Ò • • O • RURAL ENTERPRISE PACK 1 RURAL ENTERPRISE > Iade*ea4ewt—Nut neutral—new* paper, published e v eiy W eduetdsy, » , Wa*. U. M U LK LIR (bat hn is afraid tbe evidence on which it it is based cannot stand if students are permiaed to read I what God baa written in stones] and in all nature ? *1.5« a year There are some stingy, »lava­ A dvertisiug, 2<* an inch ; no diacoun lor tiwe or apace ; no charge lor com driving husbands on farms, but I pueition orc-ranges. la "PaM-Car Paragraphs." ic a Bas­ i t a advertising disguised as a s s i IT’S A LOSING GAME f ’j • 1 •* **■ \ fi - . ! JULY 8. 1925 The Great Outdoors W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous H um anity are Produced the 0. A. C. finding, published on j Electricity on ibis page, that 44 per cent of bills Oregon Farms for electricity paid on farms in ibis state is for household use | shows that they are not the rule. 14 per cent of It ¡9 Used Will not Put the Jardine Says “Don’t Screws on Farmers Do It Again Hints for Linn County Farmeri Salem.—Tbe state board of control To bare good winter layers feed the pullets well now. ordered a notice sent to all warehouse Two mao celebrated July 1 by In Homes...4J Users Repetition of Recent Price men and to tbe committees and at-1 robbing the bank at Buckley, It is announced that “ political | Many little apples were shriveled per Mile of Wire torneys in the various counties that Fluctuations W ill Bring on the trees by the heat in the last Wash. Tbe city marabel marked leaders are tired of the open pri­ represent the board under the farm­ week in Jane. Penalty of Law. The Mountain States Power er’s relief bill of the 1925 legislature, them so well for identification that mary ’’ and of election of federal • .-ompany, which is rapidly absorbi­ The increased profit in wool, Informing them that claims of harvest­ they have been buried. senators by popular vote. That The same day Joyce D. Thomp­ proves that those practices are ac­ ng individual electic systems in ing. threshing and sacking of grain Mandan, N. D. — The grain ex­ growing has led to a sharp demand Oregon and lour other states, and will be given prior consideration by changes were notified by Secretary for breeding ewes. son of Carlton, Or., tried tbe same complishing the objects for which which is itself linked up with the the board. The legislature provided Jardine of the agriculture department Arthur Jorgesoo of Sweet Home game at Vancouver, Wash., and the people adopted them. ipider web of wires that covers the >1,500,000 for the relief of farmers that unless they voluntarly take ac­ has oat stalks 1) inches in diame­ as he fled any alibi (he might have ------ ----------- United States and against which in counties where wheat was frozen tion to prevent a repetition of the re­ ter and five feet high. planned was shot full of boles bv Opponents of the reform in Jitford Pinchot is broadiasting out, the fund to be used primarily to cent price fluctuations, he will go the Hens kept where they do not get a traffia officer. So was be. He i mate rules advocated by Mr. in alarm cry, has of late done aid the farmers In buying seed wheat full limit of the law iu compelling sufficient sunshine frequently lay i good turn to the struggling and for re-seeding purposes. them to do so. ia in a hospital. Dawes say that one of the duties soft-shelled eggs when no other oveiwcrked American housewife. In some districts It Is said harvest­ ‘‘During the investigation carried on Thompson bad a good reputa­ of that body is to “ stand out It has beta extensively advertising ing Is being held up because ware­ reason is apparent. tion and bis family was highly against popular clamor.’’ That’s electrical devices that may take the house men are unwilling to let the by the department of agriculture to Strawberries that are to be held determine the causes of these dis­ respected.' Now, bowed down by what it did when it raised its own j Jrudgsry out of washing, ironing farmers have sacks on time, since astrous price changes,” he said in a in cold storage for later sale fresh and other back-breaking domestic their wheat crops are under mortgage. Fourth of July address here, “I made are washed, freed from defective sorrow at bit diegrace, his relatives _____. . . ------- activities. The action taken by the board is ex­ certain suggestions to representatives fruits and packed io barrels with think be is insane. Surely he is. At tbe recent convention of the pected to meet this difficulty. Trouble begins when a man of »he Chicago Board of Trade and half their weight of sngar. Any man who makes the kind of a Natioual Light association in San called upon them to consider construc­ start hs did haa the kind of insan­ who thinks his belief (or faith, Francisco Mrs. John D. Shermao, Mabel Spearman of Haines is IS tive measures to prevent a similar sit­ years old and has eight ewes which which ia the same thing,) is president of the General Federa­ ity that led thousands to the gal­ uation in the future. As I see it, the brought 18 lambs this year. She knowledge and tries to enforce it tion of Women's Clubs, gave an lows before a guild of " alienist grain exchanges of this country per­ raised the mother and grandmother address on “ What Electricity Is perjurers found a way to get rich uPon ot^cr*’ form a useful (unction—at least, We of those lambs on a bottle. Some Doing for Women,’’ or what it is quick. ------------------ i The monkeys in the present fnn- capable of doing for them if tbs Have Sufficient Help on have perfecte«’. no better system of shepherdess 1 marketing. But when the price of women give it a chance. She said About twenty lettuce and cauli- Hand to Keep Going. wheat fluctuates 12 or 13 cents in a “ Scientists” have told us all damentalist uproar are those wh> that if the faderation, which is the day It indicates to me that there is flowar growers at Troutdale have about the recant American earth siy that the evolution theory is largest combined group of women organized for co-operative market­ In filling an ordinary silo it has gen­ something wrong.” quakes. On» announces positivbly that man descended from tl e ia the country, and the electric erally been found that it is most eco­ They expect to ship 150 The secretary's warning was de­ ing. association, which |is the largest nomical to have a sufficient number of ___ ■ there is no connection between tbe ■non key- livered in the course of an exhaustive carloads of cauliflower and a industrial organization, uuite their men on hand to keep the silo filler in causes of the shakes on tbe coast. Chicago lawlessness haa reached «(Torts to bring more eleotrical pretty constant operation, says discussion of the agricultural problems decreasing amount of lettuce. Another is equally sure (they are a polut where bankers offer >2000 appliances into homes they will Hoard’s Dairyman. There can be some of the country, for whose solution he Tillamook is tone of 69 counties all dus ta one cause. Between the »piece for dead bandits. O’witd foim a more powerful agent for saving in labor if the corn binder is suggested these policies: Better farm business methods, In­ in the United Stall'« that are free started, say. the evening before cut­ two big Santa Barbara shakeups good than the country has khown. and wooly Illinois I She said hotnemaking is tbs ting and Is kept going before filling cluding adjustment of production to from bovine dub«"culosis. It has they told us it was all over ; there prospective needs. cost tha county $30,000 in tbs greaetst industry in the United starts in the morning. In this way one would be no more at present. Maintenance of a liquid eftsh and last three years to get rid of tb* may possibly cut down enough corn -140 '°P*1°1 " 0 3 ’’9 A3N3H3 T 'A States, that efficiency in tbe home “ Soiencs’’ is defined in the dition- twyratup JI» Aq pjog u»»A Aiioj is even more important than in tbe and release the man on the binder to staple reserve by farmers to tide them plague, and it was werth it. over poor crop years, as against re­ ary as “ knowledge.” A “ sci- iiao IO} qu«i»3 )o IWUUMU aqj u, jn, factories, that 92 per cent of the work with the machine. At that auction of South African With a small cutter it is usually suf­ investment of all available profits in en list” ia a fellow who thinks he -G-jaaaiw uaaq raq pua *]vui»u| pus (vso, homemakers do their own work ficient to have one man lu the silo, one mere Angora bucks at Carapwood, Tex., land. «;oq-»uaimw»U 725 for one, William Riddel labor-saving devices. Electricity with possibly two men loading in the dt Son of tha same place $625 and can now do principally all the field. The number of teams and men and the vetch crop of Lincoln county. E. W. Hogg of Salem $576. U, In Portland Friday a woman Maggot trouble Is serious ou cabbage work iu the home, and Mrs. Sher- wRl depend to some extent upon the S. Grant and Guihrie Brothers of and-cauliflower. whose husband bad divorced her on man says tbs federation plans to distance the corn Is to be hauled. It Dallas bought several, In spite of the severe weather of muy also be necessary to keep one New Testament grounds committed educate the housewives of the last winter Lincoln county this year man operating the binder or cutting Prospects are bright at Hood River euieide because th- dirty brute prevent more accidents than good country COncerniug that fact. will harvest the largest crop of Ever­ this season for an apple crop of large the corn in another manner. brakes. Profs. W- J. Gilmore and F. C. with whom she had baeu consorting Corn will make the best silage when green blackberries ever known. It possible take the best. Your size and good quality. The yield la would not try to get a divorce eyes need and demand the best McMillan of 0- A. C. have been It is cut Just as the kernels are dent­ Royal Anne cherries have begun to investigating electrical service and ing and glazing .and before tbe lower arrive at the cannery of the Eugene now estimated at 60 per cent of the himself and marry her. She that money will buy. 3.000,000-box tonnage of last yoar. The possibilities on Oregon farms. leaves have commenced to dry up bad­ Fruit Growers’ association, and while might have improved tna moral They jouud, ly. This will usually mean from ten the crop is not heavy this summer, it fruit will run considerably larger in atmosphere by killing nim first. Avervge number of users per days to two weeks before the corn is expected that there will be quite a size than la«t Tne recent hot wavo did not mater­ would be cut for grain. In the early mile of distribution (iue, 4 |. long run on this frult. ially affect the fruit crop of the Rogue day, corn was cut when In the roast- Cost of lines and taansformers, river valley and the quality of the val­ Last Wetuesdsy in Portland lng-ear stage and this made a very- par mile, $1024. Spray for Vegetables ley's greatest commercial crop, pears, sour silage. From tills extreme, there Judge Morrow gathered in his On liuee now installed 24 per lias been a tendency of going to the Arsenate of lead la better than promises to be tbe best In its history. courtroom twenty applicants for cent are not patrons, due to cost. other extreme of allowing the corn to Paris green as an application on veg­ Total moneys paid growers of all Of electric bills paid by farmers become too ripe, with tbe result that etables and vines such as the potato, default dlvaroe decrees and had kinds of fruit raised by members of 44 per cent was for household uses the ensiled material is not quite as cucumber and bean, because it will shown to them a moving picture and 56 per cent for irrigation palatable and does not kwji quite as stick to the plant longer. Paris green, the Hood River Apple Growers' asso­ depiotingtbe evila of divoroa. He pumps. Only 13 irrigation pumps, well. The idea is to get tbe corn Into however, will kill the bugs as quickly ciation In 1924 reached >3.201,895, far also delivered a lecture on the and all on three lines. the silo when it contains a sufficient and ns readily as arsenate of lead. in excess of receipts of any former subject. He is more than a legal More extended use of such serv­ amount of moisture so that It-will Arsenate of lead should be used at year. Optometrie B. L. Beck is drilling for artesian ice on t(|e farm does nut depend so commence to heat at once and will the rate of one teaspoonful to two gal­ automaton, Manufacturing pack thoroughly. It Is desirable to lons of water, well stirred or at the water on the John Brice place near Optician much on price of «urrentas en the farmer's ability to finance avoid either of the extremes mentiuned rate of 1 pound to 50 gallons of wa­ Boardman. He recently brought In Is Mr, Bryan’s faith so weak ALBANY OREGON. ter for arsenate of lead and one-half the tenth artesian well on the project above. equipment. pound of parls green to 50 gallons of for W. A. Price with a flow of three About 15 per cent of Oregou Frequent and shallow cultivation water. Cover the plants thoroughly gallons per minute at a depth of 10» farms have electric service. Some will keep the garden coming along In to get good results. feet. 5000 are served by electric compa­ good shape. Fill Ordinary Silo Most Economically ______ q jje ie a sji «H Good Glasses E. C. Meade, H. Albro, HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PL A T E S T H A T F I T ” • • • nies and 2500 have individual Overfeeding Is bad for the calf. A plants.l Outside of household appliances, good rule Is alwnys to keep the calf a pumps and dairy machines, agri- little hungry. • • • • eultural equipment is not adapted A garden free from weeds not only to the electrie motor drive. produces more vegetables but is a Of the farmers on Ahtanum sight worth seeing. ridge, a Mabton (Wash) report THE MARKETS «ays, 99 per cent have signed lor slectrieity from the I’acittc Tower Portland vnd Light company. A bonus of Wheat — Hard white, >1.39: soft (8200 is required, of which $3000 white, >1.33; northern spring and hard □ as bctu subscribed. Grown», bridge work and fillings 1» will Alfalfa for Hogs pay you to get ray prices on »our dental work, Experiments conducted by the ani­ mal husbandry department at South Cusick bank build i g, Albany There’s a sure cure tor hunger at the C tite C o n fe c tio n e r y and Beit 8weet9 and soft drinks, C a fe te r ia at the Best cuisine Efficient service Pleasant surroundings Albany, Oregon W. S. DUNCAN Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lre of the Salvation Army at th« White Shield Horn«, 565 Mayfair avenue. Pot Hand, Oregon. wisest girls keep out of trouble Dakota state college Indicate that al­ falfa hay .added to the ration of a fattening hog will reduce materially the amount of corn required to pro­ duce 100 pound» of pork. Whole al­ falfa hay proved to he practically as good for hogs ns chopped alfalfa. The alfalfa hay can be fed in a rack. FOR SALK Altman & Taylor Thrashing Outfit Sixteen Horsepower Engine 36 36 Separator Good Tank Three Good Bundle Beds Small Cash Payment Rett on easy terms D- C Howard Kugeue, Molar Route A winter, >1.35; western white, >1.38; western red. >1.31. Hey — Alfalfa. >19®20 ton; valley timothy, $20® 21; eastern Oregon timothy, >23®24c Butterfat—44c delivered Portland Eggs—Ranch, 29®31c. Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets, 27e; loaf, 28c per lb. Cattle—Steers, medium. >7.50®8 65. Hogs — Medium to choice, >13.50® 14.00. Sheep—LAmbg, medium to choice. >8.00® 12 00. Seattle. Wheat—Soft white. >1.44; western white. >1 42; hard winter, >1.42; west­ ern red. >1.40; northern spring. >1.40; Big Rend bluestem. >1.44. Hay—Alfalfa. >24; D. C, >28; tim­ othy. >26; mixed hay. >24. nutterfst— 43c. Eggs—Ranch. 32®37c. Hogs—Prime. >14.25®14 60. Cattle Prime steers, >8.50®9. Cheese—Oregon fancy to retailers. 29c per lb.; do standards. 25c; Wash­ ington fancy triplets, 25c. Spokane. Hogs- Prlfhe. >13 75®i4 OO. * Cattle—Prime steers. >1.00® 8.60. Î WHEAT, OATS and W h o le or -Ground | BARLEY | FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER I W Gives better results O. \Y. F R U M I J A m erican E ag le Fire Insurance Co. iî9 “ X km of loss by fire. x ä ino Æ e Th: companr lie in e a s e ’ c . P. STAFFORD, Agent