■» l News Notes From A ll Over Oreg on G lean ed b y t h e W e s te r n N e w sa p o r U n io n f o r B u s y P e e p le M. years at a monthly salary ». I* invalid, according to a lag*' opinion handed down by the attorney general. E0W. P. KEMMER The Cascade* were pierced by e 3650-foot tunnel Friday when tw< crews of workers met under the vum mit of the mountain* near the north west end of Odell lake, completing the longest tunnel of the Eugene Klamatt F all* line. □ JUNE 24, 1*25 A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. U. S. & C. T. C. T ire s N ew , lo w -p ric e d G ill M ore s e rv ic e B a tte r ie s fo r Ford, and N o m o re c o s t o th e r S k ille d A u to r e p a ir in g Star, s m a ll c a r s C h e v r o le t A u to a c c e s s o rie s Mayor Keiser of North Bend re fu*4s to accept the resignation ot Citizen* of O*wego voted * bond Chief of Police Jackson, who, he says iMue of 3100,000 to provide an ade­ is too valuable a man for the city quate water system. to lose. Chief Jackson resigned wher The Masonic order of North Bead the city council erdtted a reduction in will begin conftractlon soon of a three- hl* allowance for automobile upkeep story concrete,temple. The first lookouts In the Siuslaw The Salem Ad club was organized at a meeting in Salem attended by a dozen advertising specialists. Expenditure* in connection with the Salem public school* for the year* 1324 and 1925 aggregated 3640,910. Lewis Victor Deserano, 18, was drowned when he fell from a swing into the W illam ette river at Salem. In one day last week fonr men at Port Orford shot' 690 sealions, for which they w ill receive a bounty of 35 each. M O R E S E R V IC E FO R LE SS M O N E Y Debt Payments LaFollette Obsequies in Sight—Perhaps at Madison, Wis. national forest for the season were instructed to take their poet* b , Ralph 8. Shelley, supervisor of the forest. A new lookout tower 1* be lng built on Belle mountain In T illa­ mook county and a new telephone line Is being built to the station Start of construction work on th* extension of the Oregon Trunk line from Bend south to Klamath fall» only awaits permission from the in terstate commerce commission, W. F Turner, president of the Spokane Portland A Seattle railway, told mem b en ot the city council of Bend. Edward P. Kemmer of Tacoma, W ash, I* general director of the Pa­ cific Northwest Commercial and In- dustrlal exposition to be hold next year In New York City. A reduction of 2 per cent in lnsur once rates In The Dalle* has bees The Mount Hood Loop road is now ordered by the Oregon rating bureau open for travel. The last snow barrier as a result ot the installation of » near Bennett pass was removed W ed­ new pumping p l u t at the city well nesday. The new pUnt treble* the present city The 1925 Presbyterian Synod will water supply, being capable of turn be held on the University of Oregon Ishlng 7,000,000 gallons of water a Cheyenne, Wyo.—The Teapot Dome campus at Eugene the week of July day. naval oil reserve lease grant od Harry 15 to 22. A total of 626 sea lion scalp*, the F. Sinclair by Albert B. Fall, former A Jubilee commemorating the 50th largest number ever turned over by secretary of the Interior, wa* obtained anniversary of the founding of the an Independent hunter, ware depos­ without conspiracy or fraud. Tme de­ Episcopal church In The Dalles was ited with Fish Commissioner Eakln at cision wa* rendered by Federal Judge held last week. Astoria by F. J. Blackerby of Port T. Black Kennedy in an opinion on C. E. Lee of Eugene was re-elected land, who has spent th * spring month* the equity suit wherein the United president of the state convention of hunting ssa Hon* along the Oregon State* government sought to annul the the fraternal order of Eagle* at the coast from Heceta Head to Tillamook lease Sinclair has on the 359,999,990 At 35 a scalp Blackerby has realized naval oil field. session in Eugene. Fire swept through 7,000.000 feet of some 88630 by his spring hunting. Judge Kennedy declared the Sin­ lumber at the Eastern & Western Receipt* of the public service com clair lease was a good contract for the Lumber company's yard* In Portland, mission from the gross earnings tax government and dismissed the govern­ with an estimated loss of 3100.000. on public utilities are reduced nearly ment's bill of complaint. The state of Oregon has 900 miles 60 per cent under the interpretation Judge Kennedy absolved navy offi­ of paved road* and 2000 mile* of mac­ of the law made by Attorney-Oeneral cials, inclinling former Secretary Den- adam roads, according to Roy Klein, Van W inkle. The opinion hold* that by, from culpability in the negotia­ secretary of the state highway com 'the tax applies only to purely intra­ tions for the Teapot Dome,lands. Ale mission. state business and that any income ot also said the government »afferedTio The earwig Invasion Into Tillamook the utilities from interstate business material damage. county I* now under control, accord having an origin in Oregon cannot be Judge Kennedy said the charges of lng to W. D. Pine, county agent, whe taxed. secrecy In connection with negotia­ has been active recently in stamping GovernoMMierce w ill be asked to tions between Fall and Sinclair were call a t p ^ M session of the Oregon not substantiated. Dozens of depart­ out the pest. Member* of the Pacific division of legislature to further the Roosevelt mental officials of both the navy and the American Phytopathologlcal so highway. The movement was started interior departments, he sold, were clety held their annual meeting at at a meeting of the North Bend chem thoroughly fam iliar with all the plans. the Oregon agricultural college at Cor her of commerce, when a resolution He said the fact that congress was vallta this week. was adopted to that effect. Other not consulted was not significant. Contracts were awarded to A. L bodio* along the route of the Roose­ Ritchie, contractor, for the construc­ velt highway w ill be asked to join in tion of the new Smith Packing com the resolution asking the governor for ^> / ^ i b a n y J ‘~ 7 ) i r e c t o r y pany plant at Baker, which w ill be the session. The public service commission has erected at a cost of 325 900 'mo -American Mathematical society requested the Interstate commerce held a two-day annual convention at commission to suspend ta riff* already the University of Oregon at Eugene filed proposing to increase Interstate T his is good advice: " I f you live Seattle was chosen a* the meeting freight rates on fresh fru it and vege­ in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live place for the convention next suns table shipments approximately 26 per in some other town, trade in that town.'' cent. T h * propoaed new rates would Hut in these automobile day* many re­ mer. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do apply particularly to the states of at least part of their buying in the Out of eight graduate* from the Oregon, Washington and California. larger town. Those who go to Albany Oregon state school for the deaf at Unless suspended the rate* would be to transact business will find the firms Salem this yesr four were successful named below ready to fill their require­ come effective on July 9. In obtaining averages whloh entitled ments with courtesy and fairness. Frank W. Brown, editor ot the Idaho them to enter Qsllaudet college at State Journal at Pocatello, has been ACCESSORIES ANO TIRES Washington. chosen principal speaker for the * * Auto Supplies The state board o f control hat J. H. A llison Fourth of July celebration at Baker awarded the general construction con The celebration will be centered about 442 West First St tract for a new pavilion at the state the dedication and unveiling of an Im A J. LINDAHL, hardware. tuberculosis hospital to the Cherry posing 014 Oregon T rail monument Dinnerware City Construction company. The bid valued at 31999. The monument will Tin shop in coane.ction was 118,013. Albany. Oregon be erected In pootofftee square aad 330 W. First S t The atari of the forest fire season haa beta presented to the city by the A Ibany Floral Co. Cut flowers in the timber of ceatral Oregon wa« American Legion poat of Baker. and plants. Floral art for every marked by a blase which swept ovet Representative* of the Tumalo ir ­ and all occasions. approximately 50 acres of timber lead Flower phone 458-1. rigation district appeared before the on the Brooks-Scanlon Holdings south state securities commission at Salem riavenport Music company offers seat of Bend. and urged extension for tw o years of ” Piano-case organ, good aa new Dr. Han* Leonhartsberger, federal state guarantee of Interest on 3 6 59,- Katey organ, good as new officer in the public health service at 999 bonds, release of liens on unful­ Used Pianos. Pianos to rent Vienna, Austria, I* In Salem to con filled contracts aad other less Import duct a series of Investigation* In con ant concassions. Liens on delinquent P«stburn Bros.—Two big grocery »tores, 212 W. First and 225 South nection with the Marlon county health contracts aggregate approximately Main. Good merchandise at the right demonstration. 346,999. la return for these conces­ prices. M. 8. (Captain Kidd) Taylor of th» sions the settlers, who bought water Coo* Bay Pirate* was elected presl under the Carey act, agree to pay 49 p i i t e Cafeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround- dent of the Oregon Hospitality club» per cent Instead of 25 per cent for irgs. Courteous, efficient service. at the annual convention at Salem the additional water necessary In We make our own candies W . S. D uncan . A. R Allen of Orant* Pas* was elect developing the new project. ed rice-president. No certificate of registration of any P O R D SALES AND SERVICE One hundred and fourteen m ill* re motor vehicle, or number plates there­ * Tires and acceseorie« porting to the West Coast Lumber for. whether original lashes or dupfl Repairs men’s association for the week ending onus, w ill bo Issued by the secretary K ike -P ollak M oto * Co. June 13, manufactured 109,449.349 feet of state after July 1. unless the ap­ of lumber; sold 109.730,679 feet, and plicant shall at th* same time he ap­ Portrnilier Furniture Co., furni- A ture, rags. linoleum, stoves ranges. shipped 114,704.490 feet: plies for a motor vahlcl* llcenss make Funeral directors. 427-433 west First The state highway commission ha« application for aad be granted an of­ street, Albany, Oregon. announced th at a temporary bridge ficial certificate of title to such ma has been constructed over the Chetrt chine, or shall furnish satisfactory evl- P U L L E R GROCERY. 286 Lyon A (Successor to Steoberg Bros ) river at Brookings, Curry county, and dencs that such a certificats has been Groceries Fruits Produce 1* now open for traffic. The old bridge previously issued. This was announc­ Phone 243 R eollspsed a few week* ago. ed by 8am A .*K *s *r. secretary of TJOLMAN & JACKSON state. In connection with the admin­ I I Grocery—Bakery A total registration of 8371 regular istration of the socalled motor ve­ Everything in the line of eats b' enrolled students with a grand hicle title of registration law eaacted Opposite Postoffice total of 4661, Including summer se* at the last ssaatsn of tha legislstnre slon and short courses, I* reported by The law becomes effective on July 1. IT u b Candy Co., First street, next AA door to Blain Clothing Co. • the regletrar of the Oregon agricul w • • Noon lunch«*. tural college for the school year Jut* Home made candy and ice Cream. The main purpose of tbs farm bn- ------- - rrsu mOTSt4«t • 5 a, MPERIAL CAFE, S09 W. Fiwt A"* contract « Mitchell, director gf' hatcheries, fci I Er ry .thistle cut this year mean* a lot l o t M l PAGE 3 J. T. SCOPES The Tillamook county fa ir w ill be held September 12. 23, 24 end 26. Baker voters approved bonds of 346, 000 for the erection of a new school on the west side of the city. RURAL ENTERPRISE Phone 463 W e nbvee close Prof. J. T. Scopes, teacher of science In the Dayton, Tenn., high school, who Is to bt tried for alleged violation of the state lew against teaching evolu­ tion In the schools. Preparing for Defense in Canton Canton.—Shameen, the artificial is­ land which is the Canton foreign set­ tlement, was in a state of siege Mon­ day. Two gunboats, one British and one French, held commanding positions In the creek separating Shameen from the city. AH approaches to (he Island were fortified, with piled up sandbags and quick firing guns testifying to the preparedness of the foreign forces for emergencies. All Europeans have been warned not to enter Canton itself. In Sha meen it Is believed they will be safe. The placing of the two gunboats is supposed to make Impossible any landing by Chinese on the island. Foreign residents in the Y. M. C. A. in Canton itself have been urged to leave for some safer lodging. Anti-foreign feeling is especially strong against Japanese and British nationals and interests. The Ameri- cans are reported teceivlng better treatment. Washington, D, C.—Representations by this government to France and Ozecho-Slovakta regarding their debt* to tbe United States are having their effect. It Is expected that both coun­ tries will begin funding negotiation* very soon, It was learned authorita­ tively. Conclusion of a satisfactory arrange­ ment with France would be regarded by official* here as settling one of the most important and vexing foreign problems now confronting the admin­ istration. That nation is America’s largest debtor, owing 34,213,009.999, and recurring unofficial reports that she was ready to arrange for funding her obligations during tbe last few years never have resulted In any real action. Czechoslovakia owe* the United States 3118,090,009, and funding nego­ tiations are expected to begin not later than similar discussions with the French. Italy will start negotiation« here soon for the funding of her 32.090.- 000,000 debt, and Belgium will send a commission to Washington for the game purpose in July, It has been an­ nounced. W ith France and Ciecho- Slovakia coming Into line, and Great Britain, Finland. Hungary, Lithuania and Poland already having concluded satisfactory arrangements, this gov­ ernment could consider the major part of its debt problem as settled. AMUNDSEN SEES ICE ONLY Explorer Is Convinced No Land Exist* in Norwegian Sector. Oslo.—Captain Roald Amundaan I* convinced there I* no land in tha Nor­ wegian sector of the polar region. He *o wired the Norwegian govern­ ment, saying; . I "Permit me to communicate after flying and observing an area of 149, 009 square kilometer* we have not found land. Measures of the northern­ most depth* cause me to suppoee with certainty that there I* no land In the agneto electric co Official Stroinberg carburetor serv Norwegian sector of th* polar basin" ice station. Conservative prices. Al Advice* here describe Amundsen, work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second Iffltsworth snd the four other member* of the party a* greatly fatigued and - A R INELLO PARLORS (A beauty aid lor every need) with bloodshot eye* a* they arrived St. Francis Hotel • t King* bay on th * fishing boat l ’rcp.. WtNNIFRRD Rose. SJoeliv. This craft picked up tbe party en and money are best when on the northernmost tip of Spitsber­ buay. Make your dollars work in gen. where they had landed In a single airplane with only a few gallon* of our savings department. A lbany S tate H ank . Under government supervision. gasoline left, as they were winging their way home. . M M M M is* Sue Breckenridge Hemstitching. Stamped geoda 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon Phone 452R BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Canadian prohibitionist* have ap­ pealed to Premier Mackenzie King to «top liquor smuggling across tbe The Winchester Store' American line. A decree of the Mexican govern­ TIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton's ment prohibits all foreign coioMM* lion in Lower California. Thia weald •tore. "Sudden Service." eliminate tbe aovlet and Japaneae colonies. aldo Ander*on A Son. distrib­ Former Senator Balt of Delaware utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ was designated by President CoolMge mers, Essex. Hudson 4 Ifupm obile cars. Accessories. 8 polie* 1st ft Hroadalbin. to supervise general survey of Vet­ erans' bureau activities throughout the country. ’ Brunswick« and Victrolaa J. H. Davidson, vice president of the Radiot Nebraska Power Company, Omaha, Pianos told on easy tarma Neb., was elected president of the e specialty shoppe National Electric Light association nt hemstitching and stamped goods. J18 W. Second st. Albany, Oregon tbe final session of the convention in San Francisco. Owner, Irene McDaniel. Delegates representing 48 Chines* college* sent a deputstlon to the min­ W ANTED ister of war and foreign minister de­ at Sudtell's Auction Exchange, manding that the Chinese government Albany, Ore , Immediately sever relation* with Great Britain. Responsibility for re cent*.disturbances at Shanghai declar Farm machinery, mowers, binders, ed to rest with foreign authorities. J^OSCOE AMES HARDWARE S W YV o ° dworih druo c 0- Y 10 T Chittem Bark rakea, etc. Phone 76R Naw Rotary Head la Selected. Cleveland, O. -Donald A, Adam*, of New Haven, Conn, was elected the new president of Rotary International " W rite lor booklet describing our 20- at the convention hare. year Rural Credit Amortized Ixxns The loan pay* out in 29 payment«, re­ Senator Ladd Dis* In Baltimore. tiring the principal Cheap rates. No delay. B kam L and C o ., Baltimore, Md —Senator Edwin Fre 133 Lyon street, Albany, Or*. meat Ladd of North Dakota, died here. A complication of kidney trouble caus ed his death. FA R M LOANS FA R M LOANS at lowest rate of interest. Wa usejl lo be zulod by the law of'dem and and supply, Now It W m ' B ain , Room 3, First Savings Bank •earn* to be the rule of demand bmlning, Albany and defy.— Pathfinder, Real Estate Prompt service. IiMurancc Courteous'treatment. Late Wisconsin Senator Laid to Rest Beside His Parents. AJadlscs, W is —Robert M. La Feb lette came back to M t awn people Sat* urday to receive from them a last sorrowful tribute bhfore going to Ma final resting place beneath the alma of Forest HUI cemetery, beside hta parents. Hla body reposed in tbe state capl* tot, where It wa* taken immediately after It* arrival here from Washing­ ton, then to lie in state In the rotund* beneath the mammoth dome of tho statehouse, while crowd* who knew nnd loved him gazed upon hie coun­ tenance for tho last time. Tho funeral services Monday w er* simple. They were conducted in tho capital rotunda by tha Rev. A. E H ay­ den of Chicago. Lifelong friend* of Senator La Fol- letto, 8ta t* Senator Santhoff. ez State Senator Stondall. Dr. W. W. Gill, Mad­ ison physician? Ira Lorense, Milwau­ kee lawyer; A.. T. Roger* of Chicago, a former law partner of the senator; Dante Pierce, publisher; John J. Han- nah. president of the «(ate board of control, and Herman L. Ekern, statu attorney general were active pell* bearer*. The honorary pallbearera Included a committee from the United State* senate, ail the Wlaconaln representa­ tives, Governor Blaine and other state officer*, member* of the state su­ preme court, federal Judge* of this dis­ trict, official* of tha University of Wisconsin and the state normal school*, member* of the various statu department*, former state official* nnd n large number of citizen* from tht* and adjacent states. T h * Wisconsin senator, last year aa independent candidate for president, died at hla home In Washington, D. C„ a victim of heart attack*, from which ba had been a anfferer for a decade, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Editor Murdered for Opposing Gang Kelso, Wash.— Death at the hand* of an unidentified person was th * ver­ dict of the coroner's Jury In the case of Thomas Dovery, Kelso newspaper publisher found dead with a bullet nouad In his throat. Dovery was editor and owner of the Cowlitz County Newt. Hla body was found on a sidewalk with a gaping wound from a .41 caliber bullet from throat to shoulder. T h * only clue to th * identity of the possible mnrder Is tho gun found about fifty foot from the epot whore Dovery foU. Dovery left D Barstow's reaidsne* on Academy street, where a meeting of th * Public W elfare association, of which he wa* secretary, «r>* held, and dvtdantly ha walked dlreotly to hl* ddath. M r*. Dovery declares that sha doe* not know of any enemy of her husband. Do Vary'a activity In support of A. Ruric Todd, recalled as mayor June 2, whom he supported strongly In bis paper, assailing Todd'* opponents, la believed by tome to have aroused enmity of some Individual. Olbera scout thia theory and hold strongly to tha hold up supposition. Officer* believe Dovery was victim of an attempted hold up, and that tha thief ran, leaving Dovery'* watch and several dollar* In silver, w hlc( w er* not touched. S4 Par Cent of W idow* Remarry- Salem, Or.—A study of 381 fain! In­ juria* under the workmen'* compen­ sation law In which award* have been granted widow* by tbe state Industrial accident commission from Jul> 1, 1114, when the act becamjf «ff active, to April 39. 1825, show* that 299 of tha widow*, or 14 42 per cent, have re­ married. Feed what egg* aro mad* o t A ra­ tion la Ilk* * 'batn. Just a* strong s* it* weakest link. • * * A larnm* net only taevoasoa tho pro­ duction of crop* which follow It In rotation, bnt furnlahen * valuable food I