UJTÏl.» li. ***• I ■ - - Edward J. H. Joehnk of Marsh-1 News Notes From I field has been appointed U. S. referee All Over Oregon in bankruptcy for the Coos Bay dis Gleaned by the W estern Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple trict by Judge Wolverton to succeed William E. Coleman, resigned Mrs. Myrtle M. Hllsabeck, 45. was killed when the automobile driven by her husband, Delbert Hllsabeck, plunged down an embankment on the Eugene-Lorane highway near Eugene Loss by fire in Oregon during June, exclusive of Portland, totaled $233, 053.74, according to the report of the state tire marshal. The Dalles suf fered the heaviest loss reported, $36.- 000. A rich strike of gold, which ssssy- ed at $40.80 a ton, the highest value of gold yet recorded in the operations, has been made at the Mother Lode copper mine, 28 miles northeast of Baker. Guy C. H. Corliss of Portland, at­ torney for the original trustees of the E. Henry Wemme endowment fund, can collect $25,000 for attorney fees from this trust fund for protection of the fund against the suit of heirs to break the Wemme will, the state su­ preme court has held A. W. Allen, Portland druggist and for 33 years secretary of the Oregon State Pharmaceutical association, was elevated by unanimous vote to the presidency of that body at the final session of the convention at Corvallis. Gearhart was selected as the place of meeting tor the 1926 session. The state highway department has been engaged the past few days sprinkling the section of the Old Ore­ gon trail between Lone Tree, three miles east of La Grande, and Union, which will be oiled. The macadam under oiling will be closed to traffic until the work Is completed, probably a fortnight. Some unfeeling man watched the banks of Pony Inlet, In the out-of-the- way portion of North Bend, until a number of young women had gone In to take their dally swim, and then walked off with moat of their cloth­ ing and a considerable amount of Jewelry. The girls went home In their bathing suits. Reports from 24 district attorneys and sheriffs of the 36 counties in the state, received by W. S. Levans, state prohibition commissioner, for May, show that of 158 arrests made, 121 convictions were obtained. A total of $29,185 In fines was assessed and $9671.30 paid. Twenty nine stills were seized and 516 gallons of liquor de­ stroyed. The so-called Warren patent paving case was ended when Attorney-Gen- eran Van Winkle and the state high way commission, representing the state, and attorneys for the Warren Construction company, reached a com­ promise agreement for the settlement of the case outside of court on the basis of a payment by the state of $225,000 for royalty. The agreement closed a controversy of several years regarding the right of the construc­ tion company to royalties on the use by the state of Its patent formula for bttullthlc pavements. Sealed bids on construction work In seven counties will be received by the state highway commission at the Mult­ nomah county courthouse July 28. Among the projects are: Grading and surfacing 5.83 miles broken stone on Kings valley and Perkins market roads in Benton county; 23.2 miles of grading, gravelling, 894,000 cubic yards of excavation on the Burnt Hill Chetco river section of the Roosevelt coast highway In Curry county at an estimated cost of $900,000. Eight and eight-tenths » lie s grading, Involving approximately 225.000 cubic yards of excavation on the Siletz bay Rocky creek section of the Roosevelt high way In Lincoln county; 12.66 miles of grading and surfacing of the Albany Lebanon section of the Santlam high way in Linn county, and .65 miles of grading for the Meacham over-cross Ing section of the Old Oregon trail in Umatilla county, PA«C $ R U R A L EN TER PR ISE -7---------------- - — CLARENCE DARROW 1 WILLIAM J. BRYAN R oundtrip Excursion Fares e v e ry d ay th r o u g h o u t th e s u m m e r Postal receipts at Portland tor season. S topover w h e re v er a n d as long Jane exceeded those of the same as you please w ith in final re tu rn lim it month last year by 634 per cent. •—O c to b e r 31st. The annual state encampment of the Spanish War Veterans will be N ow plan your vacatio n jo u rn e y s to held at Port Orford July 23, 24 and 26. th e east. Let o u r agents assist in fixing Linfield college will not be moved y o u r itin era ry . A n d in clu d e from McMinnville to Portland, trus­ tees of the institution have decided. The Cottage Grove city council will e ith e r g o in g o r re tu rn in g ,o r b o th ways, open bids July 20 for construction of if you choose. See it’s m an ifo ld w o n ­ a 1,000.000-gallon water storage reser­ d e r a t little, if any, a d d itio n a l expense. voir. Portland ranked second in building construction on the Pacific coast dur­ ing June, according to building per­ William Jennings Bryan, leading mit figures. lountel for tha prosecution in the Tennessee evolution cate against John Loss to the dorks of the Standard T. Scopes. Oil company and the Union Oil com­ pany at Willbridge in a fire was esti­ mated at approximately $56,000. tloning. All are farmers, save one. a C. P. Moody, agt. Phone 22fl shipping clerk, although one of the Several small fires have been re­ farmers previously taught school and ported in the Sluslaw national forest Clarence Darrow, noted Chlcaeo but none has spread to timber, ac­ awyer, who Is leading counsel for the another was a United States marshal iefense In the trial of John T. Scopes nnder the Wilson administration. cording to R. S. Shelley, supervisor. The trial will unleash two of the lor violation of the Tennessee anti- Headquarters for the Oregon Trunk greatest orators of the day—Clarence ivolutlon law. railroad have been established at Darrow, world famous agnostic, and Klamath Falls with J. J. Hoydar, gen­ William Jennings Bryan, leader ol eral agent from Spokane, in charge. Dayton, Tenn.—The forces which American fundamentalists—In a dra rallied to help Tennessee convict John The first forest fires of the season matic clash over evolution and the U. S. »fc C. T. C. Tires New. low-priced Gill Thomas Scopes on a charge of vio­ for Douglas county were reported at Bible. lating her anti-evolution law, hold a Roseburg, four of them being spotted Batteries for Moro service material advantage as a Jury of funda­ in widely separated sections of the Elks Hold Convention in Portland- Ford, and No more cost mentalists, all God-fearing farmers of county. Portland, Or. — From the farthest Star, other the Cumberland hills, were selected Skilled Auto repairing Preliminary work on the paving of reaches of elkdom. thousands of Bills Chevrolet small cars to try the case. the Klamath Falls entrance to Crater A uto accessories and their families moved in to the The state used only one peremptory Lake national park has been started Portland stamping ground Monday to challenge and passed many without MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY by employes for the Warren Construc­ attend the annual convention of the even an examination. The defense tion company. grand lodge. Special trains, automo­ used all three alloted challenges, bile caravans and a swarm of private The new girls' dormitory at the could have used a hundred more and parlies brought the peak of the Influx state institution for the feeble-minded questioned each Juror at length. The at Salem will be constructed of con­ prosecutors smiled broadly over the $4,734,235.000 In Circulation In U. S- crete, It was ordered by the state completed jury; the defense attorneys, Washington, D. C.—Money in cir­ board of control. looked glum. culation in the United States on July More than 7,000,000 salmon trout A new Indictment, returned In 1 totaled $4,734,235,000, the treasury are ready for liberation at the state stronger terms than the first one, announced. The per capita amount trout hatchery on Salmon creek at smashed the points in the defense's was $41.49, compared with $42.20 a Oakridge, according to Charles J. constitutional case. The original in­ year ago. Hall superintendent. dictment could have been attacked any time because it was returned by In a timber sale conducted by W. Of the 545 accidents reported to the a grand jury convened without the state industrial accident commission L. Tooxe, Sr., register of the Port­ required 60 days' notice. -It also con- during the week ending July 9, four land federal land office. 5,248,000 feet tained a technical flaw in its word resulted in fatalities, according to the of timber in tour scattered tracts was age. Both these errors were rectified weekly report of the commission. sold for a total of $9363.19. by the re-indictment. Proposed freight rats Increases on Those fatally Injured were Charles L. The 12 good men and true includs Shattuck, fruit and vegetables by carloads to general superintendent, six Baptists, three Methodists, one Prineville; Hugh B McCauley, holler Portland from California points via the member of the Church of Christ, one shop Southern Pacific line were suspended worker, Portland; Robert with no church and one whose affllla Thomas, gang saw crew, Portland; by the interstate commerce commis tlon was not brought out in the ques James Theo Sprague, timber faller. slon until November 6. E.> G. Hopson of Portland, W. B. Dennis of Carlton and G. A. Coveil agneto electric co . Official Stromberg carburetor serv Of Corvallis were reappointed by Gov artistic ice station. Couservative prices. Al ernor Pierce to succeed themselves for work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second terms of six years each on the state —An Improvement on Printed Linoleum board of engineer examiners. en and money are best when busy. Make your dollars work in This is good advice; “ Il you live Residents of Oregon during the fis Resistance to w etr it probably the one quality you our savings department. A i . banv S tate in Albany, trade iu Albany; if you live cal year of 1925, which closed June in some other town, trade in that town.“ B ank . Under government supervision. look for first when selecting floor covering. And it 30. paid federal taxes aggregating $8, But in these automobile days many re­ is that quality above all others w hich has been 162.0(8.72. according to a preliminary ias Sue Breckenridge siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their baying in the Hemstitching. Stamped genl« summary of taxation announced by built into P a b c o l i n . , larger town. Those who go to Albany 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon the bureau of Internal revenue. Not linoleum, nor a substitute, but an improvement’ to transact business will find the firms Phone 45 2 k H. J. Cavanaugh, of Pendleton, was named below ready to fill their require­ on printed linoleum— a floor covering with its wear­ ments with courtesy an I fairness. appointed a member of the pension R O SC O E AMES HARDWARE ing aurface composed of special tn tm e l paint in­ board by the commissioner of pen stead of the usual soft oil*paint. t - A CCESSORIES AND TIK ES The Winchester Store] sions upon the recommendation of ax Auto Supplies This bard, wear-defying surface rests on a firm "body” of Representative Slnnott of The Dalles j. H. A llison QT1MSON T H E SHOE DOCTOR long-fiber rag felt, made for this particular purpose, and He will take office immediately 442 West First St • • J Second street, opposite Hamilton's thoroughly w a te rp ro o fe d by a special process. Oregon’s wheat crop this year was store. J, LINDAHL, hardware, estimated at 18,000,000 bushels by F It pay« to buy Pabcolin because it gives you n tr » - to n 4 aer» “ Sudden Service.’’ • Dinnerware vice. It keqps its gloss and beautiful colors far longer than L. Kent, agricultural statiatician at Tin shop in connection LZaldo Anderaon A Son, Uiatrib- you would suppose any printed floor covering capable, yet its Portland for the United States depart 35b W. First St. Albany, Oregon V utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal- cost is no higher. Besides, you are offered a variety of beaut!» ment of agriculture. Mr. Kent esti­ ■rs. Essex, Hudson A Hupniohile cars, ful patterns—many are new and exclusive. lbany Floral Co. Cut flower- mated this year's oats crop at 9,500. cessories. & polies. 1st A Broadalbin. and plants. Floral art for every Let us show you Pabcolin. There are patterns suitable 000 bushels, the potato crop at 4.950. and all occasions. IVO ODW O RTH DRUG CO. for bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen, porch, dining­ 000 bushels, the hay crop at 1,600,000 Flower phone 458-1 ’ ’ Brunswicks and Victrolas room, hall, in fact for any room in the house. ................................. .. tons. Radios Thavenport Music company offers Among the several thousand per­ Pianos sold on easy terms -Lc Piano-case organ, goal as new sons in the Cascade National forest Estey organ, good as new E SPECIALTY SHOPPE ever the Fourth of July week end, Used Pianos. Pianos to rent hemstitching and stamped goods. HALSEY. only eight were found violating the Albany, Oregon astburn Bros.—Two big grocery 318 W. Second st. state and national fire laws, accord­ Owner. Irene McDaniel. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South ing to Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor. Mam. Good merchandise at the right If you enjoy a good meal, Twenty-four Oregon youths who re­ ASH PAID for false teeth, den- prices. .ind know a good meal when you get it, cently completed courses of military tai gold, platinum and diacarded You’ll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it. lite Cafeteria and confectionery jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refining training at various Institutions In the Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Our aim is to please vou. Co., Otsego, Mich, state have accepted commissions as ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. second lieutenants in the officers’ re­ We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . serve corps, the war department has ALBANY announced. o r d ’ s ALES AND s e r v i c e D ELBER T STARR G E O . M- G I L C H R I S T Why suffer from headaches? Tires and accessories China pheasants have become so Funeral Director and Li- Repairs Plentiful at the state game farm Just Portland, Or.—Ladd a Tilton bank, Have K irk -P ollak Moto« C o . east of Pendleton that some of the censed Embalmer uidcst flnanrirJ Institution of the Pa­ birds raised this year that have at­ Efficient Service. cific northwest and second oldest on Motor Hearse I'o rtm ilie r Furniture Co., futni- Write tor booklet describing our 20- tained their growth are to be releas­ F ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges the Pacific coast, with astata aggro Lady Attendant 1 Funeral directors. 427-433 west First year Rural Gredit Amortized Loans ed to make room for broods that are Brownsvtlle---- . . . . ------ -— Oregon gating 126.927,112. was «old Saturday E xam in ed The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ street Alhany, Oregon. Just hatching. to the United State« National bank of tiring the principal Cheap rates. No Portland, the transfer being effective B eam L and C o ,, tJLLBB GBOCBRY, M 6 Lyon delay. The Baker white pine lumber mill 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) at once. »as damaged to the extent of 84000 w . L W R IG H T Groceries Fruits Produce This constituted the biggest bank when a large engine flywheel flew irtician & Funeral Director Phone 2o3R Jew elers, O pto m etrists sale or merger ever consummated In to pieces, tearing holes In the roof Halsey and Harrisburg the northweat. Announcement that U O L M A N - * JACKSON end west side of the building Pieces Albany, Oregon 1 D. T aylob . Halsey, or at lowest rate ol interest the «ale had been effected and trans­ II Grocery—Bakery of the wheel were found on the roof W, L. W eight . Harrisburg Everything in the line of eats fer of deposits of Ladd a TIRon and for a distance of 130 feet from Insurance Opposite Postoffice Real E state made at once came aa a startling the m ill .------------- — --------------- ■ —---- a»r~ Prompt service. Courteous treatment. surprise even to those beat informed ub Candy Co., First street, next Coos county’s bond election has Wx B aih , Boom 5, First Savings Bank In financial circles of the city. , door to Blain Clothing Co. bnilning, Albany keen definitely set for July 30. The Noon lnncliea. As result of (he deal the United Issue will be for $280,000 to repay the Home made candv «id ice Cream. States National has beym e the larg •tatef fort money, advanced to ’ build eat financial Institution north of San Amor A. Tussing P K R IA L C A F E . 209 W. First roads in the county and $700.000 for Franeleco and west of Minneapolis. Harold G. Morphy Prop • bridge at Marshfield and to con­ LAW YER AND NOTARY Phone 66$ struct highways as laterals through­ All work done promptly and reason J. W- S T E P H E N S O N , W l NBVK.B CLOSE H alsey , O bboos out the county. ably. Phone 26$ C ¿ C A L IF O R N IA Southern Pacific Lines ARROW GARAGE, Garnie Bros. ^y^ÌbanyJ^/)irectory M 7Xe durable floor covering M M A A Y E HILL & Co . E Ladd & Tilton Bank Merged in National PARAGON CAFE F FARM LOANS YOUR EYES F. M . French & Son F FARM LOANS F. M . C R A Y . D R ’A Y M A N H BARBER SHOP First-class Work