Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 29, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    wluá L
SewTKotcs From
All O ver Oregon
Gleaned by th e NN e xte rn
Sew sapor U n io n fo r
Busy P eople
The Oregon hop
bnea dwaaed ap by the pnrehaae of
three lots in 'he state
It ta intima: ed there were '5 we baWe—
h the tntal 1»24 -rue
The w ont electncal storm n Bead i
history occurred iaat w w< and wm » c
companed by a sear cloudburst,
which also oamu dona to breaxing
an rucords. The rainfall amounted to
half an tach.
R o u n d t n p E x c u rs io n F ares
even» J a v th r o u g h o u t th e s u m m e r
season. S to p o w e r * h e re w e r ir u i a « 'e n g
as wcu piease w ir h m fin a i r e tu r n ' u m t
— O c t o b e r H s t.
N o w p la n v o u r v s e a n e n 'c u m e v s t o
th e east. L e t f w r agents assist m •ix in g
y c u r in n e r a r v A n d in c lu d e
Abeut oae-thirg of the new paving
Msuaaia and Stayt ?n b u
lax! b»1'
^4*3 C C'letSd
M«ivina W’!?l» ceiehratsd her
" C b’- j d a y *= •srsarv <g CM’ i p
Gr»w last weak.
The huckleberry crop in Union sad
Wallowa counties in not of much con
sequence this year, according to re­
ports arriving at La Grand# Hackle-
bnrrtee are ripnniag and many pick
e n are ta the hi!!«.
Bids ca an etgbt-atory hotel, to cost
<;•* 7# U 3 i» ' oa 'b e »em bsrxh t Ilid.iHW exclusive of and. and to be
lut. Jiacttaa City ba« -aken dafJnits erected at Klamath Palis, will be call
ed within JO days by the Stage Ter
cep« te *rrm a c s u s r t ’t i clgft.
minal sad Hotel company of Oregon
¡U_t bat fall ’.a La Grande la
Following a protest received from
v««k br-ught relief to *arm«rs sad
latME« 'ores’ aao g*a;n fire baxarus the Amity Commercial club, the pub­
Tac alleged mconshmara sad '.bres lic service comm is:cn suspended 'he
ian» teiHs were captured at B ngb’ proposed sew tariff of the Amity Mu 1
v««4 by Clackamas county sad atata tual Telephone company for a period
of 3« davs
Tourists are visiting Crater Lake
L ighting started 35 as
National park tn greater numbers
fir«« in the Creeceat d’str-ct and did
than ever before tn July according to
gaaags to lumber mills » s t m a s d at
figures given out by C. G Thomsen,
superintendent Up te July 17 53S5
Coetraet for the construction of
antes bearing 11.335 persons had sn
a«a public sehool at Sprague river tnred the park.
«as swarded to Bottomley ft Kiefer
Sixty signatures to a petition asking
•ha par» of government ait
I la a itb contractor».
that the Drain Reedsport highway be
•her« a admittedly a Wrong leesr» er
So bids b ate vei been received la made tnto a state highway to connect
prevent, t ooeeible. a oh jrrence her» I
Portland for haadbug the air moil with the Pacific highway at Drain
of anv—hing ike 'he 'rial n Tennee i
service co the Pacific coawt. accord and eventually with the Roosevelt
tee. Tier»fere, ’he government wtl j
iac te Postmaa’er J ob ««
highway at Reedsport, were obtained
tandle the mee purely horn tftr I
Tbs tug Coquille of the Kaappion at a meeting held in Drain recently.
t’aadpnmt rf aw and he -g a t d 'h»
Tewbca.- campas» was sunk on the
Suit Filed to P"iY«nt P*yinq -r«aeury to per »eianee (■ eacher« j
Consideration of various proposals
Columbia river when ska rammed into
n -onfoi n aity wtth 'h e lerreee of mu j
District of Caiumoia
looking to the elimination of many
a log raft she waa '.owning.
gr-va. The lueetton of ebevher oaiur j
legal complications and at the same
Joseph Barer, who baa tka diet iac time simplify court procedure in this
al whence s -tgnt or -wrong it a Ola j
-^ oec-ful to 'h e Bible will ooi be :an j
tlon of living is Salem longer than state to the advantage of clients,
Wiahington. D C ._The lepar-men’
say other maa. observed his S«th courts and attorneys occupied the at
of justice will act Sor OftnMt a t Cat tittered n the government oieaa.
birthday aaatversary last week.
T ie g e e n a a e n t aaa w acu -no»»«!
tention of members of the Oregon im bia autioircea m 'he not which
Pour horses warn killed by light judicial council at a meeting In Salem has been brought bare n '«at .egallty I fs or
slag and two homes were hit la the last week.
of leaching evolution in i jther s®
Bake.- JLStnet last week. Hail severe­
Oregon pensions have been grunted ences in the public schooia
ly damaged the crops in the field.
The aatt leeks tg enjoin P-ank
as follows: Edna B Welker. Port
The work of larfacing with crash­ land. »50 a month; Pbinis A. Sloan. White, 'i^asurer it "he United Svatea
ed rock the 55 miles of uncompleted Portland. IIS a month; Sarah Paul. lt d other» from paving school surhor
to a tm tn w Bavarese.
road In the national forest between Grand Ronde, $30 a month; Samuel fties who permit is# of «cieniiCr
htcago —N ine men. nciodi
Prairie City and Unity started July 55. T Hardman. Cottage Grove. »12 a texts
or ?^«rv 'w en. 'edera, prohibition
The Law waa passed as » “ der ta tlr-ctor for han liatrtrt. and bla pre
The Salem city council, by a vote month; Albert J Ramey. Bend. 115
of 7 to «, last night reported favor­ a month; Samuel L. Butler. Goble. the 1325 Dlatnct of Ctrtumxa Appro tecean«w n office. 3ti
priai.on bill which prowaes hat hi n.tiered tere tv a feden
ably on an ordinance providing for »12 a month
at -bi« mm
for 'he public m 'nargea 'hat they -onapired o -x
Ten railroad corporations posted
head-on parking in the business dis­
bonds with the Marion county clerk schools inail be in ila P le for he a l
art money *rom uacmmentai
in the amount of »«5.000 following ap­ ary of any lupernitendent won per
Lacking bat a month of being SI
peal to the supreme court of the de­ m n , 'he -eachlng if or any 'eacher
'.fT.i--.ais «av hat
years old. Charles A. W illiams. one
cision of the Marlon county circuit who -aachea iiareapect for ha holy
if l i e
-han tx.jea.jan profit
of the best known Grand Army men
court dissolving an injunction restrain
____ gnlly withdrawn w n es
In Oregon, died at bis acme at Glad­
The rider waa iponanred by Retire
ing the public service comm:sa:ou
The theme# «Dllow n he wane d
from enforcing aa order reducing »enrative Summer», -epuoiican. Wash- h e event «nrramental w»ne son d ai
Miss Margaret Tynan of Portland freight rates oa grain, grain prodecri
:ng*on. and nciudee a ta proaibitlon. which '-suited n several ndictmenrs
was elected president of the Oregon potatoes and onions approximately 15 besides ‘lisreapect fbr he Blbta. * he
a sf^ nam r- m o «a.—omenta,
Stats N!arsen' association, which clon­
'eachlng of par—
.san politics, or "hat wtne permita and withdrawal a ill*
bat c a n t _____________
ed " Its convention in Portland last
• a nr» a aa '»ravor l i r a of geverh xma. which oegan n ILarch. 'JftA .ed
s e n t .'
as the ndictments-
Portlaad ranks third in the Pa
title const and 12th in the ra ile d
: > IL < C
Statss as a port based on 'h e ton
O «c.ei ïtm œ nsrg m»hur«or
¿j«aer-vati--s p sw w .41
sags of goods handled in foreign cona-
Waabiag*'*- 0 C —Aaaiatant Sec
UW 21 *’ we
retary Aadrewa the rvwaurri prob
P. H Acton, a resident i f Salem, bttloe field m an ba., baa fonnd '
ia ti "nooev w * -xst < ie o
Ja«» /nor tediar? wirK a
told of bow be was reed by a bnck eeaary ta deiav bin p<an to te» a -*Jr
T'ois i> goo« sdv.c»
U /on im
ta Aitwav -rade o vbaay < -im i«e mr xav-njf? :m r * m n ' VU a -<" rr aT>
doer while f.skiag in the north fork ganixed macb'ue a? work AgftgM -
■I a XZ. Üa»ter fnrem oient «nperv
of the Saatiaa river, six miles
3ep»«mber 1 has sow Men fixec a some litter mwo. 'rade in that mwn.
3ot .a .;ese latomomie davs many m-
of Mshama.
tagtatrvely aa 'he ta'» an which
m 3 u » à r e e h e n r iit e
li.iiug elsewhere ôa.i t td."sa.i.e x> to
iem sti'cm ng.
revamped eaforcement « f n a a a e o e »: eas: oar* » their M ng 3 be
All children IS y e a n te age
i-» .- x n
" who go o a ttanv î i i » est wcniwl « r e « . Alb _
under will be admitted free ta the •aa be sev n movlon
It waa anaoua-ed that ail sf he « transact asm es, waft i - d the o r a .
Multnomah couaty fair to be held ta
-¡i-oe: seiew ossdy u* i.! Äs=r -emuru-
« j c T * * 'h* C*w -nea's with tsmrtesv in ' sine««.
A M IS H A i a V A H S
Cresbam throughout the w ees i f July
srewlee aawmatieaCy wouid be sat si
5, to August X
t .S > é « . 3 I = a A 3 3 T H I S
■je V acaesier -.tors
;oftn nog afar 'ba a Oetaber ."
Pires la Por-.aad t i r a g June tans
Soma at tftnw praOabiy w-U. be re
ed the death of twu men and piled up
T U M I'S T S T - î B O l D o c r o a
J. A Agxiaoe
a fiaaacia. ana * »2'.’ 224. accord.3< xamed but m art wfil be iha
44. West t est är.
to the moe j . y -sport te Zdward Gren­
n -« i tred a 'heir ve-ecr. -e far ptacw
U 5 3 A 3 L . h afitw ar-
fell. fire aarsaat.
• *<rrBA xa' a®
Reedspcr- to ta ppm« Tab by w w w
T a wicp a nyinectwm
A ndereon ft ■ion. iÍM T tb - J
Mr aadrvws rarad i W be 24 jr-
this summer O a,
wen -aaee
; lea.ers ar aaxwei'.- Lhnl-
»dm'.ilatrax.arv ta be uamee ■ A T ? rte it.
Ahttsea » ¿nausotej e a n . J
of shad sad -kiaook salmon went te
»xnlrt have aa antireiy free land s
y .o rx . 'La. C-lt
Siam te * teo w ta ih is
Astoria las* w ees in the gaaclcae •he selecrxa at
jerwAue wr>
p ia n ta
schooner Roamer
r X T 3 ¿ L A .f m ont - r o
»he® 'Say are ta w irt. g n '« s*' S 3 a i a li
H ewer phene 4ÍA-'
sales of public leads iaeladiag «vt^f ba bald reapcjnrh e f » «nS»r*e
Jl'.g new saettine vw t e i
»gr« orneéis tat a
fees sad ' « t a M I s a a produced 115
meat m ike-.r reapeerm t wrlcta
. r v N a z . f i M u -Ii a i m i n ’
W sodworth Trug - a
Ml 45 la Oregon 1 irta< 'he io a r e r
..rxvn gtrnd ss « “
That rote. Mr. Andrew» ’ » •v -d
end a< Jane » I K i the Interior da wowd be apgfled li a w a las
' ? £ C 1 a L T : ’ r fC P P S
fa the J
im e» -.rgin.
e M
?*ao<;8 a
sen .»anna
parmeat anacuaced
^ -u p leads who » « be aaa gh-d m
ìl i V
t *
A ll.Mg.M4 theater 'Me Agate of sear »« peaafbte ta w«-ii ’.t
a«t.bnra Jet» — T en oig t~
Mc Damai.
the -cruit i f 54 operated iu 'be Pa­ tricta ever Wbteb a Caaad Otaaaa te
XU V ?trte aa-i —
cific eoete. will be erected in P o r
««n ey »ad .u r a d : - c a
I If you «n ev a ‘ ^
u -iT v -c n
W» 'A Í
land at ogee by A.-kermaa ft Harris potaraea wogld be bel
—------------------------ - uet i s s w a
tbea:»r -p e n tor»
•ora by 'be adarm itervxe
' w» Caâe*«fA aari tnnfaet.. nerv /«g-Ti xg m
a •»
etlve l-erxc-a
A cu tn ct for -onatructou te a
I .¿im e t.ic.«.3g
at \X ashington
e it h e r 9 i i n g c r r e r i i r n i n g , o r b e r h w avs,
i f v e u c h e e s e . See • - m a n if c ld w o o -
d e r at a tr ie , i f an
a d d in c n a l exp ense.
Southern Pacific Lines
C. P Moody agt. Phon« 238
A R R O W G A R A G E . Gansle Bros.
U. a. & C. T C. T ire s N ew lo w -p ric e d G ill
Batterò«« fo r
Wore service
F o ri.
N o m o re eoist
th e r
S k ille d A ato re p a irin g ",^i r
.1 .b , .« a s s o rie .
hlteTKt _aeeer 3>iteeU *«
Preparing for a Big
Drive on Booze
_ / / i b a n y ^ 7 ) i r ecîory
M •»
A c*
•I lia n gating warer srerag- -enar»o4r
ksi been let by the Covrage Crore
ti'T « u n til to GeggrM a Randal' at
• prten of l i i ' b g m
H-»vy fog. -nupled with -oeler
Director and U -
wee .»- aided in subduia« the firs
renfted Embalmer
which .a the laet few days baa oorti
ed over «everai acres of old egging F.acww« -wrvxee
J’i it lie tenth of Sandy
la d y A««a tea'
Pi-a. y burned when ter men« uadri »VOWS»'. >
to l<ht « fire :a 'he siteb ea store
erp ded G H W igm ore 44 fongh*
tbs ■ ase xattl Sin raach sense wse
W . L W R IG H T
• ’ «d. xut lied an a result.
Isdge John C Kendall ref ined te
M o rta n e
F oiwt ». W re e fa r
traa. sa u .xactieg agataav «be d ry of
Hs.s/T sad Hsrr.sbnr<
Mankfintg --.nacil peeves’ .a« 'he pro
Call T> y t T i f t a H« •* Harttsbo.'f
L. g i u n t i
»revs of
ta -a.led the te ' siengh
drainage system, which will be a sew
rr intern «a well
The state sigh way •emoiieolcie left
Pcrtiaad aev week far a 'our which
»12 -ake -hem slang 'he Rooe— •»
f a s t ktghway from »a nervhert -ad
’» Tsgalan Say The •omminntAe late
■oath made a -our of «he sow h -ra
•-< in w Coen say io the ChWforhig All Wteb
** *
F. M . G R A Y .
I) R A Y M A N
__ r-^r-r
s« a
w . aaee a------------ ----- j. tx m t
i . a,
£O -
■ X ' .
,- t ir .x «
• *«
T-te fic ­
nik Cam*»
ai eta C osin u s 3 a
tee te
— An jirprovejneat a i ? *tn tei LmMetim
___ _
__ -
J ie t is f ftf ie e
* * « r « ? r ? » » c i y ‘h e -f i« h u a iir z
oqm ‘o r i r s f w h e n ie ie c -.r.< R oot -hw fiT in« A n d it
T .a t h i i a i i f v if c o 'ifi ftii o fi7 C f3 » t u c h h 8 8
b u il t n t o P a f e c o u n .
Jfot '.in c ie im .
n o r a r t t b a n t u « . b u t an
on a r n t e d -in c ie u ra — - i i o c r c a w « n n < w ith f i
r.< « i l ia c a caintJoaed o f » o e c fti a n « » « / p a u « n *
ttcad bt -he oauai t o f t cii-oamt. __ _
T ris s « n . w -n r-4 e < -T < « r i s e * ~ x ts m • Srm 'bo«ty' af
e rg ib e r
W f. -ngee 'ttr «his p g rtc a la r rira c a m « id
»berotuhiy •w arerprw f'grf hy • »cecal |
I t -bave «o tow Ptebcniirt 'Munga r goseg e
I t seean its C-°«« «*? xeminiui tistom
a a o a to tig-tar Bastdag, sag wn iff greti g »gf-gt '/ b» bagtetl-
fai partg- u man y tru -mw « *» «acmtreg.
U f aa m e w you Psbeoria. T ie r » m
for a d ì «mi . p gtiinom . a u r a t i - /
fi * e
roerr. bail, n a c c r «c j
H IL L & Co.
C U?«
P A ID ' « 'a il tegth.
art tn
tat gold, y.»n
sad gehm ng
lease 4m
j ’jeuo. Mich.
h a
McCormicks Get
M ach Coast T race r
■meM M
W h y »rifar 'rom
Ltam iaed
F. M. French & ¿on
M g e-g 1r s
? -« t»
Pho*. > 1 « __ ________ __
“ O L K A ? A J A C K * /»
75e arùific
. m iu c j-p ia ”
m rm i. .er f trn -P
-are -o«a '-i®*
Siaem. iimcaara « 2 4 -
itreet. .».baU7. C w n r r n ____
Jewderg. Optametrata
A.oany <
Vw le n t
F irst-ciaAä
L ftW T »
A 5 D M O TA R T
* QgSBC«
j. w
X o d i
S T M F H B a O O l* .
sari Urn
FUatlA? Bt