»Adt e HDKAÍ •••••»i la the laad ol the âery Jragaa where aaythiag cea happen—and I I with w OWEN MOORE SYLVIA BREMMER • TULLY MARSHALL • ROBERT McKIMM S that is visible between them. I eraaaad oaiy i t i i i . or osar per Hope they are as well connecter! over the total that might hare Miss Edith Robnett tended postoffice over the week end while Postmaster Bramwell and family visited points as far apart as Belknap Springs and Triangle lake. Helen Armstrong come home from Portland Saturday noon, having visited there for two weeks with friends, and attend­ ed the Christian Endeavor and E N T E R P R IS E n i« « cast. b eeo a»h«ctoj4 t« Wk — tati ...» expected nadae under tlaaa the rvlxl old M rate. The a t * « was baaed on reporta from 2(2 iHttlva offices idle Mother Gossip (Copyright«! by Am ericas Nawipapcr Uaioa) july TORRANCE J “ H e re ’s y o u r D ividend ► C heck—alw ay s on tim e ,” * Reconditioning Shop says the postman Ray best 0« Hi-speed Brake Service Station * „ * For more than seven years 212 East Firat « , Alb» ay, near the prafarrod aharebaldar* Mother Gossip. a* you probably the |akatwg rink know, ha* curled lipa and a very ugly | of Mountain State* Power company bava received their Phone 379 expreaaion to her | quarterly dividend cbeoks by mail ou the due data. ve-y ugly face S o m e tim e s , it* own atorjr to the family cf partner* tod other* worthy of meotioa * ftlka’ convention. though, you don't who abare in the wagaa earned by capital inveated in see how ugly It la albart at first. Earl, Orville and Dorothy, ( modern properties performing useful publio aerrioc. North You may think Next S u b . — Mon. South grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. 32, 3:24 « m. flag It’s an attractive of thia investment— July 2«—27 17, 12:09 p. m A. C. Armstrong, and their 16. 5:15 a. m. face. B u t y o u 15. 12;45 p. m. mother, Mrs. Ethel Armstrong, I ita dependable return to the investor—its ready marketabil. 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. fl»» won't think that 14, Jl2:09 p. m. flag visited at the Armstrong home ity if the investor has to aell bia bolding*—make it a safe 31, 1 :34 p. ni fl*^ way If you talk Halsey Happening« 34, 4:08 p- m. for a week, returning to Albany to her long. You'll one to offer to tboee people who cannot afford to loae. No«. 14 and 16 atop to let off paaaengvr* (Continued from page 1) last Wednesday. begin to see the from south of Eugene. * lipa curl and the of the company is to obtain your per­ Delroa Wahl visited Corvallis No. 31, direct conn action for Marshfield u g l y expreaaion point*. sonal friendly interaet as a shareholder : yeur help and Thursday. and you'll say to Passengers for south of Eugene shonld advice toward« making the organization a better and more yourself: take tram No. 17. The Albany cannery has been Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­ "Oh, you ugly, efficient public servant in every possible way. 'putting up beets. sey a t ? * , m and 12:15 and 8:1* p m m ean-1 o o k l n g Tha Tatuatala Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 « m aBd thing I" The Penland party got homt Twin« 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. Mother Gossip from eastern Oregon last week. can never really see herself. She has Our county mad-dog scare is a number of children but the T attle­ FOOD FOR CH ILDR KN WHO tale Twins are her pets. over and the quarantine is off. TR AVEL She loves to hear stories children At the Halsey poetoffice maila Elmer C. Munson and wife tell on each other. She Uves where close going north at 11:50 a. m. Many tima« and eapadally during the mountains are made of mole hills have been visiting in Portland. :ba summer months. mothers art and 5:20 p. m. among her other children are the Going south, 11:10 a. m, and Philip Merrian is home from .'oreed to take their children on trip» and Hearsay Triplets, the Exaggeration 5:20 p. tn. Albany recovering from an ill­ »1th them. During these trip« the Boy« and her daughter, I-make-a- parent 1* forced to contend with that To Brownsville, 0:20 a. m. «ad ness. polnt-to-repeat-mean-thlnga, as well •ver present and serious problem of 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ as her twin, I-heard-somethlng-mean- Mrs. A. C. Armstrong and ood for the child. ville goes on to Crawfordsville - about-j«u-but - 1 - stood- Helen were in Albany Monday Aa In almost every other case, the someone-sald Holley and Sweet Home. up-for-you. Mother Gossip is fond of blef source of worry, during the.c afternoon. ■arlod« la tha milk supply, lta sonríe, this twin, too, for Mother Gossip Miss Bessie Bond is here from ta purity and lta food value. It la I thinks It la nice to repeat the mean speeches and then excuse one's self by Los Angeles for a visit or lot always convenient to get market saying: " I stood op for you. nllk of dependable quality for, Io many (5c a line) several weeks. The kind of person who wouldn’t qctlona of the country, adequate f t Mis. A. C. Armstrong and llltlea for lta care are not provided repeat the mean speech but who would For Sale—Thrifty young Pig« Helen drove to Eugene Satur­ Co meet the needa of mothers In these stand up for a friend without having $5 Sach. W. T. Carter. rylng situation« science baa provided to tell the friend so, la not the kind day afternoon. i form of milk, conveniently carried Mother Gossip likes. She has such Wanted—100 tona Evergreen Miss Amanda Mitzner preach .nd easily prepared. The can* are In curious tastes Blackbekoerries, 100 ten* freak W ell, one day Mother Gossip was •4 at lb* Mathodiat churoh bun wo sixes, the one containing six unces and the other sixteen. Prune*. Highest market price*. alone. All her children were wander day morning. Evaporated milk Is Juat pure eow»' ¡ng about, causing unhappiness and Stenberg Broa., Albany, Ora, Phone 482R Grace Kirk, Nick Rufli, Nettie nllk with more than half of the water sadness. They were telling on others, ■ moved. None of its food value 1» they were making people feel sad be­ Iaom and Mabel Loucks were esaened; In fact its digestibility la cause of mean, bitter, unkind speeches, Old papera for aale at 5c a bundle among the 38 who got teachers’ ■nproved. It la easily mixed with wa- and they were doing Just those things at the Enterprise office. er and lx, undoubtedly, the moat prat­ that would please mean Mother Gosalp certificates. Auto Registration Nets Large Fund. ies I form of milk for use as a food for when they told her about It. Salem. Or.— Since 1907, when the Lane county is building a road lilldren. Some of the country's lead Mr«. D. JE. Sturtevant*« com- Master Thoughtfulness, who hates Scientist Saye Solar Radio-Activity law went Into effect providing state from Mabie to meet the Craw­ ;ig pediatricians recommend Its use. cruelty above all things, and who con­ in. Mrs. May Broadbent of revenue from the licensing of motor Has Pushing Power. mploylng the following formula: fordsville road. siders saying mean things a form of Tacoma, and daughter Bernice vehicles, to July 1, 1925. the state has Minneapolis, Minn.— A Minneapolis From Sixth Week to Third Month. cruelty, tried to do all he could with Seth Mills and wife visited lllk and Mr. and Mrs. Gillett and collected the Immense sum of *26,815, her. engineer, H. J. Smith, declared he had orated ........................ «ou n ce* Seth’s brother, R. A. Mills, and Lime . w evap Mrs. Flora Bishop and Mrs. a ter . . . . . . . . . ............... I ounce* What Is the use In making people discovered a mysterious new force, 950 56 from this source of revenue. lllk eu xar ................................... 1 ounce* family at Newberg Sunday. unhappy?" he asked her. "You know black rays” of the sun. which exert Of this total, *141,286 was turned Into Margaret Gillett of Salem were lolled w ater .................................««ou n ce* It makes them unhappy when you say a pushing instead of the pulling pow­ the general fund of the state treasury guests at Sturtevants’ the last feed in g s In tw e n ty -fo u r houre Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whit I Seven I ouncee at thrae-h ou r Intervale mean things and when you repeat er hitherto supposed to be one of the and the balance, or *25,341,937.16. has of the week. latch of Coburg visited at the lu to rin g the day and four-h ou r lu tarvale mean speeches others have made. influences keeping the earth In Its been expended In the construction, Horace Armstrong home Sun­ it n ig h t "People may try to be sensible and From Third Month to Fifth Month. orbit, and he has so far demonstrated Improvement and repair of state and day. Dinner guests at A. C. Arm* say to thamselves: Milk, evap orated .................... 7M oullce* the truth of his claim that Dr. Henry county highways, according to a state­ strong’s Sunday included Mr. I won’t let It hurt my feelings. Rev. Robert Parker and chil­ Lima w a ter ............................... ( o u n c e . ment made public by the secretary ol Milk su g a r ............................... 1 ounce* Any one who Is going to repeat mean A. Erikson, head of the physics de state. and Mrs. W. O. Simmons of Al­ dren came home from the Salem Soiled partment of the University of Min w ater .......................... «»H ou n ce. speeches doesn't deserve to be no bany and Mr. and Mrs. C. L, campmeeting in time for Sun Six feed in g* In tw e n ty -fo u r hour« nesota, has abandoned plans for a va tlced to that extent. I to « ouncee at th ree-h o u r In terval, Quake Scares Church Folk. Carey. Visitors during the af­ day’s services. cation and shut himself up in his lu rin g tha day and a feed in g at 10 p rn "But Just the same It Is hard not San Francisco, C a l—A sharp earth­ ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. laboratory to see If the law of New From Fifth ta Savanth Month. to have one’s feelings hurt." Wayne Veatch got his nose so quake which was felt In the San Fran­ Frank Skipton of Albany and ton must be scrapped or amended. Milk evap orated ......................... 1« u u n ev. “I know It," sneered Mother Gossip. badlyk hurt jn an accident last Lime cisco bay district and south along the Mrs. Horner of Corvallis. w ater «ou n ce. "It began so long ago,” she said week that he went to Eugene Milk eugar peninsula for a distance of 50 miles «ou n ce* after a little. "You know how people U. 8. and Canada O. K. Four Pacte Soiled w ater ..................................I t ounce* for treatment. subsided without causing any damage, C. D. Huff’s parents, whose speak of idle gossip?" m » e feed in g* In tw e n ty -fo u r hour* Washington, D. C.— Ratifications ol although momentary alarm was oc­ arrival 7 ouncee a t fou r-h ou r Intervale “I t Is certainly Idle enough to gos­ was announced last R. A. McCully visited his the to laet feed in g to be given at 10 p. rn four treaties between the United casioned. Church congregations at alp," Master Thoughtfulness sighed. week, are Mr. and Mrs. J. H. farm, where Marion Carey re­ Savanth to Ninth Month. "There were a lot of people with States and Canada were exchanged at San Jose, approximately 60 miles Huff of Marshalltown, la., and sides, the other day. He pro­ Mllh. From e v a p o r a t e d ........................ .. ounce* nothing to do, nothing to think about, the state department. The treaties south of here, hurriedly made their their visit planned for about ten poses to have a new barn built. Lima w ater « o u n ce, nothing to be happy about, nothing relate to smuggling, extradition of way to the streets, but the excitement vlllh eugar t ounce* days. Then they will go home with which to play, nothing for which criminals, boundaries and the level of soon subsided. The center of the dis­ We read about “the hum of Soiled w a t e r .................................. «« o u n ce. to care. ouncee at fou r-h ou r Intervale turbance appeared to be at a point by way of Canada and St. Paul, water In the Lake of the Woods. industry.” That is the sound lu 7 rin to g » the day. Laet feed in g at ten “They were Just a group of these ta tko Pacific ocean about 200 miles Minn. that comes out of Skirvin’s at n igh t. people. They had been brought up by northwest of here. From Ninth to Twalfth Month. warehouse when grinding is go­ W. Chance’s sisters, a nurse employed by all of their moth­ ing on. Milk, evap eratsd ........................1« ouncee ers. whose name was Nurse Whine. Total French casualties ao far In Probate ef McClintock W ill Denied. Mrs. Bateman and Mrs. Elswick, Lime w ater I ouncee « ou n ce* ™ M™- Rankin, called at H. “Nurse Whine didn’t play with the the Moroccan war with Abd-El Krlm's D. S. McWilliams was in Hal­ Milk eugar Chicago, III.— Basing hie decision on w ater ...............................« « o u n c e . children, or read to them, or do any­ Rlfflans are given as 4418. Of these, W. Chance’s Saturday, on their sey Friday and Mrs. C. P. Staf-. B arley • to • ou n ces at fou r-h ou r In te r v a l, "a presumption of undue influence.” thing with them, for she was Interest­ during day. L * .t feed in g at Iso al 707 were killed. 2775 wounded and 666 Probate Judge Horner refused to ad­ way home to Brownsville from ford accompanied him home to sig h t. ed In a person whose name was Mas­ Albany. missing. Albany for a visit with Mrs. Mc­ mit the w ill of W illiam Nelson Mc­ ter Complain and she was going to The Belgian government has agreed Williams. Clintock to probate. W illiam Darling Tha aatna quantity of pur* marry him as soon as the last of these with the French and British for the Shepherd, recently acquitted Of fr»ah milk may advatageuuely children grew up. • Grace Kirk was home from "Well, the children grew up. They’d early evacuation o f Düsseldorf. Dula charges of murder growing out of Mc­ the summer school at Monmouth be aubstituted for evaporated milk no Idea how to be happy. And they burg and Ruhrort, simultaneously Clintock’s sudden death last winter as for the week end. So was Miss ami water. Once opened, aterilized only with the evacuation of other places he prepared to marry Miss Isabelle knew — or Genevieve Wells and her friend, evaporated milk and freeh cooled t h o u g h t t h e y In the Ruhr. Pope, was the principal beneficiary Laundrv tent Tuesdays milk from the cow are equally Miss Edna Ziniker. knew—that there An air dispatch service between the under the will. An estate In excess of Agency Hub Cleaning Works liable to infection and deteriora­ was nothing to do. summer W hite House at Swampscott. *1,000,000 was Involved. Eight female and three male tion. 'O u t of t h i s Mass., and Washington has been es members were baptized into the lack of doing any­ tabltahed by the navy department. Im Methodist church last week and thing they began portant communications between the Currin Miller was immersed last to scold each oth­ president and federal departments er, and then talk Sunday at Irish Bend. I ” Event of Coal Strike Qovernment w ill be carried dally by a naval sea •bout each other. W ill Taka Hand plane. In part ol last week'a edition And the habit Swampaeott. Mads. — The govern grew and grew so The revaluation bill passed by the pages 2 and 3 exchanged posi­ meat will take a hand In the anthra­ that relchstag. providing for exchange of the only tions with pages 6 and 7, which cite coal field wage negotlatlone times they found German w artim e and pre-war loans threw the table of contents on •hould an agreement not be reached anything to do for new issue equal to 6 per cent of page 1 all out of order. were those times and a strike ba railed September 1. original loans was signed by Presl I ha program which tha government when they talked dent Hlndenburg. Obligations total Wayne Veatch and Clarence •bout each other. lng 70.006,000.000 marks were thus Wagner started early this week III pursue tn the event of a strike "Then I came was dtaruaaad at a three hour confer converted Into gold debt of 3.600.000. for a trip of two or three weeks enne here by Preetdent Coolidge and •long and I was "You Know It 000 marks. Makaa Them Un in southern and eastern Ore­ Secretory Davie. The latter waa hop the same way. I f happy.« gon. intending to see Crater lng that aa agreement would be reach- people want to happy and make others happy they lake and other points of interest. ed before the present wage contracts be should avoid me. I am never really J. P. Morgan A Co. Buy *75,000.000 happy. Stenberg Bros, of Albany ad­ expire. August 21. " I only get excited over gossip. ] Bond Issue. vertise for evergreen blacklier- New Postal Rates Fall to Shew Gain- Just can't help It. I come from a lot New York — For the first time In ries. Many of the vines were " aahlngton. D. C.-—Tha controversy of Idle ones and so I'm often called Its history, the commonwealth of Aus­ prevented from fa rin g this over Idle Gosalp. It means that I don't postal rates was reopened Mon tralia has turned from London to New year by last December'« fraeao. by a joint congressional commit­ count for anything—I'm Idle, useless York for its external financing. J. won't laet long if the coolneaa hap- 'But It's my nature. By the way. If you find them in quantity to tee which first heard a poatofftce de­ Master Thoughtfulness, yon know I P. Morgan A Co. announced the pur P«n« to be lotna of oor dilieious provide good picking there is a partment eat I mat a that the new rates. beard some one say they thought you chase cf a *75.000.000 Australian loan, ica craana. It will prove to be tha ■chance to make pocket money. Inaugurated April 15. had fallen far were stingy." which was offered for public subtcrlp finaat they ever taatad. Ne matter abort of producing tha additional rev­ But Master Thoughtfulness bad fled tlon. Simultaneous offering of a £6.- tl the two Halsey churches enue expected Postmaster Oeneral The bow tired or warm you may fee), 000.000 loan waa made tn London. thing to do was to keep far as well connected in policy New told the committee th a t,fo r the •way beat Allotment of the major portion of from Mother Gosalp. a dish of Clark'« ic« cream will sidewalk they are doing month of May. the first ful{ month thy present financing to the American rafjeah you. — Three blocks of solid of operation for the new rate« postal Don’t kill two birds with one atone. market re ulted from Great Britain's cement and the crossings are all revenues «ere estimated to have In Don't kill one bird with two atone*. gold resumption policy. J This record tell8 Halsey Railroad Tpne g lo be J i The enduring reliable character The primary idea Healt <277<7 Home Subrcriptions may be made in cash or on convenient monthly payments Outgoing M ail Complete information on request P M o u n ta in S ta te s o w er S e c u r itie s C o m p a n y Paid-for Paragraphs Address at any office of • MOUNTAIN STATES POWER <§ Albany...Corvallis...Eugene..Cottage Grove < Springfield ..Junction City...Lebanon 1 Dallas...Independence...Stavton ENGINEER FINDS NEW RAY BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Modern Barber Shop A A B E ’S P L A C E U. s. PROGRAM DISCUSSED H alsey G arage Union Gas and Oil 5 » E ix ;; AUSTRALIAN LOAN IS MADE The Coolness Between Them I > 4»f s r Clark s Confectionery * j