RURAL ENTERPRISE KNITTED FULL LENGTH COATS; PARIS MODES FOR YOUNG GIRLS APPLE BUTTER IS EASILY MADE AT HOME isa » » r a H - » ♦ ' ** HE knitted coat’» the th in g ! One I widens steadily ns the years carry her .annot look upou the handsom e I Into young girlhood. In the early teens models which grace th is season’s she is alw ays simply dressed, hut l» 2 i W a e ta ri N ew spaper U nio n ) showings w ithout realizing that the much attention Is given to details ot A h om e based on r i< h t p r in c i­ MARY GRAHAM BONNER. knitted coat by virtue of Its chic, finish and style in all that she wears, — It »Qftf» MWVU OH O»« --- ple*» w i l l be s im p le . N o o s t e n t a t io n charm and practicality Is destined to in many p articulars—as In color and o r l i v i n g b e y o n d o n e 's m e a n s ; s im ­ p l i c i t y in e n t e r t a in m e n t . In o f f e r in g play u most Im portant p a n In fash­ | decoration—her belongings are made ALLIGATOR HOUSE f r e e ly o f w h a t o n e h a s to fr le n d a . ionable life. Not th at the full-length j to follow the lead of the modes for w i t h o u t a p o lo g y o r e x p la n a t io n . knitted coat ever failed of fascinating grown ups. In the alligator house In the zoo P aris semis over drawings of two appeal, even from th e days of its Initial H O T W E A T H E R D IS H E S w ere some sm aller houses In which appearance hut somehow heretofore costumes for young girls In the first were some Katydids, and this Is to he were prone to classify It rath er as half of their teens, as shown iu the Il­ Fish, being eusily digested, and with an account of the talk s Billie Brownie „ passing fad or fancy, rath e r than a lustration. In the figure nt th e left our quick transportation ami refrig er­ had with an alligator and some K aty­ staple fashion. Not so from now on. the young miss Is thoughtfully regard­ ation. available In al­ dids. for this season's models prove conclu­ ing an embroidery In colors which most any Inland city of " i t ’s not everyone." said Mr. Alli­ sively th at the knitted coat bus earned i brightens her three-piece costum e of any size, m akes an Ideal gator, “who has had the Interesting s u m m e r f o o d . Fish experiences I have had." should be served at least "Indeed,” said Billie Brownie. The once a week, and often- other alligators w eren't especially In­ er If the fam ily 1» espe­ terested In anything except th eir food cially fond of It. and so they didn't say anything more. ________W hether n ear the aalt Soon they were fed and then they w ater on Inland lakes, w eren't very much Interested In any­ there Is alw ays enough variety to thing except a nap. avoid monotony, and good canned fish "I think I will talk to you before Is alw ays obtainable anywhere. When I. too, go to sleep,” said Mr. Alligator. buying canned fish, such us salmon, H e knew the ways of alligators and Making Apple Butter on a Virginia M ountain Farm . the housewife (for many dishes) will why shouldn't he? H e w as one buy th e cheaper grades. The red or (P rep a red b r th e U n ited S ta te e D ep a rtm en t quarters of a gallon of cider to a gal him self. And he also felt sleepy, for of A g ricu ltu re.) Ion of peeled and sliced apples will he. too, had eaten a good deal. Chinook salmon Is considered the Apple b u tter Is a simple, old-fash­ give a rich product if th e apples are best, then the pink or club salmon, all "Go ahead.” said Billie Brownie, good but the price varies—as well as ioned spiced preserve w hi-h Is easily good cookers. Less than half as much “and talk quickly, for soon you will made at home. It affords an excellent elder as apples Is likely to m ake an the flavor. Salmon steaks are alw ays be asleep." the choicest and most expensive, means of using up surplus apples, or apple sauce rath e r than a butter "Well, I lived In one of the most the sound parts of w indfall, wormy, The cooking Is continued until the fashionable of w inter resorts. People though th ere Is very little waste. or bruised apples, either In small or cider and apples do not sep arate and , used to come to th e place w here I C ertain Ideas In regard to th e e a t­ large quantities. The most satisfac­ ing of fish with Ice cream or milk tory apples for the purpose are those the butter, when cold. Is as thick as ! lived and take holidays. Very rich apple sauce. About a pound of either people would come, too—oh, enormous- dishes, have gained wide circulation. which have a distinctively rich, ta rt, W hen such com binations have been flavor, and good cooking quality, such white or brown sugar to a gallon of ly rich people. They w ere th e ones found to disagree they should be as N orthern Spy, Rhode Island Green­ b u tter Is the usual proportion, added amongst whom I lived—the r ic h ! He avoided, but the average person may ing, Tompkins King, and Smokehouse. when the cooking Is about tw o-thlrds smiled In his alligator way a t BllUe Indulge In lobster und eat Ice cream Summer apples have been found by done. More or less or not any sugar Brownie. may he used, to suit the taste. "They didn't live on the beach nnd with no 111 effects. the United S tates D epartm ent of Agri­ Spicing Is also a m atter of taste. In th e w ater ns I did. But they Next to salmon and tu n a comes the culture to give as rich and "snappy” A good flavor will be obtained by add did go In the w ater. They lived In sardine In popularity. The tru e sa r­ a butter us the fall and w inter varie­ Ing half a tenspoonful each of ground th e great, enorm ous hotels and wore dine Is not found In A m erican w aters. ties. cinnamon, cloves, and allspice for . beautiful clothes nnd carried sun­ Millions of cans are Imported from T here a re two ways of making ap­ each gallon of butter, when the cook­ shades nnd w ere very fine Indeed. Spain, Portugal and Scandinavian ple b u tte r—either with or w ithout ing is finished. From two to four te a ­ "B ut a guest at the hotel, one of countries. The sm all fish caught off sweet elder. The old Idea was that spoonfuls of vanilla extract per gallon the shores of Maine are known as the elder must be boiled down nt least Improves the quality and adds to the them , was so taken with me th a t ha took me along w ith hint. American sard in es; they are good and one-half before the apples were add­ “snappiness" of the butter. “T h a t's a Joke you see! H e was so com paratively cheap. ed. but this has been found unneces­ Apple Butter W ithout Cider. taken w ith me th a t he took me! An old fisherm an says If you have sary. Ju st ns good results can be Arid apples of good q u ality are “And he brought me to a more fish th at are very full of fine bone", obtained by adding the apples io the put the cleaned fish through a m eat uncooked cider nnd boiling rapidly till best. Enough w ater Is added to the northern clim ate and I came here to grinder and m ake It Into sm all cakes. finished. Small lots may he made In peeled nnd sliced apples to make n th e zoo to live. It's a nice zoo and T his sounds reasonable. If th ere Is not an hour or less. L arge quantities thin apple sauce, Which Is then they feed me well. I've no objection* cooked very slowly over n low fire too much bone meal. take longer, but may be cooked as Cherry Cake.—Cream th ree table- rapidly hs possible. T he b u tler must for three o r four hours. T he butter spoonfuls of shortening with one-half he watched carefully and stirred fre ­ must be stirred often. Brown, rath er than white sugar. Is added when the cupful of sugar, add an egg well b eat­ quently to prevent scorching and cooking Is tw o-thlrds done. A pound An enamel- en und tw o-thlrds of a cupful of milk sticking to the kettle. of sugar to a gallon of apple b u tter altern ately with tw o cupfuls of pas­ lined or alum inum preserving kettle Is the usual proportion, and the same try flour, one-half teaspoonful of salt especially kept for cooking fruit Is am ounts of cinnamon, allspice, cloves and tw o teaspoonfuls of baking pow­ desirable, though not absolutely neces­ and vanilla mentioned In the last L A S T W O R D IN K N IT T E D C O A T F A S H IO N S der. Mix and sp read evenly In a long sary. The large Iron nnd copper ket­ paragraph may he added when the sheet in a baking pan. Over the top tles used on farm s In the past for >r Itself a definite place in the field tan kasha. It has quite a grown-up place a q u art of p itted cherries, sp rin ­ making apple b u tter out of doors are b u tter Is taken from the fire. appearance for a girl of thirteen, but It Is possible to keep apple b u tter In f stylish and practical w raps. the embroidery Is In a simple p attern kle lightly w ith a teaspoonful of cin­ still in use in many sections of the containers w ithout alr-tlght covers, by A model which bespeaks the Inst namon and one-half cupful of sugar. country. and might be In any bright color. The pouring melted paratlln on top. but -ord In knitted coat fashions Is plc- sk irt Is lengthened a little for each D ried cherries, soaked or canned Apple Butter W ith Cider. It is wise to use Jars with tlght-flt- ured here. It is k n itted of coral In In making apple b u tte r with elder, cherries, soaked or canned cherries year up to sixteen. tlng covers nnd sterilize them In a n Intriguing stitch, w ith cuffs, patch the usual proportion Is gallon for At the right a coat In pastel-green drained may be used when the fresh hot-w ater bath for fifteen minutes. ockets and revers in fro st gray, kasha Is lined with printed silk In any ones are out of season. gallon, but from one-half to three- h at sm art tailored appearance, hurmonlzlng colors one may choose, Nut Bread.—B eat two eggs until rhlch Is so necessary according and may he worn over a m atching "Go Ahead,’’ Said Billie Brownie. light, add one-half cupful of sugar, BUDGETING IDEA IS a style requirem ents, characterizes dress or with other dresses. The use one teaspoonful of salt, two cupfuls of CLUB GIRL LEADS B at I’ve hud an Interesting life, for I GROWING RAPIDLY his coat In every detail. of knsha cloth and printed silk lining sw eet m ilk ; add a little at a tim e with A CANNINGSCHOOL lived In a rich nnd fashionable place, The m idsum m er collection of knitted modestly acknowledges the lead of the fo u r cupfuls of flour and four tea- and when 1 first arrived In this city Plan Being Applied in before o a ts accents the pastel shades. P re­ mode and th e coat is very carefully spoonfuls of baking powder. B eat I came to the zoo I w as kept In s e n tly looped wool describes a sm art tailored. M am 'selle Is much dressed well, adil one cupful of nut m eats an 1 Boys and Girls Taught How Spending Time and Money. a bath tub, I w a s!” -ralielHshment In collar, cuffs and up In these costum es and they will re­ a tablespoonful of melted butter. Put to Demonstrate. B ut before Billie Brownie had had a mind her to deport herself with dig­ Into th e sm all b read pans and let ometlm es hem-border. (P rep a red by th a U n ited S ta tee D ep a rtm en t chance to any anything the alllgntor o f A g ricu ltu re.) nity—In order to m atch th eir style. S tate« D ep a rtm en t Most of th e lightw eight models are stan d one-half hour, then bake a half (P rep a red br t o h f . A U g nited ric u ltu r e.) The budget Idea Is growing. Not had gone to sleep, so he w ent over In p arty dresses th e young miss Is hour In a m oderate oven. T his mnkes •onstructed of soft wool with rayon to speak to Mrs. Katydid. Conducting a canning school for a nterk n lt either In attra c tiv e stitch, as allowed to shine In filmy fabrics and fine bread to serve for sandwiches. month or six weeks In a large grocery alone In governm ent und commercial "T he day has Just about gone,” she organizations Is the wisdom of the Make It th e day before it will be used, store in Boise. Is the experience of n budget system of running business be­ said. as It cuts better. "W here Is It going?" asked Mr. Lo­ Canyon county (Idaho) canning club ing more clearly shown each year. Stuffing for Small Fish,—Fry one girl, namely. Miss T heresa Lenaghen. The Tw entieth century homem aker Is cust. minced onion with tw o ounces of salt “It Is going w here all the dnys go," A representative of a large glass also applying the budget plan to the pork cut into dice and a large tomato, m anufacturing company desiring to es­ spending of both time und money In answ ered Mrs. Katydid. "W here Is th at, pray tell?" begged peeled and chopped. Add two table­ tablish a cnnnlng school In Boise, her household, says the bureau of home spoonfuls of bu tter, one cupful of looked about for an experienced per­ economics of the United S tales De­ Mr. Locust. "Well," said Mrs. K atydid, "I am bread crumbs, a teaspoonful of salt son to conduct this school. Knowing partm ent of Agriculture. Only thus and a few dashes of cayenne, one the work of farm bureau Junior ran she be sure th a t ends will meet not so sure I can exactly tell you." tahleRpoonful of parsley and enough Billie Brownie hoped they wouldn’t at the end of the year. hot w ater to m oisten the crumbs. Mix Here are the five Im portant hut not ask him. •'She Is not so sure she ran exnetly well, stuff and tie the fish. If lucking dlfiicult steps for the hom em aker In tell us," said th e other insects In In fat. lay thin slices of pork over the the scheduling of housew ork; fish while baking. List all your regular daily activi­ chorus. “Tell us w hat you can, and as much T he richer th e doughnu’ mixture ties. then all the regular tasks th at as you know, even though It may lie th e more a p t It Is to absorb fat In fry­ do not come every day. ing. E stim ate the usual time required for | very little," said Mr. Locust. "Mrs. K atydid was not In the le s st Cool Drinks and Ices. each of these regular tasks. If It 1» Insulted because Mr. Locust had told F o r this and next sum m er prepare difficult to make such an estim ate for h er to say w hat she knew even though a little shrub. It may be made from some tusk, Jot down the time required It w as very little. She knew she various f r u i t s the next tim e you do It and use this w asn't so very, very wise, hut It but raspberry is ns the basis of your estim ate. The w asn’t uny disgrace and she didn't especially delight­ bureau of home economics of the I «lit ful. ed S tates Itepartm ent of Agriculture i mind I d the least. In fact she hail often thought how R a s p b e rry W ashington, will send a blank for such i ’ tiresom e It would he to know too Shrub. — T a k e a time record to any homem aker re much and to have to think nnd read tw ice as much per questing It. 1 and put on spectacles when she could m easure of fresh From these lists, distribute the tasks he singing. r a s p berries as that do not come every day to certain She had seen people who had come vinegar. I’ut over the heat in a kettle days of the week In such a way as to to the zoo with books on some subject z x and cook until th e fru it is mushy. make the week run smoothly and to called N atural H istory and, for some S train through a muslin cloth and Io give the best possible arrangem ent of reason or other, she understood th a t each q u art of th e Juice allow one leisure time. For example, Monday she was a p a rt of It. She had heard sX" V pound of sugar. Bring to the holhnt, may Include the changing of bed linen, 1 them say : Open-Air Canning Dem onstration. point and seul In sterilized hotties. the collection of laundry, some market "Now this Is specimen num ber W12.” When serving allow tw o tablespoon­ Ing, and perhaps some of the cooking canning clubs and being Interested In All very absurd, she had thought. fuls to a glass of Iced w ater. If the for the next two d ay s; T uesday, the th is work, the representative secured "I really don’t know Just w here the strong cider vinegar Is used In this the nam es of several members of can­ w ashing; W ednesday, th e Ironing; days go—not fa r away, though," she — r- recipe, reduce It by adding water, us­ Thursday, the mending, some market ning team s nnd from these chose the ' said, "for another will he back as soon ing the sam e m easure diluted. nam e of Miss Lenaghen, who consent­ Ing, und an “outing" or m eeting; and as the night Is past. E ith er another Ginger S p ecial.— P u t two table- Friday and Saturday, the cleaning ed to take charge of the work. comes hack or the sam e one. I am spoonfuls of grape Juice Into sliertxt Miss Lenaghen has been a member and extra baking. Jobs which do not not sure which. I think another, per­ glass and pour over It enough ginger need to be done every week, as S H O W IN G C O A T A N D P A R T Y D R E S S of canning team s since 1017, being a haps, because the days seem different, ale to fill the glass. Serve at once. member of the Canyon county cham ­ the washing of windows or special some warm, some cold, some rainy, flowerlike colors Ilk« those worn by Fruited Mint.—Make a sirup of two stanced In th is Illustration, or de- I pion team for two years and was also cleaning of pots nnd pans, can be some snowy. Still people come hack dng self-toned block patterning* or her elders. T affeta, made with fitted cupfuls of sugar and one-half cupful captain of the sta te champion can scheduled for the sam e time, so th at different day* and they change. Some­ cquard effects. T he straightline short-w alsted bodice and full skirt, of w a te r; do not stir. Boll until It nlng team of 1018. which went to some of them can he attended to each tim es they smile and som etimes they rap-around modes fastening with a much beruffied and beribboned, Is spins a thread, add th e strained Juice Spokane and won second place in the week. scowl and sometimes they seem happy. chosen In corn-color, pink, peach, pow­ of one orange and six lemons, pour As the fourth step, list the Jobs for -coratlve button are preferred In terstate canning dem onstration con­ "But no m utter, when the night has der blue or pastel green for these gay each day In the order In which they one cupful of boiling w ater over pulp test. G arbed In an appropriate while For w ear over lingerie and sheer passed another or the sam e day will party frocks. G eorgette In the same and skins of the fru it. Set over the uniform and cap, Miss I>-naghen Is are to he done, placing the tim e of come again. So we must make use ocks these knitted coats are en- anclng. T he colors which glorify colors or white, posed over silk slips In heat and let It come to the boiling busy from 9 to 12 o'clock In the m orn­ starting and finishing before esch of th e night. It was in the night em contribute a sum m er loveliness contrasting color, are shown In frocks point. S train and add the first rnlx ing and from 1 : » to 4:30 afternoons. Item. T his will require some Juggling when the keeper caught us. He a t ­ with flaring skirts, usually set onto Cool. Add one cupful o t red of Items in order th at such fixed ones , the costume. T he all-w hite knitted ture. All members of the boys' and girls' tracted us to him by hl* light." lace yokes and finished at th e bottom raspberries and one and one-half as preparing and serving meals will rap leads, perhaps. In popularity al- clubs organized by the United S lates “ We must begin our concert," said lough the com petition Is keen among with lace. P laits are freely used as a q u arts of Ice w ater. Serve with a D epartm ent of A griculture and the come st the proper times. Many Mr Locust, "as you say, another day decoration and narrow ribbon girdles sprig of mint ich lovely shades as nlle green, pink state colleges are taught how to dem hom em akers find It convenient to have will come before long. F o r a refreshing lnnch for a chance o n strste what they have learned, for the schedule for each day on * s e p ­ * deep rose, pow der blue, lariot and to define a low w aistline. Ribbon In Ko Billie Brownie heard the Lo­ iy yellow. D ouble-breasted coats of two colors, or sliver and a color. In a caller, th ere Is nothing more cooling th eir leaders regard It to be of as ara te Sheet or card with a hole cu st* K atydids, Field Crickets, tw isted girdle finished with a rosette punched In the top In order that It than a glass of ginger ale with a gin­ ro-tnned m ottled Jersey are a fall Item. Tree Crickets. Smooth-Winged (Tickets much Im portance to the boya and girls brings a plaited georgette frock to the may be hung up In a eonaptceone placa g e r snap to accom pany It. Before th e llttlest P arislenne Is to be able to teach others well as It Is arid all of the others begin to sing as before the day’s work start*. msclous of her clothes she Is clad j pinnacle of success. to learn how to do It themselves. hard us they could. JULIA BOTTOMLET. i garm ents th a t differ from those IM S . Western Nswspspsr Dales. I t her brothers, and th is difference I T