JM.Y 79, !KJ FAfli I Brownsville Briefs •«.MaWVlM Over. ala*« day. Funeral yesterday at Buena Vista. (Continued iro n page 1) g Bast graia yield in ysars, and beat quality. H. W’. Charx* was in Albany The Koonts family ara rusticat­ C. W. Baoeock ba* • »«■ bam. The Woddy-Callaway thraxh- inc machine is running, north Fndgy. ing at Newport. I of town. Jam es Rector was in Corvallis _ Eldon ead Jtsae Croee i Tte only kind of shareholder» desired by Mountain States war« in Eogaaa Friday Miss Belie Burson and Louis Friday. Power aompany are tboae who expect to keep their money Geist of Lebanon spent Sunday W. P. Wahl drove to Salem Mrs. Bauce Ramiay visited her inree’.ed in the ccmpany and to share in the dividends rag- at Cascadia. Saturday. auat, Mr«. Elliott, Monday. 1 uiarly paid year after year. J. A. McCullough is iD at his f funds of earwig poison is soia counties pay him $50 a month ’1 for running it free from 7 a. m. ' Mrs. John O’Keefe under­ ■t Albany. The Epworth League had s to 6 p. m. The rest of the tim e , I went another surgical operation at Eugene Saturday. The doc­ oarshmallow party at lake Ogle he has any fees th at are taken. | _______________ i ( tors say she is well on the road Vednesdav. to recovery. She is still in the Miss Pauime Ashton of Tar- hospital. E V O L U T IO N IS T S W IN FIG H T P Mountain States ower Securities Company ent if viaiticg her grsodaetb«.- Mrs. Edwin Tyler left Tues­ •Irs. Sophia Bass. day for her former home in Mrs. J. H. McMahan has as a Wisconsin to visit her daughter. ,uest her sister Doris Drinkaid She took her daughter E sther with her and expects to leavt S. J. Smith and family are at her in Wisconsin to attend high 'illamook, visiting Mr. Smith s school the coming year. iece, Mrs. Algvre. It is expected th at the ne > Mrs. A. A. Tussing ig rusticat­ tlbany bridge will be opened to ing a t Blue River. ravel by November. John Martin has sold his 16b Prof. Powell’s eldest child acres near Crawfordsville to > as taken to Portland last week George Snodgrass. or medical treatm ent. M n. Cynthia Blann Jand 8. S Bert Minckley and W. F. Car­ Williams of Sodaville are a new er shipped a carload of lambs married couplo. >ver the 0 . E. Wednesday. The Kirk tree on the Gross Mrs. Fred Taylor spent place is probably the only wal­ rhursday night at the home of nut tree th a t went through the ìer father, J. C. Standish, and winter here practically uninjur ife. fed. Some of its limbs were Mrs. M artin Cummings and killed, but the rest of the tree • lighter and M a rie Jones has more than -the ordinary number of nuts, and they art >f Corvallis were a t Cascadia larger than usual. 'unday. Pine Grove Points (By Special Correspondent) W. G. McNeil preached at In­ gram Island Sunday morning. L. E. Eagy and family visited a t Will Eagy’» at Oakville Sun­ day. Mrs. A. L. Knighten and Thelma were H arrisburg visi­ tors Wednesday. Dr. John Johnson of Portland visited his m other at the J. A Johnson home Sunday. The young people's mission ary society met at Grant Me Neil’s SAturday evening. The Haynes and Hovei thrashing machine began wort Wednesday at the Hover farm. Miss Grace Pehrsson and Roberta Vannice are spending a few days at the Pehrsson home. F u n d a m e n ta lis t» D efe ate d TORRANCE T ake Y our Tim e A bout D ecid in g ! on T his In v e stm e n t n C on test | Address at any office of Reconditioning Shop Ray bea toe Hi-speed Brake Service Station 212 East First a., A lb ay, otar the skating nnk Phone 579 Halsey R ailroad Tim e North i 32, 3 :24 a m. flag 1 16, 5:15 a m. 1 18, 8:16 a m. flag 14,112:09 p. m flag 34, 4:08 p- ui. South 17. 1204 p. ta 15, 12;4S p. m 33, 8:12 p. m flue 31, 1 :34 p. œ gi? No*. 14 snd 16 stop to let off passenger» from south of Eugene. No. 31, direct conn action lor Marshfield poiata Passengers for syuth of Eugene should take train No. 17. Halsey-hrownsville stage leases Hal- sey at 7 a m snd 12:15 and 8,11 p E Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a m sad 3.35 snd (.45 p m. Outgoing M a il A t the Haleey po»toffice mail» close going Dorth at 11:50 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. sod 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ ville goee on to Crawfordsville, Hobey and Sweet Home. In Calrfornia. Saa Francisco — Fasda&eBtalisu and evoltztlowlsta clashed her« over (5c a line) the qaeauoa of teaching evolatloe lx the public aehot-i» of California. and Wanted— 100 ton» £v»rgr»»n the evolntloaiata won Hlackbeknerrias, 100 tom freih Of the three book* oa biology which Prnnei. Highest market prices. opponents of the evolutionary theory Steoberg Bros , Albany, Or», sought to hare excluded from the pub Phone 482 K 11c schools of this state sod arounc which the battle centered, two were Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle found acceptable by the stale board at tbe Enterprise office. of education and action on the th ir d ' was deferred temporarily Indications A were that the third text book "Biol I B R IE F G E N ER A L N E W S ogy and Human W elfare," by Peabody Brownsville, July 2?, and Host, also would be passed upon Fire destroy» 618 homes every day The m any Halsey friends of favorably The other two book* ac or one every three minutes. I t is Glenn F arrier, form er Browns­ cepted. about which there was s dis shown by statistics gathered by the pote. were “Coenberg's Biology and' national board of fire underwriters ville youth, will be interested to know of his recent acceptance Human Life.“ and "Atwood's Prob during the past five years lems. Projects and Experiments I t , Income tax records for the last year of a position as whistling solo­ FEEDING BABY DURING SUMMER Biology." will be opened to public Inspection by ist on the Rialto th ea tre circuit, extends to cities and all Internal revenue collectors Sep which M ilk Is recognised as the Ideal food Indian« Sac U. 8. For 8&S.707.343 tember 1. towns throughout Oregon. A for young children. It should be care­ Washington.—A suit for 148.707.343 is assured the Twenty-five persons were Injured brilliant career fully guarded during the warm sum­ against the United States has been and damage estimated at 3200,000 was y o u n g m an and w ith the good mer months, to Insure Its freedom filed In the United States court ol from germs or bacteria that might caused when a tornado awept over wishes of his friends to follow Mre. Frank Hsdlsy, Mrs. H. Halms here by Indian tribes of Mon cause barm to the child. Because of i Sidney, Ohio. him he is destined to attain a tana. Wyoming. Idaho and Washing Its nature. It la, under certain condi­ The cost of living In the United high degree of success. V. Chance and Mrs. L. V. ton. for land alleged to have been tions, a breeding and propagating j States increased 73 5 per cent from On S aturday evening, August hance were in Brownsville taken from them by tbe government ground for germ life snd may soon be­ j 1913 to 1925. The figures showed that 1, Mr. F a rrie r will whistle a riday. It wee announced by the departmnet come unfit for uae unlese It la handled ! the greatest percentage of increase number of selections a t the with tbe utmost care and vigilance. of Justice. The Blsckfeet, Blood. Pie was In house furnishing goods, the Mrs. Sophia Bass had as Perhaps tbs Ideal way to obviate thia juests Thursday her daughter, gan and Groa Ventre Indiana of Mon risk la through the uae of evaporated price of which Increased 114 percent Brownsville theatre. He will be piano by tana and the Nas Perce tribe of Idahc Thirty-one men were Injured, four accompanied a t th e milk. Thia milk la only pure milk 4r». Eldoa Bass, and husbaad of Wigle of Harris­ and Washington charge tbe govern seriously, when a section of the out j Miss Claire with alxty per cent of the water re­ ______________ Eugene. ment took tbelr hunting grounds from moved from It and la abaolutely ster­ ' door amphitheater at Monrovia. Cal., burg. Mrs. Gordon Munkers of them without their consent and with ile. It la of double richness but may collapsed at a ceremonial of the Dra Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hopkins compensation In violation of be modified by the addition of water, j niatic Order Knights of Khorasan, a Irownsville on Friday visited out and th eir son C hester left treaties. which will return It to Its original j Knights of Pythias organization. ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thursday for Rockford, Minne­ volume with a greatly enhanced food Morgan Palmer, an American, has vtraiey. sota, where th ey intend to re­ value. j been killed by bandit» at his ranch LAND BRING S TO P P R IC E Evaporated milk la sterilized and They drove here from Mrs. A. C. A rm strong and on the Sun Oari river, near Harbin, side. a high nutritive content. Thia their form er home in Los An­ laughter Helen visited at State Realises <2658 More Than has ■ China. Dr. Howard, an eye specialist causes It to be a very excellent food geles, and visited th ree weeks Appraised Value. ieorge Workinger*s Sunday af­ for the young child and the infant. j attached to the Rockefeller hospital, Olympia. Wash — State land an d ! In fact, many of the leading pedl with Mrs. Hopkins’ brother, E. was captured at the same time. ternoon. timber sold In tbe July 7 sale brought S. Hayes, and his family. of the country advocate Its Miss Peari Pehrsson. who 3270.663.44, or 12658.60 more than the atrldsna use after tbe child la deprived of Its 33.000.000 of Fund For Legion Raised rraduated from the Monmouth appraised value, It was announced by mother's milk. A formula, evolved by Indianapolis. Ind.—The American A. C. A rm strong and Helen lo im a l school last-w eek, camo Clark V. Savidge. state land commit-1 these pediatricians, through experi­ Legion has obtained more than 33,- and Horace drove to Portland nome Sunday. mentation, Is as follows: sioner. Of tbe amount received 3242. j 000.000 of the 35,000.000 endowment Monday. P. J. Forster and wife visited 298 15 will be for timber. 819.009.10' F ro m S ix th Week to Third Month. , fund which it seeks nationally for the M ilk , evapo rated ........................ » ounovs care of disabled veterans and orphans .heir daughters, Mrs. Roberts was for farm land and 19345.19 for Lim e w a te r .................... I ounoee tide and shore lands. Tide and shore M ilk e u ser .................................. » ounce« I of the world war, It la announced by tnd Mrs. Sweet, in Eugene over land leases brought an additional 3276 Boiled w a te r ................................ »4 ounces James A. Drain, national commander :he week end. Seven fe e tfln g i In tw e n ty -fo u r hours: It was reported. Twenty-one states have raised their » to 4 ounces e t th re e -h o u r In te rv a le L. H. Arm strong and family The total amount of land and tim quotas. New Hampshire. South Da­ Laundrv aent Tuesdays d u rin g th e day and fo u r-h o n r In tervale and R. B. Ingold and wife drove ; her applied for was appraised at 3511,- at n ight. kota and North Dakota lead in the Agency Hub Cleaning Works io Belknap Springs Sunday and 793 32. of which values 3411,134 40 From Third Month to Fifth Month. percentage of oversubscription. was represented in timber. 388.429.30 M ilk , avapornted ................... f t * ounces .pent the day. A B E ’S P L A C E In farm lands and 312.230.62 in tide Lim e w a te r .............................. S ounces M ilk su gar ........... .................. S ounces Martin Cummings and family lands. Boiled w a te r .......................... S»H ounces Mrs. Agnes McNeil cam», from Woodburn to attend the funetal of her niece, Mrs. Grug att, and is visiting at W. G /¡sited Mrs. Cummings’ sister, Mrs. C. R. Rowan, and family at McNeil’s. Eugene Sunday. A very large gathering oi Miss Hope Hussey has been relatives and friends attended living at J. C. Standish's and the funeral of Mrs. G rugett of Corvallis at the Pine Grove helping a t invoicing at thu Sturtevant store. church Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ray G rant of Sierra Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy visited Mr. mid Mrs. Ray Grant .Madre, Cal., and husband, went and Mrs. Mary Palmer at Ly­ home a fter the funeral of the man Palmer’s Saturday evening. lady’s sister, Mrs. G rugett. Mr. and Mrs. Grant left early I*rof. English's family has Bunday morning for their home been looking over residence op­ • l 8i«rra Madre. Cfel. portunities at M yrtle Creek, Mrs. Floyd Nichols, Mrs. N. where the professor has been E. Chandler. Mrs. Will Mcl-aren engaged as school principal. and Mrs. E. E. Hover attended A ntons F altin of Scio went the missionary meeting Thurs­ to jail in default of a $304) fine day afternoon at Smith grove, Thursday for having a stilt, with Mrs. Grace Wade as hos­ tess. Mrs. J. W. lx*Mar had maifh and various kinds of taioz«» in his possession. charge of the lesson, after ~ Wells went to Salem which Mrs. Wade served ice cream, wafers and coffee. Then Wednesday on account of tho some tiffin was spent on the illness of his sister, Mrs. bank of the river watching the Grounds of Independence in a children »wun. hospital there. She died Mua Paid-for Paragraphs M O U N TA IN STA TES P O W E R b:- h has sent pru»» up In tbe United i States FOR r iv e feedings In tw e n ty -fo u r hours. « te f ouncee et fo u r-h e u r In tervale, the Inst feeding ta he given i t I I p. n From Sovonth te Ninth Month. M ilk , avapo ratsd .......... 11 cunees Lim e w a te r ................................ S ouncee M ilk euser . • ■ • • • • « • • • • • • • • • 8 ounces Bollad w a te r ...............................SS ouncas t le I ouncee a t fo u r-h o u r In te rv a ls d u rin e tb * L a ,t fvsdln s a t tea at n ig h t .. . Tbe same quantity of pure freeh milk may advalageously be aubatiluteil for avaporatsd milk No Edging« and water Once opened, sterilized evaporated milk and fresh cooled m ilk from tbe cow are equally liable to infection and deteriora­ Nick Hess, Brownsville tion. arage won’t last long i f the coolness hap­ pens to be some of our dibcions ice eream. I t will prove to be the finest they ever taeted. No matter how tired or warm you may feel, a dieh of C la rk 'i ice cream will refieab you. Hr Good Slabw ood .$4.50 a cord dclivstfed G The Coolness Between Them I to I ounces et fo u r-h o u r In terval« lu r in g day. Last feeding a t tea at ... alsey Union Gaa and Oil Fisk. Firestone and Gates Tires and Tubes ro rd Parts and Accessories Buv your tires here and save money All work done here is guaranteed Frem Ninth te Twelfth Month. . I t ouDe«« Milk. •▼•porat*4 . I ouncee Lim« water ........ . t ounces Milk sugar Saad,,' w«tsr ..............................t< ounces alfh L SALK H 1 a >- j Clark s Confectionery