Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 24, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    R U R A L B N TEK FILläM
J U N * 24. iWS
D addy’s Evening
S. S. Lesson
» tadenewEsat—No t aentrsi—naw.
paper, published eveiy Wednesday,
A* once upon the Athenian h ili
The man of Tarsus stood
Unnumbered altar* round him ri*e
*1.50 a year
And jocenee curling toward the
dvertiting, 20c an inch ; no ditcoun
l o t U n e o r apace , no charge (or com
An offering to the god*
position or r jauge*.
Jf Greece and Rome and «Very
la T a le ioi Paragraphs,” tc a JIaa
Ste advertising dlagulaad ae aewa
I Of wood and atona that round him
I »1 gold and silvsr, graven o'er
J By man’s device. Prom every
I The se nee I » b * idol* they bad »ought
I And to their
By Mary Graham Bonner. Copyrighted
by Western Newspaper Union
Lesson for June 28
GOLDEN T E X T — T . sh a ll b* w lt-
r. ••• « • unto m s, both in J eru sa lem , and
In all Jwdsa. and In S am aria, and unto
tha u tterm ost part o f the ea rth .— Kota
PRIMART TOPIC— The Boy Jeaua at
tha Tem ple School.
JUNIOR TOPIC—J a .u a A .k lo c and
A n sw erin g Q uestions.
IC— Tha G rowth o f th« E a rly Church.
IC —H ow the G ospel Spread.
broiigh ,
Not far from the ocean was a
meadow lined wtth bright pink flowers.
_______________ T h e
m eadow
771 was rather marshy
/ " f I and- the salt wa-
v / '
■ - y ' '
• x ) S7 I
ter of th* <x?ean
h“d s t a y e d to
make a long visit
with th* land.
“ We would lose
our color-’’ the
flowcrs said, “If
we weren’t near
"ft Is the sea
that makes our
flo w e r
p e ta l
Halsey, Oregon
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
W he»
p l a c e t t a the white
t h e e o r r e c t le t t e r © a r e
tfeia JBBflft*
w i l l s p e ll w o rd s b o th ▼ a rtiea llg e n d h o r la o a t a llx . T h e flrW le t t « * flfl daah
w a r d Is la d lr a t e d h r a a a ia h e r, w h ic h r e f e r * t a t h e d e h a ith e a M ate0
h e le w the p a a a le .
T h a « Me. 1 w a t e r th e c o la me a h e a d e d ^ e e C a e e ta l**
d e f l a t e a w o rd w h ic h w i ll A ll th e w h it e s p e c s * a p t e t h e d r a t S ie t h
* < a e r * te t h * r ig h t , e a d a a a m h e r * * d * r ~ r e r t l * a l * ‘ d e f la * * a w a r d w h i« h
w i l l A ll t h * w h i t * * < a a r e a to th e a « « t h la e h o a * h e le w . M e l e t t e r * g * la
t h * h la e h sp a c e*.
A U w o r d * n e e d a re d lc t lo a e r y w o r d * . e x c e p t p r e p e *
a a m e * . A h h r e r t a t lo a s , e le a g . I n i t i a l * . t * « h a l e e l terase a a d o h e e le t* f a r m *
a r * la d lc e te d la t h * d e fla ftfo n e .
A* usual, the methods employed In
; -j b
(he review largely depend upon the
teacher and the class Two method*
are suggested:
F irs t: The biographical. This la a
method which can nearly always be
used to advantage, since pupil* of all
ages are Interested In the study of ]
persons Peter, Pant, Stephen. Philip
and Barnabas are very prominent
T h . Breaker Boy. fh M k, would
Start Playing.
p„ e
w # , ome.
characters in the quarter’s lessons
These may be assigned to members 11 times become pale when we are older
of tbe class th* week before with a I and a little tired.
view of a brief blograplilcal sketch
“But here, with our feet In salt
being prepared and read to tbe Casa. I marshy land, and our face* blown by
Tbe summary method. I the beautiful freshness of the sea
This method calls for the review of I winds we have bright pink face*.“
the principal fact* of each lesson with
Not far away Mother Ocean roared
statement of the leading* teaching*.
I in her low, deep fashion. She waa
thereof. The following la suggested: I teaching the W av* children their
Lesson L—On the Day of Pentecost, I ocean lessons.
the risen and ascended Christ Bent tbe I
"Never mind how rough you are, my
promise of the Father causing the I dear*,” she told them. "1 like to hav»
Holy Ohoet to descend upon the dis­ I you stir tiling* up a bit. I couldn't
ciples to qualify them to be witnesses I
bear a family of children who were
of H it death and resurrection to all I too quiet.
the world.
“There are soma who might not
Lessen IL—Tbe healing of the lame
man ahowa that the risen Christ Is I want their children to make so much
able to make strong a man who was I noise. They might say:
"'W on't you please hush! My poor
born a cripple. The man who was
healed thoroughly advertised
the I head Is tired.' But not Mother Ocean.
“When the Breaker Boy* start play­
miracle. Those who have experienced I
the life of God cannot help but make I ing and the W av* children have a high
old time, does Mother Ocean tell them
it known.
Lesson III.— The church Is God's I to hush, or that she has a headache?
“Oh, not
She tell* them to go
dwelling place. Since It Is His dwell I
Ing place It Is as holy as the holy I ahead and play— to play wildly, madly 1
“She tells them to roar and shriek,
place In the sanctuary'. The judgment I
I to tumble and toss and twlat and rock
which befell Ananias and Sapphlra I
proves that God will not allow the I and roar.
“She tells them to call the Winds
hypocrite to escape His Judgment.
• — S e rre w fe l
and race and play games and cut up
Lssson IV.—The behavior of Ste­
a— K i i . t . 4
prank* and scamper and do whatever
T— O s a li e a t
phen proves that the risen Christ Is they wish to do.
S— Lw reu
able to sustain His witnesses, even
11— T r a d e
while they are sealing their testimony 1
IS—W eedrrte*. vagrant
yea, she is l”
with their blood. His standing shows
14— R .a u w a
So Mother Ocean waa talking In her
15— T o n e d
Ills active Interest In His disciples, deep, low fashion.
I T — N o t «elee
and that He welcomes home to heaven
Home oapitalists io the United
la - - L « a r l e c e n s h lk le o
The sea pink flowers heard her.
those who are faithful.
30— A m e r ic a n w r i t e r a a d p o et
"That'a goo<\ old Mother Ocean,”
States have poured money into
* 1 — Say
V.—The experiences of
they whispered to each other.
S3— P i r a t m a a
Mexican enterprises, knowing that
Daniel and his companions show that
3 4 — S e u tfc A f r ic a n c o lo n is t
“She's a rough one at times,” said
total abstinence pays.
IS — P l. h t r a p
tbs Mexican government is unable
the Breeze Brothers as they lacily
Sd— I n b a b a i« eff
Lssson V I.—Philip, the only man In blew this way and that with ae little
to give them proper protection.
XT— P a r t io n
the New Testament called evangelist, effort as was possible.
SO— S m a ll p a r t ia le a t B ie t t a *
They bop* to stir op a war durisg
la In the energy of the Spirit preach
“Oh, yes, she's a rough ons at
Ing the Word and winning men to times,” the pink flowers answered, “but
whioh thsy can profit on war
The glory »• his owfl,
supplies and at the end of which And in a temple made with hand« Christ
she gives one so much strength."
Lessor, V II.—The conversion of
The sea pluk flowers were also
He dwelletb not alone.
they may collect exorbitant dam­
Saul, the bitter enemy of Christ, Is an called the mursli pink flowers. They
age* from the detested nation. God is not worshiped with men’s Illustrious example of what tbe revs were members of the Gentian family.
latlon of Christ In His glory ran do.
They do not risk their precion*
"We wouldn't like to be away from
A* though he needed aught.
and also illustrates the method of the her,” th * flowers continued. "We feel
«kins over tbe line, and would not
conversion of Israel.
He givsth life and breath to all.
that we wouldn't hav* any strength
in ease of war. Their dollar* make
Lssson V III.— After Saul's conver­ or energy If we lived away In the
His favor rnus, be sought.
other men their goats.
Their Th* cattle on a thousand hills
country where Mother Ocean never
as the Bon of God. Those who are visited.
Are bi* and his alone.
well-paid lobby in Washington is
Solution of
really saved know whom they have
“ We like to hear her talk. I t make*
eily rod porsuaslve. It ought to All things by him *r* now upheld, believed.
iE lR
i* i ° i
us feel so full of life when we hear
Dependent on his throne,
Lateen IX .—The stupendous miracle her great, splendid voice.
he impressed upon them that tbe
And brethren of one oommon birth
“Then the uee* such a wonderful
way to avo|d being stung is to lie made all kinrdred of the earth, wrought by the risen Christ et the
hands of Peter proved that the gospel perfume—it’s so brlay and salty and
leave the hornets’ nest alone.
Their time* appointed, and the lost none of Its power by being
fresh and such a suitable perfume for
preached abroad.
un ocean to uee."
Lssson X.—When Christ would
Three nations are, hobo-like, riisy should inhabit, earth around.
" I’ve never heard any more praise
That we might seek the Lord and break down the middle wall of par for a neighbor than you’re giving now,”
outside the league end refuse to
tltlon between the Jews end Gentiles. tbe Breese Broth­
join tbe other 47. But the three He is not far from all below,
He gave to Cornelius and Peter each ers said.
a vision When the gospel was offered
do not fraternise like good hoboes, For in aim we do live and move
“O f c o u r s e ,"
they added after , ps *T
Thsy ere snapping and snarling at And have our being in bi* love—
upon them as at Pentecost.
a moment, “we
each other, Th* three hobo nation* (As your own poets do daalarp ;
Lesson X L —Before the foreign mis­ really
rs i 1 f
for ws his ofspring alfb are,’)
sionary enterprise was launched, a s a y t h a t f o r
A /t '/z
ar* the United States, Russia and
If, then, we are of heavenly birth,
new center of operation was eetab others are Just as
Let us not think tbe godhead llahsd at Antioch. The Holy Spirit much devoted to
For Truth’* Sake
< B *
■■■ —
To love truth for truth's sake Is l
established thia strategical center and those who are near ic<
-¡y;C '
The Teapot Dome deal was all
Or gold or silver, wood or stone, sent out the missionaries.
principal part of human perfection
The flow- W
right. Fall got that »lUO.OOO he- Ursveit by man’s device alone.
this world and the seed-plot of
Lssson X II.—The risen Christ hears ere of the mead-
a ' ' , \
other virtues.—John Locke.
cause he needed it ; not becaute .quch ignorance was ones passed by, the prayer* or the church and sends ows and of the
\ '’dK-Hr”
he gave Sinclair the dome. Tbs But God, who lives and cannot die H I* angel* to deliver H i* faithful aer valleys are Just as
fo n d o f t h e i r
whole gang ol them ere sprouting Cnniiuandelh all men to repent
To whom this knowledge now ie
angel wings and about reedy
' ¿ If
for heaven. Judge T. Black Ken- Fur tbe Lord in truth hath said
,eeiu particularly
(Speoial to Enterprise by leased pleased.”
> vcVk ol
nedy thrashed out the leas* in tbe H a’ll judge the living and the
“She gives us a
The Marsh Pink
federal court at Cheyenne aod die-
pretty pink color,”
(Delayed in Transmission)
By him who died our soul* to save
eovered all these things.
the flowers said.
North Pole, May 31— Drat these “And we're Just vain enough to be
And rose tiiam phant from the
Yankee*1 As I approached the fond of a bright color.
pole, intending to proudly carve
And thus we've the mind
"Maybe that's not vanity. But at
iny atm« on it as its discoverer, a any rate It la taking an interest In our
Of H im on the throne
ta ll, lank Yank stuck hi* hasd out looks
In spirit declared,
"We wouldn't take such an Interest
Though in essence unknown ." its hollow tap and draw lad :
’ ’ Good mornin’ Mister. Got a In our looks If we hadn’t the sea air.
" It’s Mother Oceen who gives as our
The ennw was plowed out of spar* chaw ar terbackerf ”
sett for living, our healthy feelings,
McKenx:* pass aod cars hay* been
our brightness, and our color.
“We're very grateful te Mother
LaFollett* was the stormy petrel running there for a week.
Ocean. Without her, to us at least,
ol American politics. H« waa | 0#
Ilf* would be so dull, so saltless 1“
I There Juno, Pluto, Charon, Pen,
I With Moloch Chiou aod Rempban,
I Were all remembered, and, with
I Each had a ebrine and worship
I Then the god of the morning, the
god of the night,
I The god of the darkneee, the god
of the light,
I The god of the mountain, the god
of the plain.
The god of the land and th* god'
of the main.
The heathen preaeuted their mul­
tiplied gode,
Residing away ia ceiaetial abodes
And the earth and the sea they
had raeaauked with care
To find the divinities real dint
And, lest they had failed to find
out the one
Who rightly might claim their
worship alone,
I Ao a lta r they build to the dread,
the U nknown .
i here Grecia’s wisdom, though
her boast,
Was in the fruitless research loet
Philosophy bad tried her skill
And found herself in darkness
Vain man had scaled the blest
But searching could not find out
Then Saul of Tarsus raised bis
‘ ‘ Ye man of Athena, vain yonr
Your superstition I behold
In worshiping these gods of gold.
Of sliver, aye, of atone and wood,
That in your pantheon have stood.
But another altar there 1 saw.
'The U nknown G od appears.
\\ horn you in ignorance adore
I will iu truth deolare.
God made the world. He fashioned
a sB E E H ia
.u u a ,
ua, ana
what w > M a _
to help Others, too. to give that oppor­
tunity. The best, thus. Judge* us rath­
er than we IL— Henry Cl-urchUI King.
Let Ua Not Looo Faith
Bari Balfour uuld s m long ago!
Let us not fear that the future la
going to be less glorious than the
Problems of which we nev.r dreamed
multiply upon us until we are .tmest
overwhelmed. Rot let
faith or courage.”
A m e ric a n E a g le
Fire Insurance Co.
ia> is worth just a9 much in storage a*
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I O «on.
Chittem Bark
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Phon* 7tlR
Cain may hvys inherited hi* crim ­
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After Amundsen'e diereveriee al
th* pole we might let Canada have
the whole business if she wants it
F irst-class W ork
I f you have frequent headscha*.
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Pay your tuharrpticm a year iu
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Barber Shop
Laundry eent Tnesda).
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H a l u t , O smot
A ny Girl in Troub le
nrsy communicate with Raw<n
U Sht<l<1 Uoa,* ’ 565
avenue. PortUna. Oregon
' * * ? £ ? + * * • « * * * * + * • * ? * * ,— — ■■■■■*■ Et IEEE
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