TOWN FDR C R O C K E Y JO Y ADVENTURES UNDERGROUND CAVE REAL WONDERLANL C a v e rn o f R a re B eau ty ■ r BPTTT B a ilS V B if N e w M e x ic o . (C osritgkt.> R uth M e e t* th e T h u n d e rjo y I ) I'T H 'S baby brother waa asleep In An underground wonderland, sur passing in size, sublimity and beaulj anything of the kind hitherto known his crib. Ruth had been left to baa been discovered by Ltr. W illis T take care of him while her mother Lee, who baa Just returned lo Wash went on an errand. He lay as sth' tngloo a fte r a summer spent In aur ’ ami quiet as the toy dog which he had »eying and mapping a portion of th» taken to bed with him. INSIST I Unless you see tha "He does not need watching." 1 cavern* which ruu uuder (he Guada lupe uiountaina, near Carlsbad. N. M. “ Bayer Cross” on tablets you thought Ruth. Then her mind wan Ltoctor Lee and bis associates, work . dered. She found herself looking at are not getting the genuine Ing under (be auspices of the National a splash of sunshine which flooded Bayer Aspirin proved safe by Geographic acutely, traced the rain id i through the window. In the sunshine millions and prescribed by phy­ cations o f the main caveru, an under­ , tiny bits of dust were dancing. ground avenue almul a h alf mile wide sicians for 24 years. “I wonder what becomes of all those for two miles under the mountains i dust specks,” whispered R uth to her How much fa rth e r it extends is not ; self. At least she thought that she A c c e p t o n ly * known. was whispering to herself until from Bayer package A great number o f the smaller a r e right beside her came an answer. nues branch off. No attem pt was mads “I'll show you," said the kindly old which contains proven directions to follow these. T here Is every Indi­ i Crockeyjoy’s voice, fo r It was he who Handy “ Bayer" h o x rs of 12 tablet* had heard her. This time the fr o c k - cation, Doctor Lee said, that the dla Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggist* evjoy carried two Immense balls of covery of the Carlsbad cavern Is Just Aselrts Is the tro ts m e t of B arer U tn s - a start of the wonders which further l e i u < o f Mfsxiassucssiusslsr of B s .k /U c s c l* Ford which were wrapped on big reels exploration o f the Guadalupe moun­ like Ruth hnd seen the boys use when they flew kites On the ends of hts tain region in southeastern New Mex­ N e w C a th e d ra l F a c a d e ico and western Texas will disclose. 1 cord were two anchors. Before Ruth B e lfa a t W a r M e m o ria l I could even ask the Crockeyjoy how Texas h at already taken steps to set this cord was to be used, she and the aside her section as a state park. It Belfast is < omuiemoraliug its service Is prol>ehle that the mountains are In the World w ar by erecting a new ’ Crockeyjoy had shrunk so small that they were no bigger than the dust honeycombed w ith subterranean re­ facade for Ils Protestant cathedral as atoms which she had seen floating In cesses, Doctor Lee said. a victory memorial. T he first stone The most striking feature o f the was laid at a ceremony that was given j the sunshine. T he Crockeyjoy had Just Carlsbad cavern Is the extreme deli­ state and civic dignity. T he duke of cacy of the architecture of the stal­ Aberrorn attended, as n V lu d e d : ing for many years, is no logical and biological treasure house “So the business men who are try ­ longer a theory, but a con­ T here are lite ra lly millions of hats, ing to build up our mercantile m arine dition. Here's the situa­ blind crickets and worms and spiders for us w ill soon be In the position of tion : The original forest finished lox,king the anchors io an of hitherto unknown species the medico I f they don't watch out. totaled 822.000,000 Entrance to the cavern now Is verv opening between two floor boards "The medico was dashing along at T here now remain 138.000,- difficult. It Is necessary to climb I 060 when a slight breeze came rustling a good pace when his horse pulled up 000 acres of virgin fo re s t; feet up a mountainside and then go through the window. A w ay they blew short before a certain bouse. The 250,000,000 acres of sec­ flown through a hole In the roof in a medico frowned a * black aa a thun- like kites on a windy day. only Instead setts Forestry association. It Is for ond-growth or third-growth forest, guano bucket for 170 feet o f havlDg some one on the ground let A walk o f der cloud and gave the burse an angry much of it of poor quality and some free distribution for the good of the about two miles la then necessary over cut srlth the whip. ting out the cord to them, they un cause. o f It of no present merchantable value, very difficult flooring before the end reeled ll themselves. " ‘Go on.' be hissed The “Tow n Forest” booklet carries ‘Go on, job and 81,000.000 acres of burned and o f the main cavern 1« reached Vp and up they went. H ig her than fo»d. H e ’s dead.’ " a foreword by Charles Lathrop Pack, of woodland In four tracts, established logged-over lands. Idle, unproductive, T h e avenue lead« downward through the housetops; higher than the church president and founder of the A m eri­ In 1914. T he maintenance cost o f the Hnd for the most part unfit for fa rm ­ gre„t chamber a fte r chamber, until ateeple; as high as the clouds them- can Tree association, who gave Im ­ forest has been $4.405 and the returns G e ttin g th e W o r t t o f I t ing. O f the original forest there Is one Is 800 feet below the surface o f petus to the movement by presenting from lumber and fuei wood sold has selve they soared. Mrs. Ferguson rear bed over, took a le ft In area one-sixth and In bulk of the earth outalde. At thia point the "It's about to rain," said the Crock- a thousand-acre demonstration forest been $3.518; It w ill show- a net annual long, dark h air off her husband'* tim ber less than one-third. to the New York College of Forestry profit. Plymouth appropriated $3,000 c.vjoy, “and I want you to watch <-arX avenue drops off abruptly iMJ.feet This •boulder, and held It up for Inspection. The northeastern states cut 55 per has to be negotiated w ith a w ire lad fu lly and see Just bow the rain is at Syracuse university. His associa­ last year, bought 150 acres and planted ’T h a t." he said, angry • • the Im ­ cent o f the nation's output In 1850; In der. M r. Ix-e explored a series o f made." tion, incidentally, Is unique in that 15,000 young trees. plied suspicion. "Is from the horse's 1900 they cut 6 per c e n t F ive per basement chambers never before seen Ruth was very much surprised a there are no dues, and the only way mane. 1 have Just been currying Thus 42 towns now have their town cent was the output of the Pacific and moment later when she saw that the by human eye. him." to become a member Is to plant a forests. T here are 105 others w ith Rocky mountain states in 1890; In 1920 T T'* cavern I* In dense darkness clouds were nut solid, _ aa ___________ she had al- tree and register ft. And anyone who committees appointed, and a large- per "W h a t made yon suppose," she It was 35 per cent and Increasing. ways Imagined Instead, they were T h *‘ • ' " ’Pdratore rem ain* all the time asks may have “tree planting Instruc­ cent o f these towns w ill take favorable asked haughtily, "th at I thought It waa T he regional shortage hag marched made up of tiny dust pieces like those ’ * 56 f proportion to a point where they ob- i to reforest the land. more of a lia b ility to the town than an Mosul district. This was followed by was not broken and the watr-fa was 1* viously bear no relation to the cost of The Massachusetts Forestry assoc), asset. The average owner o f such land ing in. Instead o f about my trip to a w inter o f extraordinary severtty. gcMxl condition. cioudland and getting wet that way." production and distribution Per atlon started a campaign of education either cannot afford to reforest It or which killed off Mt per cent of all live capita consumption ha» decreased In to persuade the cities and towns to la unwilling to put bis money Into suck thought Ruth as she ran her Angers stock. Now the locust I« io greater onsequeoce. hut this Is offset by In­ acquire forest« under the act. In the a long-lime Investment. But the town, through her bobbed h air and brushed N o t M a n y W o m e n V o te oumhera than last year, and another crease In population. Moreover. there last three years, since the association a corporation, can afford to w ait for several moist ringlets b a'g from her It Is estim ated that not many over failu re of harvest* must he expected Is still a housing shortage, and 1925 has offered to plant free of charge the crop to mature. By putting this T h e shortage of grain In the Mosul 10 per le n t o f the women of the L'nlt- Is apt to net a new building record. 5,000 forest trees for any city or town land lo work now Ihe lowri w ill even area la so great and the price Is so ed fita fta avail tbemaelvea of tha The pat-ermakera have th eir own sep­ which w ill establish a forest of one tuully reap a handsome profit. N o a h W e b t ie r R an k» high ’ bat the movement of M*-so;>*> privilege of voting. T he approxim a’e arate and distinct problem, which they hundred or more acres, the Idea Is number of potential women voters Is The booklet jiolnts out that the tarolan a rtille ry to Mosul was ran- A m o n g “ B e tt S e lle r t” 26/MMi/MM>. regard a t even more serious. They gradually being accepted. town forest stands at the threshold of ce'ed on account of the extra co»t of Juwt three weeks trefore Daniel Wefe have been using spruce, fir, hemlock January 1, 1925, 42 towns had set Ihe American home. It la the property feed'ng the boras«. T he kx-irst lias • • ¡ » a and b ote to t e able to use aside Isnd for town forests or voted of the people, m aintained for the peo­ ater delivered hts Bunker H ill add re«« never ’x-en known to be ao fa r south another Wet.ater died who«« name was Icrch, beech, maple and other woods. j to do »'• when the committee could ole ple and operated for th eir common no l e t a bouaebold word among hl» before. All o f which makes Interesting the tain the land. In the aggregate over benefit. It la theirs, w ithin their '»»untrymen No other Am t-rhsn of the “Town Forest“ movement which is get- 125.0«, has been appropriated by these reach, lo use, lo enjoy snd to protect. tim e had w ritten upon ao great a G ro u / U n d e rg ro u n d ig under way in the East, and espe- towns. 32MM, acres have been Included It pays Ita own way, yielding a reg­ variety of sub Jeer,. T w o of Queer green pisnt algae 11,at live y In M ass»'husetta F o r there is In h a r t forests, and nearly half a mil ularly m aturing crop of tim ber on widest ns’ Mina I fam e were his Eaeti snd thrive in complete "r-t-nras Sooth i nq &nd Henlinq Blue 'o jxtwsthte doubt that a town with a lion trees have been planted. The as­ which, for local conantnptlon, no ra il­ had played an Im portant p art la th * feet deep m the w il are teeing Investi­ "J cessfui forest of Its own Is in luck— i sociation has planted 80.000 trees road colled« the freight. It stands as nation's aortal history. Aids Poor Complexions gated by Dr. fieorge T. Moore, d irw - ' t.d from many points of view. Any- (about 60 acres, for 12 of these towns a conatant leaaon In forest protection Due of the volumes waa small lor o f the Miaw url Bexar , a| garden e interested should send to the that have qualified with KM, or more ’ and respect for common rights, wblc enough to he s lip p 'd h a u d lly 1am • St. Ixm la In spite o f the fax’ that American T ree association. 1214 filx- tt-reo. I may be neither wasted nor abused coat pocket. I t bad gone th rough on« f» ''" 'r.a of them ‘nhahtf a clump of • nth street, N W „ Washington, D. C., I t it the town forests already cri’ated ; Without conflict, healthful recreation e d it;-.« a f t e r a n o th e r, u n t il its tid in g earth, th eir true fu h e tp « |g p y, ,s ' ■ booklet Just off the press. "Town more than on«- fourth have been oh- and pleasure may here go hand Io of N o e tx/arda was as fam, t r to A rn e r known. One stweie. of these goNer- tslned through gifts o f land or of band w ill, common dollar pntfll. It la le a n s as th e c o v e j of the b •rests: T h e ir It-c re a tio n a l snd E'-o- t old ranean algae la surprisingly ubiqub •ralg Value and H ow to Establish miiney from citizen* Interested In for­ a vital aid In the education of srb'xd • • ' » , j m A *O N A * U l - M O M I U M fl] •00a Dig a helw three os four fees II n atu rally becomes T his w a s N o a t, Wet,«ter a “S p e e c h h nd M ain tain Them ." by H arris A. estry and In the future of their (own. boy* and girls deep in any parr of tt-e world an* M M PMC i r « Ufl FUMOSO T he City of Fitchburg baa KM, acre* a sanctuary fur the b ird * and wild life. published it when he was tw eaty five ".vnoida. secretary of the Masaact.u- | (here the algae ran he found. styling It T a r t I" of "A Grarottmtl»», Institute of the Eng'lab Language “ At Dicfcer'i OLD RELIABLE Eye Water >aa th e Z 'llk e r tx a o h, which drains tlie (h * n*w detn«wmtlr forr»»« Th» l»Fyor Its s u tb o r 's d e v -h . p, 1843 Bot far from S h ie ld to Be R e tu rn e d r « b ar>4 w l & d •*« * A f r i c a n R iv e r in F lo o d Heidelberg I ^ r n t h u rt. <> w o » ! f , w fn Nigel district tin March press hila ai the doughty dean 2t,/SMDMMl copies had tn T lie city of QuetM-r has Just » • « . the a t all 4 r * « l a t a by m a il rcula tad. Ik, six years ago a tremendous flush of at every opportunity. He did not Tliia. be it remem’ierevi. « » , ci oottfled that the shield is ken fyam tha D IC K E T D R r a oc p, , EriaiM . Va -T» The Vsal river In flood aa an out­ w ater came down four times the eaon mark er«l W olfe w ill lie returned to It by F am ily Herald by Ihe Londoii D ally Herald, organ ol fibortly a fte r the hegtaniag o f the pre*, i » • steadily regulated the O'CW The feet per second 'he town ot Haatiaga England as fix Coughs and tha llrltlah Labor l i t r i r ■ “ Ite e te rln t eat century total distribution »»■ e * quantity of w ater which waa let d«rwn reault ot a vote by the town council at Vale university on Monday last, tlm ated at tome n . r r f ngg copies T hat T1>e st, leid had ****** Into th* througti the pistr gs’ ea In one day Lung Troubles H a r th W o rd t lo r D e a n I Dean Inge declared that modem min would have been swlfl'.etd to supply aloe G m W olfe M urray who pre eetnhHi^es a recard foe Txwr ■ v ■S^e ter la r-wm British labor has no lose for Dean , latera who Bought polorlely were a by A m erl'a n i c l o r » — IteB ’ or M * th« Rand w ith K> j O> m ,.'M mi gailosis a day aewfed ft to his home town T lie towt Ue se* We -rete» — ALL b t i Tfl danger to thg <7ir1sflaa One. f r two years T h e only trib u ta ry of Inge, who e . Iola II»« tifili» « i»f flie poaltl-re of HnwHaga TflSed St first to keep tlx shield but reversed the dem the Vaal which had n -f given soy sp tAii « rls fi-rra tlr fird rr Mi ItrMatn and iih it n h . Well, sutely ba ought ks H . U. N , fcan Franptat«, Na J l-ig z h , II»« lyrutfíMtlUI «Í Ihm «* r-eclapia response la Us« recent rslns 'Jk'ÄMWO* Say “ Bayer Aspirin” o Their Economic and Recreational Vcilue □ RESINOL M 0R T0M H O S P IT A L ,