News Notes From Oreron , U ta.titu tlo M On ’ h ° t <477 on June 1 nî AH Over Oreg On Ob m r . accortine to repone preoar Gleaned by the W estern Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple JUNK 17, Í*¿1 JOHN MARSHALL U» ARROW GARAGE, Gamie Bros. mqnth of *1 U. S. ft C. T. C. Tires More service No more cost Skilled Auto repairing Auto accessories Suit to teat tha conaUtutlonailty of the law enacted at the laat session of Plana are being made for a Fourth the legislature providing for the ac­ of July celebration and race meet In ceptance by the courts of member Enterprise on July 3 and 4. «hip cards issued by Incorporated All union plumbers in Eugene walk motor vehicle organizations in lieu of ed out on strike, demanding a wage hall for traffic violations, probably will be filed soon at Salem. scale of >8 a day instead of »7. The Crater national park office at Mias Pauline Kline of Corvallis was Medford announced that the Warren reappointed a member of the board of Construction company was the lowest child labor inspectors for five years bidder for the construction of 20 miles The annual state convention of the of hard-surfaced road from Medford professional and business women's and Klamath entrances of Crater Lake clubs of Oregon was held in 8aleip. national park to the rim of the lake. Bankers from all sections of Ore­ The bid totaled *269.440. gon attended the Oregon State Bank­ Tha largest all-Oregon troop move­ ers’ association convention at Corval­ ment since the world war culminated lis. successfully when the Oregon national Horrors of Savage Mexican Fur Is W arfare in Ghina Rubbed Wrong W ay Kwangtung Army, Commanded by Bolshevist Officers, Beats Defenders. Alexander Gerlach, better known as as assistant attorney-general, Inch-and-a-Quarter Jimmy,” elusive burglar, who kept the Portland police department in hot water during a long series o< house burglaries last winter, was sentenced by Presiding Judge Morrow of the circuit court to teD Auspicioua snow conditions may per­ years in the state penitentiary. Washington, D. C.— President Cool­ mit the opening of the Mount Hood The Oregon public service commis­ idge has decided to postpone indefin­ loop highway by the government to sion has accepted an invitation to itely action on the recommendation of travel the last Sunday la J û u ï . participate In a hearing to be held at a majority on the tariff commission _ „ . . Helena, - Mont., ------- July 16, to ™ consider 1 tor » reduction of 4 cent a pound in Despondency over unsuccessful ef- rates on wheat shipments from Mon sugar duties, or s o o a n wor is given by friends I tana to north Pacific port« for export Discussing the issue at length, the f m iw wD 1 6 8Ulc,<,e at Baker I trade. At least two members of the president points out that the commie ° t i d Ur*> age<* and un’ I com,n*ssion will attend the hearing, it I sion failed to agree on the difference 8 I waa knnounced. I in cost of production of domestic and An extraordinary feat was perform- I A large number of retail grocers met I lmDort ed BUgar, and divided, three to ed by Charles Smith of Stevenson I at Salem and took initial steps toward I two- 0,1 th® Question, Sugar Barons Happy Over Tariff Status Canada Wants a Share in the Ice Washington, D. C.— Affairs between the United States and Mexico took a swift turn in the direction of a crisis, it was confidently believed here, when President Cailes of Mexico issued a Army forced them to enrrender Can­ curt statement replying to that made ton and imposed extreme cruelties on last Friday by Secretary of State K el­ soldiers and civilian population as logg- well. President Cailes’ rejoinder, given to The attacking forces landed 2000 the newspapers by the Mexican em- soldiers at Tungthan, and from that basy Is arrogant and defiant in tone. point they advanced, leaving the de­ Throughout the entire statement, fending forces without river transport­ the United States is treated In tone ation facilities and therefore unable to • • Just one of a number of foreign launch a counter-attack. Countries with whom Mexico has to After landing the Kwangtung troops deal and not at all as a powerful next gave the surrendering forces no con­ door neighbor whose patience ban sideration, although the defeated been, to use Mr. Kellogg's worts, ex­ troops had voluntarily given up iheir hausted by repeated refusals of the arms. The winning forces then began southern republic to protect Ameri­ looting the city. This was not con­ can lives and property. fined to stations of opposing army President Cailes resents Secretary foroee, but extended to homes of non-, Kellogg’s assertion that Mexico le now combatant citizens. | on trial before the eyee of the world Revolting scenes followed In all and Insists that If Mexico is placed la parts of the city, many of which were the role of a defendant by such a witnessed by Europeans from the for- statement his government "absolutely sign quarter. Innocent people were rejects with energy such Imputation stoned and beaten by mobs, members which In essence would only mean aa of which seemed to have lost their Insult.” senses. The bodies of slain innocent 1 President Cailes employed the same bystanders are strewn along the roads, medium to reply to the secretary of state an Mr. Kellogg to acquaint the VISION CARRIED BY RADIO country with the policy being pursued by thia government, namely, the press. I ^/^íbany^^'rectory M ST, t stores, 212 W . Pirst and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. Radios Pianos sold on easy terms Y e hpecialty shoppe hemstitching and stamped goods. Jis W. Second at. Albany. Oregon Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Owner, Irene M cDaniel. ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. W e make our own candies. W s. D uncan . New and P O R D 8ALES AND SERVICE used * Tires and accessaries Repairs bought, sold and exchanged st all times Eplite Cafeteria and confectionery FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY K ir k -P o llak M otor C o . Iporttniller Furniture Co., forni- * ture, rugs, linoleam , stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street Albany, Oregon. P U L L E R GROCERY, 286 Lyon A (Successor to Stenberg Broa.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 263R U O L M A N & JACKSON G rocery— Bakery E v e ry th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice door to Blain C lothing Co. Noon lunches. Home-made candy and ice Cream. I Britain to Aid Canada’s Aretla Claims. London —Oreat Britain will assist la i ’bone 76-R. I l l N. Broadalbin st, Albany preparing Canadas claim to Arotlc tsndtory and make any represent» turns decided on. If a controversy ha twwan Canada and the United States develops, it was understood hers. FARM LOANS W rite for booklet describing onr 20- year Rural C red it Amortized Loans T lie loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No delay. B e a m L a w d C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest M P E R IA L C A F E . 209 'ln2 >" '>>« er company, wee killed while working tv five acre« nr i«„s T7 “ ar<8r town' rhoae who 8 ° to Albany A’ X busy.’ M ake your dollars work in age of the picture into thousands of on top of a 30-foot power Dole In Port' * t ” t- . . * * tendered by to transact business will find the firms our savings department. A l b a n y S t a TB flashes, reflecting them Into a photo­ land whe> ho « - „ / T . nP . JT * th Uzil versfty of Oregon medical named below ready to fill their require- H a n k . Under government supervision electric oell. The flashes take a mini .i ’ «ecidentally touched a school and President Coolidge author m* Btg wlth ‘» “ •'tesy and fairness, her of "stills” of the moving object iss Sue Breckenridge wire carrying 230« vo lt, of electricity, ized Director Hines of the bureau te ------------------------------------- Hem stitching. Stamped goods and In reproducing them on the Representatives of the federal pow-1 close the negotiations. A survey will A C C E S S O R IE S AND TIR ES 33J West Second street, Albany, Oregon screan. give continuity of action sim er commission w ill arrive in Oregon began nt once. The hospital, of 300 I h A n i«nA° tO Snppliea Phone 452R lia r to a motion picture. late In June to confer with members beds, w ill be for the treatment of gen 142 West First St. * * or the public service commission In I ©nil patients. I ----------------- —--------- J^OSCOE AMES HARDW ARE Obligations of Democrats Unpaid. connection with the establishment and The m atter of forcing the North A J' LINDAHL, hardware, Washington. D. C.—The Democratic maintenance of federal power projects. Canal company to carry out stipula ’ T- . . Dinnerware T he Winchester Store ¡ national committee had unpaid oblige W illiam Priebe, chief of the Oregon ,lona lB ltg contract with the depart Jfc W. Pirit St°P ' ‘"’zubiny. Oregon IM8ON T H E SH O E DOCTOR tlons of »826,985.79 on May 31, Jamee City fire department, waa elected m®Bt ot M rlcnltnre to remove timber Second street opposite Ham ilton's W . Gerard, treasurer, reported iu a president of the Oregon State Fire [ from ***« Crane Prairie reservoir site A ,bany F lo ra l Co. C u t flowprs store. statemeut filed with the clerk of the Chiefs associdtlen at the annual con- haa h««“ turB«d o w to the United I - - j aBd P1«.«“ »- Plural art for every Sudden Service.*' house. The republican national com­ I and all occasions. ventlon in Forest Grove. Corvallis Stkt«a attorney-general. This action mittee had n surplus of 8354.483 01 on Flow er phone 458-L T V ald o Anderson A Son. distrib- March >8, aoeordtog to the statement was selected ae the 1926 convention pulm inatea a series of recommendations cby. and Investigations relative to the re T^aveoport Music company offers ’ ’ utors and dealers for M axw ell, Chal­ of W illiam V Hedges, treasurer of the mers, Essex, Hudson ft Hu pm abile cars. Piano-case organ, good as new W ill Moore, state insurance commls- m0Tal of th* water killed timber from committee The La Follett»W heeler Accessories. 8 pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin Estey organ, good at new s loner, was reappointed to the office | ,h8 re*®rTOlr basin. party, on the eame date, bad a balance Used Pianos. Pianoa to rent VVOODWORTH DRUG CO. of 8<0T 92, according to lta statement. Oregon pensionn have boan granted for a term of four years by Governor Brunswicks and Victrolss C ’astburn Bros.—Two big grocery 1 lerce, Mr. Moore's present term ex­ as follow»: H. Maltimore Dukes, Port pires June 30. Mr. Moore also is state land, »24 a month; Mary H. Sears, fire marshal and state real estate com- Portland, »30 a month; Arthur W Griffa, Portland, »12 a month; Ben­ •’U wiener. rhe Annual scholarship of |150, jamin Knutson, Vernonia, »15 "warded to a student of advertising month; W illiam U. Strahm, Roseburg. at the University of Oregon by the »30 a month; Ray Duncitn, Cove, 816 ortland Advertising dnb. was won a month; Alfred Kinkade, Klamath this year by Frank Loggan of Burns Falls, »12 a month; Parrison K ■and Wayne Leland of Salem. The Shirk, Marshfield. 81» a month. Squirrel and rodent poisoning on Prize waa divided. government and farm lands in Ore 'rhe government has finished piling gon during the early spring season on the nor,b I* t t y on the Umpqns has gone on at a record pace this year, river. The '4 i^ taBC® covered Is 1874 according to Ira M. Oehrtelson, leader feat- R W. w / ' ,^ mg' reg,d* Bt eagl- of rodent control for th« etate for the B®*r in charge of \ ' x’-“ 8tM,c,,OB' *•**■ United States bureau .of biological mates the rocking will l **8 f'nlabed in survey. Nearly 10,000 pounds of pol another six months. - - ---------- son waa mixed daring May for use on W illiam M. Jardine, secreu'r^ - ot government lands in the varions coun­ agriculture, will spend three days' *“ ties. and county work on farm lands With the cooperation of the goveru- f ’regon on his present tour of the west Secretary Jardine w ill arrive in Med meTt is progressing rapidly. — — —— — ford from Davis, Cal., the morntng of \ \ 22 Land Office Jobe Abclfehed- June 25 and w ill leave Portland tha Washington. D C.— The offices ol •venlng of June 27. Prices for supplies to be furnished 22 receiver» of local land offices It Jo the several Ita ta , Institutions dur- 11 state« were ordered abolished Mon' •ng the slxmonth period starting July day by tha Interior department. Th* v^rk of tha receivers w ill be taker 1 of this year show nr.ateriai lncreas’ t over by the registrars of the office* over those for the oirreepoodliig per iod ia according to bids opened and the departtaeot eetlmatee a sav ing of 850,000 a year will reanlt- the state board of cpatroL . New. low-priced Gill Batteries for Ford, and Star, other Chevrolet small cars MORE SERVICE FOR LESS M ONEY A record cut for eight hours was guard, 2500 strong, went into encamp­ set at the W hitney company sawmill ment at Camp Jackson, near Medford. at Oarabaldi when 306,540 feet of logs Eight special trains over the South­ John M arshall of Parkersburg, W. was rut on one headrlg. ern Pacific carried guardsmen from V s , who succeeded Ruth L, Holland Joshua E. Hardy, 92, oldest resident every section of the state. of The Dalles and a wagon train pio­ neer of 1852, died at The Dalles from complications of old aae. Port Orford expects between 250 and 300 delegates to the Spanish- American w ar veterans annual conven­ tion there July 23. 24 and 25. PAOK • FLORENCE L SABIN ed by the superintendents for * eration of members of the state* b ^ r t in /T T Th* t0 U ' “ «‘ conduct I Ing the Institutions for May waa 1116.601.9». rural ritem prisi ; Prompt service. Insurance Courteous treatment. ’ W m ’ B a iw , Room S, First Savings Bank bmlning, Albany » Quarantine Beard Urge« FlgM an Feat Boise. Idaho. — Btrlngant measure* to preveat tntrodnetl** aqd spread at plaat pests and diseases In western states are advocated la resolutions adopted by the western plaat quaran tine board at the closing sasslon her* of that body's annual convention. Th* recommendatieas of the quarantine board are seriously considered by fed eral sad state officiala, because lb* board Is composed of experts la th* field. 7 Washington. D. C. — This govern- mont will suport the present Mexi­ can regime "only so long as It pro tecta American' Uvea and American rights aniTcomplIes with Its interna­ tional engagements and obligations." Secretary of State Kellogg warned in an Informal press statement. This statement was issued follow­ ing a aeries of conferences between Kellogg and Ambassador Sheffield, who has Just returned from Mexico. K^logg's statement said In part: "A greet deal of property of Ameri­ cans has been taken under or in vio­ lation of the agrarian laws for which no compensation has beeu made, and other properties practically have been rained and. In one Instance, taken by the Mexican government on account of unreasonable demands of labor. Mr. Sheffield witl»have the full support of this government end we will insist that adequate protection under the recognised rules of international law be afforded American citlsens. We believe It Is the desire of tha Maxi- can government to carry out the con­ ventions and to Indemnify American citizens for property taken. "I have seen the statements pub­ lished In the press that another revo- lutionsry movement may be Impend­ ing In Mexico. I very much hope this Is not true. "It is the policy of this goxernment to use Its Influence and its Support in behalf of stability and orderly con­ stitutional procedure, buf It should ba made clear that this government will continue to support the government In Mexico only so long as that govern­ ment protects American lives and American obligations. The govern­ ment of Mexico Is now on trial before the world." CHECKS ARE SENT BY WIRE Drafts Bucesssfuily Bant from Nsw York te Chicago. Nhw Yerk.— Experiments era being made by several New York banks on telegraphing checks by means of an Instrument which photographs tha chock at one town and reproduces It in another. It was learned recently. The innovation. It Is hoped, will re­ sult la great facilitation of banking business. ' Cheoks have been successfully tel» graphed by the Rank of Manhattan company from New York to Chicago. Tha actual transmission .p f the checks requires only seven 'minutes, but necessary photographic processes add another 4 4 hours to the time. It Is pointed out that under the new system s man presenting a check In New York on s Sun Francisco bank could get it cashed within n few hours instead of waiting several days as nt present Future use of the «ystem in transmission of stock transaettons is also considered.