/I 1 ($ <6 * “ RURAL ENTERPRI A g rc u ltu r e H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A \ \ e e k ly C h r o n id é o f L o c a l E v e n ts a n d P ro g re s s o n L in n C o u n ty L a n d -V HAL8EY, ORBGG a H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s and son Tommie were at Cascadia 8unday. , a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs Miss Enid Veatch want to Eu­ gene Tuesday. A. H. Quimby and wife were in Albany Sunday. IJJim Drinkard has been under the weather with flu. Heike Ohling of Albany was a Chancy Sickela sold the tbrather visitor at P. H . Freerksen's home he advertised. A. C Armstrong was in Albany over Sunday night. JULY 15, 1925 A lf o r d A r r o w s B ro w n s v ille B riefs ia » l _ L is t of C o n te n ts * P a va r t »m (Enterprise Correspondent) News of Halsey........................page Brownsville $. Alford............................ Pine Grove................... K irk ............................. All Oregon.................... Church Announcements Serial story . .................... Sunday school lesson . Oregon T rail.............................. Editorial comment.................... Great Outdoors—Farm Items Bee S tin gs.................... Water at Boise . . . ___ Farm Account Cluba... Oregon Chickena Good Market Report............. Flax n ew s..................... 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Miss Beulah M iller went to Port­ land Monday with her Los Angeles Mrs. Joaie Smith was in Albany guests, returning yesterday. Tnetday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drinkard and Carma Seeck, Harold Stevenson was over from granddaughter, came up from Portland last weak. Brownsville Sunday. Carma went back Monday, An Albany man picked up some fat cattle her* yesterday. Mrs. Frank Smith of Peoria un­ Mrs. J. E T rue got home Sun­ derwent a serious operation for tumor at the Corvallis hospital day from her Montana visit. Saturday. Frank Leeper and wife came Mr. and Mrs. P. H . Freerksen home from Newport Saturday. were in ¡Albany Tuesday. Mr. P in e G r o v e P o in ts Mr. Hoffman, the butcher, has Freerksen attended the monthly a 7-montbe-old Jersey heifer that creamery meeting, (By Special Correspondent) is giving m ilk. Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Muller and Elmer Settle and Clara Dad- Mrs. J. C. Porter and Harry sons Harold aud Milfered and A l­ Porter accompanied Mr. and Mr» bert Hsinrick motored to Cascadia esinan of Eugene visited at the Fred Sprenger to Cascadia Sunday. Sunday. R. K. Stewart home Sunday. Monday. I) a i r y P o u ltr y W ool Biggest Filbert T ree... P » 3 Scopes case ................................. A Pleasing Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Oliver Goldsmith, proflgate___ fa Mother's Cook Book................. Navy Would Fight Fog______ fa Eart and Leather Eyebrows.. .. » fa Horses at Hog P eed _______ . Illustrated F ashions........... . 7 - 4 Fairy Tale .......................... ....... 7 Kitchen Cabinet_____ _______ 7 Making Apple Butter________ 1 Uncle Sam and China.............. .. Important tew Road________ 1 8 Petrified Oak Forest Found. . . H Anti-Japanese R iot.................... 8 Britain Sby in North Afria c . . . « Mountain States Power Stock . . K ir k Q u ip s (By an Enterprise Reporter) bliss Edna Vannice is on the: sick list this week. Albert Keene is working with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram spent Sunday evening at Austin Alford’s. Henrietta Starnes is visiting her uncle, Ralph Dannen anti family. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck called on Mrs. D. I. Isom Sun­ day evening. - w t liC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhart of Salem are spending sometime at their farm. Verne Shortzgen of Klamath Falls visited at Lee Ingram'» one evening last week. F. M. Bond, of Springfield visited his sister, Mrs. E. D. Isom, and family Sunday. B. E. Cogswell and son Philip of Portland are assisting with the haying on their farm. Miss Lillie Rickard has gone to a Portland hospital to have a goiter removed by surgery. George Bias and his brother Harry left Sunday for an ex­ tended trip in the Eastern states. • Chester Curtis and family spent Sunday evening at the iBnUrprlaa 'V rrvepoadaocsl Mias Veronica Bonkoaki of Holley is visiting friends in town. Miss Mildred Leech is helping with the housework at Will Howe’s. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock of Lebanon attended the Coshow» reunion Sunday. The hospital force held a pic­ nic Sunday at the Crawfords­ ville picnic grounds. Judge O. P. Coshow, of Sa­ lem spent the week end visiting his brothers, George and Jim Coijhow. i i Mrs. Cynthia Blann and mother. Mrs. Carr, entertained Mr. S. S. Howard of Sodaville, over the week end. Mrs. Gaillard is helping nurse at the hqspital while the house nurse, Mrs. Florence Harrison, is on a vacation. The several churches in town voted to not hold union church services on Sunday evenings a» had been done in previous years. Mrs. Mildred Gross and sons John and Hal have rented their home here on Kirk Avenue and expect to move to Cbrvallis right away. Rev. M. S. Woodworth of Ashland spent a short tim* visiting friends last week, while on his way home from the northerns Baptist convention. Mr. and Mrs. Becktell, of Portland spent the week end at their ranch home in Ash Swale. Mr. Becktell reports that he ex­ pects to make Millwood ranch, his home in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Rickard went to Claud H u ff’s parents arrived The young people’s mission­ the C. W. Hass baler. from the east today and went out Portland yesterday to be with their ary society met at R. K. Stew­ Louise Morse is visiting with with Chancv S>oke!s to make him daughter in the surgical operation art’s home Saturday evening. her uncle in Portland. referred to elsewhere, a surprise visit. Floyd Nichols and family Mrs. A. M. Snodgrass visited Mrs. C. R. Evans on Sunday visited friends at Alpine Sun­ at H. J. Falk’s Saturday. The Christ iau Women’s Board of brought borne from Salem her Missions of the Church of Christ mother, Mrs. Woodward of W a lla day. Ephraim Terrill and wife ol home of Chester's brother Ell»- met yesterday at Mrs. South- Mr. and Mrs. George Chand­ Walla. California visited R. E. Bierly’s worth. worth's. Mrs. E. D . Isom gave ler were Albany vilitors Wed­ Saturday. the lesson. L. W . Byerlsv and wife of A l­ Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugene bany stopped with Mrs. Byerley’s nesday. spent the week end with her Chris and Henry Falk were W . H . Robertson and family Miss Arre» Cli.tt»nier sp'f.t parents here last night. Today parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael business callers in Brownsville went to a Bennett family reunion they went on for a California trip. dnesdav at heme, returning Wednesday. Rickard. at Crabtree. About 25 relative» Mrs. Ringo took George Hayes to her work at Corvallis Thurs­ attended church’ and then pic­ Henry Brock and Mr. and Hiram Bierly motored to Sa­ nicked at 9ander*ou’s bridge last and family and Miss Esther Mc­ day. lem and Portland Thursday Mrs. Boh Allen and children Kinney of Corvallis to Portland A cousin of Arthur Albertson and Friday. Sunday, visited at Ellsworth Curtis’ Sundav and left the other two and family, from Colorado, ar­ Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elisa Brandon had a visit J. Cramer of Harrisburg was ladies for a visit whan she returned. rived Wednesday evening for a Monday from her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. C. E. Mercer and friend, selling life insurance policies in W hile Hubert McDonald of visit. Chester G. Osburn, and husband Mrs. Neal Edwards, of Eugene, this country Saturday. and daughter Helen, who were on Shedd was fishing above Casoadia The orchestra met Friday called on the former’s mother, The Ralph Bierly and Henry the way from their Portlond home Sunday somebody stole the two evening, instead of Wednesday Mrs. D. I. Isom, Saturday even­ Falk families spent Sunday for an outing at Belknap Springs. back tires and rima off his car and for a lesson, as Prof. Nichols ing. The Coshow clan mat at tb also took about 15 gallons of gas­ was unable to come Wednesday. picnioking on the Calapooia. B. M. M iller and wife went to oline. Mrs. E. D. Isom received park at Brownsville Sunday for Portland today to meet Mrs. M il­ Misses Sophia and Anna Arlie Falk of the Brandon word last week that she had a reunion or a getting together Governor Pierce will speak at ler's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich, Nora Pehrsson and district »Misted G. J. Rike with idccesafully passed the atate of the descendents of the late tbs Oakville community house Young ot lows. The four expect George Coshow. It was the first Everybody is in­ Mearle Straley went to New­ his hay hauling Wednesday. to come to Halsey after a visit next Friday. teachers’ examination and she meeting of its kind and they vited and the Oakville club prom­ port Wednesday for a week's with Mrs. Erskine, iormerly of Nellie, Pearl and Grace Falk will teach the Alford school this voted to make It a biennial vacation._______ _____ this city, and a trip over the Co­ ises ice cream and cake. visited Gertrude Gengenbach fall. event. About 100 relatives and Mr. and Mrs. P. H . Freerksen lumbia highway. and Nella Kastor Thursday af­ and two grandchildren, Bobbie and W a n ts N e w D e a l ncar-relatives were present. ternoon. M r. and Mrs. Ed Zimmerman Doris Mae, Mrs. H. Freerksen and Helen Williams of Lake M a d e in C h in a Mrs. R. E. Bierly and small Creek has been visiting hi Mrs. Agnes Clark motored to Cas­ Leonard Lerwill has Income son Kenneth Earl visited Mrs. Springfield. cadia Sunday. Albany’s only EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L B a n c r o f t O p t ic a l C o . 3t3 West First street, Albany,Or. H . L. Stralay and wife and their guests G- T. Straley and wife went Swampscott, Mass.—Insistence that through the battleship Oregon at 'hina live up to Its territorial obllga- Portland and over the Columbia lons and protect the lives of foreign highway Sunday. ■ra was announced as the keystone I .f the policy of the American govern- LeRoy Straley and his guest, Herman Bickle of Columbus, 0 -, nent toward the nation. Secretary Kellogg outlined the at- went to Newport Wednesday. Misses Mearle Straley and Nora | ltude of the administration after a reek-end conference here with Preal- Pehrsson came home with them. lent Coolidge, centering chiefly on (Continued on page 8) he Chinese situation. He Insisted hat there must be "scrupulous ob- tervance of the obligations to China intered Into at the Waehlngton con- erence." Formulation of a definite policy was leemed necessary by the president ind secretary of state In view of re- -ent disorders there Jeopardising the Ives and property of Americans and 1 istionals of other countries and on iccount of the completion of ratifica- Ion of Washington’s treaties dealing ) rlth Chinese customers and extra-ter- ltorial rights. j Before his departure for Washing ! on, Secretary Kellogg expressed con j ddence that alt of the nine powers 1 ilgnatory to the Washington treaty lealgned to bring about a revision of he Chinese customs, would partlci- »ate In the conference which. It atlpu- ates. must be called within three nonths after completion of ratifica- ■ ion. ; In addition to the United States ind China, the nations which nego- iated thia treaty are Japan. Great Britain, Italy. The Netherlanda, Bel- {ium, Portugal and France. Preferred Stock i 1 Canned Goods : • ( “ Preferred Stock ’ means all that the namej implies—the choice of the pack. ( When yon buy Preferred Stock goods you ( have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-i lected for size, flavor and quality. Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred , Stock with other brands and it will meet with i your discriminating choice Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet , a price. They are sold only to those who ap-i preciate first quality. It is true some brands are sold cheaper, but they arc sold solely on price appeal. We are distributers of about thirty varieties of Preferred Stock goods. : M. V.,KOONTZ CO. */ f ‘ • qALSEY,* OREGON » . Utah Man On Tariff Commission. Swampscott. Mass —President Cool­ idge appointed Edgar Bernard Brus sard of Utah an member of the United States tariff commission to succeed ' William 8. Culbertson, recently ap- j pointed minister to Roumanla. No Agreement on Chinese Question- London.—No agreement has bepn reached between Japan, the United States and Great Britain regarding a policy toward China, tt was atated of flctally at the foreign office. Bierly, who isn’t very well, Fri­ day afternoon. Pine Grove Church The new barn on the R. E. Sunday school. 10. Bierly farm is almost completed Preaching, 11, end also the new granary on tht 1 Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8. Fred Keene farm. Mrs. McNease arrived Mon­ day from Nampa, Idaho, for an Church of Christ extended visit with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. W. A. Falk. Henry Seefeld visited his daughter, Mrs. Alice Jones, at a hospital in Eugene Thursday and reports she is getting along nicely. Miss Nella Kastor. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Kas­ tor of Portland, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sunday School, 10. L. Falk sr. Christian Endeavor, 7. Preaching, 11 and 8 T. J. Skiivin and H. R. Bierly Mrs. Rambo will speak at 8 purchased the Harrisburg ware­ house and will take possession o’clock in the interest of the near Monday. Hiram is to operate east relief work. She oomes with the Harrisburg warehouse and a message from the foreign field. The Christian Endeavor is plan Skirvin the Halsey. news editor of the Eugenw Register, the leading daily newspaper in Oregon outside of Portland. William Beals, once cashier in the hank of Shedd, is employ­ ed in the bank of Brownsville. D. J. Hayes is home from Montana. Brownsville la prominent la game preservation. In last wis­ taria freese a rabbit ran through the city by daylight and wae not harmed. F M. Brown, seeratary of th t game commission, hailed I am the Calapooia eity and now Edgar F. Averill, a former neident and belonging to a Brow us villa family, succeed* Burghdaff aa head of that body. Impromptu Roundup Sfunt Ivan Smith was a little late in staging his racing stunt Sunday evening, July 5th, hut he succeeded in holding the at­ tention of his small audience while he was about it. His pony likes race with motor cars pretty well and com­ ing toward Halsey that evening the pame became so exciting that he was unwilling to stop when the hoy wanted him to do so, at Mr. Moss’, and when h« ning big thing» for the young peo­ ple of Halsey, for the cbnrch and I m p o rta n t N c w R o a d for Christ. The pastor gave a brief report of the Turner convention in the morn W«B»tche», Wash.—A dream of 15 ing. The evening service was rears ago, when a group of promin­ given over to reports of the world’s ent Snohomish county realdenta Christian Endeavor convention in «food on the old Great Northern Portland, July 4 to 10. Irene an attempt to atop him, h* iwltchhack topping Stevana pas* and Quimby spoke on the delegates. an attempt to stop him he •»pressed a dealre for a modern high Al Savage told what the Endeavor jumped the fence, and, catching way. was reallxed Saturday when Gov­ is planning to do Mrs. Carey his foot in the upper wire, ernor Hartley officially opened the reported on the music. The paator dumped himself and his rider mad to traffic. Nearly 3000 persona gave a brief summary of the ad into the door yard. were In attendance at the dedication dresses iu closing. Mr. Moss quickly came to the program, which was held under the Clifford Caray, pastoa. auspices of the Stevens Pas* Booat- rescue and carried the uncon- sra' association and participated In cious boy into the house, where by chambers of commerce and com­ M. E. Church the application of cold water mercial clubs along the route of the soon revived him, and he was Robert Parker pastor. road. found to be uninjured, except Sunday school, 10. The Stevens pass highway cut» off for bruises and being badly Prraching. 11. nearly 44 miles from the distance shaken. He was sent home Junior league, 3, from Spokane to Everett and Seattle with his brother Theodore, who , Intermediate League, 7 and th e ’easy/grade will reduqs the passed them a li^ ja later. aart Epworth league, 7 running time to Wenatchee. It la be­ Preaching, 8. two days afterward he and the lieved The road la 140 miles long Prayer-meeting Thursday, pony were ofat again. and boasts 70 miles of pavement.