Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 15, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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M - jt U . M "
paper. p aU itó ».! eveiy W»<äi*««4*/
The Great Outdoors
' n a ta jom ad the s t a ir m a a a fa c ta r-
u i by gailty of ».olatma
(tb e
S n arm an
11 id ,O X in fica» and probably ara
| I M a /aar
AArerUm sg 20c »» I K h
lor HOM o» »>»•« , ao charge lor cot..
poaitica or ' la a g n
la T a M - r * f paragraph».' U a « a *
« • a 4 a a rti*ia < 4i»r»i*eS aa aawa
bow recouping by violating the
la« some mora.
Oregon pay« $ 2 1 5 ,« » lor la-
frm gm , u . pa«»., patent of
through them lighting home»
turning wbaala, irrigating field»
and providing for dorneet.e use an
abundance of the purest water in
the world, all at actual coet be
owned and
wholly controlled by the popula­
tion it aerved
He proved hia faith by inveetmg
in the inauguration of a campaign
to attain tba financing of the
project and by making aeaura the
water right. Bat hia viaion wav
not «bared by eoongb people wh'
had funds to invest. Cities which
thought they oouid gat along eom»
wny at lata first ooat failed to «bow
• oough «©-operative spirit anti not
enough men with capital took an
later sat.
Moet of the cities are using
water of ^inferior quality.
revival of tba project ia not im ­
possible but ia improbable.
Mr. Andaraon has had otb«r
drtama which have came true. Hr
ia a successful inventor.
W here Bread. Meat Clothing. Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced
the Stinging Does Not
Items of Interest
K ill a Honey Bee
to Linn RurallStS
litig atici:
Add that and « of
: to the eoet of the ronda. They art
worth it, bat there have been inaay
Drtaasars have oaada •ivi.ixatu.r.
« b a t it ia. Every infant.on, «very
modarn improvement, ia »cont-
Thia is a period of earthquakes
body's dream tome tana.
Our game eomoaitaioo baa just
“ Of all tad word« of tongue or been shaken op by 00«.
It t t g t
pen the aaddeet are
Wa.tei's .a as tranquil aa
nave bee o f ”
Waldo Anders©» of Albany hac
The more a man don’t know
a glortona dream.
H * fiaiooed a
u nited people Io tea W illa m e tte about a dogma tba aurar ba feela
valley availing of tba tremendous that ha is right and everybody sis«
reecoreee at Clear Lake
and ia wrong.______
JULY l i :wj-
K U TU U . E N T E R P R f Ä
io n *
Nebraska Reunion
UOD Late-Sown Flax
in Linn County
advantage of
after generation the
special edncation for farm work ia
Muscles May Work for 20 Why Canned Vegetables neing demenurated. Agricoltura; Machines That Pull Ten
collage graduates sod faros club
Acre» a Day Under
Minutes after th©
Sometimes Poison
boys and girls ars achieving suc­
Insect is gone
cesses that could caver have been
While no growing bacteria wilt
Oregon is a floral state and
for any lccgtb of time at
could produce more honey than
of boiling water
it consumes and materially cut
some are able to go into spore
down the sugar bill, as stated in form. When the juices are acid,
a recent article on the subject as m fruits and tcmaties, all forme
of bacteria ars killed quickly at
in the Enterprise.
A great many more people the highest temperature possible
in the water bath.
Corn, peas,
might enjoy keeping bees and baaos and other vegetables need to
add to their incomes. M any
processed under steam pressure
are needlessly afraid to attempt at h.ghcr temperature. — Depart-
The annual reunion of Nebraska to handle the fragal little in-
folks in f)r»goo will oecar this sects, but needlessly so. AI
year at Colorado lake, about three swarm of Italian bees may be
miles west of Corvallis, Aug 2—
handled a great deal and no
All-day g .t&aring. Program at 11.
»tinging occur.
They are very
Now that
summer ia here and friendly little ladies if treated
the thermometer registering from kindly and not jolted nor alarm­
96 to K>4, it foreee a i to apol.
ed. Mr. Root, son of the late
ogixe for the unkind words wa
J. Root, “the” bee man of
»aid about tba weather mao at odd
aod regular times during the the United States, in a recent
• prfr.g.— Scio Tribune.
article has disposed of some
Fourth of July ee!sbrations and
week and outings took a toll of I a-
twtaa 200 and .100 lives in the
arga cities of the United States,
numan sacrifice to the goddess oi
Farm Account Clubs
mant of Agriculture,
A any Co-operative Creamery
" i?
western division of tbe National
Creamery Boilermakers' assida-
tion this year.
I t pays
. _ to thin apples on tbe
frees, we are told. W ell, they are
pretty well thinned hereabouts
tbie year.
1 he department of agriculture
hae a potato from tbe mountains
of Peru that ia aa yellow aa butter
Wheat — Hard white, 11.39; soft
and of a rich, nutty flavor. An
effort ia being made by croaeing white. $1.37; northern spring, hard
it with varieties in this country to winter, western white, $1.38; western
red, $1.35.
• increase its eize and yield.
popular fallacies about bees.
One is the idea that the bee dies
when she stings.
Asked "Is it true that a
bee dies when she
stings?” Mr. Root, who pro­ It will he surprising to know
bably knows as much about that there are 77 co-operative
bees, from practical experience, l<n*rketingj associations in the
as anybody in the world, ans­ state, and tbe aggregate amount of
business done by these organiza­
wers, as reported in the Dear­ tions
would be more surprising.
Governor Pierce may he an
tutbority on the blond Aryan
race, but hia real forte ia outgne»«.
ng the legiaiature.— Portland Ore- born Independent of June 20:
(onian |
“She does if you are quick
brought about under the old rule
thumb process.
This year a new and needed line
of juvenile club work is insugu-
ated in Oregon. In five counties
farm account elube of juveniles art
oeing organized and a year from
oow the members will get together
and their work in keeping tab oa
the outgo and income in all depart-
meats of their parents’ farming
will be judged.
Oaly a a minority of farmers
bich branches
today can tell io
of their activitie there have bees
progt< tB(j ¡0 wj,ich loeaes and t ie
i » « . . . .h .r -f. n . ~ ° i . -
accurate knowledge will be ehang. •
that will make for more profit in
tbe great outdoors— and indoors,
Read the article on *' Budget­
ing ” in colnmu 8, page 7.
Hay — Alfalfa. $18©19 ton; valley
timothy, $20 {$21; eastern Oregon
timothy, $23 @ 24c.
Butterfat—44c delivered Portland.
Eggs—Ranch, 2 9 ^ 31c.
Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook;
Triplets, 27c; loaf, 28c per lb.
W hile Oregon ia not making the
Cattle— Steers, medium, $7.25^8.25.
drives aod noise of many other
Hogs — Medium to choice, $13.00$$
states, tba co-operative work is 14.25.
still going ahead —State Market
Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice,
Agent Spence.
$8.00® 12.50.
Most of the Linn county flax
was planted too late and when
the hot weather came it ripened
prematurely and will not grade
as first class, being less than
30 inches in length.
Tracts seeded early in April
are O. K.
Only on fertile land is the
fiber long enough to get into
the first class.
Of the flax situation th©
Aumsville Star says:
Reports from Turner say that
Ball Bros, pulled 28 acres of
flax on their farm in four days,
but expect to beat that from
now on. They figure on ten
acres a day.
Their charge^ for outside
pulling is $15 an acre. The
price has always been $20, and
it has cost about $30, when one
figures the trouble of getting
pickers and caring for them on
large tracts. Hand pulling does
not deliver as good a product
as the machines do. It is not
as ^ven for threshing and ret­
The state has six machines on
hand priced at $2250 each. A
responsible party can take a
machine without any pajTnenr
down, pay $1000 the first year.
$1000 the next year and $250
the third year.
The Washington-Oregon peo­
ple at Vancouver, Wash., say
they will be able to provide for
pulling, and take care of all
their contracts of flax.
enough to smash her. Other­
wise she will either pull the
sting out or lose it and go on
her way.”
T h* average weight of the Ore­
Mr. Root continues: “A bee gon fleece is 9 pounds; average in
Tennessee Christians have sc
W . T Hornaday of New York
W heat— Soft white. $1.45; western
the country, 7 to 8.— O. A. C-
campaigning secretary of tba par
white and hard winter, $1.44; west­
they are afraid it will not stand needles, two of them with barbs
Secretary Uilfcey of the Albany
tuanent wild life protection fund,
Moat pigs marketed in Oregon ern red, $1.43; northern spring, $1.44; chamber of commerce and a il
<efor* a statement of the theory of which she slides back and forth,
Big Rend bluestem. $1.45.
■aye at the end of a five-year cam evolution and have made a law two muscles that operate the
Linn county flaxgrowars
Hay— Alfalfa, $24; D. C., $28; tim ­ would made a trip to Monmouth
paign the cause of game protection lorbidding such statement in the needles and a poison sack. When growing aa well aa putting on fat
during tli° finishing period. To
yesterday to see flax pulled by
1« in about the same condition a« •cbools.
bee sticks the tiny point of get the heat results, careful atten­ othy, $26; mixed hay, $24.
her sting into your skin and tion is given to balancing the i Butterfat—
nt the beginning. He says “ Tb»
Ranch, 3S«38c.
the barbs take hold she will be­ ration so ih al enough protein and : Eggs—
American people have been tried
Hogs— Prime. $14.35® 14.75.
gin a twisting motion as if I mineral matter will be provided to ' Cattle—Prime
Biggest Filbert Tree ’
steers. $8.00®8.65.
out and found unwilling to pav
George 3 , Dorris of Springfield,
the price of real conservation." In
from a bottle. If she cannot [c. [Tbe younger tbe animal the
fact, wa balitva wa can live a» local and Internal, and has been success, remove the sting she breaks less feed is required to produce a 29c per lb.; do standards. 25c; Wash­ the best-known filbert grower ixi
ington fancy triplets, 25c.
ful in (ha treatment o f Catarrh for ovei
the state, advises bottom land R>r
long and die as happy if 00 wild lofty fears. Sold by t i l druggists.
loose from it.
pound of flesh and the more that
a filbert orchard and tells of a
game ia preserved for aportsmen to F. I- C H E N E Y & . C O .. T o le d o , O h tr
“Although the sting may be pound of flesh will be worth in the
filbert tree on such land on tha
separated from the bee it is a market.— Ed.]
Hogs—Prime. $13.75® 14.00
wound or kill for pleasure.
Umpqua that is 70 years old, s/ith
thing of life. The little muscles
Cattle— Prime steers, $8.00®8.60.
Protect Your Eye«
a trunk nearly three feet in d ia m ­
D ra in a g e in ex p e rim e n ta l fields
continue to work the barbed at O. A. C. hae doubled th e crop
The Mosier Fruit Growers’ associa eter, a spread of 45 to 50 fseet
Congressman Hawley put hi»
needles back
and forth and
tion has reported contracting Its en [ and a bight of 32 feet.
finger on a sore spot when he laid have a splendid line of colored every thrust carries them deep­ yie ld .
tire 1925 tonnage to the American
He says that such a tree could
gl tasca. Tba colors range through
io a apeacb at Oregon City tin t th» hire, »molted, violet and amber.)
er into the flesh and also re­ An Invasion of cutworms, advanc Fruit Growers, Inc. Principals to the never have beeD produced on h ill
Ina from field to field in large num deal declined to reveal prices.
leases poison from the sack.
land. He also says th a t deep
stale spends to© much rnonar Rut
The price, one dollar per pair.
Completion of the pumping plant planting will lead to larger crops
observation hers like an army, is reported in the
what plaiter ean heal that tore?
through a microscope I found Rogue river valley south of Phoenix. for the new Malin irrigation district of nuta throughout tbs Ilia of the
Wa haven't yet found a way t<
that a bee sting will continue Much damage already has been done was announced by the reclamation tree.
aback the grabbers whoee grabbing
service, and within a short time water
working for twenty minutes In the Talent district.
Strsley is
will be pumped Into the canals.
awtlla our taxes.
fafter the l>ee is gone’ I de-
spending a week at Newport.
taeassa w ■ — 1
liberately had a bee sting ms Oregon Chicks Good.
on the back of my hand so
W hits Leghorn eggs sell for
M r.'Bryn says if tba evolution
that I could study the opera­ more money than brown ones, but
theory ia truh there is no Uod. l.i
tions at close range.
Leghorn cockerels do not yield
other words, fled could not have
“When you get stung, don’t much meat and are not tn much
performed the feat of creation in
try to pinch the end of the demand on the market. One Linn '
any way except by tba axa<t
sting to remove It. for if you do, county grower, by breeding high ;
formula M r. Bryan believes in
you will merely squeeze more layers and advertising the fact,
E. C. Meade, Optometr poison
out and drive the sting found a market for 2009 this year.
Bryan's god has strings on him.
OATS and
M aniifoctnring
The way the pro­ From Petaluma, the California ‘
II. Alhro,
fessionals do is to scrape the chicken headquarters, came the J
1 went) .three
men A L B A N Y
sting sideways with thumb nail following letter to a Lebanon
or knife. After you get the
sting out, use hot and cold wa­ supply 2000 white Leghorn
ter alternately, and the sore­ cockerels to maintain or im­
(iives better results
ness will gradually subside. A prove the standard of the Cali­
regular beekeeper pays no at­
“The shipment of 25 coops of |
tention to a wound from a sting
Halsey, Oregon
other than to remove it. Some breeding cockerels arrived June
folks apply baking soda to a bee 22nd on schedule time and we
sting, but that does not help immediately fed and watered
C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0
the birds.
"Mr. Temperly graded them
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
and there were 534 accepted
SETTLERS TO GET WATER and 25 rejected, one dead, mak­
Farmers of Boise Project Win T ilt ing a total of 560 birds in ship­
ment. The 25 birds were re­
W ith U. S. Officers.
Dr. C. FIC Q , Dentist
on account of one crook­
Boise. Idaho—Settlers on tha Bole»
back, four cut in breastbone,
F I T ” reclamation project acored In their ed
controversy with the government over six lop combs and the rest did
Qrowne, bridg« work and filling*
i t wnl
delivery of water to users who are In not stand the trip.
pay ynu to get my prices on vomi dental work, arrears In their drainage assessments
“The birds arrived in first-
Cusick bank build ng, Albany
• hen Judge Ptetrlch of the United class condition and we wish to
you on the high
Hay ia worth ju st as much in storace as
States district court refused to enter­ compliment
this shipment ot
tain a motion of federal counsel to excellence of
I***1“ ,
r 11 i" c a s e n f ire T h’
dismiss a temporary order of the state breeding cockerels.
tAmencan Eagle Fin. inmn»J
“We are enclosing herewith
courts requiring J B Bond, project
will pay you 8S% of the c a a h ^ d k co m p an /
A n y G irl in Trouble
manager, to unlock gatee closed July our check
in the amount of
of loss by fire.
<ash Aalue in case
$854.40 in payment of 534 birds
■uei^inaiMnulcate wlth Kn.ign l.ev of thè Salvatine Army at th»
Under the action of Judge Dietrich at $1.60 each, also check from
(he temporary order of the Judge re
W h ita M u ri.! I lotti», S«,.$ Mayfalr aventi», Portland. Oregon.
Dominick Celia in the amount
qulrlng the government to serve the of $10.80, proceeds of sale of re­
( • P. STAFFOPJ), Agent
171 Mttters whoee supply was shut jected birds.
We will be pre­
off will hold until dissolved by the pared to receive the next ship­
The wisest girls keep out of trouble
federal court .
ment about July llth .”
Girla who begin painting at 12
usually need “ whitewashing " at
2').— Scio Tribune,
H a ll’ s C a ta r r h
M edicine
W hole or Ground
O. w . I R I
M |
A m e ric a n E a g le
Fire Insurance Co.