r Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs he fire from going farther. insured. Partly F. 0 . Salmon and family were shopping in Albany Saturday. Mrs. Ringo and Mrs. George Hayes were in Albany Thursday. Good slabwojd is cheap at $4.50 O. W. From is building a new delivered. I t is advertised at that b*rn on his (arm. price in this paper. Mrs. J. E Southworth is visiting Mrs. Ruth Eggleston of Browns­ relatives in Washington. ville called on her sister, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mr«, E A Starnes are W . Pugh, Monday evening. going back to Shedd to live. Earle and Iona Albertson and Mr. Hoffman is again on the Collin Carver called at 0 - ]■ road to recovery, after a close call Albertson's Monday evening. This fasue of the Enterprise Price Hawley, from near Blod- completes its thirteenth (or lucky) get, yisited Saturday night and yssr. Sunday with Lester Albertson. W A. M uller and family and All fall grains and some spring Albert Heinrich spent Sunday at are in the shock and the bum of Newport. ,he thresher is heard on all sides. Cbarlea Freytag’e Lome at Oak­ Bob Ramsay and wife and Mrs. ville burned Sunday, with all itt 0 . J. Albertson and daughter Vida contents. speut Saturday afternoon in Al­ The Potter thrashing machine bany. started Monday on the Frank Mrs. Addie Moody installed the Workinger place. officers of the Rebekah lodge last Mr. and Mra. P. H. Freerkaen week. Mrs. Edith Robnett is and Mre. W- A. M uller motored to noble grand. Albany Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H . t W- Bray and Mr. and Mra. M artin Cummings, daughter Lela of Albauy weie Mra. Hanuab Cummings and Sunday guest* of Mr. and Mrs. O. Marie Jones edjoyed a trip to Cas- J. Albertson. cadia Monday. M. R. Thompson o, Eugene was M r. and Mrs. Paul Koch speut here yesterday soliciting funds for Wednesday at Dick Abraham's, io the Pacific Coast Rsscue and Pro- Benton county, to visit with M rs.. teutive association. Abraham’* parents, Mr. and Mra M r. and M r*. W illiam Zsllmer Dithman of Hood River. aud daughter Bertha and sons S. J. Smith and wife, on their Oieh, Merle and Carl spent Sun­ way home from Tillamook, called day at J. N. Elliott'*. on Rev. C. T . Cook and fam ily at I . E. Hawley and wife aiad two W illam ina. The Cooke sent greet- daughters, ]. N . Elliott and fam­ ings to Halsey friends. ily and Joe aud Charley Hetzel W . J. Lane of Brownsville, on called at 0 . J. Albertson’s Sunday. a trip to Portland, called at the W . J. Ribelin. who had several Enterprise office this morning. He attacks of piralysi* while living in ond Mre. Lane are juet home from tialaey, is reported to have had a a pleasant auto tour eastward that serious one at his home at Prine­ ville, faun which, at his advanced began early in September. age, he may not recover. W- A. Muller'e barn and silo and thirty tone of new hay burned last evening, and it was wish dif­ ficulty that the frightened horses were kept from running back into the bnrning building after they were led out. Neighbors and the Pugh thrashing crew helped keep Albany's only EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS EVERYTHING OPTICAL Bancroft Optical Co. 313 West First street, Albany,Or. Partial List of Contents Karl Bramwell sports a new phaeton. The lease on the lot where the Stephenson barber shop stood hav­ ing expired, Karl Bramwell, owner of the building, has had it moved across the street to bis own prop­ er.y, the postcffice block. Mrs. Percy Taylor entertained in honor of Mrs. Alvin 8mith and Mrs A. M Taylor at eer bom-» near Peoria last week Tuesday. The afternoon was spent at fancy work, after which refreshments were served by the hostess, sssisted by Mrs. W . A. Muller. Preeen, were Meedames J. C. Porter, P. H Freerkaen, W- O. Abraham, Henry Abraham Ernest Abraham,W. A Muller, Fruitt, Alice Dunn George Oitbens. W ill LaMar and Alva Smith and the hostess. (Continued on page 8) I ' H A L S E Y , OREGON Give Children M ilk — ------------ 7 3 3 * <> *> tired to hie room shortly after eating a large dinner to take a short rest. Mrs. Bryan tent the family chauffeur, Jim McCartney, to wnhe him about 4: to. and it wat learned then that he (Enterprise Correspondent) was dead. Elder A. M. Jones preached a t . Phyalclans who examinad the body 11 o’clock Sunday morning. axpreaaad the opinion Mr. Bryan had W. L. Smith is doing car- been dead between SO and 45 mtnutaa penter work a t J. S. Nicewood’s. before they arrived. The death oe- ' enrred In the residence of Richard Lake Creek Locals Latest Triumph in Railroading HE completion of the new Chicago charge, to patrons of the Union Sta­ tion lines for conferences and other meetings. To give some Idea of the Immensity of Important engineering undertakings, from which traveler« from alt parts Of of the new station. It may be stated the United States will derive pleas that the mnln building covers an area of about three nervs with a concourse ure and benefit. , The station is without doubt one of covering 00,000 square feet. The en­ the finest and most efficiently designed tire terminal facilities cover more than railroad terminals In the world. It 36 acres and will expedite the prompt forms a vital link In the realization of and satisfactory handling of 50.000 the "Chicago City Beautiful Plan.” Sim­ passengers. 400 tons of baggage and plicity, accessibility and convenience 300 trains dally with room for future for the traveling public are the essen­ expansion. Fifteen acres of glass tial virtues of the new terminal. Rest were used In the various coverings and recreation rooms, ticket offices, over the train sheds, which extend barber shop, dining rooms, stores of more than 1,200 feet beyond the main various kinds, and almost every con­ structure. A total of 17.000 tons of venience known to travelers, are to he structural steel, 175.000 cubic feet of found on the one level, no steps to Indiana limestone and 10,000 cubic feet of granite were used In the sta­ climb. The main station Is a low monumen­ tion building and concourse. The foun­ tal type of building with a row of dation consists of 449 cylindrical con­ massive columns of classic design crete piers from four to ten feet In I along the entire east front. Once ln- diameter, reaching to a depth of more 1 side, the traveler finds himself In n than 00 feet below the level of the I gigantic waiting room more than 100 Chicago river. Those who have had the privilege ! feet high and brilliantly lighted I through skylights In the great arch of Inspecting the new station pro. ! celling. Colonnades Inclose the room, nounce It a marvel tn terminal con the walls of which are patterned after structlon and are urging their friends ! the architecture of ancient Rome. Bor­ to see It on their next visit to Chicago. The station Is used Jointly hy the dering this room are the ultra-complete passenger terminal facilities An Inno­ Pennsylvania Railroad: Chicago, Mil­ vation In railway terminal design Is a waukee A St. Paul R y.: Chicago. Bur­ conference room accommodating 125 lington A Quincy R. R.. and the Chi­ people, which la available, without cago A Alton R. R. Union Station marks a note­ T worthy accomplishment In the history Alford Arrows (By nn Enterprise Reporter) J M. V. KOONTZ CO. 4 4 7 4 Bene D rive C o m in g ..._____ _ Preferred Stock ! Canned Goods ! “ Preferred Stock ” means all that the name implies—the choice of the pack. < When you buj Preferred Stock goods you ( have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se- i lected for size, flavor and quality. Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred , Stock with other brands and it will meet with , your discriminating choice ’ Preterred Stock goods are not packed to m eet, a price. They are sold only to those who ap-1 preciate first quality. It is true some brands are sold cheaper, b u t, they arc sold solely on price appeal. We are distributers of about thirty varieties' of Preferred Stock goods. Bryan Is Dead News of Halsey___ _________P*g* 1 Great Outdoors—Farm Items . 8 Model Ltnu Farm____ Brownsville $.............. A lfo rd . . . ___ ___ . . . 1 Illustrated F ash ion s...------ . . . Pine Grove____. . . . . . 8 Evolution a Bible Doetnne K ir k ............................... 1 ! Favorite Stories____2 Lake C reek .................... 1 Nature, great h e a le r ....------- - 5 ' Croc key Joy (for children)........ All O reg o n ...___ 1 1 World Vacationa___ . . . . . — . . . Church Announcement* . . . . . . . Serial s to ry _____ ___________ _ 2 I Summer T obogganing------ . . . . Sunday school lesson .. _____ 7 I Bones 1500 years o ld ................... Editorial com m en t___ ______ Pompous p reten d ers........... Kitchen Cabinet __ ____ . . . . Mother’s Cook Book__________ 1 1 Anti-Evolution at Washinton . . Death of B r y a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Farm plumbing ........................... Mrs. Richard Farwell of Shedd _ I-« « ;« .™ , and Mrs. A. C. A rm strong and W i l l i a m J e i i n i l l g l daughter Helen called on Mrs. D. I. Isom Sunday. Mrs. Millie Pryor of H arris­ cJ r ttr • / * * burg. who died while on a visit t draiv Conurtiner While *.. to Missouri, was buried in the elf Masonic cemetery at Alford! AftltM. * Asleep J i Sunday afternoon. I * Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis I, Duytoa Teau.—w illiam Jannlng* and daughter, Mrs. Charles Bryan. three ttmae proeMqpUul « « » • 1 Poole of Lebanon and Mr. and lnee of the democrwtfe party. ead , Mrs. Henry Brock of Lake Creek known the world ovar far hie e l o - > of * »*— j attended the funeral Mrs. 1 qttanoe. died here Bnndey afternoon. The end came while the great com­ , Pryor Sunday afternoon and called on their son and brother, moner wee asleep and woe attributed by physicians to apoplexy. He had re­ Chester Curtis, afterw ard. The Kizer-Greene thrashing crew started work last week. M r. end M r*. Fulton Jeckeon of Harrisburg spint Sunday evening at the Lee Ingram borne. 1 Mr. and Mre. John Willbanke, Mre. A E. Whitbeck, Mr and Mre. E. A. Starnes and Henrietta : called on Mrs. D. I. Horn Monday afternoon. Mre. A. F. Robnett and daugh- tore DeElta and Doris visited their mother and grandmother, Mre. D. I. Isom, Tuesday evening of last week. Mies Gladys Willbanke went to Albany Monday evening to have some dental work done and visit her grandmother, Mre. Davir, for a few days. Thelma Ingram yiaited her friends, Kate and Hazel Greene, Saturday afternoon. Their sister, Mre Kihei Kizer elei visited them that day. and A a ^ n ^ ' K M h e V S i S ! a t Ralph Dannen’s Sunday af- ' ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Porter ' and daughters Gertrude and 1 Amy, Harold Potts and Mrs 1 i Fred Taylor, all of Portland, called on Mr.- and Mrs. A. E. Wednesday after- Whitbeck noon. Thelma Ingram spent Sunday afternoon and evening a t A. E. W hitbeck’s. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Philpoti and baby son visited at Chestei C urtis’ Sunday. Raymond Rickard and wife ol Benton county spent Sunday at Michael Rickard’s. E sther Starnes is helping with the work a t the Hoffman home in Halsey. Velda and Alice Curtis called on H enrietta and H attie Starnes Sunday afternoon. Leonard H atton of H arris­ burg is caring for things a t the Fred B urkhart farm. Miss E tta Godwin and Gail Prather of Buena Viata and Deo Rolfe of Albany were Sun­ day visitors at John Rolfe’s. C. E. Mercer of Eugene spent the week end with his wife, who is helping care for her mother. Mr,. D. L H e r . who i. ,1. The Ardry-Burns thrashing Rofer> whlch hgd b„ n to machine will sta rt Wednesday. thg Bryani durlBg tb, lr „ „ htre. J. H. Rickard and family of I Mr Bryan's death came on the eve Alford attended church here ot another crueade ha had planned to carry before the American people—a Sunday. battle against modernism He return­ Mr. and Mrs. Balf Bond of ed to Dayton Sunday morning after Halsey spent Friday evening at having made addresses Saturday at Thomas A rdry’s. Jasper and W inchester. Tenn. Miss Marie V. Jones of Col'-ri Deeplte the strenuous program Mr. vallis is a guest of her sister, Bryan had been following aa a mem­ ber of the prosecution staff la the Mrs. M artin Cummings. Scopes case end as leader of tbs tun Mr. and Mrs. Manlee Spores dameatallsts he appeared in excellent of Springfield spent Fie week health. end at C. S. Williams’. | Shortly before Mi. Bryan entered Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock his room to rest, he told his wife he went to H arrisburg Sunday to had never felt better tn hts life, and the funeral of Mrs. Pryor. | waa ready to go before the country to wage hts fight In behalf of fundament­ Mr. Isom was here Friday al tern. ove'seeing the work on tho Mr. Bryan was born In Salem. III., grade near Martin Cu namings' J. W . LaM ar, O. M. Burkett and L. C, Hughes attended quar- terly conference at Lake Creek Sunday. I March 1». 1840. Hts father waa Silas Llllard Bryan, a native of Culpepper county. Virginia, a lawyer and judge, The ton. after graduating from Hit- co11*«* ,n *•« .UnloB Co?‘T Law’ ch,CB«0- ln 18M- •*u r,d law office of Lyman Trumbull, for­ Mr. Burns has gone to the mer United States senator. Subs*. soldiers’ home a t R oseburg.1 quenlly he removed to Jacksonville, Ilis son, Jam es Burns, drove out III., where he practiced law until 1487. when he settled tn Lincoln. Neb The body of William Jennings Bty- Mrs. Merle Cummings and sa will bs moved on a special railroad Mrs. Jones of Corvallis drove to car from Dayton to Washington, and Martin Cummings’ Friday morn­ burial will be tn Arlington National ing and attended the Grugett cemetery, Virginia. A spot high on th s slope of Arlington, overlooking the funeral in the afternoon. eapttol and near the monument erect ed to those who died on the Maine, Mis. W alter Blodgett and waa tentatively selected as the burial daughter Bertha from Boston place visited a t H. L. Straley s o v e r. Huudrede or tributes to wtntam the week end. Mrs. Blodgett is jennlns* Brr, n flooded tha w ireehere Mrs. Straley s cousin. Miss Monday, coming from leader* high to Blodgett is a teacher of Span- and International affairs, tha ish in a New York city high • nBa outstanding faature of all heiag school. She returned last year ( turn acknowledgment of tha great com from Spcin, where she was a moner'a dauntless spirit end his sin teacher in the schools. cartty In battling for those Ideals which he espoused Church ol Christ Clareuee Darrow, h it chief oppo neat ln the Scopes trial here, paid Bryan the tribute of heiag a great tighter, expressing hie admiration ot th* commoner aa a man, end saying that he had tw ice voted tor Bryaa for to visit him one day this week. the pres,deucy z n Kirk Kink» (By an Enterprise Reporter) Bunday School, 10. Christian Endeavor, 7. Preaching, 11 and 8 The Christian Endeavor topic is God's K in d lin e., as Expressed in Nature.” We have a good, live Endeavor to diacuaa it. Ths morning aermon will be the third of a series on the Lord's Sapper : " The Spiritual Signifl canoe of the Lord's Supper.” The subject for the evening sermon is " My S»vior and I . ’’ Clifford G ir t /, p a slo-t. M. E. Church Robert Parker psstor. Sunday school, 10- Preaching, 11. Junior League, 3, Intermediate League, 7 Epworth league, 7. Preaching, 8. . Prayer-meeting Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Isom of A1 Rev W. P. G illw pi«. psstor of i bany. Mr. and Mrs. Frank John son, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coopet the Fr»e Methodist church at Pa- and son Homer and granddaugh oris, will preach at the Halsey ter Madeline, Mrs. Minerva Methodist church next Sunday in Cooper of Plainview, f Mr. and he morqing servioe. *' L. R. and H. J. Falk went to Albany Friday. The A. L. Falk family wera Brownsville visitors S atu rday. Doris Jones and Nella Kastep visited Grace Falk Sunday. Grace Kirk is home from Monmouth, where she has been attending school. Gertrude Gengenbach and Mamie Falk visited Nellie and Pearl Falk Sunday. Harllie Rtke spent a few days last week visiting in Halsey with her cousins, Geraldine and Elaine Straley. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Hansen and two children were down from Hillsboro to visit w ith their daughter, Mrs. Q. J. Rike. D. E. Sturtevant and C. P. Stafford and th eir wives were at a reunion and banquet of former students of Lincoln col­ lege at Sodaville Sunday. The officers of the alumni society were re-clected. r