» » ' I RURAL ENTERPRISE CHPROVtD UNIFORM INTWATIONAL PRUDENCE’S DAUGH TER By ETHEL HUESTON Q U - S • v 1«?» C e. » ' Lesson’ I « V I C I W m ’ shi W*w»i>ap*r T n|nn.) Lesson f o r J u ly 1 3 T H E GOSPEL IN LYSTRA r S piri H . &••• of th e E» . ng to use those tender fingers of his for learned several things a- • life, straig h t?'’ grata track to Lwa Molnea. Yet Alrnee laughed softly, slipping her holding cigarettes. She liked that In­ tru e lova seems to be the n a m e - hand cozily Into the curve of Jerry'» tim ate, boyish way he had of catching w h eth er In G re e n w ic h V illa g e o r her hands In both of his when he pretty, bare, white arm. free Moines. ‘‘Brandy, weak, oh, awfully weak," said : “You beautiful thing.” “Is—Is It your studio?” she asked, ghe told him. "She hadn't registered when I called you. This is R hodt La suddenly em barrassed because she said P a rt O ne Faye’s little protegee from the Middle nothing. "Your voice Is Just like music.” he W est—Jerry Warmer. Isn't she beau­ tiful, Duane? Miss Warmer, this Is told her, and the earnestness of his CHAPTER I Duane Allerton. He’s nice enough, but voice was alm ost like a sadness. But I^trd, n o ! I stupid. He's In business. Isn't th at | he smiled Immediately Jerry Wag Not Deceived dlagustlng? Duane, since Francy Isn't wouldn’t have It. Looks like a barn to It vas lacking but twenty minutes here tonight, why don't you take Jerry me. I hardly know th e chap. Some of midnight. At the top of four stag under your wing and make a little artist. C arter Blake his name Is— gerlngly steep flight» of dusty stairs love to her? You're so good at love- nice fellow, he seems, too. They Just the stud'o apartm ent of C arter BlMke making. Like his looks. Jerry ? Don't asked me to come along, and so I R u b b e r * H e e ls was ringing with unaccustomed blaze be bashful. If you see anyone you did." and blare of wild hilarity, supplanting like better. Just sny so. You’re com­ IH ifrte o f S p r a y e d R u b b e r — th e "You seem so much at home—the p u r e s t , to u g h e s t a n d m u s t the dull drab of steady »1 very at the pany. so you can take your choice." way you go from room to room— I u n if o r m r u b b e r h n o w n easel for the first time in nearly two thought perhaps you lived here.” “Oh, no—really—I think—” b e d to r th a b r a t a b o a a o la y o u o v o r h o d — y ean . Duane smiled hlg pleasure. He liked "Well, I think myself you're getting At twenty minutes to twelve the the pick of the party,” Alrnee agreed th at type. Ingenuous, artless—he knew U S K ID E gayety was at Its height. what unerring pains, what constant o rth e w o n d e r s o le f o r w e a r On a stool In the center of the room alertness. It entailed for a girl to re ­ United States Rubber Company a small phonograph shrilled out the tain th at pretty assumption of artless melody of the latest tango, and three Innocence. He admired one who could couples danced Interm ittently about it, do It. one who would take the trouble. stopping at will to light a cigarette, It was the type th at most intrigued to drain a glass from the tray on the him. B e tte r L a te table, or to Join for a tm .n en t In th “You are adorable,” he said, and Lucy—Did you hear th a t J o a n ', conversation th at went on among the then, smiling, his arm about her, he grandm other has Just been m arried? others senttered shout the room. drew her Into the dance once more and N ancy—Well, It’s ubout time. Among the cushions on the wide hack Into the studio. couch, her feet crossed beneath her. In the doorway they encountered A a ln s la doae o f D r P e e r y '. • T le .d S hot" In a startling gown of orange and Is en o u g h to e i p e l W orm s o r T ap ew orm . C arter Blake, hatless, his bottle of W h y n o t try ItT »7» P ea rl S t.. N. Y. A dy. black, s girl with vividly reddened champagne wrapped In a handker­ hair, with crimson cheeks anil Impec­ chief, Just coming hack. A sm all m echanical refrigerating cably painted lips, leaned drowsily “Come on. quick," he called to them, system has been developed for motor sgalnst the shoulder of Korzky, the w ithout waiting for introduction. tango to wave a friendly hand to her Ing this lam e’ man occasioned a new trucks fo r the delivery of milk and young Russian sculptor, her slender Jerry flushed deeply, with the un­ "You're the girl from Iowa, aren't difficulty. T h at which ought to have perishable produce. profile lifted to his fsce. In her slim, you? We want you to launch the con­ conscious, Instinctive recoil of her in­ been a help w as turned Into a nervous lingers was a cigarette, which tract. H ere’s the champagne. I t’ll be nocence and her Inexperience. H er hindrance. T his was a notable mlr- she held first to his lips, then to her eyes clouded a little. But she smiled midnight In a minute.” T he man w as a confirmed * i ado, own. with easy Im partiality. The phonograph was turned off. and forgivingly. cripple He had never walked. On In the window-seat, alone, strum ­ "Rhoda'fi really a very nice girl, , « ‘P I 'e the others straggled over tow ard the ming soft southern melodies on a she said apologetically to Duane. J ^ X a r t (Kom. 10-17). When Paul easel In the corner. C arter Blake banjo. In discordant defiance of the • They are all nice, of course I know to W . h « r t (« , pulled It about until It faced them anil hlatnnt Jazz, half reclining upon the they are. But I have known Ithoda a , « ull they shw a printed contract securely ruahlons. lay Mary Dunya, a glass on j time, and she Is quite—or, really, ' caneu •> ___ fastened upon It with brass thum b­ long o o ig “ • , h ear for the man to stand upright, the window sill at her side, a cigarette Of course, Iowa n ear ,Dr ‘ tacks. The girls ran quickly about the she , Is . 1 quite proper. dropping futllely away to ashes In a | i i ... T he cure w as Instantaneous for he studio to fetch the flowers from every W<| room. She forftot the as I told you,” explained Ithoda. "How Wicked Jew s from Antioch and clasped It eagerly, almost shyly, us she «trunge effrontery and the fliagriint Is she to sm ash the bottle. C arter?” E a rlie s t B ook P la te s Iconium pursued Paul with relentless followed breathlessly up the four long Inllrnncy of the ItMik». the wonl«, the Some one hastily brought an elec­ It probably was because books w er, h ate to this place where they stirred fiights <>f stairs to C arter Blake » stu ­ Httltude«. of those about her. She tric Iron from the kitchen, and Duane ,o few and precious In that early dawn up the very people who were willing dio on the lop floor Into Dunne Allerton’s eyes, and held It for her. [ R E A S O N A B L E - H O M ELIK E Rhoda lifted Die knorker, let It fall n IffeHt happiness swelled In her gentle I He smiled at h er anxious uncer­ of bookmaklng and printing and Illus­ to worship them a little while before. trating th at the first book plates were T his shows that satanlc worship ran heavily. hui I. w a llin g fo r no response, breast. loss P M E S T , SAN FRANCISCO tainty. "B e c a re fu l! Hold the bottle not «» hook plates are today. A king soon be turned into satanlc hnte. This lie took her hands, twith hands, oponed th e d o o r a n il ra n In. d r a w in g | away from you when you break , _. the i or queen or lord or lady did not have hatred took form In stoning Paul and Jerry with her. They were greeted I smiled at her. seeming In that »mile )nted a „»ere tag. reading: "Thia book drugging him out of the city for dead. with a hurst of merry laughter, noisy to draw her physically. Intim ately. Into neck off; don't soli .vour g o w n T h e n Green’s ■itst throw It over the contract | Belltrliv Aragon." Instead. God raised him up. and with undaunt­ welcome B ertrande IP a heater, ahan the affectionate w arm th of Ids charm- August Flower “Be ready now.” cautioned < a rte r ; n f»Ht r jee of Aragon, for her book plate. ed courage, he pressed on with his donlng the discussion before the pic- I ing cam araderie. It lack» hut »1 minute. J picture together with the pic« missionary duties, bearing the good /er Constipation, ture. Joined them liumeillately, catcl j •'You beautiful th in g !” he whispered. T he clock on the m antel chimed the tu re of her husband, M atthias L Corn Indigestion and tidings to th e lost. |ng 1th»la about the waist with a deft Jerry 's heart sung within her. hour, find on the ln»t «troke. C arter inus. king of Hungary 1443-00, at the Torpid Livor aim, and whirling her uncereinonl lie put Ids arm about her. and they IV. The Organization of Church,» Socceeeful for 59 re a m fired hl» revolver Into the nlr foot of page two In th eir Joint hook. In t h . Field (vv. 23-28). nualy Int' the dance around the pho­ danced twice across the room. Not SOc b I eo — “Quick,** wldni»ered Duane In her "De Nplrltu Sanctu." w ritten by Sigls- on« word could Jerry speak. Twice Evangelization with Paul did not nograph A L L D R U G G IS T S ear. ! loundus de Slglsmundus and lllumlnat- mean a hasty and superficial preaching For a moment Jerry stood alone, she llfte the pressure about her, “Oh. It Is J"«t ning of ,h * flrgt ',“ F ln 1,g flr8t •TP*r ' ' the Christ in every man he «aw or BUa all !»«• Sent -i ajkJala.' u t oi ¿Sk»ii..’a/Lu»AuX. display of hotties and g lasses—s non I large coffee cup for himself. have hurt hts feelings, she klsaed him. We tnnke oar destiny by our think­ »ould he cnlled one year old during desertpt lot, those Inst, of every con I sipped at It daintily, not liking It, Dickey'» OLD RELIABLE Eye Water too. ing. »nJ the only determinism In na h l, seesnd year, that la during the celvahle size and »luu>e. and Including barely abie to repress a shudder of re lie v e s iu n an d w in d -b u r n e d eye». C arter B(ske. seeing her In that mo­ three cracked teacup.. “T hese are I distaste. But under the w arm th of ment for the first time, amazed and coarta of the year tw o; he would he ture 1, furnished by the verdict of the D oean t h u r l. G e n u in e In R e d F o ld l» « B n « . *5c a t a ll d r u f f l a t s o r b y nuUL mind The »uraa of history I, the I Ills eyes she steeled herself to Spar­ ,»lled two during (he year th ree: and orange blossoms— I am making them D I C K I T D R U G CO.. B r U t o l V a - T i Q A . rèurse of th o u g h t—Harold Begbl* tan resolution, and drained It to the delighted with her lovellnees. p u t both forty during the year forty ona. ate. for I can't stand Scotch |» » I I myself. I I • a«»-»«. ■ - ” — » plenty for you, too, If you like. Duane | ¡»at drop. And rejoiced th at s h , did I an u s about her and klsaed her again le rto o o A Better Heel to Walk On SP ring - s TEP flil you cant fooL, your m o to r / MORTON HOSPITAL CuticuraSoap Keeps The Skin Gear