E nterpri Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs Cleoua Smith is at Corvallis for mediesl treatment. W. A. Allen’s residence property near the north end of First street. Allen will probably occupy the premises on Second streei, where W. H- Beene lived last year. J- B. Wagner and family started Sunday for a stay of indefinite length in southern Oregon. Partial List of Contents News of Halsey......................... P*gr 1 Great Outdoors—Farm Item s ... Brownsville $. A lfo r d ...... ... Pine Grove. K i r k ............ ... Lake Creek . All Oregon. Church Announcements______ Serial sto ry______________, _ Sunday school lesson............... Editorial comment . . . . . . . . . . . . Waste in Government_______ r Kitchen Cabinet.......... ............... “ Traitorous Officials........ ............. 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 ; 2 Quack and other reme­ dies for farmers* ills. Camping at O. A. C . . . . Hogging Off Soy Beans Chiaa a M ixing P o t ....__ Oldest Fish M arket..................... The Sandman ____ 6 Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks at­ 6 tended a reunion of 75 member, (, Ruth Sturtevant is home from the Marks fam ily at Colman Tapeworm Lore................... 6 her Lebanon visit. Marks’, at Aurora, Sunday. Rev. Superstitions...... ......... 6 4 Illustrated Fashions_________ 7 Cement is being pouaed for the W . Marks of Pasadena spoke at J Fairy T a le .................................... the Aurora schoolhouse in the 7 walls of Burbank’s garage. 7 Uncle Sam and China________ afternoon. 1 George Manning, 63, dropped 5 Rich Diatomaceon» E arth .......... 5 Preston Newton, who attended dead at the dinner table in Leba­ Nine Billion Dollars Due U. S—0. the Behnke-Walker business college non Sunday. in Portland during the winter, is J. W- W iley lost his left hand now a bookkeeper io tbe Ashley. in a M ill City shiogla m ill last Rumlin bank there. M r,. Newton week Wednesday. ear W ilm etta, daughter of M r. G. Hoffmao, who was apparently and M.-g. P. J. Forster. (By Special Correspondent) O. G. Coldiron loaded a car of convalescing, took a serious turn Thresbermen In Linn county have hay at Tulsa last week. lor the worse yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten Lake Creek Locals _> Pine Grove Points] decided upon a standard wage scale Alford Arrows Brownsville Briefs (Enterprise Correspondent) ' Bnternrtoe Correspond»»»») Velda and Alice ___ Curtis ______ spent r __ Marvel Lawrence was dismiss- Sunday afternoon with Thelm a'ed from the hospital Monday. Ingram. Mrs. Nora cutsforth of Rid- Fritz Dannen spent several I die spent the week end with her days last week with Aaron■ sister, Mrs. Alvin Williams. Starnes. J. C. Harrison was a Port­ Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck called on land caller Friday. He expects Mrs. D. I. Isom Thursday af­ to start his threshing machine this week. ternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison, Hattie Starnes visited her cousin, Dorothy Dannen, several Marvel and Ralph Lawrence, George Harrison, Guy Burson. days last week. Miss Lillie Rickard is report­ Mrs. Pearl Merritt and Clyde Sympson spent the week end at ed getting along nicely after her Cascadia. recent surgical operation Mrs. C. E. Mercer of Eugene is helping care for her mother, Mrs. D. I. Isom, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spreng- er and Mrs. Ralph Dannen and three children visited at E. A. Starnes’ Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and children were Sunday afternoon callers at Chester Curtis’. Little Mita Blanch* Gustation was hurt quite badly, but not seriously Sunday when she was run down by a car in the street in North Brownsville. She has a badly bruised leg and a cut on her face. Mrs. John O’Keefe was seri­ ously hurt while weaving in the local woolen mill. She was tak- on to a hospital at Eugene, where she was operated on Fri­ day. At present she is getting along nicely. Mrs. Bob Allen visited relatives went to Cascadia Sunday. Arch M iller ard family of H a r­ for this season. Common labor will risburg visited Arch’s father, A l­ be paid $2.50 per day; sack sewers, in Lebanon last week. I. C- Heinrich aod Miss Sophia bert M iller, here Sunday, >3.50, and man and team $4. This in­ C. 8. Williams and wife at­ Heinrich were Albany callers Fri The blare seen southwest of cludes meals. This is practically the tended tbe poaltry convention at day. town Thursday evening destroyed same scale as was in force last year. Corvallis Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Stringer is visit­ the residence of J. R. Marts. Mrs. George Ledger wood will ing her sister, Mrs. Mary John­ Recent thefts around Cascadia Mrs. J. D. Pittman and ohild were taken from the mystery col­ eutertaiu tbe L. C- and B. sewing son, at the J. A. Johnson home. and her father, M r. Barber, three umn Monday when Russell Baker club Wednesday. The Pine Grove orchestra generations, visited Albany Friday, and wife, who were camping near Miss Myrtle Tobey of Eugene went to Brownsville Sunday and Glenn Chance Is working on the by, were caught with some of the spent the week end with brr played at the Odd Fellows’ pic­ They were ar­ mother, Mrs. John Gormley. 0 . W. Frum farm and he and fam ­ stolen property. Last Saturday Alvin Williams nic. ily are making their home there. rested and taken to Albany and of Lebanon and Mrs. Emms A. W. Windom aud son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grant of Baker confessed. Harrison of Brownsville were Brownsville finished painting M ar­ J. H. Rike and Mr. Meyer, who Siena Madre, Cal., visited at L. 'married at the Baptist parson­ tin Cummings' house Tuesday. moved from here to A ltea, propose H. M and I. E. Burbank and E. Eagy’s and R. K. Stewart’s Washington. D. C. — The nation's1 age in Albany by Rev. M r. Oe- C- S. W illiams, Themas Ardry Tuesday. to change again, thia time to their wives attended the funeral •»».<. i t » total foreign investment, Inclusive of I , Reedsport. of the gemlemen’e sister, Mrs. and Luther Brock and families Mrs. Williams is one of amounts owed the United States by ‘ good. The Ladies’ Missionary soci­ foreign drove to the Mohawk river Sunday governments, is estimated by * , 1 honored pioneers o f Mrs. M. M. Ward visited at her Gladys Burbank Steptoe, at Pedee, ety of the Free Methodist church the department soo-in-law's at Brownsville Sun-! northwest of Philomath, Friday. and ¿pent the day with Mr, and srtment of n Swale and is loved and re- _. commerce at a little , . met with Mrs. W. G. McNeil more than $9,500,000,000. day. Her daughter, Mrs. Albert I Mrs. Steptoe had been under sur­ Mrs. Manlee Spores. I spected by all who know her. geon*’ knives three times in efforts M r. and Mrs. Frank Logan of Wednesday afternoon. M iller, was with her. The par value of foreign securities ’ Mr. ” illiams is one of Lebanon's to save her. She left a daughter 8 Springfield visited relatives here Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson publicly offered in this country during I most respected citizens. They Mrs. Grugett, sister of Lymao days old. over the week end, Accompanied are visiting Mrs. Emma Knigh­ the first half of 1925 amounted to expect to make their home in Paimer, who is ill with pueumooia We congratulate Recent temperatures here have by M r. aud Mrs. Roy Owen they ten and other relatives in Al­ $551,591,000 as compared to $379,700.- Brownsville. at her home in Corvallis, is re 000 for the corresponding period last this happy couple and wish bany for a few weeks. not been suggestive of woodpiles spent Sunday at Brownsville. ported worse and not likely to re­ year. them many more years of hap- and heating furnaoos, but our M artin Cummings and family cover. W. G. McNeil and family, Europe was the largest borrower piness and schoolhouse has both and last drove to Eugene Saturday even­ usefulness in thia Pete Settle and A. F. Albertson Mrs. Leonard Niohola and two week Janitor Forster and an Both are 64 years old. ing, spending tbe night with Mr, and family attended an all-day during the first half of the present world. ehildren, from Pendleton, and expert ovehauled the furnace and year, the gross volume of loans Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison, aud Mrs. C. R. Rowan. Sunday mother, Mrs. Hale of Brownsville, made it ready to give comfort to Latin son and daughter-in-law of the they picnicked on the McKenzie mooting at Ingram,« ¡»land Sun­ amounting to $237,<00.000. were visiting at E. S. Manter» the pupile by and by when chill­ America was second with $161.0$l.- bride, day. river. were witnesses to the yesterday. 000 and Canada third with $131.910.- ceremony. | Mrs. Nora Cuts­ ing blasts come out of the north. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy went A party of ten motoring from 000. Asia, which led last year with Cutworms are nearly taking the Said expert was from Albany. California have been visiting their to Corvallis Sunday afternoon to one loan to the Japanese government forth, Mrs. Jack Gamble, Miss country this year. They com­ Lduis Wil­ Arthur Wesley and family got relatives. M r. and Mrs. J. S. Nice- call at A. F. Grugett’s. Mrs. of $125,000,000. romea fourth thia year Belie Burson and pletely destroyed a fine 40-acro home Inst week Taesday from wood and family. Here they sepa­ Grugett, a cousin of Mrs. Eagy, liams were guests at the wed­ with only $31,000,000. crop of clover for S. J. Smith and their outing, which took them at rated, some going to Canada and is very ill. ding. One amusing incident everybody who has a crop is suf­ far as Vancouver, B. C. PoiDte they returning boms by way of Yellow- The Pacific Coast Association of during the day was that the A number of Pine Grove peo­ Nurserymen, with delegates present bridal couple drove down the fering from them. Miss Jennie Nioe- mention as having been visited by rtone park. ple attended the community from all parts of the coast and some highway and all over Albany be- wood accompanied tbe others on a them include mount Rainier, S e­ Mrs. Either O. Rike has bought meeting at Oakville Friday possibly from the east. Is being held fore they noticed that they had attle, Bremerton, Longview, Sea- drive over the Columbia river high­ and heard Governer In Portland. tide and Paciflo City. Longview way, after wbioh they returned to evening a lal>el on the back of their car Pierce speak. is the big oity built to older by their home in San Diego. Albany’s which read "notice: w ears just the Long-Bell lumber oompany, only A business meeting of the School Loans Aggregate $<,912,219 married, look.” instead of having ” jest growed,” Pine Grove community club was Salem. Or.—Common schoel fund like Topsy and like most cities. held Wednesday evening. The loans on July 1, 1925. aggregated $<. Charles Sterling aod wife are Now it is being doubled in lire. term of officers was changed 912,219.43. according to a report pre baviog a vaoation at Tillamook. (By an Enterprise Reporter) sented by George Brown, clerk of the The Long-Bell lumber p'ant covers from three months to one yea» state T h t Oriental Oddfelhws had a land board. Rural credit loans 30 acres and the Weyerhoueer and the following officers elect­ Esther Seefeld visited Nellie totaled $432,033.03. big picnic at tbe park Sunday, syndicate, wbioh has 500 acres of ed: President. Georgia Hover; coming from all surrounding towns. E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L timber there, is expeeotsd to put in Falk Wednesday afternoon. vice president, George Chand­ The Pine Grove orchestra furnished one of equal aise. Mr. Wesley's Harllie Rike spent Saturday ler; secretary, Beryl McNeil; Church of Christ Bancroft Optical Co. musio. J. K . Wetharfard dellv- brother and party, from Cclifornia, visiting her friend, Sunday School, 10. Blanche treasurer, Jessie McLaren. It cred an address. Harrisburg beat went oast- Endeavor, 7. Stienke. 313 West First street, Albany.Or. was decided that there would be Christian Wcndliog by one point in a good Preaching, 11 and 8 (Continued on page 8) Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bierly and no more meetings until the first All regular services aa usual baseball game. I her* were sports, two sods were at Henry F a lk 'i Friday in October. July 26. A speoial number will eats and a general good time. be given in tbe Sunday school Tuesday evening. They Hush If Up promptly at 10 o'clock. Grace K irk went to Portland Mis« Harding of Eugene gave a Californians are not telling ail very interesting talk at the close of about their earthquakes. last week end to visit her cous­ tbe morning service io tbe interest in, Isabel Gulliford. Tbe second recent heavy one at Washington, D. C.—An official com of the girls* junior college, Christian Endeavor tepic, "Tbe Santa Barbara was reported as Several of the neighbors from munlcatlon giving a clear and com i this vicinity are working on the plete statement of the Washington Progress and A ch ievem en ts of tbe light, but people who were there government's attitude regarding Chins Negro in Am erica,” ' new road at “Diamond Hill.” declare that it was heavier than has been cabled to Paris tor the In Clifford Carey,pastor. the first and did more damage. Harvey Rike came over from formation of French foreign office of , Alsea Friday and with Charles flclals. San Francisco rsporlsd that no I Straley spent Friday evening at damage was dona there by the Disclosure of the contents of the M. E. Church ! G. J. Rike’s. »bake last week, but (Stanley Sle communication was withheld. It con­ Robert Parker pastor. venson of Eugene, druggist and Roy Nemchick and Miss Edna tains Information, however, that Sunday school, 10. son of J. A. Stevenson of Halsey, , Sherrill of Harrisburg, were j Washington officials hope will remove Preaching, 11. was there with bia wife and talla visitors at H. J. Falk’s Wednes- any possible misunderstanding be Junior League, 3, tbe Eugone Register he aaw where tween the American and French gov i day evening. Intermediate League, 7 the front wall of an apartment emments. Epworth league, 7. Miss Grace Kirk passed the house bad bean shaken down by it The communication la the first re Preaching, 8. sod knew of much other damage teachers’ examination and ex- gardlng Chins to be sent directly from Prayer-meeting Thursday, that it did. pects to teach at the Hulbert Washington to any of the European Nine Billions is Owed Uncle Sam Kirk Quips EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS Preferred Stock Canned Goods • • £ • • • • • • • • • • • • • “ Preferred Stock” means all that the name, implies—the choice of the pack. When you buy Preferred Stock goods you have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se- lected for size, flavor and quality. Make the tost yeurself. Compare Preferred Stock with other brands and it will meet with your discriminating choice Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet , a price. They are sold only to those who ap-i precíate first quality. 1 It is true some brands are sold cheaper, b u t, they arc sold solely on price appeal. i We are distributers of about thirty varieties, of Preferred Stock goods. i M. V. KOONTZ CO. , HALSEY, 0H JP90N& * . ’ U. S. Would Do Justice to China ; school, near Albany, the coming •lnr” th" •»ua«"’» I arose. The decision to send a dis ' year. patch direct to Paris was reached only Henry Seefeld drove to Eu­ after unofficial reports had reached gene Tuesday and brought his Washington that the French did not daughter, Mrs. Alice Jones, consider this a propitious time for ne i home from the hospital. She gntlatlons for revision of foreign ex tra-territorlal privileges. j is recovering nicely. Sunday visitors at Henry Harvesting of wheat Is generally ' Seefeld’s were Mr. and Mrs. under way all over Um atilla county. Carl Seefeld and children, Velma Reports Indicate that yields are slight­ and Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Everett ly less than farmers had expected. j Carey and little daughter Mar­ garet, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Falk Feoneh F orest H sartsned by Pstaln. sr and granddaughters Gen-1 Rabat —The arrival of Marshal Po- trude Gengenbach and Nella tala and the news of forthcoming large have greatly hearten Raster, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rike relaforcemeata the Fvefffh- forces facing Abd-El and Harllie Rike, Mr. and Mrs. •d Krtm. Rlfflan preteflierjtoythe Moroc­ Clifford Carey, Nelliff and Peafrl. can sultanate Falk and Louise Seefeld. Methodist Church Notes Rev. Mr. Gillette will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday both morning and even­ ing. The Sunday school attendance has been very good this sum­ mer. The average attendance for the month of June was 100 and for the first three Sundays in July it has been 97. The Epworth League insti­ tute will be held at Cottage Grove August 10-17. Some Leaguers from Halsey are plan­ ning to attend. The pastor has been granted a two'-Weffk» vacation. It will l«d spent at the Methodist camp meeting at Cottage Grove. D. T. Lawton of Medford, state inspector of weights and measures, was officially here and at Brownsville last week. He met E. Russ and sister and asked Ed if he knew him. Your name used to be Law- ton,” replied Mr. Russ. Eigh­ teen years had passed since they had met. Harry Park was over from Brownsville Saturday, looking years younger than last year. He was laying pains to take a party of people on a vacation outing that wquld take in Cra- ter lake and other Oregon scenes of grandeur.