The Great Outdoors - - e ■ - W h ere Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and V igorous H u m an ity a re P ro d u ced Green fk)lor in Hay Aids Price <£aiost disorderly house«. These latter are raided aemi-oceaai jo a lly ; ! »od the occupants f lie l, which * piodnces a revenue wbeie a license ' system, such as obtaioa in some* ! European countries, would not be I popular. But Unele Sam's enforcement' cf anti-trust laws baa never yielded a revenue comparable to its coat And tba entorcement haa never inconvenienced the trusts, lh e y ¡change form a little if a court de [cides against them and then pro- How Organizations Soys Malte Financial Rcclamation Policy Cinch the Farmer. Success Raising Pigs Needs Stabilization Only C hance lo r Ju stic e c«ed as before. Secretary Work Declares En* ; Club Members Sell for Furniture costa three or fou I s to Meet Union times as mtach aa before tbe war Breeding Purposes Only. Usually Has Highest Feed- during Policy Should V W ith U nion or as the cost of producing it. Tbe Lng g lue and I? Given government arrested a lot of tbe rr.c*.-»d », D m C .r,» ■»<»-•• L«»»rtmra« Be Established. •< JarWultv. I Allen L. Benson in the Dear­ lendiog manufacturers lor cOospir Irat Grade. Four farm boys of Ea»t Baton born Independent, says: fà " '^Tiûine HE use of poor twine is likely to cause ex­ pensive delay in the rush o f the harvest season. W hy take a chance? Tying troubles are min­ imized w hen Plym outh brand is used. Made of high-quality fiber and spun to tbe Plymouth standard, which means smooth-run­ ning twine of uniform size, length and strength. "Plym­ outh Twine is scientifically treated against insect dam­ age, and can be furnished in either the regular or Plymouth Compact Ball. T acy to k^ep up prices and Jaat Beug» partati, Louisiana, bava placed “Guy E. Tripp, chairman of week won one of its customary ooga of Improved type on 31 farai» Jn their own pariah in three years by the board of the Westinghouse “ great victories” when fifty of and Manufacturing these man, chair manufactnrers means of the four gilts wttb which Electric they started boys* Hub work. In ad- company, tells ua it costa seven pleaded guilty, paid $1000 aacb in is no rain. The loa» from the ac-j nntil M endaring policy u e»tabUah- dltloo, according to reports to tbe times as much to sell phono­ tinea and went back to recoup Catted States Department of Agricul­ themselves by lightening tbe cinch tioo of son and dew would be hard ed. ture. they have sold breeding stock In graphs as it does to make them. of their cwmbine a little. to compute, but ia great. Good | Responsibility tor the success of “According to Mr. Tripp it eight neighboring parishes and an ad- Palliatives, like making tbe tar hay, well cured and quickly stored | federaJ he Br»t Jotnlcg state costs six and one-half times as in a tight barn, will bring more with the people In communities and These young stockmen, Hermon Al­ much to sell low-priced watches ifT lawd lets unjust or cutting few cents off freight rotes, will gel money if sold or more meat or states directly affected; second, with ford, Archie Robinson, Rupert Jobn- m ilk or other desired results if fed the reclaaantioa service, and finally non and Archie FI tiger a Id, bought as it does to make them, three the farmers nowhere. Congrea at home. The department of agri- with Congress. their gilts in 1822, obtaining money and a half times as much to aional investigations, which coat a washing machines and lot of money, discover what he for the purchases on their personal sell culture «ays : " If federal reclamation Is to he re­ The amount 6f t r i i t i color present garded as a source for obtaining gov­ notes, which were Indorsed by their electrical merchandise, and five kuew before, that he, unorganized, la Usually the moat Important grading ernment money to be spent locally, fathers and b osine»» men of the times as much to sell the milk, helps every organized industry to county interested In the boys’ prog­ factor la hay. Other factors being Instead of first aid in settling a per­ ress One of the boys also bought a vegetables, and fruits produced prosper at his expense. equal, the bay with the beet natural Only by co-operation can he by New York farms. green eolor usually fringe the best manent community, tt will fall aa It para bred. With the aid of the agri­ “In large cities it is astound­ hold his own with other interests price, baa tba highest feeding value and already haa in some Instances," be cultural extension agent who conduct­ ed the club, they began feeding and ing to learn what tremendous in this age of combination and co should be graded highest. This color continued. for small operation. In a few in s ta te s ha All government irrigation projects. caring for thetr pigs by the beat meth­ rents are charged baa been described by such Indefinite word» as bright, good, fair, and poor. Secretary W ork said, should be or­ ods known In swine madagement The stores. Before the proprietoi has taken thia road and auooeeded H A LS E Y E. J, N ixon, manager of tbe These terms ego be variously In­ ganised Into districts, managed and young pigs responded by growing Into of such a store can have a cent r • - terpreted. says tbs United fitates De­ '■Iterated by the people living on them, strong, healthy hogs in record time. for himself he must pay for his co-operative poultry association partment of Agriculture, and are not who would decide all local questions In 1823 the hoys raised 02 pigs from says: ‘ ‘Co-operation atccetd, when their four sows Thia year, too, the stock, pay his employes, and pay those in it co-operate,” definite as to the «mount of green la themselves. hoer was shown at a number of fairs his rent. When you buy a cheap the hpy. The nature of the color must State M arket Agent Spence He expressed the hope that the and Won a state championship In open watch in New York it is more he detefetfped by thy eye qlo#e, but the says: “ There are 32,000 farm are also ers department reqhfred aofiie method of next congress would pass legislation class. Tbe 1824 season was' equally than likely that you oo-opezating. owning their owu requiring states to assume part of tho suceeaaful. Because tbe club members contributing to a fund to enable the accuracy these deter qi Ina non» 1 so thp( Inspectors am) others financial risk and responsibility for are conscientiously following the ad­ Mr. Astor to buy more real elevators and combining their sales in the Saskatchewan Wheat nil ng the gra< trades might ba properly every new project undertaken within vice of the extension agent and will from which to collect Pool Elevators^in Canada. This tell for breeding purposes only the estate •" “ f t their borders. stock which comes up to a standard more rentals. organization started in a small way unaell Color •yttem Used. In type, they have established a repu­ “When farming is organized and carefully built up, while Ore T M t M A lth i, . A satisfactory method for determin­ tation as a source of good hogs. Thetr and systematized, as it soon will goo started in a large way m the ing color in timothy bay haa been In butcher stock commands top prices be­ be, farmers will deliver their Northwest use for some time, but thia ia not satis­ Portland Wheatgrowers and cause of Its high quality. factory for alfalfa or many other kinds • steadily went out of business. Wheat — Hard white, aoft white own products to consumers and The buslseas side of the enterprise Of hay for various reasons. Recent­ U alt«» S la t « D ,,a r t n i.» « northern spring and hard winter. haa also been successful. The boys collect what the consumers pay- '* During tbe past ten or twelve (P rvauw d hr ,»• «r JxMcultur, ) ly, however, after considerable Inveetl Si «0; western white, 91.5»; western were able to pay thetr note» promptly There will be no lost motion be­ years middle costs have constantly Good Individuals of whatever breed gatlon by the hay, seed, and feed dirt and have made a net profit of «1,018 tween the points of production increased. The increase in price la Selected should have first considera­ sloe. It baa been found possible to ap­ red. SI S«. by the man abeut to launch him­ ply the Muasoll color system to the Hay - Alfalfa. »19®20 ton; valley from sole of stock, with a number of and consumption. We are al­ of many' products between pro­ tion Into the dairy business, says tha measurement of color in alfalfa, and timothy, «20® 21; eastern Oregon cash prizes In addition. Two of the ready equipped to make* the ducer sod consumer Is more than self United States Department of Agricul­ older boys have entered the state agri­ moat ether kinds of hay. This system timothy, »23(724. the producer received.” Change. We have the roads and ture. Aa between breeds, there are cultural college and are paying thetr IS one by which every kind of color can Itutterfat—-44e delivered Portland. The farmers will gat help the motor trucks- All we need three points that should ba consid­ expenses through thetr club work. ba definitely measured by spinning Egga- Ranch, 29®33c. wheu they help themselves. ered : (1) The breed that predom­ is the organizing ability. The disks of known color value together Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook inates In the locality where the new and calculating the resultant color. As city market can be studied to Triplets, 2«c; loaf, 27c per lb. herd la to be located; (2) personal a mass of bay contains many shades see what and how much it Cattle— Steers, good, »7.76®a.OO. and colors. It la also necessary to spin >vants. Definite orders can be Few places in this country preference, and (8) market require­ lloga— Medium to choice, «12 00(7 tile hay so that the colors are merged The grading of both poultry and obtained. Having gathered this have as fine a hay crop this year ments for the product. Number ef Advantages. Into one blend of color which la meas­ 14 00. eggs la yearly becoming more Impor­ There nre a number of advantages Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice, tant. Not so very many years ago information, a group of farmers as the W illam ette valley. Tom ured |iy comparison with standard can produce those things for Aidry, just home from an sxteti to a dairyman tn having the aama color, disks of known color, »6 00 ® 11.26. l i e n s sold for so much a dozen. Now •p in tam pls of Hay. tbe majority of dealers are dlscrim- , which there is a demand and on© sive trip east, Says there will be a breed aa hla neighbors, saya tbe ba­ A machine has been devised which lusting between the hens of the egg farmer can deliver what a dozen great dearth of hay all over that teau of dairying of the department. A Seattle spins a samp)» of lisy and Munaall col country, tbe soorchiog heat having dairyman Just starting with pure other famrers raise. W h e a t-H a rd white, »1.6»; western breeds and those of the general pur or disks at the aama time. A repre- pose and meat breeds. They are pay­ dried everything up. Our eurplua breda may feel that since hla neigh­ “It costs a lot to live now be­ white, »1.66; hard winter. »1 66; west apntatlvs portion of a lot of bay la ing a premium for the heavier men ted cannot be sent there, as tbe coct of bors have one breed of cattle, ha iSaoed In the machine end spun at the «■rn red, »1.61; northern spring, »1 61; fowls for the reason that they make a cause so large a percentage of transportation so far would ba too should get another breed so as to have a monopoly In the business of selling rata of about 1,200 revolutions per inln- Illg Bend blueatem. 61.63. plumper and therefore a higher-priced the population is engaged in do­ high. breeding stock. There ta no question Hay—Alfalfa. »24; D. C„ «2«; tin, carcass. Munaell color disks are placed ing things that add nothing t6 I f all the valley hay could be abont the monopoly, says the bureau, on the same axis aa the hay sample othy. »26; D. C„ »28; mixed hay. »24 A good many people say that co-op­ the worth of merchandise but fed where grown to well-bred hut there would be no business to and both span together. The color Itutterfat— 43c. erative marketing ta the reason for do add enormously to its retail stock, for whfch this pa>t of the monopolize It" Is difficult for an Iso­ disks con he adjusted unlit they ex the added attention to grades. Others price.” Egga Ranch. 32 (j. 37c. valley ia famed, and the concen­ lated small breeder to dispose of hla aetly match the composite color of the say that the regulations which hare Hogs Prime, »14.36(714.60. The Oregon Fanner says. trates to go with it grown at home, stock to advantage, while tf there am revolving bay. Ry this method the col­ been advanced by the different de­ Cattle—Choice steers, «6 60(19 00 or of any let of hay can ba accurately moving and handling many breeders with the same breed, partments of agriculture are respon­ “The other day an investigatoi without Chaeae— Oregon fancy to retailers, Rieeaiired. sible. Others say that the closer com spent one hour on the top floor coats, the income above outgo of buyers are attracted to the locality 2»c per lb.; do atandarda, 26c; Wash­ because of the better chance to get petition la making It necessary to buy of an apartment building with our farms would be increased. ington fancy triplets, 26c. the desired animals from one or more on grade. notebook in hand. During that of the several hreeders. Other ad­ Perhaps all of these reasons ore hour six milkmen delivered vantages In having tbe same breed as Spokane. 1 orrect. At laast oil of them are part­ milk at six apartment doors, the neighbors are tbe opportunity to Hogs—Prime, »12 76C16.OO. ly responsible for tbe movement. In a good many sections rat-killing they delivered only 14 exchange bulla, or to own good butts campaigns are now In progress. These However, there Is still a good deal of and Cattle— Prime steers. 66.60 09.00. Somebody was hiring When seeded In August, alfalfa cooperatively; to take advantage of confusion on account of grades not be­ quarts. are an excellent thing and poullryroen men. Somebody was should be »own alone, that la, with­ breed sales of surplus stock, and last­ ing standardized. The United States those uaually are boosters In the work of eradicating these pests. bureau of markets has worked out paying taxes, interest and up­ out a nurse crop. Whenever there ta a ly. the advantage of bringing the com­ sufficient amount of moisture In the munity together In other endeavors I f fall seeding of alfalfa la deferred a system of grades which will no The best method of eliminating rata keep on six teams, six wagons soil at that time of year to cause which usually result where there ta till the first week In Beptember, there doubt help In standardizing the dif­ ta prevention. In order to do thia tba and six bottling and processing rapid germination of the seed. It Is but one breed. Is some danger of not getting a auffl ferent grades aa they are adopted. trail ding» mast be constructed with Was that somebody easier to get a stand without Interfer­ Because a man will uaually do heat clcntly strong stand to go through the The tendency to buy and well on plants. high foundations. A rat will not try with a breed that ha HICi. it 1» wall »Inter unharmed, but If the seed can grade should receive the support of you? The people who bought ence from weed» than tn the spring, to build his nest under a floor that Is to give thia personal preference the be gotten Into the ground by the tenth all poultry Interests. A quality prod­ that milk were paying about whether tha alfalfa be »own alone or high enough off the ground so that a a nurse crop. Bear In mind, how­ right of way when there ta no other or llfteenth of August, there la little uct always outsells a poorer product twice cat of »«nail dog can get under. as much for it as the with ever. that the seed bed for alfalfa breed already established, prodding, A good many eld building« can be danger under average renditions of not end the good stuff should not carry dairymen received for it.” should be very thoroughly comparted. however, that Just aa high quality ani­ repaired so that they are not a har­ obtaining a good, nnlform stand. Do the burden of making a market for “ In union is strength.” I h - I f atubhle ground la plowed late In mals are available In the preferred not sow leas than 16 pounds of seed that of low grade that few care te bor for rata by doing some excavating packera of meats, the producers of July or the first week tn August for breed as In some other breed. per acre and see to It that tbs need buy. with a shovel so that a small dog or Market requirement» for the prod­ coal, the oil producers, the organ­ alfalfa, disk It thoroughly afterwards 1» properly Inoculated. cat can get under them. Where thia More than 2000 acres of land In the ized trades— nearly everybody in and follow with a harrow until a fine uct should not be overemphasized, la Impossible the owner wilt have »0 saya the burerfh. for the reason that Liberty, Franklin and Creswell die this country except the farmers— well compacted surface has been so Jeln the rat-kllltng campaign and ellm these requirements may fluctuate from Irlcta have been worked over with are profiting by putting that cared. tnato as much of the trouble aa pn» Spring lambs that make tbe moat one year to another, aod obviously, albte by killing off the rats. poisoned barley in the campaign axiom in practice, and some of money are lambs fed all the grain Sacramento Claims H a n 't Record. the dairyman cannot change breeds 1 gainst gray diggers In Lane county tbe farmers are awake to the they will eat from the time they are Sacramento. Cal.— A world’» cham­ with every change of market require­ e a a two or three week» old until they are situation. pionship was claimed for "Spark ments. The creoaoted posts undoubtedly will marketed. Lambs thus fed will The federal government enforces Do no forget that all sour »oils Summing Up Matter. Plug." an energetic Rhode Island Red weigh at least 70 pounds by the time lost longer than ordinary poets. They anti-trust laws by fits and starts, should he limed previous to aun lng al In summing up the matter of which hen of thia city, which haa Just com do not harbor Insects, diseases, or they ere ninety da>« of age, and will falfa. The ground limestone should as many large cities do the laws pleted the laying of four eggs within breed to select, the bureau say, thia command fop markn-t prices. A mix­ mica, and so far aa known they do he applied at the rate of one to three point should be kept In mind— th ere. a tingle day, according to her owner, ture consisting of six parts ground not Injure the plant» toot iAr acre after plowing and should arc good cow» and poor cowa In all corn, three parts bran, and one part and accomplished the feat for the breeds, and, other things betng equal, ba disked Into the ground. Ih man) Ilnaved »11 ineel makes a splendid ro­ second time tn her eventful career. < a«aa It will alao pay to add from ISO the breeder or dairyman who gets llon for young lambs. to 200 pounds of arid phosphate per food Indlvldusli »„ begin with will acre In addition to tba lima. Thia far I f we should have a dry season, have a good chance for aucceas, no tlllzer mate about »27 a ton, If pur­ shallow level cultivation will help con­ matter what breed he ’►.-lecta. chased In carload lota, sad c u usually serve soli moisture and perhaps save * * T.t‘ni.1 br***l« recognized as A diversity of crops mate« possible he obtained for abont »30 a ton in the corn crop. /r e e d . |B r n lt M g u tM >r# better utl’lxatlon of f an» labor and a a a amaller quantities. Br” wn Sw|M> provides feed for live stock. In chooa A brash and can of kerosene are Belted. Guernsey. Holatetn-Friealan. lag tits crops to ba grown, only those mighty good tools to loosen dirt and t t 5 / r ' T / ' Althou«h wnch alike In that are of major troportzaace should rust so that bearings may be properly f o r o , . ’T ” ' * d>lr* <*"• The poultry equipment of every farm ba Inrlnded Usually not more than adjusted and boita and nnts tightened. '" " " » ‘Ion, these breeds differ to soma that keep» Orpingtons, riym ou’l •va or six crops should be grown and • • • « te n t In certain characteristics. What Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, or other the«» should be ebneen so that they Sweet clover pastures are excellent o cc / m •«*- ‘ ho factor» breed» or varieties which incline to­ will provide labor throuftwrat the sen- for all classes of stock. ra . m r lD » hre*A and ward hroodlneaa. should include a aw«, giro a cash crop. and. prowl 4» foe<1 m l , . 2 * n‘1 or’,lB ,n d d*"»«P- elat-bottomed coop for breaking up foi the live stock br**d’ - ,r e tuaatloo» of hi^ody bena Failure to discourage Mitzner & Son of Halsey keep Im . undue brepdlSaa» In the fl.wk Is a good th# h'rinuer and tb« Bottnr T h a n G u ilt both Jersey and Guernsey cattle * * ’ *W'»hed breeder of d .l r , c, u „ »ay Si encourage low egg production and prefer the latter, princi­ Theae topic» are dl»cu.«ed In . new Rettrr It ware. (Rat nil the m kerie» Rrootfneas ta natural and an Inherited which nature own» \ »re <>u* St trace pally because they are less nervous v * * the hnrM0 * d«»^ cfcarMvrlatlc and should not merit and more docile. A Jereey bull ’ng as Fanners' Rullatln 1443 starvation or Inhuman treetmvet in thnn <•jJlt.-8Uakra.year». can never he safely trusted after breaking. A copy of thU bulletin may b» h.g j he is two years old. charge, a. 1»», . . th. Cheyenne W y o — A new program In Too many W illameitd valley reclamation ahould be adopted by the termers aeeoi Io think it ie all) govcrnmeat. Secretary Work declar­ right to let their bay lie oot in the ed In an address here, aaaert in» that shock for week» or month» it there no l e v project» ahould be andertakea HILL&C5 A Selecting Dairy Breed Important Good Individuals Should Have First Considera­ tion of Dairyman. Buy and Sell Eggs and Poultry on Grade Best Kat-Killing Campaigns in Different Sections O ur B u m p er H ay Crop Alfalfa Sown in August Should Be Seeded Alone Time to Seed Alfalfa Most Money From Lambs Sour Soils Need Lime Diversity of Crops Don't Abuse Broody Hens WHEAT, OATS and W h o le or Ground BARLEY FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER (Jives b e tte r resu lts O. W . F R U M lari». u m req u eM . fr^" State. Department of AgricuJtgrq - t ,r katlngton. u J,