FACE e Outgaing M ail RURAL ENTERPRISE »•••••• D. W. GRIFFITH’S D A N C IN G A meeterpieo of * master producer at T UMBLE INN Carnival Dance next Saturday night H srs is the sym pathy of joy and suffering and * f love unsurpassed Chicken Dinner ■■■■■I Music • Thrashing Machine G LO BE HaiMy Happening» (Continued from page 1) Frank Gansle was at Harris­ burg Monday. a trip into our sister 3tate on the north. A. E. Foote and wife, from Eugene, visited at A. W. Foote's Sunday. Hans Koch and wife are home from a visit with their daugh­ ters at Hood River. Friday afternoon the Past Grands’ club, with a good attend­ ance, was entertained by Mrs. Laubner. Ypung James Rector spent Thursday night at his mother’s in Harrisburg. They visited Cor­ vallis Monday. Mrs. Eliza Brandon received a visit a few days ago from her I sister-in-law, Mrs. George Fin­ ley of Portland. J, C. Standish and wife had a ' visit Saturday from C. P. J Harvey and wife of Glendale, who werq on the way home from Swearingen of son Willard and Mrs. Turner of Brownsville and Mrs. O. P. Harvey of Glendale were visitors at W. R. Kirk’s Sunday. More than 50 Christian En­ deavor delegates from this county are expected to attend the convention which opens Sat­ urday in Portland. Sunday the C. H. Koontz family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drinkard and Leonard Green­ Sunday SLITS TIES In fact it doesn’t m atter • SHIRTS or what you want. If it’s for® New SHOES HATS men or boys to wear we • SOX Quaity fint have it. The Calapooia C elebration This store will close all day Saturday, July 4th. • 1 and Roundup association ot so do your shopping Friday. • • Crawfordsville has been incor­ porated. Open Friday night until 9 p. in. For Sale Th» cows take my tim e, so I w ill «ell my new Baoine Thrasher, wind stacker, self feeder, wagon box grain elevator, a ll complete Price $400, spot cash. Chancy Sickele, K. 2, Halsey. ¡seed Poultry Yards One of the best ways of destrnyln; the bacteria that bother poultry Is tf put the yards under cultivation. It addition, the needlnf of the yards 1» very important from the standpoint ol furnlshlox green stuff for the fowls Where a considerable number ot fowls Is kept on a relatively small rue It Is well to nrranxe the lots so tliai they can be alternated. Oats Is prob ably the most common plant used for this purpose. TORRANCE Reconditioning Shop Ray best os Hi-speed Brake Service Station East First •„ Albany, the {skating nnk Rhone 379 . ' J / from 6 to 11 O NLY TW O D AY S N ext Sunday— Monday Suly 6—6 Glara G e t r e a d y f o r th e •very M ooday and Saturday night ‘ Isn ’t Life j W o nderfu l?’ ? Mrs. A t the Haleey poetothce dose going north at 11:60 and 5:20 p. in. Gonrg eoutb, 11:10 a. ui. and 5:20 p. in. To Brow nsville, 6:20 a. m. and 12 m. M ornin g stage to Brow ns­ v ille goes on to C raw fordsville, Hoi ley and Sweet Home. ALBANY [BLAIN CLOTHIN q T o ] OREGON Charles Kizer of Harrisburg has been elected vice-president Halsey Railroad Tÿna | of the county pioneer associa* Nflrth South | tion. 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17. 12:09 p. m. 16, 5:15 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Neff of Loe 18, 8:16 a. m. flag Angelas, who have been touring between DRESS W ELL AND SUCCEED Linn county was the lowest Mrs. Skirvin has been visiting bidder, at $101,594, for the Leb­ a sister at Seattle. anon-Albany highway building, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller but operations are temporarily were dinner guests of Mr. Mulf- held up to settle the location of er’s parents in Albany Sunday. the route through Lebanon. here and the B ritie b Columbia line, passed through Halsey Friday on . their way home and lunched at Wheeler’s, Albany temperature was 101 at 3 o’clock Wednesday, accord­ ing to the veteran'weather ob­ server, F. M- French. Halsey, you may be sure, wasn’t far be­ hind. We keep up with the pro­ cession. 15, 12;45 p, m. 33, 8:12 p. m. flag 31, 1 :34 p. m. flag 14,J12:09 p. m. flag 34, 4:08 p- tn. Not. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers from south of Eugene. No. 31, direct connnctien for Marshfield points. Passengers for s^uth of Eugene should take train No. 17. Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves Hal­ sey at 7 a. tn and 12:15 and 8:1» p. m Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m sad 3.35 and 8:45 p. tn. Alford Arrows (Enterprise* Correspondent) Alice and Velda Curtis spent Sunday night with Thelma In­ gram. • • • What Is the difference between a spendthrift and a very soft pillow? One Is herd up and the other Is soft down. Harry Bias of Woodburn vis­ ited his brother George Satur­ day night and Sunday. Mrs- Adda Ringo and Miss Twidwell called Jt the home of Mr3. D. I. Isom Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Philpott of Harrisburg were Saturday evening callers at Chester Curtis’. • • • To what lalands should hungry pro pie go? The Sandwich islands. - Name a city you coo put lu a hot- tie? Cork. Which la the most musical country Io Great Britain? Fife. • • • Mrs D. I. Isom is spending part of the week at the home of her son, E. D. Isom. Mrs. Isom Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. J . H- Rickard and sons Emery and Jesse at­ tended a Jenks family reunion at Tangent Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Isom spent one af­ ternoon last week with Mrs. John Willbanks and another with Mrs. Whitbeck. What do we often catch, but never see? A passlns remark. T. J. S k irv in hat put in a new Hammer grain chopper. Steve Hayes of Portland vis­ ited at the J. C. Porter home a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen and Mrs. H. Freerksen visited i ome friends at Sodaville Sun­ day. Catlers at E. D. I boid ' k M onday Lyman Palmer dislocated hit- evening were M r. and M rs. K. C. shoulder in a fall at his home Iso m .an d M r. and Mrs. W . K. lost week. He is doing well. Isom and ch ild re n , Phoebe, W ad* law end fa m ily of Tacoma were The barber shops w ill be closed aud 3ob by, of Brow nsville. a picnic party above Holley on on the 4th, Saturday- Get youi Views of the new Oiree-cvllnder Southern Pacific type locomotive whhh Southern Pacifie Company Is placing tn « .............................. mountain eervlre. This 1« the most powerful tingle nnlt locomotive built. Fall I length view of the loco lotlve the Calapooia. Rev. Mr. "nd Mrs. Pierce, shave Friday. Is shown at the top. Lowest left- Detail showing the five driving wheels on one side and the feed water heater. formerly of Harrisburg but now Lower rltrhT-Front view showing the three cylinders, one on each side and one in the middle. E. W. Freeman of San Fran­ Mrs. Eliza Brandon hiuf as of Coi-vallis, called at J. H. Rick­ guests over the week end het cisco, with, a ticket from The “They are the most modern devel­ of one. The locomotives weigh ard’s Sunday evening. REGON shippers and travelers Dalles to the former city, left a daughter, Mrs. G. C. O«butD, have the world’s most power­ opment In locomotive construction and 682,400 pounds and have a tractive Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer of ful single unit freight and are good evidence ot Southern Pacific power of 96.530 pounds, or weigh nnd the latter’s daughter. Mrs. train at Albany Monday saying efforts to develop and Improve its | 115.68 pounds per one horsepower. Eugene tomebody was trying to kill him. spent Saturday night passenger locomotive at their Osburn has gone home to Port­ facilities to keep pace with the prog­ Their hauling capacity is one-fourth and Sunday with Mrs. Mercer’s land'but Helen remained here. He was taken to the city jail for service. The first of sixteen new three- ress of this Western country." J. H. more at a speed of 25 miles per hour mother, Mrs. D. I Isom. examination as to his sanity and general manager, said In com­ on a 2.2 per cent grade than that of Mrs. Orrin Anderson and | there he out his throat with a cyUnder Southern Pacific type loco­ Dyer, menting on the new tltane of the the moat powerful locomotive hereto­ Mrs. J. W. Ingram and chil­ motives have Just reached the Pa­ (laughter IGertrude and Mrs. pj >cc of a broken cup. He died. dren and Mrs. Joe Johnston of cific Coast and are being placed In rails “The West requires the beet of fore In use by the company. Harry VonHuson and daughters The locomotives are 101 feet 1 Inch Portland visited several days at heavy freight and passenger service transportation, for Its products move Were you startled when you by Southern Pacific Company In the I» aDV n’11'» market. The new loco- In length and 16 feet 3 inches In Helen, H enrietta and Alice of saw a barn and five acres of land Slsklyou and Sierra-Nevada moun motive« represent our desire to take height. They have a 4-10-Î wheel ar- Lee Ingram’s last week. Allbany Werti dinner guests ot advertised last week in this pa­ advantage of every worthwhile lm- , rangement and a total wheel base of Ellsworth Curtis nnd family Mr. and Mrs. P.’H. Freerksen per for $500? So was the pub­ 87 feet 234 inches. Each of the drtv- The locom otive, afe of a distinctly P avem ent In railroad Industry “ spent Sunday evening at the Tuesday. lisher. Mrs. Cummings’ offer ap­ new type, developed by the American The outstanding feature of the new lng w heels Is 63V4 inches in diameter home of Mrs. Curtis’ parents, Locomotive Company In co-operation locomotives It the third cylinder. The tender ha* a capactty of 12.000 You can ¿elebrate the 4th at pears this week the way she with Southern Pacific’s mechanical! Placed Inside of the main frames and gallons of water and 4,400 gallons of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Nixon. Newport for $4.65 for a round wrote it. experts Everyone has something of slightly above and between the two fuel oil. Mrs. D. I- Isom, Mrs. I. L. trip by railroad. You leave hero sm all boy's interest in locomotive» outside cylinders The adding of the in addition to the sixteen three- Waldo Anderson has invented the Saturday morning at 5.15 and itf’d put in use a portable sheep J and wherever the new locomotives third cylinder has an effect similar to cylinder locomotives, the Southern Isom and Mrs. E. D. Isom >nd get bock at 11.84 Sunday night, dipping vat in which one sheep. have been aeon they have attracted | that obtained by increasing the num- Pacific is further increasing Its mo- daghter Beverly visited Mrs. Interest, both from the pub- ber of cylinders In an automobile en- tlve power by building In Its own D. I. Iaom'e sister, Mrs. M in erva having from 10:10 a. m. Satur­ at a time goes through a (rough I unusual shops eighteen 4-8-2 mountain type 11c and I’allroad employes on account ; Bine from lour to six. Cooper, near Plainview, one day to 6:15 p. m. Sunday at the full of dip. Altout 200 per hout t of their else, power and design. ' In addition to providing Increased locomotives to be used In Its trans­ afternoon last week. seaside city. are treated and the attendants* The ___ new locomotives w ill all be In ' power and economy in UBe ot steam, continental passenger traffic. Th kii“D out of the solution The vat t service before the peak traffic move- the third cylinder will distribute the ; locomotives have been making thBBgh C. A- Curtis and family called is Uken from farm to farm fot I - n t In the tall. ¡ s tr e s s ., on two d rlv ln . ax le, Inetead ru n . ol 815 m il« . on Mrs. Curtis’ parents, Mr. and use. Mrs. Charles Tandy, near Har­ risburg Sunday evening. Mr. Spend the Miss Florence Handley of A l­ Sawmills are closing dowit Tandy is just recovering from bany is visiting her aunt, Mrs. P. j temporarily. There is room on an attack of flu. I farms just now for all good H. Freerksen, for a few days be­ fore going to join her parents, workers who want employment. Mrs. J . F. Isom and sons went who have moved to Portland. I to Springfield Friday to visit a John Standish is billed to go Union Gas and Oil Ethel Bilyeu and Wayne Bar-I week with Mrs. Isom’s parents, to Smith River, Cal., as editor Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lusby, and ber were married at Albany Fisk, Firestone and Gates Tires and Tubes and manager of a paper as soon advertising ! June 24. A wedding feast was other relatives, before going to finishes Ford P arts and Accessories their home at Oakridge. campaign he is carrying on foi enjoyed by about twenty rela­ a Portland house that publishes tives at the home of the bride's | Buy your tires here anti save money George Godwin and family of weeklies at Gold Beach, Port Or­ parents and later that evening AU work done here is guaranteed Luena Vista spent Sunday with ford, Brookings and Smith River. the couple went to the residence George’s mother, Mrs. John of the groom’s parents, at Ma- j Rolfe, taking home their daugh­ rion, and there were further fes- ter, who had been visiting her ,» . , _ . , tivitics. Mr. and Mrs Barbee grandmother for several days. partner in the business. Each [ went on to port|and next day and Where Our Ice later to Yoncolla, where the gen­ Mrs. Fanny Lettenmeir and tleman is employed by the • Cream is Used son, who have been visiting at E. there is sure to .be satisfaction. I Southern Pacific. A Starnee’ , returned to th e ir For the fa m ily Messert there is nothing so delicious. W ith each horn»* in Oregon City. Thursday. succeeding spoonful vou'U like it Mrs. Starnes and daughters Hat­ more and more. Let us send you tie and Katheryn accompanied som e, W e have all flavors. We them. home. Mr. Starnes and sell p ints, quarts, half gallon« and Esther, Henrietta apd Aaron g allene. drove down Saturday and spent a few days, bringing Mrs. Clark s Confectionery Starnes and theriittle girls hom« with them. O' H Newport alsey G arage