Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 24, 1925, Image 1

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Halsey Happenings
and County Events
Minot, S. Dak., to visit her par­
A1 ford Arrows
Carl Hill visited, Corvallis
(Enterprise Correspondent)
Doings of Our Populace
Miss Lillie Rickard came
Seth Mills and wife are visit­ home from Eugene for the week
Chronicled in Brief
ing in Idaho.
Mrs. M. V. Fox has been suf­ Mr. and Mrs. Bob AJlen and
How to be cool—Take Amund- fering with lumbago.
children visited Chester Curtis
Alvin Leeper was here from Sunday.
len’a back track.
A. A. Tussing went to Hood Alpine over the week end.
Mrs. J. F. Isom and sons or
S. S. Hayes of Portland was Oakiridgei ore visiting Mrs. D.
River and The Dalles at the
here over the week end.
week end.
I. Isom.
Joe Kirk and wife of Eugene
Miss Mona Bond will be dean
Mrs. John Rolfe called on
of girls end physical instructor visited at Frank Kirk’s Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck Tuesday
at Jerome, Ariz., next term.
Harrisburg forbids the use of afternoon.
Olive Rice is executor of the firecrackers in streets or alleys.
Mrs. Lee Ingram and Thelma
estate of James Rice, late of
W. A. Garey and wife visited called on Mrs. John Rolfe Sun­
Holley. Estimated value, $1,800. Tillamook, the cheese metropolis, day afternoon.
The harvest truly is great last week.
Bias of Woodburn
but the laborers are few in this
Jess Cross and wife went spent Friday night with his
valley, just as in Palestine a camping on the Calapooia over brother, George Bias.
couple of thousand years ago. the week end. »
Mrs. W. C. Sickels and son
Miss Fleeta Livick has a new
of Coburg visited at E.
Misses Mona Bond and Nettie
cement sidewalk in front of her Spencer
D. Isom’s Saturday and Sun­
home on Second Street. That’s course at O. A. C.
good for her and good for Hal­
Mrs. L. E. Bond of Albany
The ro&d from Foster to Cas­ spent several days with her
made impassable by daughter, Mrs. E. D. Isom, last
Mrs. Jesse Bond of Grand cadia,
Forks, N. D., daughter of H. C.
Davis, and her little daughter
H. F. English and wife have
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jordan of
aro here for a visit of a month had anj eleven-pound girl at Raymond, Wash., visited at Let
or two.
their home since Friday.
Ingram's Wednesday night ot
Chancy Sickels is in the Al­
W. F. Carter and Bert Minck- last week.
bany co-operative creamery and ley sent a double-deck carload
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck
is offering his new thrashing of lambs to Portland Monday. and Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth
machine for sale because ho
The railroad trains are tak­ Curtis and children were Sun-
thinks it will pay him to give
ing many thrashing machines day afternoon callers at Mrs. D.
more of "his time to his cows.
north through town these days. I . I i o m ’j .
Mrs. 0. F. Brooks and daugh­
Minnie Starnes and
The Staffords are enjoying
ter Mary left Tuesday of last
week for her home in St. Paul, a visit from their niece. Miss daughter Kathryn and Mrs.
She* had been called Dicksy Dryden of Oregon City. Fanny .Lettenmeir and son Har­
old spent Thursday and Friaay
here May 18 to attend the fun­
Wallace Bpreuger'a, near Shedd.
eral of her-father, J. W. Hussey. Sunday chicken dinner and 60
For the protection of the Har­ cents for other meals at the
The dirtiest, moet dieguating
risburg bridge the contractors Inn has been announced.
pieces in the world—the garbage
are building 800 feet of revet­
Mijs Cleona Smith visited her can, the manure pile, earcaaaw of
ment above it on the east bank
Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker, dead aniiuala, and, atilt worse, the
of the river and the highway
and husband at Corvallis the lat­ privy, are all happy bunting
cotnmiuioa propotea to put in ter part of the week.
grounds far tbe fty, and ao ia the
2000 feat on the west side.
dinner table, and he moves back
' Dr. T. I. Marks proposes to and forth from one place to the
Miss Gladys Holcomb of Wen­ occupy the quarters in the post-
with a jaunty disregard for
atchee, Wash., spent Tuesday officei building, originally built other
consequences. If somebody is
night of last week with Mrs. as an office for Dr. Garnjobst ueing the privf who baa typhoid or
J. W. Hussey and family. Miss arid for several recent years dysentery the result is an epidemic
Holcomb was on her way to used as a residence.
—whieh forsooth la promptly laid
B a n c ro ft O p tic a l Co.
■3 U- West First street, Albany,Or.
A mistake
was made in
“making up” page 3 this week.
Eighteen lines of the story,
“Their Name Was Legion,”
were placed under Dr. Ficq't
in the third
column of page 3, which should
have gone at the top of the
column. Read those lines be
fore you do the balance of the
column and the sense will be
(Continued on page 6)
; Preferred Stock ;
• Canned Goods : I
“ Preferred Stock” means all that the namej
implies—the choice of the pack.
When you buy Preferred Stock goods you J
have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-<
lected for size, flavor and quality.
Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred ,
Stock with other brands and it will moet withi
your discriminating choice
Preferred Stock goods are not packed to m eet,
a price. They are sold only to those "who ap-i
preciate first quality.
It is true some brands are sold cheaper, b u t,
they arc sold solely on price appeal. ‘ ’
Wo are distributers of about thirty varieties]
of Preferred Stock goods.
♦ •»
lo sating green or overripe fruit.
Swat the By,
Probably Amundsen got as uear
the pole as Peary or Cook, but he
is willing to admit he did not
reach it.
Church of Christ
T-aJce ^ r e e k Locals
(By Special Correspondent)
iSntarprtm OorrMpasStaca)
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
Bruce Burson drove to Port-
, land one day last week.
Miss Pearl Pehrjison came
R. A. McCully was I d town Sat­
home Tuesday evening from
Mrs. Barbara Darling of Al- Monmouth for vacation.
Many people from bare attended ban* was down last Thursday,
| A number of Pine Grove peo-
the picnic at Brownsville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Tussing pie attended the pioneer picnic
Mies Mary LaRue is bouse from of Halsey attended the picnic at Brownsville Thursday and
bar visit at Grass Valley,
some went Friday.
G. W. Hockenemitb and family
Vncle Frank Darling, from
At the annual school election
visited Corvallis Saturday
gpHngfisld attended the pioneer Monday evening. L. E. Eagy
was reelected clerk and N. H.
_ _
, ,, .
. .
picnic Thursday.
Roy Farmer of Halsey has been
Cummings director.
helping O. G. Coldiron with bis
Mrs. Emma Harrison attend-
Mesdames L. E. Eagy, Ruby
, ed the memorial services at
Floyd Nichols and E. E.
R. M. Jones and family of Ben- Providence Sunday.
. _ , -
, Hover attended a meeting of
tin ruU
mmin«’Ot Su°d#y M Mar' , Mrs- Hazel Moyer of Corvallis the committies for the celebra-
iin vummmge
, uas renewjng
acquaintances tion at Peoria Tuesday evening.
Mies Lavelle Palmer went to a few days last week.
' I
Corvallis Sunday. She expect, to
...'° ttinK
the goddess of
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tyler liberty closed Saturday evening
attend summer school there
to Newport Friday, re- **t 9 p.
m. and the counting
N. H. Cummings and. family turning Sunday evening.
Nichols win-
were in Albany Friday uiorniag.
I ner with 3640 votes. Beryl
They returned early and spent the
Jim Burson drove to Hood Nordyke of Oakville and Lola
afternoon at the pioneer picnic.
River the middle of last week, Bayne of Peoria each received
Thomas Ardry and wife retched expecting to return Monday.
| between 2400 and 2500 votes
home Friday night after a mouth
Gretia Harrison was operated and
l,e the attendants,
apent in Pennsylvania vis ting rel-
Ho^er went to
I n ei.
They saw " n o land like
to visit
She is getting along nicely.
I relatives and attended the
Henry Brock was a visitor at
Dave Paine, from Sheridan, Mar*on county fourth annua)
Belknap Springs this week end.
up Saturday evening and commencement at the Salem
Mrs. Brock is improving in health
a n d enjojiug her stay there.
Miee returned Sunday. His wife and hlgn school auditorium . Satur
daughter, who had been here to day afternoon'. Mary. L. Fkil-
Sarah William is with her-
Mrs. John Gormely aud Miss attend the pioneer picnic, ac- kerson, Marion county superin-
J Undent, presented diploma« to
Myrtle fobey visited at Martio companied him home.
Cummings’ Sunday. Mias Fobey
The Brownsville Baptist Sun- 256 eighth grade graduates,
took the evening train for Eugene, day school is planning the Linn Mrs. Fulkerson is well known to
where she will enter summer school? county annual Baptist picnic, to many Halsey people, ” having
George McNeil, who has been be held in the park July 4. lived here while her husband.
Buffering from rheumatism, has Everybody is invited.
Bring A. N. Fulkerson, was principal
gone to Belknap Springs to spend your luncheon and family, am: of the Halsey .school for two
some time. Ha hopes to get relief enjoy a fine, clean fourth ot years and teaching the primary
| grades for . one year jtersdf.
from the mineral water thaie.
Everybody is bosy baying.
Italy W illing te Talk Debt».
Rome.— Premier Mussolini ofdelally
wwMfled the United State» and Orest
Britain that Italy la ready to Open wsr
debt negotiations
Tbe Tuasiug family ia cowing A FrW Rlfft
back to live iu Brownsville.
I D c McC£ure of Tangent
Dr. Cook end family, from ! was in the Enterprise office the
Browneville other day, and lie seemed, as
people ■ attended the picnic.
, he came, to tread the ekrth as
usual, though there was .ground,
Howe fail» to heal end he has gone after reading what some of the
customers of his place, Mother’s
A rctic F xp lo re r I* Given O vation at to Salem for medical treatment.
Maine Port.
I f all goee well. It w ill be the U t­
ter pert of September before this
moat ambitious of American arctic ex
ploratlona elace Peery'e day returns
to the rock-bound coast of M»<-MI1-
lan'e home state.
Chair Manufacturers F in e d I 'M , 000
Sunday School, 10,
Preaching, 11.
Christian Endeavor, 7.
Clifford Carey,pastor.
Pin« Orov« Churoh
Bunday school. 10.
Preaching, 11,
Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8.
M. E. Church
Robert Parker pastor.
Sunday school, JO.
Preaching. 11.
Junior League, 3,
Intermediate League, 7
Epworth league, 7
Preaching, 8.
Prayer-meeting Thursday,
Boiling down «11 the report,1'™;
Wiscasset, Maine — From this sleepy leads to the conclusion that the
e b ^ d n iT ll,™ « 2 r l i '
inland whsjlng town on tbe Sheep- pioneers have had more success-I
* 2
scott river Commander Donald H. Mac­
Millan's arctic expedition set out for
unknown land» In the frozen north.
Bert Templeton is quoted as J “Since rthe completion of the
Bidden Godspeed by official» of the having told the Methodists th a t' new west side highway we have
American governmsnt, the state of if they maintain their attitude J been wondering why so many
Maine end by thousand« of country towards the amusements at the | people have persisted in taking
folk who drove tbe old gray ware o r , pioneer picnic the next will b tlth e east side road south from
the fam ily flivver down to Wlscassa-t Jhe
as f event
e v e n t ot
o t the
t h e fo
nd w
i t h I J Albany, or north from Junction
the i last
to aee the departure. MacMIllau and whose management he will be*
hie comrade« turned the prowe of
“Sunday we found out. We
their staunch little veiael». the Perry
Mother’s Inn at Tangent
Fred Schure, working aa off-
und the Bowdoln, toward the opeu
We are still enjoying a good
offerihg; good interest shown.
, Sunday school; 71 present; $5/
You that do not attend any-
i where, we invite you. We need
The church at Halsey loves
the Lord and His work, there­
fore it has sent its pastor and
his wife to help in a meeting at
Mehama, Oreg. That is why we
only have preaching once a
Brownsville Briefs ~ P i n e Grove Points
Chicago, HI.—F ifty defendant« in­
dicated in the recent furniture case
under the Sherman an titru st law
pleaded guilty and were fined a total
of «1*4,000 by Federal Judge Adam C.
The defendants fined were
companies located In Illtgols, Ohio.
Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Michigan,
Weat Virginia, New York, Indiana and
t'regon Fleh Heteherlea Head Ousted
Portland, O r.—Summary removal of
Hugh C. Mitchell, director of eommer
d e l fish hatcheries, and appointment
of R. E . Clanton to succeed to the
position Immediately, was the chief
action of the eMWe f|«h commission
at a special meeting in the comuiJs
• Ion headquarters Saturday afternoon.
Mitchell, who was a former veteran
government hatchery expert* came to
the commission one and one halt years
ago on a four year contract hot the
new commission learned that fbio con-
tract could not be made to hold. No
explanation wse given for the re­
-ee<ico to Pay on Appropriated Land«
Mexico City.— The Mexican govern­
ment has authorized the issue of $60,-
000.000 In bonds lo p»y for land ap­
propriated by the agrarian*.
, .
Hearer in a lawmill at Yaquina.
waa seriously injured in an acci-
dent thia (Thursday) morning,
(t waa thought one lag would have
to ba amputated and that hia life
was in danger. Carl Swank and
wife took the Halsey noon train
for Yaquina. Mra. Swank la
Schure’« sister.
Annuel Meet In Omaha.
and had one of the ohicXen din­
ners whieh have
famous &s, the popularize? of the
Faciftc highway.
" Hereafter if we are guiag to
Albany or Eugene at meal time
we shall drive an added dozen
of paved miles in order to put
our feet under mother's table—•
and, incidentally, to be greeted
by the smile and joviality ot
Daddy McClure, the (Aher halt
of Mother McClure’s-popularity.”
If you go that way dad may
be out hunting chickens (ho
hunts them by daylight), but
you’ll always find that mother's
in at Mother’s Inn.
Miss Maude Ackley is homo
from Eugene for the summer,
occupying her residence, form­
erly Mrs. Umatead’s.
The Gansle and Laubner fami­
lies were at the Riverside com­
munity gathering last week.
Omaha, Neb.--Battered "huddles" Of
the World war met In Omaha Monday
for the fifth national convention of
the Disabled American Veterans. Tbe
initial session was comprised largely
of prayer and tribute to former com­
rades. D. A. V. wrssths were plac­
ed on the tombs of the "unknown
toldler" at Arlington, Rome, London.
Paris and Brussels
“Taps” and the "Star-Spangled Ban
ner" -were sung by Mme Schumann-
Helnk, and the veterans heard nice
sages of felicitation tnd encourage-
men» from President Coolidge, Vice
A ma» said to ba from Oakridge
President. Dawes. General Perehing,
wee requalled at Harrisburg Sat-
Marshal Foch and others, by tele
orday by Cbarlae Hupp not tu
graph and mall.
drive over eablas Hupp waa using
General Frank T. Hines, director
in moving a bonaa. The unnamea
of the bureau, and General James A.
nun thereupon went ont of his way
Drain, national commander of the
to cross one «able and deliberately
American Legion, and Royal C. John
turned around and ran over an­
eon, ' representative In congress and
Hupp had him arrested
chairman of the veterans’ committee,
and ha was flnad «15. Thpu ha
are among the speaker«.
Fun (or $2S
flred a volley of uath^ pit Hupp
C. T. Kitchen and wife of " i i T k V S i l i l r w u i'iv thiil*
Rout© 1, Newberg« were hew at ¡ng he hJ ‘ t(j
| the week end, vlmting old ao wanted at the Harrieburg price.
Their son Lavelle,
Sunday M o tn cr.- Inn g r/e a qualntances.
chicken dinner to the twenty
girls of the Lebanon Big Sjate»
farm, conducted by Mr. an«)
«Mrs. Chester Lyons.
who was a< W. A. MuBer’a,
Mr. and i'trs; C. P. Strffortf
went home with them but ex- ar*d L. W. Shfsler and wife ot
nected to return and work in, Harrisburg picnicked on tha
the hay field -.
’Calapooia, aJmve Holley, Sunday,