RURAL ENTERPRISE w iT ll much unanim ity m aster de- , . ' rners decided to a ttack the „ ^ h i iln e silhouette th is s p r t n g - h a a t t we can hat j ltra1’' . . on the theory t th have r “ .urh Of even a very good thing. ’* lgh the attack comes from all ;,e r s It WUS not a m arked success ’“ ,he ranks of street and sports * ,h(.s. So fa r from disappearing, the i L h t l l n e vogue has not even grown ^ ¿ n o t so th at you can notice It, throng« on the street, or protn- ’ aileS on athletic fields. pass In re- and godets plaited at the top but loose at the bottom, are other means of In­ sinuating fullness Into afternoon and evening frocks. Of certain kinds c f hats It Is not necessary to say anything—there are so many of them —they speak for themselves. The little felt hat. In pas­ tel colors and white, for Instance, Is everywhere. It has been reinforced hy sim ilar hats of w hite khl and combi­ nations of white and black In kid. Fol­ lowing Immediately upon the heels of the kid hat came the hat of black p at­ ent leather, combined with white kid. In facings and decorations. In dressier hats the whle-brlmmad pastel-colored, hair-braid shapes have outdistanced all rivals for midsummer lhc KITCHEN : : CABINET W « g > l« r n \ « * » p » p « r U u io u -j Choos*» w h a t y o u w ill, w ith in t h s lim it s o f r ea so n , an d by th e e x e r - o f t h t a \ ■ rag. stfHs y o u w ill, in tim e, reach your m a r k .— M arden. •1 m S P IN A C H D IS H E S FOOD PREPARATIONS AND THERMOMETERS Larvae Feed on Fabrica or For Uniform Results Cooking Be Exact. Various Articles. (Pr*par»4 by tha V ultad « ta la s D ep artm en t o f JMcrtcullura.) Carpet beetles, or so-called “buffalo moths,” are common household pests usually associated In their destructive work with clothes moth». O rdinallly they are not so destructive as clothes moths, because they reproduce only once a year, anil then not so abundant­ ly. Experienced housewives throughout the North are fam iliar with the stout, oval, reddish-brown hairy erubs or larvae of the common carpet beetle, found beneath carpets or In cloth­ ing. In southern homes, however, the longer, slender, golden-brown larvae of the black carpet beetle, with its tuft of golden bristles, is more com­ mon. All carpet beetle larvae feed upon fabrics or upon various articles. In­ cluding upholstered furniture, contain­ ing wool, silk, hair, Air bristles, or feathers. They even feed upon dried animal m atter. N aphthalene flakes ami paradichlorobenzene crystals are used to protect susceptible articles from carpet beetles In about the sam e way in I F r e t» red by th e fu lle d S t a t e . D apartm aa» o f A gricultura.» Daddy’s EsVenincrL__ -W A n y -G R A iiA fA -B O N M E R The modern housekeeper ha, [ learned, among other things, that It I» | HOUSEKEEPING necessary to tie exact In her cookery I methods to secure uniform results She , Allle Baa Is « rag doll and many of must m easure th e Ingredients of her | sou have heard of her. She belong, cake In th e sam e way every tim e she to a little girl m akes It. and she m ust regulate tier named M argaret, oven tem perature to the sam e point at who calls herself each baking. Cookbook» intended to M rs. Cucumber meet requirem ents no longer tell her Green when «tie to "bake in a m oderate oven," leaving plays. W hen Mar­ her to guess Just what "m oderate- garet tidies up may m e a n ; they say, “hake at 300 de­ her doll's house grees F ahrenheit.” or “hake at 300 de­ she call» herself grees to 400 degree« F ahrenheit, he- I Ja n e Kckler, th e ginning low. and raising tem pera ¡ h o u s e c 1 e anlug ture gradually.” If one is follow­ lady. ing up-to-date directions for making Mrs. Cucumber candy, for deep-fat frying, for roast Green has a place lng meat, or for any kind of baking, for play “t ,h * the recipe will undoubtedly mention side of her bed. the best tem perature or range of tem ­ T here 1» a hig perature» for the procesa and m ate­ space betw een th a t rials being used. Not a Fussy und the wall. Thl» accurate Indispensable, therefore, to accu rate , Number Four, Green cookery is a dependable therm om eter ' space she c a ll. Nnmher A single strong, well-made chemical Lane. . Green had Just Spinach needs good seasoning and ra re In serving If you most tench your family to like It, as most of us do. B e in g s u c h a among gay and light-minded worth-while vege­ table, so good for •ttemoon frocks, th ere w as much wav- the blood, being Hng-the attack has proved success- i l In more or leas Informal after- rich In Iron, It Is £ , n gowns, women are Inclined to .needful th a t we le a rn w ay s of serving It In the most attractiv e m anner. Spinach With Stuffed P ln en to es.— A rrange six plm entoes In w elt-buttered ram ekin dishes. Take one and one- half cupfuls of cooked spinach, two tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice, one-hnlf teaspoonful of salt, one egg, one-half teuspoonful of grated nutmeg, two tahlespoonfula of b u tter and one-hnlf 5 ? s s cupful of bread crumbs. Mix the ma s chair, for they had been calling gives rendings up to about .4)0 degrees stuffing and fill peppers, cover with on grandm a while Mrs. Cucumber F ahrenheit. S eparate therm om eters buttered crumbs and bake In a hot Green did her housecleaning. are on the m arket for several special oven. "They w ere Just as good as gold, ’ cooking processes, and may be found Bohemian Spinach.—T ake six strip s said grandm a. “Really. Mrs. Cucum­ convenient In some cases. of bacon, three-fourths of a cupful of T he general-purpose therm om eter ber Green, you should be very proud cooked spinach, one-hnlf teaspoonful can be adapted to oven use by th ru st­ of your children." of salt, tw o eggs, three-fourths of a Mrs. Cucumber Green gave a modest ing It through a hole in the top of the cupful of milk, one-half cupful of little «mile. oven and clipping It In place with a bread erumhs. Curl the bacon Inside "On the whole, they a re pretty spring clothespin. Used In this way, of six ramekins. Chop the spinach, it is most effective since It can be a r­ good," she said. add seasonings and beaten eggs, milk A fter the children were hack In ranged so as to record the tem pera­ and crumbs. Pour th e m ixture Into tu re of the center of th e oven rath er F our Green Lane, Mrs. Cucumber the ram ekins and bake until firm. The tliun the sides and can he rend from Green had lesson». bacon If partly cooked will he more They only had a few lessons nnd outside the oven w ithout opening the satisfactory. If It Is not sufficiently door. . _. they did them quickly, for. aa Mrs. cooked, tu rn the molds out onto a bak­ Insect, Secrete Themselves In A therm om eter helps to roast meat Cucumber Green said, the little deurs holstered Furniture. ing dish and bake In a hot oven. with accuracy. If It 1» Inserted Into were so bright they didn't have to Spinach and Noodles.—T ake one and the piece to he cooked Its rending In­ study very hard. one-balf cupfuls of noodles cooked, thev are used for protection ngnlnst dicates to the housekeeper when the clothes moths. T hat Is. the garm ents, Besides Mrs. Cucumber Green was one and one-half cupfuls of cooked m eat at the center of the roast Is not a fussy teacher. If they spelt chopped spinach, one cupful of grated rugs, or other articles should he thor­ "medium’ or "well-done. words wrong she didn't mind. It was cheese, one teaspoonful of salt, one- oughly cleaneil, sunned, and brushed "rare,” In sugar co o k ery -rep resen ted In fourth teaspoonful of pepper and one before being put away. They should the household In the making of candy. so very hard to spell w ords right. then have eleher the naphthaline or And If they got mixed up in their cupful of milk. P ut altern ate layers the paradichlorobenzene scattered Icings, sirups for cunning, or sauces, a alphabet Mrs. Cucum ber G reen never of spinach and noodles In a baking through the box or container in which therm om eter Is practically essen n . scolded. dish, sprinkle with cheese and season­ they are to he stored, between folds Tl ere Is much uncertainty as to Just It was alm ost Impossible to get the ing over each layer and top w ith when a sirup "spins a thread,” "form s and In various p a rts of the article noodles. Pour over the milk and hake alphabet entirely rig h t. This box should then be tightly Closed a soft bull." or “reaches the hard They were pretty good In th e poetry fortv-flve minutes. crack," and the cook is only succeaa- class, though. They rem embered the Spinach Croquettes.—T ake one cup­ and wrapped with an extra protective ful as often ns she m akes a lucky ful each of chopped ham and spinach, covering of heavy w rapping paper. If guess. A therm om eter which can he verses Mrs. Cucumber Green tau g h t the articles are to he stored in a trunk them, and they loved the Binging one tablespoonful of prepared m us­ or chest th e container should he dipped directly Into the hot sirup reg­ tard . one-half cupful of boiled rice, isters the exact tem perature, and a , class! tightly closed, as It Is essential In all T h at was alw ays the last class of a ll. one egg yolk, one-fourth of a cupful of cases th at the fum es given off hy sugar com binations are known to be­ spinach liquor. Mix all th e Ingredients Then Mrs. Cucumber Green took slow evaporation of the flakes or the have In certain ways when they reach and moisten with th e stock. Shape them shopping up the Lane, and talked different tem peratures, nil doubt Is crystals be closely confined. E ither | Into croquettes, dip Into egg and of these substances is effective against elim inated. A therm om eter can also w ith Mr. O ttaw ay, the grocer. In trod u cin g the F lared Skirt. l crumbs. Serve with tom ato sauce. "Good morning. Mr. O ttaw ay.” Mrs. all stages of the beetles If properly h e used to test the tem pernture for Spinach With B uttered Crumbs.— To th e lighter shades fashion has add­ used. The action of camphor Is deep fa t frying or for other cooking Cucumber Green said, "huve you some in a fte r strange gods and to encour- ed rich purples In pansy and fuchsia Put the well-washed spinach Into a processes nt tem peratures above 21- fresh eggs this morning 7” te new ideas. The flared skirt, tiered kettle, adding no w a te r; cook carefully, glower, but It may be used. Mr. O ttaw uy w as made of wood anil tones. Many of these h air braids ure C edar chests will kill the very young degrees Fahrenheit, where accuracy resses and tunic dresses all found he stood in a “pretend" grocery store, and uniform results are Important. flower trimmed, with blossoms In stirrin g occasionally for the first few lem selves made welcome and all have shades of the sam e color as the hats. I minutes, then cover and cook until larvae of carpet beetles, but they will A therm om eter Is obviously required looking over hi» vegetables and eggs not kill the beetles, the older larvae, ppeared In many graceful versions, Roses, with stem s long and large, 1 tender. Serve seasoned with b u tter or th e pupae, nor will they prevent for pasteurizing milk at h o m e - th a t and fruits. ven higher w aistlines w ere occaslon- chrysanthem um s and w ater lilies are i and sprinkled with buttered crumbs. "Good m orning, Mrs. Cucumber th e eggs from hatching. Articles Is. raising the milk to a tem perature lly entertained and the long sleeve In grout demand for them, but there Stuffed b aker fish Is one of the of 145 degrees F ahrenheit, nnd hold- G re e n ; yes. I’ve some delicious fresh such as balls of yarn, floor skins □cceeded In establishing a place for are many models trim m ed with silk or . fav o rite w ays of serving the large The eggs. Will bring color into the cheeks backed with woolen cloth, pillows lng It there for 30 minutes. [self. Among these Innovations, the velvet, with printed chifTon or applique i lake trout. chemical therm om eter Is of such a of your little ones." stuffed with h air or feathers, and uost successful Is the flared skirt. By Savory Dishes. “I’ll have four dozen, then," said of velvet. sim ilar objects in the interior of which size and shape th at It will go Into one air m eans It has made Itself a success figures Don’t fall to learn a few of the B u tter making and Mrs. Leaving these lending Items out be- Cucumber Green, and put them, of the bottles. ___ . . _________ — th e older carpet beetle larvae can hat Is going to la s t 1 cause every one Is fam iliar with them, kinds of Held mushrooms. T here are hide, should not be placed In cedar other processes often carried on in ..preten