ENTERPRISE A g rc u ltu re H o r t c u 11 u r e L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land JULY 8. 1*>'S HAL8EY, OR EGG.-, H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s and was loved by all who knew her. B ro w n s v ille B riefs a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts Little Lowell Straley has flu. Mrs. William Wheeler visited Doings of Our Populace Jefferson Thursday. Chronicled in Brief Mrs. Ringo attended the do­ ings at Newport in her car. Paragraphs J. W. Stephenson was with his M i» M arjorie Walker is in Hhl- son in Portland on the fourth. aey »gain. There is to be a lot of bap­ Mi»e Twidwell made the New- tisms at the M. E. church Sun. pert trip with M r*. Ringo. day. Preferred Stock goods you | ' urday and Sunday. was a picnic dinner with ice ly leveled hla guns at electrical pow cream. er companies, which, he said were have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-( The majority of Pine Grove building up a "super power” monopoly Then all enjoyed a dip in the lected for size, flavor and quality. ( I people attended the Peoria cele- To offset this he proposed what hs Sunday School, 10. cool water- Later in the even­ 1 bration. The Pine Grove float termed his "giant power” plan of Christian Eudeavor, 7. ing the family was brought to­ Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred < won the first prize, Oakville sec- building up gradually a nation wide Preaching, 11 and 8. gether and ice cream was served i Stock with other brands and it will meet with < i ‘ ond and Peoria third. A very government regulated system of elec The Sunday school anperir.ten again. All in a flash the lights i large crowd was present and the trie service for the benefit of the peo will be present In spirit but were dimmed and in through the i your discrim inating choice J i celebration a success in every pie—a system which he argued would dent absent in the flesh. door came little Mia» Dorris make It impossible for private power Women • miationary eociely i Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet ,! way. companies to exercise a virtual mo meets at ibe regular hour Tuesday June Falk, draped with a large flag and drawing a wagon laden aopoly, reaping exeeselve profits. I a price. They are sold only to those who ap- < Reports from the Christian En­ Feud Captive« Beund te Tree. Ltfi deavor and Turner convention» wil with a beautiful white birthday Chattanooga. Tenn. — Sheriff Tom I preciate first quality. ' Reiman L ib rarians Meet at Seattl«. beexpected_froin_2ho»<_^(£2din| cake decorated with flaming has started an lnreatlKatfon pink and white candles. She Seattle. Wash —With so attenilence [ It is true some brands are sold cheaper, but ( Into the story told by Dr W. D. Mason, Clifford Carey,pat tor. stopped in front of Mr. Pforster local veterinarian and Lawrence Bow at 1000 librarian« from all parte of and, although the candles num­ I they arc sold solely on price appeal. < man, alleged feudist and aide of fed North America, the forty seventh an bered fifty eight, he was able to nual conference of the American LI M. E. Church eral prohibition officer», that they had [ We are distributers of about thirty varieties, been kidnapped on Signal mountain brary aaoclntlon began here Monday blow them all out with •■« Robert Park ir pastor. aeaalons are to laat throughout ) of Preferred Stock goods. i and captive for ten day». The two men. The breath. Sunday ecbool, 10. who disappeared June 23. were found the week. The cake and candles were * Preaching. 11. by Jim Tomas, mountaineer, handcuff complete surprise to Mr. Pfors­ Junior League, 3. To-night the Rebekahs install cd and tied to a tree about IS miles ter. Ir.tormediate League 7 Mrs. Edith Robnett noble grand, from Chattanooga Epworth league, 7 Mrs. Elbert Isom vice grand, | HALSEY, OREGON J. C. Standish went to Port­ Preaching, 8. Mrs. J. W. Moore was down Mrs. Esther M. Bond secretary land Wednesday. Prayer-meeting Thursday, and Mrs. Sadie Gansle treasurer. from Harrisburg Thursday. V • • «. • . • • Preferred Stock j Canned Goods f J [ M. V. KOONTZ CO. e t • »-♦. i