RURAL ENTERPRISE Daddys E venin g F ain j Talo IMTROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SundaySchool Honor the Teacher Porridge Bring» Forth Argument Grow Hair on Your BALD HEAD Porridge Is passing us a staple a r­ ticle of diet In Scotland. It la giving place to ham and egga. The Scottish By R E V . C. H . B E N S O N board of agriculture, luqulrlng Into Director Rrllgtnua Kducaiton four Moody U lbl« Inatltut«, C hicago. the causes for this change la the na­ A B le s sin g to M ankind tional diet, Is Informed that ham and Paul Honor, Pit­ A * M A T T Y • G R A H A M • B O N N E R — * • WW'lvxx MCW - - eggs for breakfast has become popular (B y R Ï V P B FITZW A TKK, D. D . D «*« cairn Ass., Jssit- T E X T — T e a c h e r s o f g o o d ttü n g a .— sud the housewife will not be bothered of (h e Kvenlng School. M o o d y B i b i « I»- •tltu t« o f C h ica g o .) T ltu a 2 3. nstts, Pi.,hid Al­ to put on porridge as well. An emi­ "F* 1»?6 W««t»rn N sw ip g p er VTnIo«.) GRANDMA opecia, which left T here Is no more Im portant work nent professor has declared porridge him without hair I Is an Injurious diet, and tends to the than that of teactiing. Jesus Christ Mrs. Cucumber Green had been Lesson fo r J u ly 12 an any part ot his chose to he a | development of rickets, On the other four years old for quite a while, she htad. Uasd tour hand, the medical officer of health for teacher and He Is thought, but real­ THE GOSPEL IN ANTIOCH OF bottlsa ol Bsrs-to- addressed as such j Edinburgh Is positive that while (mr- ly It was not so PISIOIA. rldge may be troublesom e to prepare. Halt. Now haa » no less than slxtv very long. Only It *urnlahes ample compensation In the hill growth ot hair tim es In Scrip­ so much bud hap­ L E SSO N T E X T — A cte 1 S I S -5 S . ture. His disci­ gtod foundation which Is thus laid for as shown on the pened in th a t ] G O L D E N T E X T — ’B eh o ld . I h a v e p l e s constituted a heavy day’s work. The professor’s g iv e n him fo r a w it n e s s to th e p e o p le s , photo. Bsrs-to- time. a le a d e r a n d c o m m a n d e r to th e p e o ­ His first teachers' condemnation of porridge. It seeuis. re­ Hair will grow hair T here had been p les." — Isa. 55 4. training class and sults from experim ents he m ade upon sw bald heads. Stop Falling Hair, Dandruff. Itch- P R IM A R Y T O PIC — T e llin g S t r a n g e r s so many games, at the end of their puppies. They were fed on porridge A b ou t J e su s. ninny plans, so lag, and many torma ol Ecztma. JU N IO R T O PIC — B a r n a b a s a n d P a u l three-venr course and became rickety. Against this It much housekeep- ' In A n tio c h . P lsld ia C • „ • s p e n d » « . « < „ • • p e n e n » ' » lle n tle n . He coniinissioned Is asserted that the puppies were kept IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D S E N IO R T O P ­ ing. In cages, got no exercise or fresh air them to "teach all Beckel, Cordy & Hutchinson When Mrs. Cu- IC— E a r ly V ic to r ie s o f F o r e ig n M is­ sio n s. n a t i o n a.” The and sunshine, if one regards the shep­ DISTRIBUTO RS fe\ cumber Green did YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P ­ enrlv church wn? herd's collie, however, It Is claimed 115 Mason St. San Francisco, Calif. her housework IC— P a u l's P r e a c h in g a n d it s E ffe c ts . a teaching church ihat It provides a standing testim onial > she called herself I. In the Synagogue at Antioch in and to teachers rath er than preachers In th e lower anim al kingdom to the I || Jan e Eckler. Her It was Indebted for Ils early con- virtues of a porridge diet. From the family culled her Piaidia (vv. 13-16). duy It Is weaned It Is fed on porridge From Paphos Paul anil B arnabas, quests. M argaret. sod milk—very often the leuvlngs from I There nre few converts for which a j with their companion Mark, went •■Jane," Mrs. the plate of the shepherd. Kos Had a Little faithful Sunday school teacher Is not northw ard to Perga. Here .Mark, for Cucumber Green Pail. in some way responsible. Statistics I said, "we must ; some reason, perhaps because of h ard ­ W h en y o u d ec id e to g e t rid o f W orm « or .Sooth in q A n d H e& linq tell us that the most of otir conversions T ap ew orm , get th e m ed ic in e th at w ill e x p e l Number Four ships, went hack. He was ready to elean house today. _______ th em w ith en e d oee —Dr. Heery'e " D ead | are between the ages of tw elve and ' S h o t.” JtJ P e a rl St., N . X. A dv. Green Lane looks a sight, a perfect go again when they started on their second Journey, hut Paul would not sixteen, when It Is not the parent or , sight." the pastor hut the teacher whose life ’ Mrs. Cucumber Green changed her give his consent (Acts 15:38-39). Be­ fore P aul’s death lie testified in M ark's lies nearest the scholar. The testimony Trial by Jury to Be voice then and answ ered for Ja n e : of many a young convert has been Instituted in Japan "Yes, m a’am, th at we must surely favor for he had found him profitable summed up In the following w ords: ’’ For over • year 1 rufferad from headache« do. The house d o e s look a sight. What , unto him for the ministry (II Tim. “First I learned to love my teacher, Jap an Is going to Introduce a system and constipation. Som eone at my club rug- with th e children playing so hard, 1:11). From I'ergu they went to then I learned to love my teacher’s I of trial by Jury. P reparatory to m ak­ teat ed Beecham’a Pilla. I tiled them and they relieved me. I’m only forty and I feel Ilka bless th eir little hearts, and mussing ; Antioch in l ’isldiu, anil here they en­ Bible, then I learned to love my teach­ ing this departure the D epartm ent of Beecham’a Pilla ’ a boy again after t t ik k l in i g a Beech tered the synagogue on the Sabbath things up so, the dreadful little things, Ju stice has various m easures under Mr. J. G - Yonketa. N . Y. day. From this we see th at though er's Savior." Even when the scholar way, Including the sending abroad of we must put everything to rights." T X ü man g w « food adview. Follow it. and see Now Is converted a fte r leaving Sunday quAe-kb digestive disorders. constipation and biUoao- “Today would be a good tim e for Paul was sent to the Gentiles, he did school It Is not Improbable that some , many Judiciary officials to study the ness are overcome try Beet ham ’i Pills. not depart from the order of begin system In other countries. Many of house-cleaning,” Mrs. Cucumber Green teacher anil some teaching had previ­ Por FREE SA M P L E —w rite ning with the Jews. these officials nre already In America said. B . F A llen C o ., 4 1 7 C anal S treet, N e w Y ork II. Paul’s F irst Recorded Sermon ously prepared the soil for the good anil England Inspecting the m anner In “As good as any,” Jan e Eckler an ­ Buy frotn you r druggiat in 39 and g o e b o see seed of the evangelist. (vv. 17-41). which Jury trials are conducted. Two swered. There is no more perm anent work j T his sermon Is worthy of careful courts each for trlHl by Jury will he So Mrs. Cucumber Green put on an study. In Its analysis we find four than that of tile religious teacher. The i established In Tokyo, Osaka, H iroshi­ days and hours that C hrist was train ­ ma. Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, apron which she wore when she was p u rts : ing ills disciples were not spent In Nagasaki, Nagoyu, Sendai, Supporo and “pretending” she was Jan e Eckler. She 1. H istorical (vv. 17-23). had a little pail and In it w as dry P A R K E R ’S In this section we see how Paul. vain. Think of Peter. Janies and John, N iigata anti one each at other law H A IR B A L S A M water. In h conciliatory way, led them gradu­ and the other members of th at great [ court centers. Each of these special ee Dandruff Stop« Hair Falling Dry w ater, of course, is w ater which ally through a series of changes In Sunday school class and w hat under courts will have a lodging place for R««tor«a Color and B eau ty to G ray and Fad ed Hair is not wet. And as M rs. Cucumber which God had dealt graciously with God they were perm itted to do. Jo­ Juries to he housed during trials. E s­ «We and S 0) at Druggiat« Green's mother was afraid she would them , finally giving them Jesus, His seph and Daniel had nothing b etter Io , tablishing the new courts and building H lic o i Chew W t| , r«trhogu«.N T. prepare them for life than a pious cntch cold if she used wet w ater, she Son. the lodging houses involves quite an H IN D E R C O R N S Remove« Corn«. Cal- mother’s teaching, but that was suffi­ Item of expenditure, in addition to lo u w i, eu* . «UtpH a ll pain, en«urea ootufort to tbw alw ays used th e dry. (1) God chose and exalted the fe«t, make« walking eaav. 16c by mall or a t Drug- cient to m ake them the prime minis­ which will be the cost of a good deal glala She dipped her rag into the pail and people (v. 17). 111*00« Cbemleal Work«, Patcbogue. N Y. ters of the greatest nations of Hie an- 1 of propaganda to let the country un­ w rung out the ’’pretend” water. (2) lie delivered them from Egyp Then she scrubbed the windows of tian bondage, and led them through cient world. When the hooks nre derstand the system. opened at the lust day it will he found j th e doll house and put everything In the terrible w ilderness (vv. 17-18). for th at the great men and the good men 1 order. S n o w C le a re d b y T N T (3) He destroyed th e Cunnnnitish Coughs and O f course she had to send th e chil­ nations, giving th eir lunds to the Is have owed more to the training of In th e Itocky Mountain Niitional some praying m other or some consci­ dren out to play when she did thia, raelites (v. IV). Lung Tronbles park w here heavy snows lu w inter ob­ entious teacher than to anyone else. and she put them on a big chair which (4) He gave them Judges ns tlieli S u ccessfu l for 69 year*. But there Is nothing spectacular lite ra te the trails and present u big she drew up beside the chair where deliverers when distressed by su r­ HOc and 90c lo t tie« — task should they have to he removed about teaching. Filling an Inconspicu­ ALL DRUG Q PST9 In the spring In the usual way or by Grandm a sat. rounding natlqns (v. 20). ous place w ithout garb or distinction, (8) After they lind selfishly chosen melting, workmen thread a long fuse G randma alw ays made the children the Sunday school teacher plods away N a t u r e ’s P ro te c tio n so happy. Sometimes as Mrs. Cu­ a king. He rejected the dynasty of week a fter week In her quiet ami un­ of TNT through the snow, about when Leaf insects, which thrive on th» cum ber Green w as being very busy Saul, and chose David, a man after ostentatious manner. Itclighuia teach­ the hist snow has fallen, and Ignite It. T his clears the road In a flush. guava tree, mimic flip leaves so closely she would hear Grandm a talking to His own heart (vv. 21-22). ing is very much like planting trees In T he fuse Is Incased In n tube of lead that they change color with the leaves (6) Finally It was God who from th e children. th e orchard. The one w ho plants and ns the season advances. T here were some grown-ups who D avid’s seed raised up unto Israel a cultivates does not alw ays remain to to preclude prem ature accident. wouldn’t do th at. They would only Savior, Jesus. This demanded proof, see the fruit of Ills labors. But to say U n h u r t b y T im e speak to your children when you were which Is given In the next section. th a t this work Is too slow and too se r­ 2. Apologetical (vv. 24-37). W orkm en clearing away the hnse- with them. But G randma could he vile to he fruitful would he to say that T hat th is Jesu s is the seed of Da­ th e w inter sun is t<*> distunt and too ment of a H opkinton (Iowa) building heard every now and again saying: “Well, Allle Bna, I h ear you went vid and th erefo re the prom ised Mes­ deliberate to usher in the heal of sum ­ that w as wrecked by fire some 25 years up street with your m other this morn­ siah, he proves by three lines of argu mer. The apples o f tomorrow are g ath ­ ago, recently found a carbon filuinent ing. I hope you got the very best of n ie n t: ered from the seeds that we plant to­ electric lam p hull) that had been lu use INDIGESHOW (1) T he testim ony of John the Bap­ day and the nation of the future will In the building before th e fire. This oranges for us.” z sg íg a —X Then G randm a's voice would change tist (vv. 24-25). he built h.v the teachers of the present. lam p bull) was at once taken to u nearby garage, screwed Into a lamp John disclaim ed all power as their 6 B ell - a n s so as to sound like Allle Baa. an I Al­ Inconspicuous as is the work of the Hot w ater lle. In G randm a’s ’’pretend’’ voice deliverer, and pointed to Jesus ns such. tPacher, the rew ard is most spectacu­ socket nnd lighted up Just as If there (2) The prophecies of Scripture lar. T here Is no greater nor grander had been no fire nor a 25 year vacation would s n y : Sure Relief spent ltlp Van W lnkle-llke in the d e ­ “Yes. Grandm a dear, the very best. were fulfilled In th eir rejection and rew ard promised In the Bible. “They bris of the ruined building. crucifixion of Jesu s (vv. 26-29). th a t he teachers (the optional word The man said they were very tine, the (3) By His resurrection from the for ’wise' I s ’teachers’) shall shine finest in town.” Don’t Forget C uticura Talcum 25aael and Emollient Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 7Â B ell - ans M O R TO N HOSPjTAL