Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 17, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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They’ll be at the
Sun. —Mon.—Tu«».
I l AU Tl F U L
4* 1
Sunday Dinner
roTMt Br» protection coat» Uttl*
and m t »» much.
• • •
Weed» are weed« and should ba
a • a
corn need» tha jarmlnutlon
teat fully a» much a» Bald ear», thia
. . .
JUNE 17, 1*35
Plant sound aeed la a wall prepared
seed bed to ba aaaurad of a good
crop stand.
near Albany
»>>30 p . m . t o 11
a a a
Get the chick» out on tbe ground
as soon at you c*“ - Even while the
weather la cool, let them have acoeaa
Heavy feeding and no exercise od
to the graaa and ground, but provide
a runway ao they can hurry back to Sunday la equally bad for horaea and
the brooder stove when they get cold.
Chick» wlU «>“ • t0
heat wheu
necessary If the runway la opened for
A lfalfa give« the beat retulta when
allowed to stand three to five year».
• • •
I f your garden haa no great length
Thia la a good time to start collect­ er breadth, remember that Its height la
ing broomsticks from all your neigh Infinite.
s e e
bora They are Ideal »take» for heavy-
Remember that sweet olover hay
growing plants. Grab anything that
look» like a neat »take and »tore it, properly made Is a t high In protein as
for stakes njver_cotne_affilsa In the alfalfa.
Two great »tar» in a picture
you won’t soon forgot
Halsey Happening«
(Continued from page 1)
C. R. Evans and wife went t t
Monmouth Sunday.
T. J. Skirvin and wife were at
Junction City Sunday-
Mary Smith was home from
Albany over Sunday.
Lavalle Kitchen is here visit­
ing Milferd Muller for a week
A new m arried couple a rt
Alice 0 . Hulls and Earl F. F a r­
The contractors hope to com
plete the H arrisburg bridgt
this fall.
Jesse Cross and wife and E.
C. Miller and wife visited New­
port Sunday.
Gormley and wile
have moved into the Nancy
Palm er house.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Zimmer­
man attended the Sam Cooper
funeral Sunday.
P, H. Freerksen attended the
monthly creamery meeting f,t
AJbany Monday.
J. C. Porter was an Albany
visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller
and son Harold drove to New­
burg Saturday and visited with
Mr- and Mrs. Kitchen. They
«»ma back Saturday evening.
Inventions and discoveries which lessen labor and increase efficiency are being
made every day.
They affect farm industry as well as that in the factory, the mine, the forest or
anywhere else.
H e who does not keep abreast of the march of progress cannot compete on
even terms with him who does.
H e who has a .college education has an advantage over him who has not in
Ray best oh Hi-speed Brake
Service Station
East First a., Albany,
the fskating rink
Phone 379
Halsey Railroad Tfmo
32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17. 12:09 p. m.
16, 5:15 a. t o .
IS. 12;45 p. a .
18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag
14,{12:09 p. m. flag 31, 1 :34 p .m . flag
34, 4:08 p- ni.
Not. 14 and 16 atop to let off passenger.
from south of Eugene.
No. 31, direct connnctieo for Marshfield
Passengers for synth of Eugene should
take train N » 17.
Halsey-hrownsville stage leaves Hal­
sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:11 p. m.
Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. aad
3.35 and 8:45 p m.
At the Halsey postoffice mail»
close going north at 11:50 a. m.
and 6:20 p. m.
Going »oath, 11:10 a. m. and
5:20 p. m.
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and
12 in. Morning stage to Browna-
ville goea on to Crawfordsville,
Holley and Sweet Home.
Notice is hereby given that or­
dinance number 88, making it un­
lawful to ride a bicycle on any
board, cement, or granite walk
within the corporate limits of tbe
oily, will be strictly enforced
By order of the
E. F. Cross, Recorder,
Jallus Krutisshnitt D u d
extracting treasures from the soil.
Agricultural editors do not invent the things they publish.
T hey learn of the
successes and failures of farmers and tell other farmers about them.
Often the read­
ers are able to turn this information into dollars and cents/
Read page 2 of the
every week.
Whit« Leghorn la Most
Satisfactory for Eggs
The Whit» Leghorn» seem to be the
■xwt »«tl»f«rtory breed fer cotnmer
‘ 1*1 egf production. When both egg«
and moot are desired II pay» to keep
oaa of the general-purpooe brood», like
•»erred Plymouth nook», Rhode Island
• Rods or White Wyandotte». Thl» brief
list dose oot mention all the breed»
that are good for egg production or
and moot production.
I t la
the Individuals In a breed and not the
breed name that determine» the prof­
it» from a Sock of poultry.
I f the bene that ley white eggs and
the beat that lay brown eggs ore man
•<»d tha eame. I think there la very
little. If any. difference In the quality
" f -the (entente I have heard owner«
of 'the brown breeds »ay that their
e»go seemed to look richer and prob­
ably contained more food value than
whlte-ehcllod eggs, but scientific In­
vestigation seen}» to Indicate that tba
egg» of tha Mina weight are about
equal In food value regardless of tbe
color of the shell.
It Is often found that White Leg
bora eggs will hatch a larger per cent
of chirks than tome brown egg breeds.
I think the vigor of the stock 1» of*
more Importance than the color of the
egg In determining halcliablllty.
Reconditioning Shop
Outgoing Mail
Merle Straley has been re­
engaged to teach the school on
the Brownsville road and the
old schoolhouse, severely criti­
cised by County Superintendent
Geer, is to be replaced by a
modem structure.
More than half the Bell Tel»
phone wires are now under
ground. In digging trenches foi
them in cities a compressed aii
equipment cuts up the pavement
and another machine and one oi
two men dig a trench 8*/2 f©«t
deep, 20 inches wide and 800
feet long in a day. Some labor-
saving machine!
Collecting Broomsticks
Music by Night Hawks
Pumping water by band la all right
—when a man naeda exeretae aad baa
plenty of time.
growing Season and usually there It
a dearth of them whea they are most
Stout »take» for tomatoee
arm be needed.
oet Chicks on Ground
Julius Kruttsohnilt, direotor and
retired chairman of the executive
committee of the Southern Paeifie
lines, died in New York Monday
at tbe Presbyterian hospital, from
a sudden attack of heart disease.
He was 71 years old.
Mr. Kruttschntrt was such a
mao as those held up for examptsa
in Profesaor Dubac’a add real at tha
Halaey graduation. On tha Wed­
nesday before hi« sudden death a
bulletin had been issued by the
Southern Paeifiu which said:
The youngster seeking a formula
for success may find it ia tha of*
ficial appreciation of Julius Krutt­
achnitt, placed on tile Southern
Pacific records by the directors
with their acceptanco recently of
tbe former chairman's resignation.
After reciting the fact of hit 47
years service the resolution an»-
meratea the qualities that made
Kruttachnitt one of the Isadiag
railroad men of tbe world. Hero
they are:
“ Indefatigable industry, consist­
ent courage, uufaltering fidelity
and zeal, added to praotioal akill,
technical training and aoientifie
Church of Christ
ra m , lag may not be financially ao
profitable bat there la a “heap o' Uv-
lag" In IL
e e e
Reiter seed and better machinery
are not eipenaea; they are productive
Invest manta
e e a
Peat Is far more valuable as a place
for crop» to grow than as a fertiliser
fee upland aolla
• • •
Long rows In gardens nre beat. Beds
suffer more from drought and a rt
harder to cultivate
• • •
No vegetable la easier taken care of
er returns more for the labor expended
upon it than asparagus
Plant good seed end reap more
than y rr
Clean Land for Alfalfa
Keep salt before abeep at all times.
Get grain harvesting machinery in
s e e
Plant alfalfa on clean, cultivated
Do not fall to plant «by beans-for
land. Thl» mean» corn or potato land.
A clean firm, moist »eedbed la esaea- hog pasture.
s e e
tlal to success, and clean com ar po­
Even three-leaf clover brings good
tato land gives these essentials In a
practical way- Fall-plowed grain-stub­ luck If you have'plenly of IL
. • • •
ble land, well finned la the spring, can
taxes the farther ha» to
be made Into a good seedbed for al­
falfa. Hpringplowed stubble land la pay are tha ones levied by his own
the last choice. I f It Is necessary to tlteknesa.
s e e
ure ouch land, plow eerty, peck well,
M ud, of the winter killing of clover
and seed a little later than usual.
can he avoided by sowing 'native red
clover eeed only.
s e e
While there would he eetne waate
AU good saw handle« -ere made af
In hogging off barley and while the apple wood, because It (loro not break
bogs would not make as efficient use tf a saw Is dropped.
» e e ,
of It as they would If It were har­
vested. threshed and ground, the time
««ved la getting the cheaper feed, end
the labor and ex|>eiwe of harvesting
«»ved. probably would make up far
any waste end lose from thia method
of heeding. Thia of course, applies rid your iv«rm of Catarrh or Deafness
only to the small patch grown far caused by Catarrh.
eerig feed.
/be cncr 46 wwv
F. J. C H E N E Y &. C O , Toled o , Ohio
Hogging Off Barley
Sunday Schoo), 10.
Preaching, l l .
Christian Endeavor, 7.
Clifford Carey,paa tor.
Hall's C atarrh
Union Gas and Oil
Fisk, Firestone and Gates Tires and Tubes
Ford P arts and Accessories
Buy your tires here and save money.
All work done here is guaranteed
Pearls for the June Bride
Glasses for evening wear and any
of lue numerous atyles in pearl«
are neceatarv to complete the
outfit of tha June bride.
for children aa well a« grown
people daring the hot days of tha
summer time is a heaping plate of
pure, rich iee cream. There ia
nothing elaa ao cooling and nour.
ishing to tbe evatern a« thia. The
ice cream we aell is made frorr the
beet miI k and cream and it fresh
every d ay. Try it and be cool.
E. C. Meade, Optometrie
H. Albro, " “ “ ' - “ ¿ X «
Clark s Confectionery ALBANY