Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 15, 1925, Image 6

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P L E A S i*» G
•u*», ferrASsrlnsa asd
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•“» * * 7 » * * -»
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•<*•«' Se datfoari»« r» » < s *« » x
vS'u^lsO)« «»IO « wa«-«e<^
•ter ’ >. a ae” ■ *r S yrw
ev ■ o -
> ^ ***
« .rr« . « r-»p e'r«
« « «»/ ’i'.»» «ie», n r «f «r "*»4 a
e»y • e«« pi» ■«-»>«« »tnzr'd*.
We»* rep»» «err» » »94 '»•«'«■s
Ike »«rt* «4 »!&««»»»' i««r*-r» »»’ fc
tte j elei, rkey re « 4 i n *»4>-s..|,
ta I'« ».<
Mheiker t»e raaptng «i»rr^<« »«•»
frnat tk» tip» o4 »«rat» n t m
»h» «ff«r pr'*td««d I» »Je«y» **r»»py*’
a»4 4«**«a»u.2 ie (ke r»!*.ae»t
nr rtai*'
- =
t* / O
r^ o -r»
n s w
ir h*-
**4 tK at
f u * fa» T L w x r W
am o r » U f 9 s ta rt «-4 *,7 a f
p <» iubm
M ib
— »
HE r«er
’ h » «hr,ted»«,
T Ollrcr
Goi^Meitk la tfce
Q a »4 friwcda
are g w i ket tappton«
le ba
U t - saving 'rienda. '-»»ri» arte le
fri» a ri» t» taro—
tfte n .
P A tjS
»gainst tbe head.
It may have been the hot w eather
or perhaps «Imply woman'» eternal de-
aire for change, or. yet again. It ma
have been her modem urge for free­
dom that has led her to bring forth,
her ear.
But. whatever It waa. the “rab bit“
1« definitely launched, and according to
authorities on the subject. 1» here to
K ay fo r the wummer at least.
During the last 10 days one o f the
city s leading women's barbers esti­
mates Of, per cent o f his patrons left
ihe shop with the “rab bit” cut.
For the enlightenm ent o f the un­
initiated, the “rab b it” bob Is like the
little tn lm a l from whom It was named.
sleek and sparse, w ith ears exposed to
th eir fullest I h hu ij — or ugliness— and
wlth absolute freedom o f wlggly m,>
Cut Short Like Man’s.
Straight back from the forehead It
goes, w ith no soft little dip or side
part tr, relieve the severity. Straight
back behind the ears— cut like a man's,
only kept a little longer and thicker ou
«— I
» » » •»
r» »
It» ’ ,
« » n t» -
13 IT
W Y C L IF F E ?
* T * IH f i nai. » »|th«r «(«■liad W ldlIF»
« W y d lff oy
t.arr.» i-t » parlati In th« North hiding
• f Teykaktra, Lnclnnd
It » » • Itr m
that it,» f « u ,.«« r«fr<m er, John d«
M 'ydlff». « »« horn la 1324.
l e r l d WldWHI« « » • th» Urat trai»
trbffa »bild born In th» »fat» of lla ry
land of l'rot»atant | « t m i i
lile f»
th«r r»«d,»d Maryland In Ih» y»»r
1CI* e h « r* h» dl«d In 1<M2.
II» l«ft
• » lf» J»fi» e li« m arriad « Mr
he young lady
Ida royalty e f *300 fe r the 'Ite a e n e d
Village’* for fear that the publlaher
would not make «iilfldent to cover Ida
expetiaea' tioldam lth died In London.
April 4, 1774. In debt more than *10.-
'<», but the b<~, loved lite ra ry man of
hi» generation.— W ayne D. M cM urray.
i f£, br O«*jrt«
Adarr»* »
M E K K I 'n - Thl» name M e rritt la
from the parish «4 M errlo tt, In Ron,
I.L’ M I.E T — T ill» Is an old Anglo-
Saxon name. T b e fam ily have lived
In England In the county o f Iturbam
from I he tim e o f the Conquest. In
|tx n King Jarnea I visited L u m le f cas­
tle. and the Hshop o f Iturharn, talking
Io the king there, wanted to do honor
to his friend Lord Ltim ley, so be gave
a long account o f the fam ily. ’"Oh,
mon.” said the bored king, "gang no
fu rth e r
lx*t me dlgeet w hat I have.
I did na ken Adam waa named
L u m le y !”
by M «Cl9r« N»w»pap*r Syndicate.)
Brook, for ■ »»rond husband.
left, alio, a «on I »arid, wlio migrated
to Virginia, where he m arried M ary
Nldwdas and made a '’untrart to bring
up h»r children by tw o former hue
hands, "ao farre at arbor,le as to w rite
and re a d « *
T he*» a e r i» were Na
thanlel Pope and Ixtwla Nrw-hllaa.
I »a» Id had a hndher Hohen, who
married Margaret
aiepdaughter nt
---------o ---------
t'ol W illia m Pieri e. aon of Capi. W il­
liam Pierre of Virginia Council, who»»
Beaton now re, elven about iwe-
daughter Jane « I » the third w ife at tblrda of the wool Imported Into the
John Itolfe.
I'n lte d State«.
K ' t t l l those who tnnat and those who
w ish to leave meat out of the dial,
the following recipes and auggeaiiotta
may prove h e lp fu l:
Vagatarian Main Dlah.
T ake equal part» of freali green pen«
and awi-et corn pre«»«*,I from the ker
nets, chopped raisins and datea mixed
with honey and olive oil to moisten
Pre»» Into rttpa Io mold and serve with
a rich i ream sauce made with cream,
adding honey nr maple sirup iM>d nut
tneal math from the brnxll nuta.
th e young lady a c r e « Ib» »ay any»
another reason why no one should
drink now la that it tau t anfe and
you're ne»er sura you're getting the
genuine aynthetlc artlcla.
<Cb Sr M at ta ra rta w a e a e a f » r o a ie a ta »
H i» only course Is to steam forw ard
W ashington.— T h e
State« by w hat Is called ”dead reckoning.”
navy is making another effort to con H e knows Ilia location when the fog
quer the last unconquered monster r-f drops, knows the direction he is g,e
the sea— fog.
ing and tbe speed a t which bis ship is
Every other obstacle In the way of traveling,
navigation has been surmounted. Bui
Recall La Honda D-sastar.
fog is still untamed.
Armed w ith this knowledge, he can
Often it comes w ithout warning, the ! figure his position on the chart— ap-
resuli of quick changes in ocenn or a ir proxim ately — as
currents, tem perature, or atmospheric through the waves.
This enables him to avoid rocks and
reefs— sometimes.
reckoning c < h - s wrong.
The La Honda disaster, off the C a li­
fornia coast, furnished terrib le proof
1 of this.
Seven destroyers o f the b attle fleet
were traveling through fog a t a speed
of 20 knots. T h e ir object was to turn
in to shore, but a series of jagged reefs
i had first to be passed.
Dead reckoning told the com mander
of the first destroyer th a t the place
to turn had been reached. H e changed
his course, the others follow ing in
; line.
Suddenly the roar of breakers was
heard. The destrojers tried to swerve,
to reverse. Too late— th e ir speed was
too great.
One a fie r the other the
seven ships piled up on the Jagged
ror'ks. T he commander’s dead reckon­
ing had been wrong— and fog collect­
ed another toll.
Study Cottrell Principle
Naval scientists are now trying to fog by figuring out a suitable
fiKHlificatlon o f “C o ttre il’a Precipita-
| tlon.”
T he original purpose o f the precipi­
tato r was to “lay” smoke and fum es
belched from factories and furnaces
and thus prevent th e ir spread.
T he precipitator, named for Its In­
ventor. Dr. E. (}. C o ttrell, is a device
for making tiny particles In the a ir
i-ollect Into larger masses.
ful electric currents are used. When
the particles form In larger bodies
they drop to the ground.
The naval Investigators have hope»
that the pre, ip ita to r principle can he
used t„ dispel fog off a ship's bows.
\ \ Ith this in view they are studying
the composition of f„g, trying to figure
out a modification of Cottrell's device
that Will apply to Its particles as w ell
as to particles of smoke.
Nathan Robert B allantine, twelve-
year-tdd Chicago sctioolhoy, has re­
ceived a le tte r frotn President Hnd
Mrs. Coolidge complimenting him on
his achievement as a sculptor. The
lad also writes short storlps. draws
cartoons and Is a clever musician. He
Is working on a bust of the President.
C o o k B oo
~Tr> d w » l l h a p p il y w i t h e a r-h o t h e r ,
p ^ fip i» ■ h n u ld !»• v n ra ^ rl in ( h e f tlc 8 -
t le a o f the- h e a r t a n d b o r n w i t h a f a v
u l t y f o r w i l l i n g c o m p r e h e n e t o f t.'*
It strikes the n avig ato r blind.
Make Tests to Seek Dissolu­ T ru e, he has his charts and instru-
; ments. But w hat good are these I f he
tion Method of “Mari-
. . . .
cannot see the ocean around him or
ner s Nightmare.
tbe sky above?
e r ’s
A nut m eat may 1>e prepare,!, tielng
the rnaraety chopped nuta In place of
llie meat, with tbe other Ingredients of
a veal lonf
Itnate during the baking
and serve w ith a highly seasoned to­
mato sauce
III tbe same oven w ith the rnaai
hake peeled potatoes w ith two nnlona
sliced and six tahleapoonfuls of any
good oil. hasting often during the bak­
ing. Ad,I parsley .e ll sprinkle,! over
the vegetable and season well with
»alt and pepper
bvrva peeled potatoes w ith butter
the Island, finding an abundance o f
f r « i in the graaara and rough herbage.
They »till resent tbe approach of hu­
man beings, however.
T be most anxious tim e for those In­
terested in the experim ent w ill be dur­
ing the summer. T h e natu ral habitat
of the musk ox la among the bleat
regions of A rctic Am erica, and it i»
poweihle they w ill not survive a more
aouibern summer.
Chicago Boy Remarkable Sculptor
Y our L ast N am e
♦ » ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ '♦ ♦ ♦ ^ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 4 4 4 '
Latest UHortnatloa from Uoilywood
is that they are making eyebrows of
patent leather thia aeaaon. A il one
need de la t' shave off or bum off the
original eyebrows and. by using thia
latest departure, assume j u «
character of expression she may
Ch<-oee. Tbe young lady shown trying
the new device la A n ita LLogers of
:N a v y T rie s to
C o n q u e r Fogs
O ll»«r iinl<J»tnl, i. w»» tx/rn in Ir»t»n4
in 172% HI» f»rk«r. t e r „ r of • »meU
rtin rrh , «eri>«4 te re ly «r. .tj<b re »ap­
port hl» Urti» fam ily km »a,r««rl»-ti in
•rbftlr.c b:» e n re T rin ity »r,il«j» injh-
Un. In 1749 »horrly » f »r hie fathrr'«
4«eth f»„ltl«rnltb l» f' ro ll«*» and p re
P»r»4 ie »r>t«r th» mln'ntry. H» waa
■ t.o e r fr, «nt»r th» rl«r»y »h»n th«
Ill»hrrp r ,f Elphln. « h e « a » hl» » iä n
ln«r r«ftt»«d te p»a» h l» — prehahly he
ratM» >>t hl« kne«lerl<« e t th« yoaih'n
« ll'ite m
Oeldernltb nrrw lerarne tmo« re ■
w»»lfhy fntnlly. ha’ anon Ire i thia pe-
Mrlen thrrmah » d!»p«it» « Ith tb« tua»
l» r <rf th» h'»>a« e»»r ■ «»tri» of r«rd»
Fitllnwlnc thla «piaori« he n t raady
i t , »all fer Am »rl' a »h«n h» < h»nr«d
hl» rnlnd »nd «ll',«<-d th» briet |r, »all
without him. Illa u n 'i» m m « te hl»
r»arii« »nti (« r » him SO peuiid». »bea!
*2)W, « litt w hl'h te <e te ftubtln «nd
«fudy In » .
II« w»nt te IftjhJIn, hat
n»v«r »fiidlid! I» « th»r» ■« h« I r « tb«
mr>n«y bl» a n d « bad <l»«n him In
it» » » n t io Ley tiro, » h e re ba eoMlnttad
le a p li« hl» r«f,»»t«rl lmprrid«nr-«a, h« hl» atml!«» at th» niirnun nt hl» unde.
« » » »tn ln r»»rei«d by hl« und« »nd
HI» hm t knonn ««irk«. T b « V lra r
a»nt te Lrllrthttrth te study tn«dl,-tn« e f W n kafldd " »nd T h e Da»»rted VII-
H«r« h» r»t„«in»d f' t I I tn-,afh« and l»C»* a>hl«»«d Instant [«,polarity, and
»r-f|Ulr«d »ein« k n e w le lt» e f medldn«, 1 brought him a ron»ld»r»hl» return
huf n«»«r tir ili a d«tr««. Krem th«r« b «» lt» te l a lo o t while before accepting
P* ' leipc.ia.— T h e ear ba» a t laa*
c a m » ia x a its own.
-he top of ’ i e i»ad. And ’ h»n. the on»
«sd only cue, « sal o * te rhe fern, a inc de­
c u r-jig
te n d ril*
«weep« a stray wtap. straight and lo r-
mulabic. te adorn the cbeefe.
M •- loeg bea.M of h a ir are being
I cat all tbe time-
One barber U»r
» » e t cut 3Ó. T he " i r » ' '--O» were
wary atxmt the aleck “rabbit--
wanted to adjaat th»tn»eivea to afcort
h air before 'hey let the remw.aing six
inches he cut.
By next year, »ome of the barber»
predict, the m ajo rity o f g ir li w ill he
wearing 'he “ra M x t* b«t> and It will
be impossible. Looking at tbe back of
a bead, to tell w hether It belongs to
a mas o r a girt— and p am » to a wom­
a n '! “crowning glory“ w ill pass for­
ever from [»»tn. song and Kory.
r«»4e ’
"—* ■ ( b« ebn fa I» batti» alai».
-T a »
“Rabbit” Bob Permit» W ig­
gling and Girla Are
Judged Thereby.
A fte r y»»r» of being concealed ke-
c-raees of hair, rhe ear baa
a'»- ;»d forth In tr» pcekiagorle »rate
of . '.j i- x r /.» m and it 1» by bee ear
»«e«J te bara.
that a g ir ls beauty w ill auoa be
Eeeax«» • » « d e r that • « g“*rw. w*
T ‘ » '»ak o f the character reader to
• f ’ r r fall. OfaB B**<8 8 , ligi r o d . Now he may Judge a girl
■ wl’ - .,.- o»lng »»»n s rir.s g . I f a girl
frir&! <« be
Te fcfai h i f a s r t f — to as<e «8 well ae - ba> rrisun ai tendencies, woe
j her
H er ear w ill tefL
R .t let tie c.en look to their
pmeVtiflZ for 8/t'**w tty .
< > » ]^l» in life are iife ‘8 JXkWt las/efa-
May D »cover W j y « .
levely rb!a<;
Arctic Oxen Try Out
E .*
friec/la ro
For ye-tra they have h»id tbe floor
in Warmer Climate
M r» 'i the *8 7 ;
and wiggled th eir ears— thoee wh-. 1
T L*y alw87S
’ hem. winery day r
1— f it 'r e edlfi'-ati, n a n d amuae-
Gain. N o rw ay.— Ten
«v «r n&<.
ment o f fh e ir frien -ig
Now there brought from Greenland recently on
U :- c *-*r s«sd them, rp 'tn j or m»y be wm,« girla wha w ill dLacoeer a ta ll.n g vesaet. are spending tbe sum­
w inrry day.
t . ;t
ey too ,-an wiggle tbe-.r ears.
mer on K jil'd m e n laiuud. oil the west
• < a*
are > rw » > x » ar*ev*«i<»
I t may be that a g ir l» a b ility wilt coast of Norway.
evrnr .ally be Judged, ant by tbe -»hell
It 1» fcof-ed they w ill become uaed to
pir.k* qualify o f her ewr. not by Its tbe ciim ale of northern Europe.
T be Heat, o f these animals make« ex­
de ¡cate contour but ra th e r by expre»-
atveneaa. Facial expressions may loae I cellent e a tin g as A rctic explorer» can
their in te r» « god artenflon be coo- I testify, and there la always a demand
fined to the ear. W hen intentneaa la for them in toologlcal gardens
to he rrgiatered. let tbe ear be perked: "I
T be anlm aia wander at w ill about
laMitude. and It w ill droop languidly I
•F a r K« t t * '. r y n
a n * rune eetey
May I t e » U
a * * » « le tk a « day."
fie ara -fi«» saror
Ears N o w A re
W o m a n ’s G lo ry
Wh« a r r r r neeria re aak for “hariry.
Bat Sa» »..« food. hi» c«nL aia
’• <** a / -.• « *< » i a - « ' •« a
saursRra •
*hj»s « «*>1, o a r« a
aad s»»x»» «eeeriatyie. a tre a t ¿era
«r » « k e r r a n » « r a e » » a I ■» «r«ry
t n « »JM asyXe***
A v i ’t a »p» ■ •-» an* e r y ta n tr
a»t»aaian a « re «r«ry r.a .re i - T a :
.9 • » » a lk « e f fff» aa-l »»,— . iy je
tbooa- e h e »r» i»^»s-fi»tf o» « »rs f^ r
7 W <** r r r ' * . » f 5< mrptsiy«? ¿ m i­
r i 7 /''»*■» p c » iw 8 /r ?<,
or b *r
»1k»> fcalMrmIVy
g rt**ada< v«far
bi r*o p « 8 7 w ith > k&Mfy »r. « •>**
99 .*19* Ì9 « 8 * i ! > n
r iv i« v f
» ♦ • '.r r 884 iS «J 8mrT« of tn » *j«n>a
• •-»»«•« a
B-.t tener »»« 4
wtAtry day.
rasi »8-1 if a i»
I*-»««» « M r* »- "-’J»«l »»K '■»ad
•■«tr « » .
r-j««»r^<'-ee I« » r-*«
•r •e-'' ng.
u t / p o r «p arr»
* * * T f a s t *y o a * * •**»»:« rstfkr •*-
f< 4arris»tarr2Sff s o i 4H»^>t«i7
» < --** *•* **p *
ts pere e r­
4e-r.-<a—a m r ry tw . la S K ***1’ *
vWázi» e *8 y e *R*
AÄ»i j r w O t i l Tb« 8S'*>«
tav*w«r! a ” fc* <r>Aaa of
♦ 5/1 w*-*iO. Is rbrrtr or«l a r * r ***•?*>*
» *•« ese as^rr^T are uwMl
j *>rw*
T 5 *y » e r * » f«-» •*« w*>rr» «ad
f '
— «■> M
/■»». 7 ~»8<;
* '4 r * »f X>uf
T » e tr„n«a 1
«U * - * * <
tlb# XRnCl*?
tk* • • J - .
’» fart » h « r* rtr M »ara
*>• TljrtAnx fa r a ar^x’u.'^ That y-« »4- bave ’ aera. wta-ry d»y
•’•'**! '*
>. 'il— »■—.
<¿4 '» *• * « « M
r><se fa. is w¿& a> a»4L«9re aad *♦*
T *r e la s
*« * •
h ä ärit
3 s ,
MrV-xf «f «or » !< *< ■ •
and chopped onion, Juat as one ,l<a*a
paraiey potato««.
A taaly cream soup w ith linger» of
toasted bread.
Head lettuce sprinkled generously
-.itli chopped peanuts and a little
scraped onion, w Ith French dreaalng.
Another dinner may begin w ith can
tetoupe served In ball« w ith a lemon
sauce poured over the fru it. Serve In
cocktail glasses.
For ileeaert any fru it pie w ith or
without Ice cream la sufficiently Alling
Io satisfy an ordinary appetite. Bine-
lo rry pie « l i b Ice cream la an eape
clally delicious combination.
Mock Sausage».
ftoak one-half cupful of lima beans
overnight In w ater to rover.
and »oak In salted w ater until soft
But through a puree strainer, add ooe-
thlrd of a cupful of dry bread rntmtia,
three lahleap,a>nfuls o f butter, one-
h alf teaapoonful of «age. one beaten
egg and »all and pepper to season.
Shape in the form o f aauaage. dip Into
t eaten egg and bread crumbs and fry
In deep fat
Serve w ith ring« o f fried
apple, overlapping around the p latter
"K tgU l Itll. L c W L wetera 'Z
U p I o
rals. When the supply ,,f cheap hors»
flesh Is exhausted at Plymouth, th e
slaughter-house w ill he d is m a n tle *
aud moved to other fields.
Stockman Favor New Plan as Solu­
tion of Range Problem In East-
ern Washington.
O lym pia. W ash.—T h e apparent sue-
cess o f an experiment In converting
horse fl»«*> ln’ ° h,'g
hn" *tlv,' n
rise to the bop« among eastern Wash-
n rton
stockmen that a practical
means haa at last been found to rid
W.v«hlngt„n ranges of thousands of
worthless w ild hor«««. declares Harold
(lobyna, field leader for the biological
survey, who returned recently from a
coyote hunting trip In Benton county.
T a ttle men and wool growers have
long considered the horses a menace
to the live stock Industry, since the
animals, described locally as “knot-
head Cayuaes.'' place an added burden
on the none too abundant range.
in recent month«. M r. Dohyna said,
an enterprising lndlvtilnal baa estab­
lished a slaughter-honae and hog-feed
Ing plant at Plymouth, on the south­
ern border of the Horse Heaven coun
try, long famous as Its name implies
as a horse range. T he horses are pur­
chased at an average price of shout
S3 a head, which while low. enables the
owners o f the long-neglected ponies to
realise a profit hy rounding up their
otherwise valueless animals, and the
supply has so fa r kept pace with the
T he slaughter house is modern In
every respect, Mr. Dohyns said, and
none of the carcass Is wasted. The
flesh is cooked w ith corn and other
cereals for hog feed, and hides bring
shout S2 each, or nearly the cost of
the horse, while the bones are d's-
posed of to fe rtiliz e r plnnts at a price
said to average »15 a ton. The hogs
are shipped in. fattened and then re-
shlpperi to the markets. Approxi­
mately « O hogs are fed at a time
while there Is always a supply of
horses »waiting «laughter in tha cor ,
F o ile d by P o rk
Boston—A barrage of salt pork
stopped nn attempt to rob the John
r. Connor store. George M. Powell
«tore manager, pelted two young yegg»
with a large piece o f the stuff th a t
goes with baked beans and It was not
long „tit of the brine.
The sudden assault and nnustinl
weapon took the nerve away from the
would-be <lesperad,^-s and they left In
panic, leaving behind a bag of flour
they had purchased as an excuse fo r
going Into the store, also their h a t *
V a lu a b le B ird
S„nta Barbara. C al.— A bird of para­
dise valuer) at *5.<¥Xt belonging to C h n ,
Holmes young M ontecito m illionaire
llerl a few days ago at the Fentherhlll
ranch, the Holmes poultry farm |D
Montecito’s exclusive d is tric t when the
tem perature In an acclim ating rootn
dropped several degree*