » » utors ami dealers for M axw ell, Chai A D»any Floral Co. Cut flower? mers. Eases. Huiiton & lluom obile cars. and p plants. Floral art for every Accessories, o prîtes. 1st Ar Broadalbin ind all occasions. V I C I ROLAS at cut prices. Flower phone 458-1. ’ *110 new machine for R.5 A ll other ast burn Bros.— Two big grocery mcdels cut in same proportion. Woodworth Drug Co. »tores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right V E S P E C IA L T Y SHO PPE prices. * hemstitching atiil stamped goods -. — ------------ 4- Albany. Oregon lite Cafeteria anil confectionery 318 W. Second St. Owner, Irene McDaniel. Home cooking. Pleelant surround­ E F ord sales and serv . i i Tires and accessories Repairs K im k -P u l l a k M o tos Co. If you enjoy a good meal, .«nil know s good meal when you get it. Y o u 'll be tuck, tor yon’II not forget it Our aim is to please vou. PA RA G O N CAFE ALBANY jrtm iller Furniture Co., furni­ F ture, rags, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-43.1 west First street, Albany, Oregon. l I.I.E R G BOCK B Y, a t F Lyon (Successor to Stenberg Broa ) Fruits Produce Groceries Phone 263 R H olman a - jackson Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats Opposite I'ostoffice ub Candy Co,, First street, next H door to Blain Clothing Co. GEO. M G IL C H R IS T FA RM LOANS W rite lor booklet describing our 20- year Rural Gredit Amortized Loan» The loan pays out in 20 payments, re tirin g the principal Cheap rates No delay. B e a u L a n d C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FA RM LOANS at lowest rste of interest Noou lunches. Home made candy and ice Cream. Real E state Prompt service. Insurance Courteous treatment. M P E R IA L C A FE . 209 ’V. l i n t W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank Harold G. Murphy Prop. btiilning. Allrany Phone 664 tt’ Z NXVBB Cl.OSK Amor A. Tussing M A G N E T O ELE C TR IC CO. Couiervstiee wprk guAagteed prices Al 119)21 W. Second LAWYER AND NOTARY 'H a IF Ì ÇR41ÿ * l'boue 226 U. S. tal gold, platinum aed discarded i ’ l official Strömberg larb ureto r aere jiw elry. $3.90 roundtrip w t tb tn d ticketiBtart Fri.,Sat. or Sun . R. turn lim it Tuesday following. P r o p o r tio n a te ^ lo w fares to o th e r pointa . Plans are now under way for Rose burg's second annual home and land Members and representatives of the products show, September 24, 25 and Oregon public service commission 2«. wilt conduct an Investigation of the The attendance at the fifth annual engineering features involved in the camp meeting of the Oregon Metho proposed railroad development pro diet conference In Cottage Grove gram In Lake and Klamath counties reached 1600. A survey of tributary traffic also will Harney county Is planning a round be made by the commission. up, to be staged September 10, 11 and Irrigated lands In the Deachutes 12, at Burns, at which *6000 will be country and farm land of the north given .in prizes. Rew. G. C. Pidgeen of Toronto, who unit project In Jefferson county will Mr». Johanna Gregg, a member of Beauty specialists hereafter must be inspected August 12 by the Oregon bat been elected moderator of the have licenses to practice In this state delegation in congress. The party of newly formed United Church af Can­ the Chicago school board, who hat announced her candidacy for the re­ the law passed by the last legislature legislators visiting wUl include Sena ada. publican nomination for mayor. being now effective. '.ors McNary and Stanfield, Represen Silverton w ill stage her second an tatives Slnnott and Crumpacker, and nual Community fair again this yeai in all probability Representative Haw on Thursday, Friday and Saturday ley. September 10, 11 and 12. The Salem city council at its next Survey of the mute of the proposed meeting will consider an ordinance extension of the Oregon trunk line providing for a special election Oct© south from Bend to Klamath Falls her 20 to vote a special tax to ap praise the property of the Salem Wa w ill be completed this week. If city expenditures continue for the ter, Light & Power company, and In rest of the year as they have for the vestigate the proposal to obtain a mu first six months, Eugene will be *60, nlcipal water supply from the moun 000 "in the red," the auditor's report tain districts. shows. Records In the offices of the secre Property valued at *90,000 has been tary of state show that a total of 180 purchased by the Oregon Trunk rail 067 automobile and 14,778 truck II road on the west bank of Link rivet censes hare been Issued. Receipt» in Klamath Falls, and w ill be used at from these licenses aggregate *5,057 95.1.95, as against *4,552,997.90 for the a passenger station. same period In 1924. The secretary ol The Rev. H. C. Stover, who has been pastor of the Freewater Feder state predicted that 200,000 license ated church four years, has resigned plates will have been issued before September 10. to accept a similar position with the Notes executed by fanners of east First Congregational church of Salem The plant of the Cherry City M ill ern and central Oregon in favor of lng company of Salem, which burned the state to secure payment of loans recently with a loss estimated at authorized under what Is known *120,000, will not be rebuilt. This was the reseeding relief bill, enacted at the announced by directors of the corpor last session of the legislature, have been sent to the various bonks ot atlon. which the borrowers were patrons, for Recent assays of the ore from the collection. The notes were accompan Silver Jones claim in the Greenhorn ied by mortgage releases. district show *54 In gold and »1776.87 Divorces are becoming so expensive In silver to the ton. The sample was in Oregon that the divorce colony ap taken from a six-inch vein in a ledge pears to be up in arms as evidenced 72 feet wide. by the mandamus suit filed In circuit Com fortable, economical service dsily. iraiM fi a Breaker at the monthly meeting ol the Tillamook Fish and Game Protec tive association. Women of Deschutes county are contributing to a fund to be used for erecting a woman’s building on the Deschutes county fair grounds at Red mond The movement was started by the Ladles’ Pioneer club of Terre bonne and this organization is carry ing on the campaign. HALSEY Melba Neal no More N o ; It's Mrs. M«*|ha H-nders'in now, and she neglected to tell the Have Enterprise about it lazt week. But ac don t bold a g m d g - against her tor th a t for »he belongs fo our lucky dollar else«, ell m -m bers of which ate privileged characters. Examined Shu ia an ixatnple of how luck follows '.-in, and was probably to,» fit,I ,d happiness in think about -ending tile news to the paper. The Jew elern, O p to m e trists Brown.»ill« Times tells the atoryj: Leighton K Henderson arid A lb a n y , Oregon M m Melba Neri went to Vancou­ CVW » ver on Friday <>f |e.g week and were quietly married, Ihe affair coming e. a surprise In their many I friend». The groom is a eon of »1 r, and Mre, R. V, Henderson of tin» city ami ,s a gr.duatw of our »11 work done promptly and re a * odio ile. If • baa bean employed in rpf ’ v. Pilone V 9 he I nne» , ffj -« ,„ r the last savsral months a« our linotype operator • nd nude » x '-p ’ tohally good. 'Ihe »ride ia a daughter of Mr. and *lra O F. Neal of Ha'ra. end ia »ell known to many of our eiti- W hy suffer from headaches? YOUR EYES F. M. Prench& Son F. M . G R A Y . D R A Y M A N BARBER SHOP I irst-class Work J. W S T E P H E N 3O N . tens. I be young cottp'e , xpect to make their home n uoriher* C.liforoia attar Bept. l t