EN T E R P R IS E KLRiLL KN T EMPRISE portion w hich sow« in it— M ot it a v t r a i mwj ». published «»«i/ Uedaetdjy" •r Wa. ■. JÛ Lt 0 0 « il t t(i W f favored iW Í= International Daddy’s Evening S. S. Lesson Fairy Tale eiage o a r « te n d . O r »sv e a f it z w a t k *. o o . Owa By Wary Graham Bonner. Copy righted i bj, Western Newspaper Laian w _B — u . i- It it a felon j te conspire to noon- •<»•>• •( CMaaao.) ,£- itu . .««»aixarr Catea i a it a misdemeanor under federal i law and Judge Taft joins other j Lesson for July 5 ugh judges in urging prohibition >fScera nof to invoke that ststote t h e b e g in n in g of FOREIGN gainst chtrobie bootleggers. " flit ' MISSIONS em, bat not too bsrd.” *M I *1 50 * year dvvrtm ag. 2 * «o m eh; so diacous fee H a « or apace no charge (or com »taattoa or t «augei Ml ^ n ie -fo i Paragraph«," (e * llo« • • ai»«rtia n< «lagalMd aa • « « HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon TOMMY STARTS C A P IT A L AND '$ 35,000 SU R PLU S Tommy was a little boy who longed to adventure. He had heard hla grand­ Commercial and Saving accounts Solicited father aad friends of hie grandfather talk of a wonderful adventure to be U tS S O N T E X T — A cta had at the top of « mountain where OOLDKN T E X T — A nd H e s a id u a to lived a strange old pan CANCER em , (Jo y « in to a ll th e w o r ld an d They had never gone all the way to We bare rece,red the drat num p (h reach th e c p a p e l to a v e r / c r e a tu r e — see the old men for there had been a Dr. Arbutbnot, the moat noted -er of a handsome monthly titled M ark IS is . P R IM A R T T O P IC — T w o M en B ec o m e lovely half-way place where they had English cancer specialist, write« I ' ra ~ ' c iu c Coast Trerel.” 1 ra re r i It l 14 Pacific is F o r a lg n M issio n a r ie s. always stopped and had a picnic and view, for th . Denrborn Ind.pind-I abL#hed jfl Fr>n. all about I t ” Hla grandfather’s eyes velop, if any. These were the first foreign mis­ shone at the very thought .'«ported moving, there most he sionaries sent out. While the five 8« bright snd early one morning Cancer, he cays, ie actually a uiuch faith on the earth. wlth ministers were praying and fasting, Tommy started off. No filth disease. There are those who the Spirit of God commanded them to him. for the few boys of hla own practice personal habile of eleauli Billy Sunday's denial that he send forth Barnabas and Saul. The age cLdn t like the idea of such a long "eurem ¿»«wiptpor LMMfi.) naaa that make them appear to be descended from the monkeys would work of evangelising the woria was long tramp just for a sight of a pretty Horlxontal. Vertleat. pond and a possible old man and a 1— F r a e e v S I a e fr « m r e a t a r models of neatness who "appear osvs mors weight if he did not act laid so heavily upon these men that possible >— X a d d a a r a la a t lt r treasure. they refrained from eatlfig in order to I I —-tad a-C felaaa« X— O » » o < tia »O tata e t m beautiful without but) within are so much like one. 11— Toward “ There’s enough to do down by the seek the will of the L or^ in prayer. 3— S m a ll k e r sa 1<— W lfW lM Thin lx the kind of fistlog that meets river here not to go all that way to 4 — . G i r l ' s M a a ta fall of all uaoleanneas ” Conati I t —P a r t a f r « r k **ta ba* 5— F a r a o a i God's approval. From the fact that look for anything," they told him. "Be­ I « — C U araeta» la C r i e s ' , q U y “T ' t t pation of the bowels is one of the t i » sides that story of the treasure sounds tin t" they were directed to send forth those T— KaaBUr I S — S la e lv meet prevalent causes of disease, foolish. There aren't any treasures whom the Spirit called, we learn that n —S r a a k a l fo r I» — S ta a a ia r (a h b r .) the real call to Christ’s service comes say more." aad one of the most easily reme­ SO— l a d ' « ’ « • « ! • » o f sorrow 11 ■ J t —|>»r to ft«»« But it all sounded so thrilling to from the Spirit. The Spirit called X*— L a r g e v c k le l« • died. It results in the reabsorp­ IS—Jfoteft klbllciii XX M e a ta l c h a r a v ie » e f a a ta 4 J - and the church seconded the motion Tommy. It was like living years and <•«< M r I Hue v td a a l tion into the blood of pciaonsand by sending those who were called by years ago, somehow, and looking for 34— F la k e a s e Him. Tbe church should be constant peieou.produclug waste from food, 30— A r tla t’r 20— W a g e * 2S— N a r r o w l a i d ly seeking the mind of the Spirit rela 31— I w r H p o t a to duo to doiay in the escape of that »T— X a * a a r n l i , |Jk «, r c a e w k t la g , M — M alo ahoop five to the sending forth of laborers CARE OF CONVALESCENT IN I» tk a fare* « f waste from the body, » l — B laefcblrft o f e«efcM Into the vineyard. The Spirit called SUMMER » — T o a ta k r a eo rta J a k la d o f laoa •> — M lo o r a l « ftrla * X»— R e m a a a r a tc d (a k k r .) and the church sent the very best Overeating, ao common in this 8 * — H 1 « M ! ■ t h e a c o le ( • < ! . ) SO— N o t e d llv la e w aw ao Fee those wbe are just recovering men from the church at ADtloch. country, ie cited, too, by the doctor s la s o r •• a I n< from a serious ninees the problem of T hftfte men Mem to hare been ready >4- M ota o f a a a a le a l a r a te Wk«B f(M oe giving the digestive organs XS— F a l l a a lt o f » la t a a r e .o r to go for they rendered Instant obedl- X ,J * a serious one patlMi, ta ll XT— E a e l a a le a more work than they can properly (««ugh well on the read to recovery encs. Thia should be our attitude to S o la t lo a w i l l a » a o a r la ■ •zt perform, resulting io poisoning of 1« usually weakened by tbe rigors oi ward tli« Lord's syork, holding our­ i)l«eaee end the excessive heat Is won, selves la readlnaaa for the tbsmedl tha system. Solution of Puzzle No. 27. to sop his energy. Hence, the food- ate execution of His commission Do you know that tie United Those who have received the Spirit's ist consumed daring thia period It la doubtless that the averags ntatss govermment is legally »lionld be considered carefully ae to full are not takan by surprise when American eate too ranch meat. Tha ’I neetlbiuty, food valne, ease of as the church seta them forward to their stopped from investigating tbe a l t s '.. dec tar objeeta to any meat at all, »linllatlon, purity and sterility. Thee- specific work. coal situation? Since 1919 tbe fede-al trade cmnmirsson hue though wa have no evidence that • r* ‘"»««rtaat la any food but eape III. Preaching tha Word of God in J * ° when the eooaumar la noi Cyprus (rv. 4-fl). been prevented by court injuBctioB Methuselah was a vegetarian or air,.ng and healthy. ” ° “1 findmg out why coal worth H» Raiaad Hla Stick. We are not told as to why they fine that the eattag of meat shortened to most rates, tbe one who Is con » 1 0 0 bnoga as high <• 922 — want to Cyprus, but wF are left to In things that were beautiful, and be­ hie Mfs. Dr. Arbnfhnot thinks maeclng coosumea milk In lara D earbo rn in d ep en d en t. rer that It was owing to the fact that am in g friends with strange, strange Thia food contain, all wa eno fortify tba citadel against w ,( IV. Withatoed by Elymaa, the ger tiptop of another h ili--th e mbuntaln and when the English burned her Leganberry CrSsm. eerer (vv. 0-12). top it was csUed. That was where J. C H E N E Y &. C O .. Toledo, Ohio M,nuf;,c*»!'inx A TT3A W V V , g ft * ‘ up loganbarry •live. Lafayette was 1», the age * « I b Hergltia Paulus, the deputy. Invited the beautlfaj pond w et to be found, «o they had ggid. Rut now that he was Juki a Barnabas and Saul to tell him of the OREGON. of many a high school boy of * water j , b.„ , . men Jul„ I-lin g so tired he wondered If tbe word Of God. Elymus maliciously Id tie I) salt today, when he was made a major sought to turn his mind from the pond really waa there. No one had I*"’ * *" * “ • ■ o n , r » " really gtnsral in America, and Alexander lar a « 3 faith. This Is the first o bit.( Ie th. , "cen ' ‘ ' k It No one waa r e y sure ure May- ,.r » I f. '»or“«ehlr. Chill and encouatered. but It was over, ome „ " " J “? ' qU,t* r,«ht in Hamilton was the same age and m u fu through the power of the Spirit T h l, thereTat^all , h Botl>la« had already wo» t v and kept It raised. Certainly the snake •nd he is ante he needa the gov M substitntad for evaporatad milk n a - , . F 1 T hing was showing no sign of hurting him - - J - p • ‘ • a m ilk | Gods rule ta over a ll; and tn all our and water. One. opened «latiti.« 11 ' , " ni1* 0T*r 8n<* In 8,1 our to fact ha waa timidly hurrying away •rntueo l — position. evaporated •’ «•M . snd re After ail he was rather a pretty snake m ilk from „ U ik h « d ‘ co<,1• ,, I -nina» tu that flr«’ fear. thtog Jesus la faith and he had almost a helpless look ®ow ,r * »T»«Hy m Ood - T R Glover. We do not oomplein of that i? i How dreadful. Tommy thought to hln»- It.ble to infection and deteriora.1 aelf, not to have legs and to have to portion of our taxes which is spent tiou. move thia way. He put down bia judieietsely ou roads end education stick and the auake turned around hotter then Our tsthsrs dreamed of. ••Pear me. but that’s a relief." tha may commumcau *■» of the portion wasted by had snake aald In hla funny, biasing voice. lAundrv sent Taaldnjrs • W h„e Sh.eld !fon,e. w ___ „ A rm y 4, tbe Yet Tommy could understand him per­ neaagem ent. tbe portion need fectly Agency Hub (fin n in g W ork, LAWYER AN’D'NOTARY • ’ ««M . Pot,Un,’ „ Idtely epont in ealnriee and tbe • •• •• •• • "W hat’s a re lie fr . Tommy asked. H alsiy . O r suo « "To think that you're a friend.” the snake replied. 1J 1-11 C R O SS-W O R D P U Z Z L E N o. 28 jx a— »»»»tleartoa monk _ _ __ 35— 3.141 M ye S Pearls for the June Bride H a ll’s C atarrh Medicine E. C. Meade, H. Albro, F. °” fams È. / ” *U * ' M " •! A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. you might°geht T““’ •’* b”11 ,A----- r±r 11 Hl case Of fire. * in .’ to r ,Xe Th} C. P. STAFFORD, Agent I Amor A. Tutui ng A Modem Barber Shop A B E 'S P L A C E j I Any Giri in Trouble ' The wisest*riJb g>ns keep 01-,t of ,ro ub|e