Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 15, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    JULY li. 142 J
T. J. Skirvin visited Portland I
last week.
Mrs. G. Mitzner and A m anda.
were in Albany Thursday.
William Sylvester and wife
have gone to Bend to reside.
glorious American girl,
aa you’ve never sean
tier before, in
I M. H. Shook was up from J
HOBART BOSWORTH Z Portland the last of the week.
French’s official therm ometer
• at Albany registered 95 Thurs-
and other*
The kind of romance and • day.
drama yon leldom see
pavement, 18 feet
So a. — M on.—Tuee.
July 19— 80— 21
••e a a e a ea a e a a a e e a a a ea e » » «
H ilny Happenings
(Continued from page 1)
Mr. and Mr*. Beth M ill*
home from their Idaho trip.
Harry Leeper of Eugene visited
hie father, Frank Leeper, Sunday.
Cleona Smith went to Eugene
Monday for a visit of a few day*
P. H. Freerkeen attended the
thrasherman’a meeting in Albany
Tlte paving between H arris­
burg and Junction City baa
been completed.
The Orientals will make the
welkin ring next Sunday a t a
picnic a t the beautiful Browns­
ville park.
The county court has received
a consignment of sheet iron
which is to be placed over the
cage covering tihe cells and cor­
ridors of the county jail. This,
it is thought, will make it quite
inconvenient for the prisoners
to use saws on the cage bars.
If you follow the story "P ru ­
dence’s D aughter,” beginning
this week in the Enterprise,
you will learn how tihe daughter
tames a shiek, not by being a
lcud, wild flapper, but through
a quiet, reserved and apparen­
tly antagonistic attitude, al­
though in one instance she hits
a whack—the knockout
blow—with an automobile.
The H arrisburg Bulletin tells
th a t Boyd Newman of Widhita,
Kas., and his wife, the latter,
Mrs. Betty W arm outh’s niece,
came to H arrisburg for a visit.
Mr. Newman, spying a cord of
fir wood, pitched in and split
it all for the stove, rem arking.
"Never enjoyed anything more
in my life. Back in our country
we never see wood like that,
and if we have any wood at all
it requires a stick of powder to
every chunk.
The Aumsville S tar tells that
Ralph Neal, of Linn
county was nearly run over by
a car at Silver' Falls July 4.
Mrs. Neal was walking a t the
entrance of tfie picnic grove
when the (»rakes failed on ar.
approaching car on a down
grade. The woman driver a t­
tempted to stop but "stepped
on the gas” instead. Mrs. Neal
threw herself on the running
board, grasping the fender, ane
escaped unhurt when the cat
crashed into a tree.
The Standard Bearers nnd the
Women’s Missionary society en­
tertained their H arrisburg sis­
ters at a picnic at Pence’s grove,
near Rowland, Friday. Miss
Kent, a Corean student a t Cor­
vallis, was an interesting guest.
There was a literary program
and ice cream and cake.
Theodore Smith came up from
Reedsport June 30th to spend
the week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Smith. He was
accompanied by Misses Rena
and M arjorie Walker, who visit­
ed his sister Mary uixl other
Halsey friends. With a few
thousand others they celebrated
the fourth a t Crawfordsville,
returning to Reedsport the fol­
lowing Monday.
Mrs. Albert Miller spent the
week end with her daughter.
Mrs. Robnett of Brownsville
called on Mrs. J. W. Hussey
Thursday afternoon.
Three friends from Montana
were visiting at the George
S ta rr home a portion of las’,
Henry Mitzner, from Kla­
math county, spent the fourth
with his parents, G. Mitzner
and wife.
Clark Smith is assisting Mr.
Amon of Brownsville in build­
ing the new school house in the
Powell district.
Cecil Dawson, who is work-
,ng for Clark Smith this sea­
son, is breaking saddle horses
for his spare-time amusement.
He is training one for 0 . W.
Prum and one lor Mr. Wigle.
In the first six m onths ot
1925 A. C. Heyman, formerly
Linn county agricultural agent,
wrote more policies for the Na­
tional Life insurance company
Montpelier, Vt., than any
other agent.
a gallon
Mountain States Power Company
b jlieves that it sbonld offer it* 7 per
cent preferred etock to its customer* when new capital is required to build extension*
and improvement*, inetead of offering those securities to far-off investor«.
This is the reason why the company 1* now extending the opportunity to ita
patrona to become profit-ebariug partner*.
Subscriptions may be made for ca*h or on a convenient partial payment
plan requiring but slew dollars a share a month.
Complete Information on Request.
Address office of
J Albany
Cottage Grove
Junction City
Independence Stayton
ial troops, now In Ruhr and France,
to Morocco. General Naulin, recent- (
ly appointed to supreme command ot •
the French forces In Africa, will have
about 100,000 men at his disposal
when he takes charge of the campaign
^»llowatone against the Moors, July 18.
Hills a n im a ls o f in sect pests
Odorless and colorless
Is a protection Against wounds
N o stockowner should be without it
A Chance for
All to Invest
Mountain States Power
Preferred Stock to
Its Patrons
Tangier Zone Neutrality.
London.—It Is learned authorita­
tively that tbe British reply to the
Spanish suggestion for co-operation
In Morocco depredates any action
Toledo, Or. — Twenty Japanese, which might be Interpreted as violat­
trought here to work as green chain- ing the neutrality of the Tangier
rten In the big mill of the Pacific sone.
The British reply says this zone
-pruce Corporation, were deported
Sunday afternoon in a riotous demon- does not seem to be In any immediate
itratlon which culminated in several danger and that British cooperation
’1st fight*, and almost resulted In with Spain might have a provocative
effect. The British government ex-
Mass action was resorted to by cltl- i presses willingness to continue to
ten* of the community after negotla assist in policing territorial waters
inns with officials of the company but cannot undertake any more ex­
iver employment nt the Orientals had tensive operations.
This British note replies to a Span -
oeen broken off last weak.
The arguments over this Issue have tsh communication which never was
been warm, with practically every published, but in which it is under­
man In town taking part, on one side stood the Spanish government invit­
or the other. Numerous mass meet­ ed Joint action by France, Great Bri­
tain and Spain to Insure the neutral­
ings have been held.
Despite the spirit of resentment, the ity of Tangier and to police the waters
company brought In several small of the Tangier sone.
quotas of Japanese.
Before the excitement had calmed Harrison to Direct War Finance Body
down, the sheriff appeared on the
Swampscott. Mass.—Floyd R. Harri­
scone and arrested alleged leaders in son was appointed director ot the war
the outbreak.
finance corporation, succeeding Frank
Leaders of the riot will be prose­ W. Mondell, resigned. Harrison has
cuted to the fullest extent, declared been assistant to Eugene Meyer. Jr.,
E. B. Conrad, district attorney.
managing director of the corporation
and served as secretary to former Sec
retarles Wallace and Houston of the
department of agriculture.
A cyclone hit Sturgeon Bay, Wls..
Saturday, with one casualty.
A decrease of 182,000 In the farm Ten Lott Tribes' Convention
population last year was estimated by
Ten Tribes' Convention.
the department of agriculture.
column 6, page 4, of the
Reduction ot taxes on farm prop­
of July 1 was the
erty and of railroad freight rates were
favored by William M. Jardine, eecre statem ent th a t a million people
tary of the department of agriculture, were in an organization which
in an address at Ames. Iowa.
believes the Anglo-Saxon and
Southwestern Montana was again Celt races are the "ten lost
disturbed by earthquakes that were tribes” of Israel.
felt at Helena, Great Falls, Three
Now it is announced that
Forks. Manhattan and Billings. No convention Aug. 15 and 18 ai.
widespread damage was reported
this organization will hold »
The Frnech war ministry has decid
W ann.ta Springs. Colorado, to
ed to transfer three divisions of colon
Animal Spray
212 East First a., Alb, av, near
tbe |skating rink
Rhone 379
Outgoing M ail
Going south, 11:10 a. m.
5:20 p. m.
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and
12 m. Morning stage to Browns­
ville goes on to Crawfordsville,
Holley and Sweet Home.
Paid-for Paragraphs
(5c a line)
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friend* and neighbors for thair
kindness and sympathy in our
recent bereavement of our balovtd
mother, Mrs. Mary E- Bassett.
Tbe Family.
Upwards of 80 per oeot A G EN TS W A N T E D — F u ll or part
time to sell Blaucka Thermostatio
of the company’s employees are
Automatic Carburetor Control
already investors in the organiza­
for Ford Cai* and Trucks.
The Mountain States Power
mileage 50 to 100 per cent. Write
company has forged steadily ahead
immediately for R IG P R O F IT
under Mr. Brewer's immediate
offer to P. O. box 171, Oregon
Many additional prop­
City, Ore.
erties have been acquired and tbe
company is now a large one with
Old papers fur sale at 5c a bundle
increasing business and earnings.
The latest property to be added is at the Euterprise ottice.
the electric light and power com­
pany at Casper, Wyoming, a city
G. Hoffman is slowly recov­
of 30,000 and the center of tbe
ering from the blood poisoning
Wyoming oil field*.
Complete financial partnership
with its customers is to be the aim
of the Mountain States Power
company according to an announce­
ment made by C. M. Brewer vice
president and general manager.
In the past the company has sold
its coupon gold note* to its service
patrons but for some time no se­
curities of this kind have been
available owing to over subscrip­
tion of the last ¡ bsu *. The company
bas now decided to offer its 7 per
Spokane, Wash. — Discovery of a
cent cumulative preferred stock to
user* of its service and thus to ad­ □etrifled forest of giant oak trees, be-
mit all who wish to iuvest to full ieved to be the only one of its kind
shareholding privilege* iu the or­ in the North American continent, has
>»een made near the confluence of the
Mountain States Power company Spokane and Columbia rivers in this
is one of the many utilities super­ (tate. E. M. Tardy. United States
vised by tbs Bvllesby Engineering ichool Inspector for the Indian de­
and Management Corporation and partment. now located on the Colville
it is to tbe latter organization that Indian reservation, announced the
a great deal of credit has been giv­ find, which was made by Dr. W. A.
en for the oustomer-ownersbip Johnson.
Owing to Its difficulty of access,
movement t iroughout the United
States. The Byllesby people «tart- tbe forest has not been fully explored.
ed to make shareholders out of Put is known to extend for half a
their electric and gas customers mile along the south bank of the Co­
ten years ago.
Now they have lumbia. The trees are two to five
nior* than 70,000 home share- teet In diameter and some 60 feet tall.
"The forest, of what apparently was
holders receiving in dividends not
less than $4,200,000 annually. ‘ Krowth 8lniUar to our oak»- ire»
Thesse dividends, instead of going ->n one ° r the fir8t of the eisht flows
to investor* in far-off places, re- ,f ba8alt that partially covered that
main in the 850 communities ;part of ,he 8ta,e of Washington,” Mr.
served by the Byllesby companies lardy 8,ld- "The trees then were
and contribute to local prosperity -overed by subsequent flows.”
«nd upbuilding. Even tbe capital
which the 70.000 home sharehold­
ers have supplied has been kept at
home and invested in u tility plant*
and distributing systems.
M r. Brewer say* that the Mount­
ain States Rower company waited
for seven yeaia before offering ita
preferred etock to customers, in
order thst tbe safety of the invest­
ment be thoroughly established by
the regular uninterrupted payment
of dividends over that period.
new company, to be known a* the
Mountain States Power Securities
h.s been organized to
» <he h. ndll 8 of , lock
form a federation, to promu!-
Tb, stcUrlll„ comp. n,
gate the belief th at Anglo-Sa-
really act as a department of
xons are the descendants of the
power company, Mr. Brewer
Ten Ixist Tribes of Israel; to :b#-
president and 8 C. Palmer
prove th a t this race has beer- ¡jr< „»nager,
chosen of God to rule land and
feature of the company’s
sea; to restore the sanctity of customer ownership policy which
the C hristian faith, the obser­ will appaal to many it tba partial
vance of the Sabbath and re­ payment plan of investing where­
verence for th e w ord of God. by subscriptions may be made at i
and to dem onstrate to Anglo- the rate of $5 per share per mouth.
people the 'privileges This plan make* it possible for the
and responsibilities attached to | company to declare that aayone
them by reason of their descent who can eave a few dollar* a month
I may became a prefitt • (baring
from Israel."
32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17. 12:09 p. m.
16, 5:15 a. m.
15, 12;45 p. m.
18, 8:16 a. nt. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag
14,{12:09 p. m. flag 31, 1 :34 p. m. flag
34, 4:08 p- in.
Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers
from south of Eugene
No. 31, direct connection for Marshfield
Passengers for siuth of Eugene should
take train No. 17.
Halsey-browntville stage leaves Hal­
sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:11 p. m.
Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and
3.35 and 8:45 p m.
A t the Halsey postoffice mails
close going north at 11:60 a. m.
and 5:20 p. m.
Riot at J^oledo
Kay best on Hi-speed Brake
Service Station
Halsey Railroad Tpna
The Security offered has paid dividend* regularly without interruption every
three month* for more than eeven year*. I t is backed by modern well-maintained
properties and proved earning power.
park and other points of in­
terest along the way, coming by BRITAIN
Reconditioning Shop
country are rapidly
It means publfc friendship and good will, better
utilities. home investment and home dividend*.
farm er and Jersey breeder, has
gone into bankruptcy.
John Straley and wife of
are visiting
John’s brother, H. L. Straley.
and family.
They visited In
• O r o n ite
• $2.00
The greatest public utility organizations of the
becoming owned by tbe people.
• wide, is being laid a t H arris­
Mrs. M. M. Ward viiited hei
daughter, Mrs. Froman, in Al­
bany Thursday.
A L B A 5Y
Would Like Every Service Customer to
Be a Shareholder
Petrified Forest on
Columbia River
th a t nearly cost him his leg or
his life. He hopes to be back
at the m eat block in three
Sometimes a man claims pro­
phetic powers because he Is
“the seventh son of a seventh
son (of a gun). This item is
not about such a m an but
C. L. Falk
sr., who,
though well advanced in years,
has seven living brothers and
seven sons, and the latte r are
not all the children he has. It
surely looks as though the Falk
clan is likely to “m ultiply and
replenish the earth .” Mr. Falk
has been as prolific in farm
m anagem ent as otherwise, as
been tile draining for 50 years,
the old place shows. He has
Barber Shop
Laundrv sent Tuesdays
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
Union Gas and Oil
Fisk. Firestone and Gates Tires and Tubes
Ford Parts and Accessories
Buy your tires here and save money
All work done here is guaranteed
The Big Dish of IceCream
we aerve will prove none too big
for your appetite after you one«
taste it. In feet you’ll wish you
could find room for more. T ry
some at home for dessert. The
wav the family will eBjoy it will
make your heart feel glad.
Clark’s Confectionery