J VJ LV e, «'*»• — News Notes From A ll Over Oregon G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r B u s y P e e p le Ttie Crqt«r lake season officially opened July 1. Seven fires were reported In the Umatilla national forest during the past week. The 36th annual convention of the Oregon State Pharmaceutical associa­ tion opened in Corvallis Monday. Theodore Sprague was crushed to death under a tree in the Welse Broth­ ers Logging camp at Cottage Grove. _ _ The old battleship Oregon, veteran sea eagle of the navy, was turned over officially to the state of Oregon by the navy last week. Llthla Springs hotel, financed by Afthland citizens, the new nine-story hotel which towers above all other buildings in Ashland was opened last week. An increase over last year of 197 students at the summer session of the Oregon Agricultural college, or more than 47 per cent, is shown in regis­ tration- figures. • The territory served by the Motor Transit company of Pendleton has been extended by the acquisition of stage lines operating between La Grande and Wallowa lake. Paul Nelson, 81, was killed by a premature explosion while blasting stumps on the McMinnville Meat com­ pany’s new slaughter-house site, two miles north of McMinnville. John M. Jones. Portland postmaster, received word from the poatofflce de­ partment that 12 additional carriers had been authorized for the Portland office. They w ill start th eir duties October 1. Another fire in the Fremont national foyest. now makes a totafl of eight in this area lying between Taplne, Fort Rock and Crescent, according to re­ ports from the Deschutes national for­ est headquarters at Bend. The remonstrance of 31 patrens was sustained and the Southern Pacllfc Railway company Instructed to con­ tinue the maintenance of ain agent and station at Alpine, in an airder of the state public service commbision. One hundred and ten vessels of an aggregate tonnage of 231,i'24 entered the port of Portland during June. This was a substantial increase over figures for May. when 107 vessel's of a total tonnage of 269.256 entered the harbor. A slab of bacon falll ag from its hanging place in the Baker Packing company smoker to the, fire grate started a blaze that ca’asdd damage estimated at >500 2nd (destroyed a ton of hams and bacon slt.bs at Baker. Opened to traffic December 6, 1924, the Columbia interstate) bridge at Hood River, built at a' cost of ap proxlmately >500,000 by, the Oregon- Washington Bridge comipany. la pay ing, the company havlg g forwarded checks on a fractional y< ar's dividend for 1923. I last year, says a statement by Secre ’ tary of State K oier To date the motor vehicle fuels tax measure has brought to the state terasury the total sum of >8.767.907.71 Portland has been made the head­ quarters of the reorganised naturalize tion service district, and V. W. Tom llnson, formerly head naturalization examiner In the Portland office, has been named director. The district will include Oregon, southwestern Wash­ ington. southwestern Idaho and north­ ern California. LOW FARES TO JAMES C. BERGER KATE GLEASON PORTLAND AND RETURN Saft, dependable Crains ac convenient hours Com fori aide, economical service daily. $3.9o $4.70 roundtrip week-end ticket; scan Fli., Sat. or Sun. Return lim it Tuesday following. ro u n d trip season ticket ; on sale every dav. R e tu rn lim it 15 days. P ro p o rronattly I o * fares ro other points. Ash agent When a permit for a million-dollar hotel was issued by the Portland build­ ing division the month of June sur­ passed all previous records, with a total of 1098 permits calling for con­ struction totaling more than >4,696.830. Bank clearings also were higher than for any other June record and >24,- 608,626 over June of last year. Matthew Vance celebrated his 97th Approximately 400 sets of license birthday June 28 at the home of bis plates were issued by the secretary of daughter, Mrs. Mary J. Allen at Yam­ state's office at Salem the first day hill. on which the half yearly license rate George Burnette, 45, braketnan on became effective. Many other appli­ a log train near Kerry, was killed cations have bean received, but could when he fell under the wheels of the not he filled as the applicants failed train. to include their certificates of title for At a special election in Eugene two registration, 1» is required under the of the measures submitted to the peo­ new law which became effective ple carried and the third one resulted July 1. in a tie vote. George W alker recently dug up the Oiling of the Mt. Hood Loop high­ way from the Multnomah county line to a point four miles east of Sandy is completed. PAftC R U R A L EN TER PR ISE . --------- ------- — C. P. Moody Agent James C. Berger of El Jebel temple, Denver, who was elected Imperial giant redwood tree which has lain em­ potentate by the Shrinera in conven­ bedded in the sands near Elk creek at tion in Los Angeles. Cannon Beach for years. He worked for two days with a team and scraper before he was able to move the tree. Mr. W alker estimates that he has taken nearly >3000 worth of lumber Santa Barbara, Cal.—The report ol out of the log and has cut 30 circular the board of California engineers dining room table tops, worth approx­ beaded by' Professor C. E. Marx ol imately >75 each. Stanford university engineering school, The eastern route of the Oregss which made a detailed examination of Trunk railroad surveys for the pro­ public and business buildings here, posed extension of that road from estimated the total quake damage to Bend to Klamath Falls is the choice of buildings exclusive of residences, at the northern lines In their extension >6.230,000. Of this amount i3.ooO.OOfl program. W. F. Turner, president of was Inflicted upon business buildings the Oregon Trunk has announced. The and semi-public institutions, >700,000 Oregon Trunk w ill press the applica­ upon schools and >230,000 to county tion to the interstate commerce com­ buildings. * mission to build this easterly line, Sixty public buildings and 14 class which will go by the way of Olene, ed as "shacks” the report said, either Bonasea, La Plue and Crescent. were wholly destroyed or w ill have People of the United States are to be demolished. Eleven others are showing greater interest in farm lands eo seriously damaged that further in­ of the Pacific northwest this year than vestigation is recommended before a at any time in the last 10 years, is the final decision as to their future is statement at Portland of A. B. Smith, made. Seventy-two were regarded as passenger traffic manager of the unsafe until repaired. 64 were report Northern Pacific railway. He based e . • a t a ____ • _ it W aldo Anderson & Soil, distrib­ utors sad dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Essex, Hudson it Hupmobile cars. Accessories, o polies. 1st & Broadalbin. D avenport Music company offers Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Pianos to rent rE SPECIALTY SHOPPE hemstitching and stamped goods. i W. Second st. Albany Oregon astburn Bros.—Two big grocery E Portland probably will "have air mail stores, 212 W. First and 225 South service in the near futaee, following Main. Good merchandise at the right the call for bids by the. postoffice de­ If yon enjoy a good meal, prices. __________ _ .tod know a good meal when you get it, ra ilm en t on eight new routes, includ­ Because weed Is so useful trees must lite Cafeteria and confectionery You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. ing the Los Angeles-St attao route and be felled. Because wood Is so useful Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Our aim is to please vou. the Elko, Nevada-Pas oo, Washington trAf»« «hnnlri h* ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. service. ASH PAID for falae teeth, den­ We make our own candies. A new m aM facturing industry, to W . S. D uncan . tal gold, platinum and discarded ALBANY be'known as the Western Paper Con­ jew elry. Hoke Sm elting and Refining ORD SALES AND SERVICE G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T verting company w ill probi d»ly estab­ Ce„ Otsego, Mich, Tires and accessorie» lish a factory in Salem, wit t a capi­ Repairs talization of >200,000, and * plant K ir k -P o l la k M otos C o . necessitating the employment of from »rtmiller Furniture Co., forni­ 160 to 200. persons. W rite lor booklet describing our 20- ture, ruga, linoleum, stoves ranges. eral directors. 427-453 west First year Rural Credit A,n<>rtieed Loans Output of the 825 industrial estab­ _e iikan» ilr»216,1 >0,000 B e a m L a n d C o ., ULLER GROCERY. 285 Lyon delay. 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. In 1926. The annual payroll of these Brownsville........... ....................... Oregon (Successor to Stenberg Broa.) Groceries Fruits Produce concerns will aggregate approxlir tttely Phone 2b3R >40.000,000, this amount gotag tc , the W . L W R IG H T Resistance to wear is probably the one quality you look for first when selecting floor covering. And it is that quality above all others w hich has been built into Pabcolin. _ ____ Not linoleum, nor a substitute, but an improvement’ on printed linoleum—a floor covering with its wear­ ing surface composed of special enamel paint in­ stead of the usual soft oil-paint. <• This hard, wear-defying surface rests on a firm ’ body’’« / long-fiber rag felt, made for this particular purpose, end thoroughly w a te rp ro o fe d by a special process. It pays to buy Pabcolin because it give« you exfra-/ong aer- vj'ce. It keeps its gloss and beautiful colors far longer than you would suppose any printed floor covering capable, yet Ite cost is no higher. Besides, you are offered a variety of beauti­ ful patterns—many are new and exclusive. Let us show you Pabcolin. There are patterns suitable for bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen, porch, during- room, hall, in fact for any room in the house. HILL & Co • HALSEY E C F D ELBER T STA R R Funeral Director and Li- censed Embalmer F A R M LO A N S F >0,000 persons employed. Perry Plymale, II. of Bandon. candidate for a Carnegie medal life saving. Young Plymale was his father's road camp at Hun' creel. Curry oounty, and rescue lortician & Funeral Director l> * J si's d a mother and her 13-year-old dang *>’ * ’’ from drowning in the stream w h'th fiows there. Mounting to over 8.500.000 ft tl font- • vles lof gasifftie In'Oregon fas ktoj. ?*». mere th*u egualed those ft £ f uae L e tt of Benata Seen by Berah, Bpckene. Wash.—-That the republi­ can party will ' have a hard fight” to hold its raeiorlty Io the United States aenate in 1926, was the opinion ex­ pressed here in a newapaper interview by United Htatea Senator W illiam B. Borah of Idaho, who was an rente to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to deliver is Independence day address. He point­ ed out that four or five of the preeeat republican membership have been elected from normally democratic PARAGON CAFE Halsey and Harrisburg all D. T a v lo p , Halsey, or W . L. W niO B T, Harrisburg ÜOLM AN & JACKSO N Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice Real Estate Prompt service. H ub Candy Co,, First street, next D R A Y M A N IM P E R IA L CAFE, 209 W. First ably. Phone 269 at lowest rate of interest Il F. M . G R A Y ,- All work :d w s f prom pt!r‘ snd reason ' FA R M LO A N S Harold G. Murphy Prop » Phone 665 Wl NKVES CLOSB Amor A. Tussing LAWYER A N D ’NOTARY • Have YOUR EYES Exam ined F. M. French&Son states. Jew elers, O p to m etrists Albany, Oregon 1 ZA*J»***/'*C,‘* v w * v w v • ZZtAZ i Courteous treatment. W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank bmlning, Albany door to Blsin Clothing Co. Noon lanches. Home made candy and ice Cream 1 Insurance Why suffer from headache«? H alsey ,’ O rigon BARBER SH O P First-class Work J. W- S T E P H E N S O N . Washington's Gee Tax Gain» > 264 »* Olympia, Wash. -The gasoline tax receipts for June In Washington were >298,571.20, according (o W. O. Potts, state treasurer, sn increase of >26.- 392 34 over the corresponding month in 1924 Refunds for the month w ill be >16,643.78. leaving >271.927 42 Net rece'pts from the gasoline tax since the law became effective July 1, 1921, amount to >6,447,227.67. ♦ , „