KURAL lA O l 4 I The attorney geoetal ray« Sam Garland can’ t be a «tate atoa lor and a fiat» ctjtamíaaiootr al Iba i tema lima aod it ia said ba will lorego tba aommiaaiouerabip. The U 54» a year flab io tba water do not oaad bito Advertising 2t» »o iota ao diacono j u badly at we poor bib will when g s t f c . „ g l g alem fax u s e or (pace ao charge «or co» | R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E « U 4 a *M t*> V > 4 MWUSi — » • • • paper p u U is trd arm y W edueai», I M ib 'X o r c ja u g ea ■a T a ir-U i *-ara«rapha." fae a « • adverts« a « aa newa M r Piarca'a newipaper oppe* uente are evidently obeying the scripture injunction to Jove their □emiev. They shed great Maiding lean and goba of ink aa they point out that everything he doea and everything he doesn't do injure» hit political proepeote. JULY 22 21T29 E N T E R P R IS E The Great Outdoors W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and V igorous Hum anity are Produced philosophical balance ; Farmers’ Ills and ! maintain a high physical Proposed Remedies 001 olherwi" p ° « lble ” it can average H o g g i n g D o t v n W l Items of Interest Beans Is Favored to Unn Rura|ists Portland, Or.—Characterized as the C O -O PE R A TIO N begtaxiac at a bigger and better ef Many Quack Nostrum« in (ort oa tha part of business men to Meeting a Hearty Reception Eight automobile loads of Linn county paople want from Albany Ib a Enterprise practical wbat ll Sight In Union Is get beht&d*the solution of agricoltoral by Those Who Have Wednesday to see tbe flax pulling problems, the two-day regional con­ preaches. While it it more diffi- Strength Given Them Trial. tuaebine operating on tha farm of feree ee sailed by the United States ault, because of their much greater W illiam Riddles and tbr«a son* at iodivldol number and diversity ol Forty-two par cent of tha farmer» Chamber of Commerce, was cooclud The Iowa Agricultural Experiment Monmouth, and they came hom« feel that their flcarv lal difficult!«» are •0 here association, Ames, lows, has soy beans enthusiastic over tha prospect, da. product! aod iotareata, to make The fanner of tbe past. It waa held, in small lots for trial purposes by due to low prices of farm product^ d aring that any good wheat land co-operation complete amoeg tba In a wrestling match at San tha United State» Department of Agri has had to get along with very little , grower« Interested. in this county will product a good laruteri than among publiahera real assistance from business inter­ culture saya. Seventeen per ceDt at It la a well recognized fact that soy crop of flax. Tha Riddleaea have Francisco Friday Ira Dero of Salt aod priot«ra, tba 77 eo-operatire Lake picked up Billy Edward» of tribute their condition to high coats foe ests The farmer of the future will beans particularly suited for one pur­ thia year's crop on 60 aoras «on. farm labor, 10 per cent to high freight find all lines of business and industry pose such as seed production or hog­ marketing organization bow func­ Ranees City aod fluog him to tba ratea, 10 per «ent to high Interest ready to step in to the solution of ging down may not be so well adapted traded at a price that will yield tioning among Oregon farmer» are ground with inch force aa toehake rates, 6 per cent to reckless expendi­ agricultural problems, it was predict­ to growing for hay or In com for all­ $70 an acre. ture« during the boom period, and 4 ed. age In that particular locality. The In 1924 Oregon oontained 6000 evidence of the growth of the :be building and completely per cent to too much credit. ■pirlt which will in time aolve the These were some of tbe methods, practice of growing toy beans In com of the 6500 acres of flax produced disable him. That waa a Dero Thia leaves 11 per cant among recommended by one or another of for bogging down has met a very in the United States. Aud there worst of the fa rm in ’ ilia. hearty reception by the majority of is o i better flax laud than some ia nard fall. shorn may be found those who the various speakers at the confer­ those who have given them a trial. Whan tba praiaot publisher took Linn county. recogniae the real causes : Lack ence, by which farm interests will be Pur« Beans for Seed. Judah and Benjamin ara trying 4 agricultural sducatiou aod of aharge of tba Enterprise it waa a Riddles & Son» of Monmonth, Other growers are particularly in­ tour-page paper, five column» to io regain their grip on Jerusalem »rgaoization for efficient selling. Elimination of duplicating trade and terested In having good pure beans to who bought one of tbe Angora Some people will be failures in agricultural survey« and availability of try for seed production purposes. The bucks at that Texaa auction for tba page—twenty eolumna Now it and on tba 16th to the l&th of «uy case, but a boy or girl who has Information for all. association has a few one-bushel lota 9650, have 700 Angora», many of next month tbe other tribes are contain» eight eix-column page»— passed through O. A. C- ha» an Closer contacts between bankers of hand-picked Manchu aoy beans, which produce fleecee 25 to 30 called to gather in Colorado to forty-eight calumna— and the col- which they propose to let growers inches long, which sell for $15 a improved chance and one who has and farmers. umna ara longer. It containi throe diacu&a tbe grip they have on the won prize» in calf, pig or corn Education of farmers along lines of have who want to get a atari of pure pound. Mauchu beans to try for seed produc­ Juba ia not likely to lose money business and cost accounting. or four ttmaa aa much reading reef of tba world. tion. Tbe Manchu lota, either for seed The Harrieburg cheese factory m scrub »took or on cropa from Steps toward greater production, or for hogging down, together with rnattar aa it did than. The amount ha» closed for the dry season. better quality and standardization of bag and Inoculating material, will be Fourtaen death» from beat in ur patient». other good reading and conatitute hard winter. $1.4$; western white, the rod so that the spray can be made the public service commission, obtain­ ** Optical goods of quality " is On the other hand producers cl $1.46; western red, $1.41. pages 2, 3, 6 and 7 of tha Enter­ to reach the undersides of the leaves. ed by tbe Oregon-Washington Rail-» what the farmer buys are ao tbor Hay — Alfalfa. $18®19 ton; valley For the striped cucumber apply a road A Navigation company and other* prise each weak. A further co­ our motto. Highly organized that they tore» timothy. $20® 21; eastern Oregon dust mixture of 1 pound calcium ar­ carriers of Oregon in which the com . operative economy ia that then bim to pay several times the cost senate and 20 pounds gypsum or land mission was restrained from reducing ‘ timothy, $23®24c. I production. When accused of pagea are printed and the sheets plaster. Butterfat—47c shippers' track. rates 15 per cent on grain, grain pro arryiug this extortion beyond paeted together at law coat with E ggs—Ranch. 27®30c. ducts, potatoes, onions and straw. legal limits they eheertully piead Cheese—Prlc«s f. o. b. Tillamook; up-to-date uiaahinary in San {u ilty , pay fines and assess cou- Triplets. 27c; loaf. 28c per lb. Francisco, itimera some more to balanco fines Cattle—Steers, medium. $7.25®8.OO. and court cotta. T h ai »kill and gtniua all over Hogs — Medium to choice, $13 00® City organizations hypocritically tha United State» work together 14.26. daim to be working for the farmer Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice, ta enable the Enterprise to give in bringing settlers to Oregon by $8 00@12.60. Its reader» mere local and general rundreda and thousands. Instead they are increasing production and nawa and mere uiiacellauaoua read­ Seattle. thus lowering prices of what tha ing than can ba found lu any Wheat—Soft white. $1.47; western Optouietris farmer must sell and the city other weakly io tba county. white, 91.47; hard winter, $1.48; west­ Manufacturing Iwellar must buy. The farmer ern red. $1.46; northern spring. $1.47; | Aod it ia tha ooly one offered Optician loea not resent thia. Hia ia no Big Bend bluestem. $1.50. cow for 91 a year. OREGON A LB A N Y log-in-the-manger policy. He Hay—Alfalfa, $24; D. C , $28; tlm -! gives tha right baud of fellowship othy, $26; mixed bay, $24. to the newcomer. But be is coti- Butterfat—48c. ■idering organized marketing. In (iives better results Egga—Ranch. 34®39c. '«me lines oo-operative bodies ship Hogs—Prime. 814.26®14.65. in bulk and only to points where Cattle—Prime steers, $8 0008 25. and at time« when there i» demand, Cheese—Oregon fancy to retailers, * and they ara making good. 29c per lb.; do standards, 26c; Wash­ Politician«, who want votes, are ington fancy triplets. 25c. offering quack remedies. Thev propose cuts ia transportation C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 Spokans. charges or changes in customs rates Hags—Prime. $13 75013.85. which might offer an occasional C om m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited Cattle—Prime steers, $8.00® 8.50. farmer en* ugh net income increase s e e to buy an all-dav sucker for bis In a number of Instances very In­ child, or they propose that the jurious Insect pests have been tn a government buy to stabilize tbe mean sure controlled by Introduced market, which perhaps would add parasites. a few cents to tha farm price of s e e •‘ P I .A T E S T H A T F I T ” products and oertainly would pro­ The herd bnll should ran In pasture Growns, bridge work and fillings it wql vide a lot of job«, for which in the at least a pari of the summer. The exercise will be a flue thing for him pay you to gat my prices on vo'ir deutal work, end tb« farmer» must pay. When the farmer« pull together and the succulent green grass will Cusick bank build ng, Albany Hay is worth just as much in storage as and help themsalvea they will get "cool him out" and be a great relief from the dry feed he has probably relief. you might get fo r it in case of fire. T h î A A W A A A v A A A A A many month« W A w A wW w A A * A w A v w A w w A A “ O W w w W W W A W O W W A w A w A w A w A w A w A w A w A w A w A A R O f the cityward trend of popula been receiving for • • • kAmerit-ai1 Insurance company lion Monday’« Portland Journal Cultivation of corn and other row I " "I ha.v y o u 85% <*t th<- * ash value in vase aaya crops. In excess ef that required to “ There ia something else that control weeds and keep the surface of loss by fire. American farm« do betide» produce soil In a granular condition. Is not may communicate with Knatgn Lae of tha Salvation Army at tha food. They produce men. They necessary or advisable. Deep culti­ White Shield Houie, SuS Mayfair avenue. Portland, Oregon. are the recruiting statioue for the vation prunes the roots of com plants induatries ami the profession» th e and may decrease the yield, especial­ country, with a dominant farm ly If deep cultivation Is practiced late life, can maiutain a moral and in the season. H a ll’s C a ta r r h P E. C. Meade, H. Albro, WHEAT, CORN, OATS and W hole or «Ground BARLEY FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon Dr. C. FICQ , Dentist O. W . F R U M A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Any Girl in Trouble C. P. STAFFORD, Agent wisest girls keep out of trouble