Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, July 01, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    News Notes From
All Over Oregon
Gleaned by the W estern
Newsapor Union for
Busy Pceple
It cost 1249,967.43 to conduct the
Stlem public schools during the Inst
Alida, 14-yar-old daughter ot Mrs.
Emms Frederickson, was drowned In
Bearer creek, near Oelena.
JU V LÏ. 1025
ed a resolution asking the bureau of
public roaas for the allotment of road
funds, previously appropirsted for the
Scottsburg-Reedsport section of the
Umpqua highway, to a new section of '
work on the Reedsport end of the
FA* 4
A dwelling, a blacksmith shop and
a store building containing the post-
office, were practically destroyed by
fire at St. Paul.
The fire at the Bridal V eil Lumber
company logging camp near Sandy, is
now under control. A half million
feet of logs have been (testroyed.
Fire almost destroyed the plant of
the Central Oregcnian, weekly news­
paper at Prineville. The loss was esti­
mated at between 15000 and 86000.
Striking a dynamite • charge acci­
dentally with his pick, L. A. Comp­
ton, 49, of the Gold H ill district, was
fatally Injured at the Buzzard mine.
Construction of a plant for the util­
isation of pine by-products w ill be
started in the immediate future by the
Shevlin-Hixon company in Bend, it is
Enforcement ot the so-called motor
vehicle registration law, enacted at
the last session of the legislature, will
start July 1, according to the secre­
tary of state.
U. S. & C. T. C. Tires New, low-priced Gill
More service
Batteries for
No more cost
and .
Skilled Auto repairing Star,
Auto accessories
(Chevrolet small cars
Oregon pensions have been granted
as follows: Charles H. Groves, Port­
land. 812a month; W illiam P Morris.
Portland, 812 a month; Arthur F.
Marr, Portland, 812 a month; Henry
Y. Rogers, Portland. 815 a month;
Jesse L. Miller, Portland, 815 a month;
Aaron Johnson, Tumalo, 812 a month.
Funeral Director and Li«
censed Embaí mer
The gasoline fishing boat ptena-
mosha, owned by the Burke Fish com­
pany, was run down In the-Colum bia
river entrance in a'dense fog by the
Oregon-Oriental freighter W est No-
msntom and two memberarof her crew
were drowned
irrigaUoaists of Hocfc River havs
received from the K lam ath Irrigation
district at Klamath Fella an offer to
•id ip fighting the a j peal of a case
from the supreme court of Oregon to-
tk* United States stairame court by
Pacific Power
L ig h t company,
t Th Douglas county|-&'rc has sdopv
f M
Big Rum Ring
Strikes a Snag
N. J. Slnnott, representative in con­
gress from the second Oregon district,
has returned to his home In The
Since adjournment ot the
Northern Pacific land case at Wash­
Dr. C h a ri.. R. Erdman, profeaaor of
ington on May 21, Mr. Stnnot has been
in Princeton Theological
to iring the coast with a congressional
ormmlttee inspecting irrigation pro­ seminary, who wax elected moderator
of the Presbyterian general assembly
In Columbus, Ohio-
Portland w ill be the scene of the
second regional agricultural confer­
ence to be held In the United States
under direction of the United States
chamber of commerce.
from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Railroad to Cost 83.000,000 W ill Tap
western Montana will attend the con­
Big Timber Belt.
ference, which is dated for July 17
Minneapolis.—Construction of a 88,-
and 18.
000,000 40-mlle line of railroad in the
The Souhtern Pacific railroad in Clearwater timber district of Idaho to
answering an interstate commerce serve the largest white pine lumber
commission questionnaire, emphatical­ mill In the Pacific northwest has been
ly opposed the proposal of the Ore­ announced by Charles Donnelly, presi­
gon Trunk line to build two extension dent of the Northern Pacific railway.
The line will run northeast from
lines in southern Oregon from Bend
to Klamath Falls. Joining the public Orofino. Idaho, and will be construct­
service commission of Oregon in de­ ed by tbe Northern Pacific and Untoa
claring such construction "economical­ Pacific railroads to serve the Clear­
water Timber company, a Weyerhaeus­
ly unsound."
Sales of mills of the West Coast er Interest, who are planning to erect
Lumbermen's association hold up well, a huge lumber mill at Lewiston, Idaho.
Work on the new line will start
according to report Just issued for the
week ending June 20, wheh the aggre­ this fall, Mr. Donnelly said. He also
gate bookings of IIS 're p o rtin g mills announced that the Union Pacific and
was 110,821,985 feet. The new business his line may construct another line
was 3 per cent above manufactures, from Bend to Klamath Falls, Or., an­
which amounted to 107,278,627 feet. other heavily timbered district.
H alf of a large crew of men at work
clearing snow off the main road in
Crater national park was taken off Shipments aggregating 117,850,139 feet
that work to fight a forest fire in the were 6 per cent above bookings.
park near Union peak.
411 individuals, firms and corpora
A total of 8425 in fines was levied tlons taking sand and gravel from the
on Reedsport game violators as a navigable streams in Oregon will be
result of a visit by a game warden required to pay royalty to the state
there, acoordlng to reports filed with at the rate of 10 cents a cubic yard.
the game commission.
This was announced by the atate land
The first forest fire of the year in board after it had entered into con­
Klamath oounty was of incendiary tracts with eight corporations in Port­
oflgln, according to a report made by land which are desirous of obtaining
the Klamath Forest Protective asso­ sand and gravel from the W illam ette
ciation at Klamath Falls.
A celebration to mark officially tne
At a special election hold at Falls
opening of,the Mount Hood loop and City to authorize the sale of the muni­
the completion of the Hood River- cipal light plant there were 67 ballots
W hite Salmon -interstate orldge will capt for the sale and 26 against. By
be held at Heod River July 4.
t a li’ election the mayor and otty coun­
f Fanners of the Pendleton district cil aro^authortzed td accept the offer
generally expressed the belief that of 815". 900 cash and llg h tstfo r street
wheat has not been m aterially dam­ purposes to the value of 8760 a year
aged by the hot wave, but all agree for two years following the transfer,
In the desire to see lower tempera­ made by the Mountain States Power
! Enrollment for the summer session
Manufactured products made in
of the normal school at Monmouth (Tregon establishments in 1823 show­
has reached 1677, and reservations ed an increase in value on the basis of
have been made which w ill Increase factory price of more than 8140.000,-
this number of 1150 before the middle 000, or 62.7 per cent, over those of
ot the sessions.
1921, the department of commerce an­
The North Morrow county fair at nounced in making public a summary
Boardman Is assured, as the county of the biennial census of manufac
caurt has "promised an appropriation tures for this state. The aggregate
for fair premiums which w ill amount value of Oregon manufactures in 1923,
to about 8690. Dates for -the fair have according to the department, was
not yet been fixed.
8363.912.000 as compared with *223.-
1 The Central Pacific railroad has for­ 664,000 in 1021.
mally asked the Interstate commerce
A campaign against the whits pine
conmlssten for permission to con­ blister in Jackson county is being con­
struct a new line fo trade fro m Klam ­ ducted by T. D. Mallory and R. B
ath Falls to Cornell, Cal., a. distance Fehren of the Oregon Agricultural col
• f approximately 40 mties.
lege, under direction of the depart­
The 1926 eacampment qf th e Grand ment of agriculture. The cultivated
Army of the Republic and sessions of English black currant and the wild
other patriotic organizations mVIllat- gooseberry are the objects of attack.
ed with the Grand Army w ill be held A force of 30 men are now camped
at Marshfield, it was decided at the at Woodruff Meadows engaged in de­
stroying gooseberry and black currant
encampment at Oregon City.
Hugh C. Mitchell, removed as dliWC- bushes. The war on the fungas will
^ jx a g e d H tn ti^ q p o j\J a Ila
ter of hatcheries of the state fish cent-
mission was named to head an exten­
ASH PAID for false teeth, den
sive Investigation of the salmon in ­ _ tai f o ld , platinum and diacardtd
dustry In the Columbia river for the jew elry. Hoke Sm elting and Refining
C e .. Otaego, Mich,
United states byre^u of f(pherjps.
One of the most spectacular fires tn
years, which for a time threatened
the main business section of The
Dalles, destroyed two la rte ware­
houses bordering on an alley hack of
Efficient Service.
Motor Hears.
Second street, at a total loos of 886-
Lady Attendant
Brow nsville.. -
W - L- W R IG H T
Mortician & Funeral Director
Halsey and Harrisburg
Call n. TavLon. Hulsey, or
w . L. WRIGHT. Harrisburg
F. M. GRA y 7
AU work don. promptly and resson
ably. Phone 269
PAOfc 9
Southwestern Oregon Masons met at
Since January 1, 117 licenses to Marshfield to Join with Blanco lodge
wed hare been issued In Jackson coun­ in celebrating the 55th anniversary of
ty and 27 divorce complaints filed.
the organization of the lodge. Two
Ida Ward, 16, Elizabeth McCloud, 16, hundred and fifty men were present
and Aileen Corey, 18, escaped from at this event from Gardiner, Port Or­
the state industrial school at Salem.
ford. Powers, M yrtle Point, Langlois,
The national forest offices at Eu­ Coquille, North Bend and other places.
gene has begun sending out its look­
outs, which is somewhat earlier than
The Casey lumber mill wsb destroy­
ed by a fire last week. The mill was
located bear Meacham in the Blue
Coolidge's Father is Seriously III-
Plymouth, V t . — Suffering from an
abdominal ailment. Colonel John Cool­
idge, father of President Coolidge, Is
confined to bis home under a physi­
cian’s care. Ths president, who msde
a hurried trip here from Swampscott,
Mass., was assured that the patient
apparently was out of duDger, although
It was emphasized that in view of
the colonel’s age a setback was pos-
Tuesday will be very close to the orig­
inal estimate of 83.634.083.000.
Although Secretary Mellon wll!
take no steps In circulation ot tax
rates until the final figures are in. It
South Read. Wash.— From the deck
has been indicated that he will favor
of an ordinary and coramon-place-ap-
a cut of 8300,000.000 In tbe total tax.
pearing gravel barge, moored In the
placid waters of Lauderback slough,
a secluded estuary of W illapa river,
8100,000 worth of rare old peach
President Coolidge appointed Alfred brandy and mellow Scotch whiskey
J. Pearson ot Iowa to be American was ruthlessly poured to be borne by
minister to Finland.
the tide of the sea.
As the result of a coup. General
Under the direction of F. A. Hazel-
Pangalos, ex-war mlnitsor, overthrew tine. divisional prohibition director, a
the Greek cabinet and established a wrecking crew smashed bottles and
new government under Pangaloa' pre­ poured the liquor over the side of the
barge. More than 1600 cases were so
Abolishment of 294 positions in the destroyed, having been seized In a raid.
field service bureau of Indian affairs
Alme Smith, at whose boat yard the
on July 1, with an annual saving ot barge was found by the federal of­
8227,905 in its payroll, was announced ficers, and Tom Caraen were under
by the secretary of tbq interior.
arrest on a charge of "possessing
John W. Mahan ot Helena, Mont., liquor.”
was elected national commander, and
According to .Hazeltlne, who took
Atlanta. Ga.. was selected for the 1926 charge of the situation after the raid
convention city by the Disabled Amer­ had been made by George H. Hurl-
ican Veterans of the World W ar at burt and two other agents, the first
the concluding session of the conven­ steps in breaking up a gigantic rum
tion held In Omaha.
ring had been taken.
The first step toward putting France
The seizure was one of the largest
back on gold basis was taken when ever made In ths Pacific northwest.
senate and chamber ot deputies voted
approval of Calllaux financial bill In­
creasing paper circulation by 6.000,-
000,000 francs and providing credits of
Bank Holdups Found G u ilty sf First
3,229.000,000 francs for current needs
Degree Murder.
of government.
Tacoma. Wash. — Charles Kinney
Seismograph Shows Quake in Spokan; and Arden Lloyd, both of Seattle, wars
found guilty hers of the murder of
Spokane, Wash, — A severe earth­
Harry Schmidt, who was slalt) Feb­
quake disturbance which was felt dis­
ruary 7 during a bank holdup. Ths
tinctly In Spokane was registered on
Jury was out 19 hours.
the seismograph at Gonzaga univer
Ths verdict was one of .first de­
sity at 5:26 Saturday afternoon. Ac­
gree murder without recommendation
cording to A. M. Jung, obseever of
for the deuth penalty.
ths Gonzaga seismograph, It was
Tho decision was reached on ths
evidently close ts Spokane. The dis­
positive Identification of the prisoners
turbance continued for some time
by 11 witnesses of tbe robbery of the
after tbe first shock. The quake was
Thlrty elghth-etreet branch of ths Na­
felt distinctly In all parts of the city.
tional Bank of Tacoma, tn which
Harry Schmidt was shot down In cold
La Follette's Estate Small»
blood and his money satchel ruthless­
Madison. WIs.— Senator Robert M.
ly snatched from«hla stiffening fingers
La Follette's will, offered for probate
by h it murderer, who the Jury found
in county court here names his widow
to be Lloyd.
ts sole beneficiary and executrix The
senator’s debts including the mort­
Oakville. Wash-, Mill Burns-
gage on the homestead are estimated
Oskytlle, Wash.—The shingle mfll
In the petition at 829,000, his personal
property at 820,000 and hts real es­ and lumber manufacturing plant of
tate, which Is 'the homestead, st 848,- the W rav Lumbar company hers was
destroyed by fire Rnnday morning a t
2 o'clock, causing a loss of about 811c
Shepherd Freed of Murder by Jury. 000 with no Insurance. Tbs plant has
Chicago.—W illiam Darling Shepherd been operating steadily for sstsral
was acquitted of th e'm u rd er of his weeks. The origin of ths fire Is a
'oeter son, W illiam Nelson McClintock. mystery.
James J. Storrow of Boston, who
was elected president of the Boy
Scouts of America at the annual meet­
ing In New York.
Uncle Sam is
Washington, D. C.— The federal gov­
ernment finished the fiscal year Tues­
day with a surplus in excess of 8345,-
000,000, nearly 850,000,000 greater than
any previous estimate and more than
twice as large as was calculated when
the year began.
Another phase of treasury opera­
tions that gave rise to feelings of sat­
isfaction was the continued upward
trend of receipts from income taxes.
Despite the reductions In tax
rates which have been effective
throughout the current fiscal year,
total Internal revenue receipts are ex­
pected to fall only about 8220,000,000
below the receipts for the last fiscal
year, which totaled 83,975,912,000.
Total receipts to June 16 of thia year
were roughly 83,750,000,000. Since re­
ceipts from Income taxes thus far
are only about 130,000,000 below those
for 1924, It thus becomes obvious that
the shrinkage in the revenues has
been In the miscellaneous group and
as a result of the abolition ot certain
As to expenditures, incomplete but
official figures show the cost of gov­
ernment tor the 12 month3 endiug
M agneto electric co .
Official Stromherg carburetor serv
ice station.
Conservative prices. A1
work guaranteed.
«119-121 W . Second
M akinello parlors
This is good advice: " f t you live
(A beauty aid for every need)
in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live
in some other town, trade in that town." St. Francis Hotel
I’rcp., W iN NirakD Rose.
But in these automobile days many re­
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
money are best when
at least part of their buying in the
busy. M ake your dollars work in
larger town. Those who go to Albany
to transact business will find the firms our savings department. A l b a n y STATE
named below ready to fill their require­ H a n k . Under government supervision
ments with courtesy and fairness.
iss Sue Breckenridge
Coolidge Opposed to T a riff Reduction.
Swampscott, Mass.— President Cool­
idge has no sympathy with recent aug-
ruatlona from abroad that this coun­
try curtail production and lower its
tariff In order to assist Germany to
pay reparations and other nations to
pay their International debts, It was
Firework» and the Fourth
stated officially at ths summer White
Fireworks have been hasoctatsd
House here. The president regards
with the Fourth of July from the be­
suggestions as a repetition of
ginning. At the time of the signing
of the I »eels ration of Independence previous efforts to persuade ths peo­
John Adams In d letter to 91a wife ple of the Unltde States themselves
says the following:
" It (Independ­ to pay the reparations cost or to can­
ence day), ought to be solemnized cel debts.
with pomp and parades, with shows,
games, sports, guns, helix bonfires
Ex-Arm y Men A t Dry Officers.
and Illuminations from on« end of this
Washington, D. C. — Retired and
continent to the other, from this tints
former United States army end navy
forward forevermore."
officers may form the backhenf of
the administration's new prohibition
O u r L ife
enforcement system, ft was learned st
We are living now by Justice, honor
the treasary department. General L
nnd mercy, by the moral mastery of
ourselves and of our time; and this C. Andrews, field marshal of prohibi­
life whlltj In time Is not of time; It Is tion. who Is reorganizing enforcement
life In God and for God; It la the life under plans approved by President
of freedom; It is free from anxiety, Coolidge, announced that qualifies-
fear, doubt, despair, death; It Is con­ lions being equal he will select ex-
tent with God gnd with Its fate In God. mllltary men a* district administra-
—George Ai Gordon.
tors In preference to clvllland.
Chaplin F ather of 6% Pound Boy.
Beverly Hills, Cal.—The birth of a
Hem stitching. Stamped goods 6*i pound son to Mrs. Lita Grey Chap­
333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon
Auto Supplies
1’hone 452R lin, wife of the film comedian, Charlas
J. H. A l l is o n
Spencer Chaplin, was announced by
442 W est First St
spokesmen for the actor here Sunday.
J. LINDAHL, hardware,
Tin shop in connection
356 \V. First St.
Albany, Oregon
Second street opposite Hamilton's
Cut flowers store.
Floral a rt for every
"Sudden Service."
A lb an y Fiorai Co.
and plants.
and all occasions.
F lo w er phone 458-J.
TAavenport Music company offers
Piano-case organ, good as new
Eatey organ, good as new
Used Pianos.
Pia.nos to rent
astburn Bros.— Two big grocery
stores, 212 W . F irst and 225 South
Main. Good merchandise at the right
lite Cafeteria and confectionery
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
Courteous, efficient service.
W e make our own candies.
W . S. D u n c a n .
The Winchester Store ’,
W aldo Anderson A Son, distrib­
utors and dealers for M axw elLChal-
nierz, Essex, Hudson A Hupmobile cars.
Accessories, d pnlies. 1st A Broadalbin.
v V
Brunswicks and Victrolas
Pianos sold on easy terms
hemstitching and stamped goods.
318 W. Second st.
Albany, Oregon
Owner, Irene McDaniel.
AND SERVICE at Sudteli's Auction Exchange,
and accessories
Albany, Ore.,
8A L E <
K i p k -P o l l a k M otor Co.
'CVirtmiller Furniture Co., furni-
ture, rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges.
Funeral directors. 427-433 west First
10‘TChittem Bark
Farm machinery, mower«, binder«,
rakes, etc.
Phone 76R
Chinese Note Sent State Degertmeot.
street Albany, Oregon.
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
l’bone 263R
It you enjoy a goed meal,
.»ml know a good meal when you get it,
You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it.
Our aim is to please you.
W rite tor booklet describing our 20-
year Rural C red it Amortized l.oane
Tbe loan pays out in 20 payments, re­
tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No
B k a m L a n d C o .,
E v e ry th in g in the line of eats
133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore.
Opposite Postoffice
Ï 1 O L M A N & JA C K SO N
door to Blain C lothing Co.
” **
Noon Inaclies.
Home-made candy and ice Cream.
I MPERIAL CAFE. 209 W. iir it
Harold G. Murphy Prop
Phone 665
W k Ngvex c l o u
at lowest rate of interest.
Real Estate
j Prompt service.
Courteous treatment.
' U’M' B a i n , Prxgn 5, First Savings Bank
bmlning, Albany-
Washington, D. C.— The Pekin prn
visional government has transmitted
to the state department a duplicate
copy of tte latest communication to
the diplomatic representatives In
China requesting among other things
action which would pave the way for
relinquishment by foreign nations of
nxjr* territorial rights them.
First-class W ork
Kidnapers Foiled In 650,000 Plot.
Sen Francisco, Cal.—An attempt to
extort 150,000 from D. C. Jackllng,
wealthy Utah and Han Francisco cap­
italist. through a reported plot to kid­
nap his wtfo. was foiled by Jackllng
and the police
Riles Raker, a tin
dost st the University of California
and Russell Crawford were held Io
connection with the alleged plot.