jUi.» » . " » » RURAL at Mrs Frank M Wdrren. 73. native of News Notes From I Oregon, daughter of the pioneer cir­ All Over Oregon cuit rider, Rev. Mr George H. Atkin G leaned b y th e W e s te r n N e w sa p o r U n io n f o r B u s y P e e p le Little Fellows Fill Very Large Space F. M . G R A Y , D R A Y M A N S LOW FARES TO WM. 0. MfTtHELL PORTLAND WM. B. PRINTER son, and widow of the late Frank M. Warren, founder of the Warren Pack­ ing company, died at her home in Portland. Morn than two-thirds of the stu­ dents from the Oregon Agricultural college who entered the rifle marks­ fishermen on Coos hay and Coos manship contest nt Camp Lewis R. O. river caught about 1000 pounds of sal­ T. C. encampment, qualified, accord­ mon at the opening of the season ing to a report received by the mili­ Thursday. tary department. E L. Elliott of Klamath Falls was By unanimous vote of the stock­ appointed district attorney of Klamath holders the Oregon-Washington Tele­ county to succeed William Ganong, phone company, which operates ex­ vko has resigned. changes in Hood River county and A fire which broke out near the Skamania and Klickitat counties, hesd of St. Marys river burned over Washington, has authorized a bond M acres of farm land before being issue of $600,000. brought under control. The annual Oregon state Baptist Jesus Borres. Mexican, serving a convention, together with the yearly three-year term In the state peniten­ sessions of the state ministers' con­ tiary at Salem for larceny committed ference, the state women’s society and the Oregon council of Baptist lay­ In Jackson county, has escaped. William E. Glthcns, 78, a pioneer men convened In Astoria Tuesday for farmer of Lane county, died at the a five-day session. Oregon mines In 1924 produced min­ Albany hospital. Mr. Githens came to erals valued at $678,072, It is report­ Oregon with his parents in 1851. A street paving program embracing ed by the bureau of mines. A general more than 20 blocks in the hill sec decline In mining activities, including tion of Oregon City was approved at decrease In production, number of pro­ a special meeting of the city com­ ducers and value of output, was not­ ed from the 1923 report. mission. An Invitation to the national or­ A huge boulder plunged down a rock ganization of American War Mothers chute on the highway between Co­ to hold its 1927 biennial convention in quille and Myrtle Point Just as H. H. Portland is being considered by the Dufort passed in his automobile. The Oregon state organization. boulder hit the automobile, almost de­ Hearing of the application of the molishing it, and Mr. Dufort. was In­ Willamette Valley Southern Railroad jured seriously In the chest. company to abandon its track between Neither Arthur O. Beals, state Kaylor and Mount Angel will be held senator from Tillamook county, nor at the latter city on July 30. Sam A. Garland, state senator from Fire, believed to have been start­ Linn county, is eligible to serve as a ed by an overheated core furnace, did member of the state fish commission, damage estimated at $20,000 to the according to an opinion handed down foundry and pattern shops of the Com­ by I. H. Van Winkle, attorney general Following a fire at Salem which re­ mercial Iron works in Portland. Four persons were injured, two pos­ sulted In the destruction of the plant sibly fatally, when an automobile in of the Cherry City Milling company which they were riding smashed into with a loss of $135,000, a movement a Southern Pacific train at Dairy was launched for a special election to vote bonds in the amount of $364,000 station, seven miles west of Salem Travel over the highway to Crater for the purchase of two additional Lake from Fort Klamath to the pumpers. What the sheriff's office of Umatilla southern boundary of the park will be facilitated by a road widening project county declares to be the largest still which will be undertaken by the bur­ ever taken in the county was seized near the Washington state line north­ eau of public roads. east of Freewater by members of the Charles E. Mulkey. 45, of Coquille, sheriff's forces of Umatilla county in Coos county school superintendent, Oregon and Walla Walla county In was killed instantly when he was Washington. The still had a capacity struck by a falling tree while driving of about 260 gallons of moonshine Ms automobile from the ferry landing every 24 hours. It was seized on the into the city park at North Bend. James Fraezler ranch near the state Persons who plead guilty to or are line. convicted of driving motor vehicles while under the influence of liquor cannot expect executive clemency from Oovernor Pierce, according to a statement Issued by the governor. Upon request of the chamber of Portland, Or.—Transfer of immense commerce at Jacksonville the public deposits of diatomaceous earth, under service commission has Issued an development near Terrebonne on the order preventing W. S. Barnum from Deschutes river, from the Dlatomite dismantling his railroad, which ex­ company of Portland to a group of tends from Medford to Jacksonville. New York financiers was announced Rev. W. H. Stewart of Spokane, by J. W. Ganong, president of the lo­ Wash., is the new moderator for the cal concern. Title to the property United Presbyterian synod of the Co­ will pass August 1 to the Atomite cor lumbia, which held its annual Bible poration, organized under the laws of conference on the campus of the Ore­ Delaware with $6,300,000 capital stock, gon Agricultural college at Corvallis. and $500,000 will be spent by the new The war department has relieved owners In development of mining op Major-General Joseph E. Kuhn from eratlons. Diatomaceous earth Is composed of command of the 6th Infantry brigade at Vancouver barracks and assigned the skeleton remains of microscopic in his place Brigadier-General Paul A. organisms and is used commercially Wolf, who was promoted to general for filtration, filler and for insulation Its fire-resisting qualities are said to rank. The biggest shipment of shad roe be superior to those of asbestos. There ever received at Astoria came in on is a wide and growing market for the the gasoline schooner Roamer from earth and the deposit at Terrebonne Is the Anderson Fish company plant at said to be the purest known The Reedsport. The shipment consisted deposit underlies approximately 800 of 1550 cases and was insured for acres and is estimated to contain 5,- $47.500. 000,000 tons. The deposit is seven miles from Fire, thought to have been caused by spontaneous combustion in new Terrebonne and about 15 miles from hay. destroyed the apple packing Redmond. The Atomite company pro­ house, barn, harvest equipment, a mo­ poses to build a rail line from the tor truck and automobile on the Dee mine to Terrebonne. A refining plant ranch place of A. L. Stephens in the and other buildings will be erected, Hood River valley. The damage was calling for an investment of $500,000 estimated at $16,000. Half a million dollars wortn |O’ P A S H PAID for false teeth, den- property went up in smoke when a t*l gold, platinum and discarded fire, originating in the planing mill jewelry, lloke Smelting and Refining of the West Oregon Lumber company Co., Otsego, Mich, at Linnton. swept a greater part of thst plant, then leaped across a nar D ELB ER T STA R R row roadway and destroyed the mills and yards of the Beaver-Linnton Tim­ Funeral Director and Li- ber company. censed Embalmer The contract of the Oliver Con­ Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. struction company to macadamise Lady Attendant four miles of the Eugene-Lorane high­ Brownsville....................................Oregon’ way between Qreendoor and Lorane has been declared forfeited by the Lane county court and company's w . L- W R I G H T bondsmen have been asked to do the M ortician & Funeral D irector work. The company was to have start­ Halsey and Harrisburg' ed on the contract several weeks ago. Call D. T aylor , Halsey, or Sales by mills of the West Coast W. L. might , Harrisburg Lumbermen's association hold steady while manufactures show a material reduction, according to the weekly re­ port of the association, embracing sta tlstlcs of 115 mills. In the week end ing July 11 sales amounted to 101.241. *56 feet, manufactures ware $7.343,779 feet and shipments 94,727,667. the A ll work done promptly and reason lewest shipment total for m^ny weeks. » •J'ably.IPhene 369 ! PAM E N T E R P R IS E A N D RETURN Safe, defen dable trains at convenient Honrs Comfortable, economical service daily. $4.70 $ 3 .9 o rou n d trip week-end tic ket; start Fn .,S at. or Sun. R etu rn limit Tuesday fo llow ing. r o u n d t r ip season tic k e t; on sale every d a y . R e tu r n l i m i t 15 days. Propot t tonatela low fatea to other poterà. William B. Printer of Cleveland, who was chosen to succeed the late Warren B. Stone ae President of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers C. P. Moody Agent On aepartment or justice officials William D Mitchell of St. Paul, who who studied the reports, the deepest was appointed to succeed James M, impression was made by the general Beck as solicitor general of the United inference that state and local au­ thorities were not co-operating with States. federal officials In a majority of in­ stances. Some of the attorneys felt the fed­ eral government was playing a lone hand In their jurisdiction. On the other hand, It was explained that "fine help” was being accorded the Startling Evidence of Corrup­ government officers in many other in stances and that where such help was tion Submitted to Depart- had the dry law was being well en- forced. ment of Justice. It also was shown in the reports that a Considerable number of fed­ Washington, D. C.—New evidence of eral prohibition agents were winking corruption In the enforcement of pro­ at violations. It was indicated that hibition has been disclosed to federal , Mr. Andrews would be supplied with authorities in numerous Instances as 1 the names of agents to whom sue a result of the efforts of Assistant picion was attached in the reports and Secretary Andrews of the treasury to their services ended when the reor rebuild the enforcement system. ganization becomes effective. The disclosures came in reports from United States attorneys to the Logger Is Killed by Town Marshal. department of justice which had re­ Pe Ell, Wash.—Bert Goins, a logger, quested of them a statement detailing 60, was shot and killed by J. Donahue, their confidential information and an accurate perspective of conditions town marshal, Saturday night when within the jurisdiction of each prose­ Goins resisted arrest and drew a knife on the officer. Goins long held a cuting officer. Department officials declined to dis­ grudge against Donahue, who had cuss the contents of the reports ex­ once arrested the logger for disorder­ cept in a general way, but the Informa­ ly conduct on the street. Goins Is tion contained In some of them was said to have threatened the officers' described ss alarming and as Indies life. When the two met Saturday tive of a need for concerted federal night. Donahue Is said to have been compelled to sheot Goins In self de­ and state action. fense A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. Crooked Men in Places of Trust ^/^íbany^)i rectory U. S. & C. T. C. T ire s Now, lo w -p ric e d G ill M o re s e rv ic e B a tte r ie s fo r and F o rd , N o m o re c o s t o th e r S ta r, S k ille d A u to r e p a ir in g s m a ll c a r s C h e v r o le t A u to a c c e s s o r ie s M ORE SE R V IC E FO R L E S S M O N E Y agneto electric co . Official Strömberg carburetor serv M ice station. Conservative prices. Al work guaranteed. M en 72e artistic durable floor covering 119-121 W. Second > and money are best when This is good advice; “ If you live busy. Make yonr dollars work in in Albany, trade in Albany ; it you live our savings department. A lbany S tate in some other town, trade in that town." B ank . Under government supervision. But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do l I iss Sue Breckenridge at least part of their buying in the '* Hemstitching. Stamped gecds larger town. Those who go to Albany 13 West Second street, Albany, Oregon to transact business will find the firms Phone 452R named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. OSCOE AMES HARDWARE A •ta. CCESSORIES AND TIKES R The Winchester Store Auto Supplies j. H. A llison 442 West First St. A • J. LINDAHL, hardware, Dinnerware Tin shop in connection 35b W. First St. Albany, Oregon Floral Co. Cut flowers and plants. Floral art for every A lbany and all occasions. TIMSON TH E SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton's S store. “ Sudden Service. Anderson & Son. distrib­ utors and dealers for Maxwell Chal­ W aldo mers, Essex. Hudson it Hupmobile cars. Accessories. O pnliee. 1st it Broadalbin. 7OODWORTH Flower phone 458-f. Music company offers Piano-case organ, good as new D avenport Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Pianos to rent F DRUG CO. Brunswicks and Victrolas Radiot —An Improvement on Printed Linoleum . Resistance to wear is probably the one quality you look for first when selecting floor covering. And It is that quality above all others which has been built into Pabcolin. t „ Not linoleum, nor a substitute, but an improvement' on printed linoleum—a floor covering with its wear» ing surface composed of special enamel paint In» stead of the usual soft oil-paint, t» This bard, wear-defying surface rests on a firm "body" of long-fiber rag felt, made for this particular purpose, and thoroughly w aterproofed by a special process. I t pays to buy Pabcolin because It gives you extra-longear* vice. I t keeps its gloss and beautiful colors far longer than you would suppose any printed floor covering capable, yet its cost is no higher. Besides, you are offered a variety of beautl» ful patterns—many are new and exclusive. Let us show you Pabcolin. There are patterns suitable for bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen, porch, dining­ room, hall, in fact for any room m the house. HILL & Co . E SPECIALTY SHOPPE hemstitching and stamped goods. Y 318 W. Second st. Albany, Oregon Bros.—Two big grocery stores, 212 W. First and 225 South E astburn Mam. Good merchandise at the right Phone 226 I Owner, Irene McDaniel. If you enjoy a good m eal, ,vnd know a good meal when you get it, lite Cafeteria and confectionery You’ll be back, tor you'll not forget it. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Our aim is to please vou. ings. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W. S. D itnca X. ALBANY <1 Why suffer from headache»? J ORD SALES AND SERVICE G E O . M- G IL C H R IS T Tires and accessories Have Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . prices. _ E PARAGON CA FE FA RM LOANS ortmiller Furniture Co., furni­ Write tor booklet describing our 20- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges, leral directors. 427 433 west First year Rural Gredit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal Cheap rates. No ULLER GROCERY, 285 Lyon delay. B eam L and Co., 1.33 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. (Successor to Stentierg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 263R F FA RM LOANS .MAN & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery thing in the line of eats at lowest rate of interest I YOUR EYES Real Estate Insurance Prompt service. Conrteous treatment. ub Candy Co., First street, next W m B ain , Room 5, Pirat Savings Bank door to Blain Clothing Co. builning, Albany I Noon lunches. Home made candy and ice Cream H Amor A. Tugging IM PER IA L CAFE, 209 »V. First 1 HALSEY Harold G. Murphy Prop Phone 665 f f l HRVBR CLOJB », LAWYER AND’ NOTARY H alsey ; O regon ; Examined F. M. French & Son Jew eler«, O p to m e trists B A R Albany, B E R Oregon SHO P Firsl-class Work J . W. S T E P H E N S O N . Auto Mileage Loat by State Officials. Salem. — Hereafter etnte employes and officials who use private automo­ biles traveling about on atste buelnees will be reimbursed only st the regulsr rates charged by common carriers, where such transportation Is avail­ able Notice to this effect was sent to all state departments, boards and commissions by Secretary of State Kuzer, who is responsible for the auditing of the claims against the state. Estenelen of Seattle City Limit# Urged Seattle. Wash. — A conference of mayors and leading citizens of small communities bordering Hoattla to con­ sider consolidation of these districts with tbo city of Seattle was urged In a letter by Mayor Brown here. The extension of Seattle's limits to Include King county, or the consolidation of the city and county, also would bo discussed at tha conference, Mayor Brown said I 1