JULY 8, in .' KURAL ENTERPRISE l .M J t • C O M IN G X ‘Q u o V adis*: with • Emil Jannings : The new gigantic production taken from the famous novel by Henryk Sienkiewkx and produoed in Rome on the ex- aet hietorical »pots by Unione Cinemetagrefica Italians. • » • • . deavor convention a t Portland and visited friends and relatives there. E. C. Miller and wife took in the Hood River loop on the 4th. In their machine they climbed to the snows on Mount Hood, 5000 feet up, and they attended the Hood river celebration, where every auto paid 50 cents to enter the park, and there surely were enough autos there to make it worth while to the management. G L O B E ALBA*Y DIVIDENDS FOR THE CUSTOMERS - of MOUNTAIN STATES POWER <5 Every Service Customer of Mountain states Power com- pan now has the opportunity of profit-sharing partnership in tins arge and growing utility organization. A limited amount of the company’s 7 per cent cumulative prelerred stock is to be offered to the company's patrons. GREAT BRITAIN DUNS PARIS Sun.—Mon.—Tuss. July 12—13—14 France Reported Ready to Negotiate on U. S. Debt. Parle.—Austen Chamberlain. British secretary for foreign affairs, has de­ livered to II. De Fleurau. the French ambassador to Great Britain, a new memorandum suggesting that the time la ripe for France to make an offer f )f the gettiement of her debt to Eng land, even If it Is only a provisional one. After summing np what has Wednesday. Mrs. Lyon, formerly Miss Ida Jackson, has been visiting hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackson. Mrs. L. H. Wallace and daugh­ ters Grace and H arry Reeves ot Portland were at J. W. Rector’s on the 4th. Mrs. Fred Applegate of Yon- BRIEF GENERAL NEWS President Coolidge was 63 years old on the Fourth of July. Senator Underwood of Alabama has announced that he will not be a candi­ date for re-election to the senate when his present term expires. Francis E. McGovern, ex governor ol Wisconsin has formally announced his candidacy for the vacancy in the sen ate caused by the death of Robert U. La Follette. Miss Mary McKlmmon, principal of the Pierce school, Brookline, Mass., was elected president of the National Education association at the conven 'Ion held In Indianapolis. Des Moines, Iowa street car men walked out to enforce demands that the company discharge a nonunion era ploye and recognise the validity of the check-off clause In the labor contract About 800 men were affected. calls cam« her* on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. M. E. Bassett. Prof. Weber, principal of the H arrisburg schools, formerly principal here, was here th e last of the week. Subscriptions may be made on a cash basis, or on a conven­ ient partial payment plan with small monthly payments. Proceeds Will be invested in extensions and improvements to meet growing demands tor additional service. The company’s customer ownership policy means home investment in modern properties that you can see and the pay­ ment of dividneds to residents in this community. Complete Information on Reqnest. MDUNIAIN STATES POWER SECURITIES COMPART Aedress Albany office of MOUNTAIN STATES POWER Co. Albany -—•S S A a $ • JJ 1. 2. 3. 4. House and 4 Lots, s kookutn Tonic kookum Roup Cure T H IS POW DER« P R IC E CNeneca Poultry Powder • ^^eneca Poultry Mixture® W EEK J O NLY R IN G O S D R U G S T O R E * I . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A B E 'S P L A C E H alsey O • arage ™ Union Gas and Oil Fisk, Firestone and Gates Tires and 1 ubes Ford Parts and Accessories Buy your tires here and save money All' work done here is guaran teed • • J £ Reserve District No. 12 bank at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business June 30, 1925 RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if any ................................. . ............................................................... $165,09 1 . 25 Overdrafts secured and unsecured______ ______ ________ ______ 9 29 U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any........................................................................... 1,500.00 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern­ ment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35, if a n y ...................................................................... 11,146.68 Ranking house,$2.60b ; furniture and fixtures, $3,538............_ .E E .Z 6,144.00 (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this bank .................................................................................................... 42,694.76 Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and 11, $42,694.76________ T o ta I ................................................................ ............................................ Uk* « si & ksf ®- BY S fH T l 11U1V1O\~ 23. Ida M . Cummings, Albany, Ore PO U LTR Y HALF Laundry sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works h alsey s tate ’HERE it many a slip between the cup and the lip, if the cup and the lip are both at the same petting party. That is what Jerry [Prudence’s daughter) learned upon a somewhat hectic introduction to Green­ I 24. I 25. wich Village in N e w York. Jerry, who came from Iowa, also learned that all is not art that trails art. Her experience among the young souls who struggle for expression in the “Village” was good lor her; she took more common sense back to Des Moines than she had brought from there. ! 24. f I s t- tL lA L A .Report of condition ot the (ft S P E C IA I At the Halcey postoffice mailt close going north at 11:50 t. m. and 5:20 p. in. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Holley and Sweet Home. Charter No.49 FO R SA LE Barn and 5 Lots •''“ ‘ üà Ü e ' y 6’ $1000 Outgoing M ail Clark’s Confectionery i' A. C. Armstrong? and wife and Helen and Mrs. L. H. Ann- strong and F ail, Orville and Dorothy visited George Croft a t Oregon City on the 4th. Helen went to th e C hristian En- North South 32, 3:24 a. tu. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. 16, 5:15 a. in. 15, 12;45 p. m. 18, 6:16 a. nt. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag 14,¡12:09 p. m. flag 31, 1 :34 p. in. flag 34, 4:08 p- in. Noe. 14 and 16 stop to let ofl passengers from south of Eugene. No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield points. Passengers for s rath of Engene should take train No. 17. Halsey-Hrownsville au ge leaves Hal­ sey at 7 a. in and 12:15 and 8:1* p. m Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. in. and 3.35 and 8:45 p m. we serve will prove none too big for your appetite after you once ta s te it. Iu fact you’ll wiah you cou'd find room for more. Try tome at home for dessert. The wav the family will enjoy it will make your heart feel glad. t rench W a r D eb t M ission C om ing Paris.—The French government has While using w ater from his- well for drinking and cooking 4 decided to send a mission to the Vni.'ed States with the object of reach because of its excellence, P. J. Ing n,S agreement with the American Forster has tapped th e city wat- debt funding commission relative to er for newly installed m odern; payment ,if France’s d eb t $t«> , root Halsey Railroad Time The Big Dish of Ice Cream of the county jail Saturday ou Sunday. . 212 East First s., Albany, near the (skating rink Phone 379 local and Internal, and has been success­ ful in the treatment o f Catarrh for ore* forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. I . C H E N E Y &. C O . T oled o, Ohio -A». Girl of Four Killed by Sister. Marshfield, Or.—Told to take care of the baby while her parents went berry picking, little Madeline Dennl John Ehrenreich, chronic, In son, 7, late Sunday shot and killed her jail on a booze charge, RaFHv 4-yoar-old sister Delpha May, when Suuitnera, io for posaeaaing a Delpha May slapped the baby. The .children are daughters of Mr. and still, and Harold Rhodes, accus­ Jh'ra. Charles Dennison of Eaatalde, ed of stealing wool, broke o u t act oss the bay from Marshfield. ¿ rn n Kay best os Hi-speed Brake Service Station H a ll's C a ta rrh Medicine Treatment, both on leave, and (luring hla presence here probably will discuss the French debt as a matter of course with Wash lncton officials. plumbing fixtures—tenth, toilet, l hot and cold w ater a t sink, etc.. p,nd disposes of sewrtge through a new septic tank. Reconditioning Shop Modem Barber Shop Corvallis Eugene Cottage Grove Springfield Junction City Lebanon Dallas Independence Dayton L. H. Arm strong and family attended a family reunion at Oakland on the 5th, returning th at evening. DEBT N E G O TIA TIO N S NEAR J. A. Stevenson and Mrs. Hannah Cummings received a The French Governm ent Asks Early visit the last of the week from Date be Set. their son and daughter, G. G. Washington, D. C.—Steps are In pro Stevenson of Beaverton, and son. press to fix a definite date for open Mrs. 0 . W. Frum went to Ing the French war debt uegfltlatlons The French government has asked Crawfordsville T hursday and that the American debt funding com brought home her hut .band ano Kenneth Smith, who had beeti mission name a day on which the pro poaed French commission can he re­ getting their horses l eady for ceived in Washington, and It Is like­ the races. ly that a time not far distant will be E. B. Penland and w ife, Ger­ chosen. The Paris government suggested trude Robins and Mr. m id Mrs, Jesse Bond started yesterday that an early date be named, but did for Sherman county. Moro in t Indicate the French attitude on and Pendleton are on the ir itin­ terms of settlement. Ambassador Herrick at Parts la ex erary. At the latter place re ­ pected to come to thia country book sides L. R. Penland. A still, presum ably throw n into the Willamette by Home­ body who was afraid of being caught with it. washed u p on the H. C. Davis farm and Sheriff Richard came up and gathered it in. TORRANCE Story begins in the »next «Enterprise 27. 226,632.9* LIA1LITIES Capital stock paid in ................................................................................... 20,00(5 00 Surplus fund ............... ...................... ............ _ 15 000 04 (a) Undivided profits................................................... $8 256.95 (b) Less eurreut expenses, interest and taxes paid 4 409.43 3,847.52 D emand D eposits , other than banks, subject to reserve • Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public lu n d s .................. 1*5,042.57 Demand certificates of deposit outstanding........................................... 25*.81 C ashless checks of this bank outstanding payabieon demand E E 11,373.12 I otal of demand deposits. oth.r than bank deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $118,674 20 1 T imr and S aving * D eposits , subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice Time certificates of deposit o u tsta n d in g ...... . . . . . . . __ .12 5,15.32 Savings deposits, parable subject to notice ..................- - . 3 5 , 5 7 5 W T0Us1ubfiit ' X n n‘J taV'n i ’ P*',abl* demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, $71.111.26 T ’UI ........ ..................................................................................... . {226,612 98 State of Oregon, county of Linn ss. ab?veB«tatemeTt is tn J tn th above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the snore statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beliaf. Correct—tb w , . -- _ B. M. Bond, Cashier. Subscribe 1 an ’ 5 •'» n Taylor, L. D Taylor. Directors, -uuscnoetl and aworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1925 My commission expires 3-11-28. ' Tu»“ D< SoUrT P>bUfc