Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 17, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    T H O R NAME
Tarko grinned as the former went to
call the meeting to order
W hy suffer from headaches? J
He waved toward Bart Rogers, and |
the marshal stepped a abort distance
• Fellows,” he began quietly, “I know l
that every one of you have some place
that you call home, and that you like
to think about It as a place where
there's law and decency, and where
your mother or your slater or your
sweetheart can walk along the street
in safety, or where your young broth­
er will not be face to face with a tbou
sand temptations that should be re-1
A lb an y, Oregon
moved from bis path. Is that right t'
There waa a alight murmur—Bart ,
knew It waa one of approval. He con­
that makes the language of the United
" I thought so. N ow : the man betide States marine. For all of it, there
me Is the new mayor of Bellatne. He’s waa not the slightest necessity—every­
not a politician, and lie has no ax to where were men, stripped to the waist,
grind. I think he will tell you that on and working at they had not worked
Post-bole diggers were
the streets of Bellatne In the last week In months.
women have been Insulted, men fleeced biting their way Into the ground, rolls
of their every cent, youths lured Into of barbed wire being trundled Into
dance halls and worse— and all because position, hammers were clanging, and
there Isn't sufficient police power to shadowy forma clustered about a
stop IL Mayor, Is that rightT'
hastily procured truck as they re­
Tom Jordan rubbed his hands.
lieved It of Its first load of supplies.
"I had Just thirty letters yesterday
A form moved to Bart Rogers' sldo,
faua ;»
“Forget It. I f that’s all you’re worry ! It you enjoy a good meal,
lag about. I ’U pay your fine Where’s ! vod kaow a g o o d u e a l when you get it,
You’ll be back, tor yon'II not forget it;
Our aim ia to please you.
"Is she feeling better?”
The burning eyes turned toward tbe
other man, eyes which told a thou- 1
sand stories of suffering.
“Better r ssked Old Jim In a voice .
that was stranger, more weird than I
from him. 'As a result, Jim did no(
ever. "No. She's—she's crying. It
give up hie suit.
had to come. I ’ve—done what I ’ve
"The time for the wedding ap­
ulways been afraid of doing.
broken her heort. I ’ve—I ’ve told her I" proached and the girl became room
frightened than ever. Then Jim, ac­
“What do you mean?"
cording to hts story to Anita, decided
¿A» ö t / / t y t t u e a i * Jtc.
Jnat then the doorbell Jangled.
to take things Into hie own hands. H e
"Graham’s at the door," Old Jim went to her and argued with her until
said slowly. ’tHe'a come for me. W ill she gained the courage to elope w ith
you let him In?”
him. They ran away and were mar­
W N U Barvie«
"Certainly.” Bart could gay but lit­ ried that night.
tle else
He passed the tense figure
"O f course, they came back to Al­
upon the forehead of the being he
and turned the knob. Sheriff Graham konla. and the girl had to face the at­
bated and feared.
of Mannington looked np at him In torney.
But apparently he had de­
A lurching second— then “Bull”
surly fashion.
cided lo act the man about the thing.
dropped, while the crowd, frightened
"I want him’’— Graham demanded—
now, milled for safety.
He offered Jim hla hand and told him
A Fight
"who’s that standing back there In that It was only natural that the best
" I’ve done It—” came in a strange,
the hall?"
An hour later Bart was in Manning-
tutu should win, then promised his un­
droning voice. " I’ve done It—he’ll gel
Jim Alderby 1” The faint voice an­ dying friendship.
ton, at ten o'clock ha reached the
me now. But I —I cdn’t help I t ” He
bank and got the money; then he
"Four years went by. In which the
looked toward Bart Rogers, who had
walked Into the courtroom and waited turned, after assisting the weakened
“Did yeu ever go under the name attorney was a constant visitor to the
for his deputy to be brought forward
of George Morrison?"
Morrison home—that is Old Jim's real
Anita Into the car, and In hla eyes was
for pleading.
"That— that waa my real name."
name, you know.
Then Anita was
the look of a man facing something
I t waa not long before Bud Tarko
“Then I guess you’d better come born, and but three mouths later the
far worse than death, " I’ve done I t
along. I ’ve got a telegram here from storm broke.
Bart—the thing I ’ve alwa.K been
•'Not guilty, your honor,” came the
Alkonla that they want you."
"One morning Jim opened his matt
afraid o t I knew he’d make roe—
voice of the tall, bedraggled young I knew he’d go so far some day that
’Alkonla?" Bart Rogers had edged to find an anonymous letter which
pay you to get my prices on your dental work, into the conversation. “Alkonla— made charges against Ids wife and
man, and with that Bart went forward.
it’d all have to come out. Now lie’ll
“I f you please, yo u r' honor, Mr.
Cusick bank building, Albany
eome man In town whose name Anita
get me—and she’ll—she’ll have to suf­
Tarko'a attorney la on the way here fer, 'cause the ain’t his daughter,
could not recall.
Jim accused her,
from Cheyenne," he announced, "and, Bart—she's mine 1”
"But Jim hasn’t been out of this then went to tbe man In question, ac­
simply as a citizen, I would like to ask
from people who really' llveil In Bel- and a rather Tat hand mopped at a town for—"
cusing him.
I guesa there was the
“Tours)” Bart asked the question
I>ermlaalon of the court to have thia
'Well, I f you’ve got to know,” and usual scene— and a fight. In which Jim
lalne asking me what I Intended do­ perspiring forehead.
hurriedly as ha pushed the frightened
case aet for at least a month from to­
ing about cleaning up thia town," was
"Here are the commissions for all tbs sheriff poked forward a telegram, was bested. Those were drinking days,
old man Into the car. "There— don’t
day. aa Mr. Tarko's attorney will have
maybe you'd better look at thia and and once the whisky had begun to
talk about It now. Come on— we’ve got hla reply. “All that I could tell their the men at work here tonight," came
to familiarize himself with all the de­
was that I would do my best, but that the announcement of the puffing Tom get an eyeful."
work on him, he bought a revolver.
to get away from here."
my hands were tied."
Bart Rogers took the message, sud­ He hazily remembers Bartholomew ar­
Jordan. “I guess Tarko'd better peas
"Take care of Anita," he called over
The district attorney nodded.
denly to find the words swimming be­
Again Bart Rogers took the Initia­ them out. They’ve all been gworn."
hla shoulder. Jammed hla foot on the
fore hie eyes. For a full moment he guing with him to he sensible end
“It's agreeable with me, yonr honor."
starter, and with the first roer of the
trust hla wife. Then, according to his
The date of trial was aet. Bart
“The reason for It la, fellows, simply business, bnt that train’s going to be stared at IL reading again tha crisp,
engine sent the car skidding around
story, hla mind became a blank. When
again faced the court.
whistlin’ In about ten minutes.” F if­
the corner on the beginning ot a cir­
he awoke he dragged hlmaelf out of a
"Graham, Sheriff,
" I am ready, your honor, to furnish cuitous Journey to the home ot the are the police department. We’re not teen minutes later they were leaving
drunken stupor to find that he waa
a cash bond.”
A half-block and he out­ a very huaky army to combat what the glaring, noisy, blatant boom town
"Arrest and hold for local officer, In his own house, that his revolver was
Fifteen minutes later, the dilapidated distanced the few persona who had we're up against. We get no help from behind on their way to Cheyenne.
clasped In his right hand, and that,
Tarko beside him, Bart again was on sought to pursue. A few momenta the sheriff—Instead, today he arrest­
Morning, and with It hurried Inter­ George Morrison, alias James Alderby, across the room, lay the dead body of
the road to Bellatne. A mile and he more ’and he ’«warred Into the Jordan ed my deputy because he had shown views, running messengers, clanging fifty-six, five ten, dark eyes, second
finger of right hand bent to left, ecar his wife.
turned to his companion.
driveway. Then, with Anita, struggling the effrontery to uae firearms to pre­ hammers, and then—
(To be continued)
"Bud, Tm going to let you out at the grimly for aelf-poasesalon, and the vent a Jail delivery of a gambler. Now.
On board the train which carried above right ear. Charge murder.
“Chief of Police, Alkonla, lU.”
discovery well. I want you to visit chattering Jim beside him, be faced I've promised to make It short, eweet the three men back to Rellalne were
and snappy. You're Legion men. You six long, ceffln-llke boxes, each with
every camp and outfit and find every Mayor Jordan.
Laws 1 Laws!
stand for certain things, for honesty, Its excess baggage tag attached, the word dazedly, non-understandlngly.
American Legion man In the all dis­
“I hate to impose on you, Mr. Jor­
(Portland Journal
trict. W hat’s more, I want you to dan,” he began, “but— "
premium of speedy transportation. A
and for law and order.
Thia Httle truck awaited them at the station, and this. I —"
argue with that man until he gives you
in Portland could live
“Come In 1" Tbe genial eld official
“You're not the ona who's running
his solemn promise to meet at the bad thrown wide tbe door. “Who's town didn't give many soldiers dur­ Bod Tarko met Bart with a grimy
to disobey all the
ing the war, because It had but few buneb of men.
alkali flat. Just west of town, at nine this? Oh—"
and his expression . to give. But It did give of wbat wealth
He would have to
admitted his Identity.
What's the local laws.
o'clock tonight. Do you get me)"
changed—“Miss Frannlston."
have a cat’s nine lives to dis­
it possessed, what hopes It had, stockade of bristling wire hud been use— ”
"Do I ) I t ’s memorized. What’ll I
"Yes, I'll explain to you later,” Bart , what energy It could summon. In
■ “But Jim I
Don’t stand there regard the laws of state and
tell ’em la doing I ”
answered. “In tbe meanwhile, could all things It gave to the limit, and It
dumb I You haven't been out of this city combined-
“Action—and plenty of It."
you allow me to have a room where asked no return. Tonight I am beg­
town for years. You—"
In the second of his articles
Accordingly Bart let Tarko off at Miss Frannlston and Old Jim could
! / /
H e ceased. The old man had spread
ging for It, I , a member of tbe Ameri­
The Journal, William P.
the oil fields and went on. At the en­ sort <Jf alt down and compose them­
his hands and shaken his head. Then,
can Legion, am asking you. as my
trance to the main street he leaned selves— I"
Helm Jr. said:
1 buddies of tbe greatest organization
slowly he had come forward.
ever the wheel suddenly at the sight
In 15 legislatures this year
“Surest thing." Tom Jordan asked in the world, to Jump In and help me
"Don't try to help me, Bart," had
ot a crowd on the corner. A second no more questions, but simply led the
come pleadingly. " It only makes It more than 10,000 bills were in­
make this an American town again.
more and he bad swerved the machine way to the top of the stairs, where
harder. I —I told you I ’d broken her troduced. New York, Minne­
I need 23 men whom I can deputize
to the curb, shut off the engine and hla wife awaited him. “There’s been
heart. I'm —what you say— a murder­ sota,
and who will not be afraid to shoot.
California, Tennessee,
was rushing forward. H e bad beard some more trouble, Mary,"- he an­
er. I —I guess the worst kind of mur­ Pennsylvania, North Carolina,
You’ll receive no money; you may
the. Jeering tones of a man—then the nounced quietly. “Take care of these
derer that ever God ever cursed, a mur­
receive injuries; are there 25 men
Massachusetts, West Virginia
frightened cry of a g lr l-th e voice of folkg wIll y o u r
derer who killed the woman he loved
who want to help met*
Anita Frannlston.
Then be turned with Bart to tbe
—his wife— and the mother ot his and Wisconsin, share the doubt­
In a doorway lounged “Bull" Fran-
ful honor of considering the
baby I"
living room, where Rogers gave his ac­
nlston, plainly drunk, while, at the
counting. and told the story of "Bull"
Long after the machine containing greatest number of changes in
curbing, Anita was struggling vainly
Frannlston. The mayor's face tost Its
the sheriff and Old Jim had chugged statutory law. New York leads
to evade the caresses of a man—the
T h e S to c k a d e
away, Bart Rogers still stood there the list with a total of 3186 bills
gambler Bart had arrested the day be­
“Hey, keep them hands down I" Bud
“That looks bad,” he responded grim­
In the hallway, looking wRh dazed introduced. Much freakish and
fore. He too was drunk— almost as
Tarko was yelling at the top of hla
eyes into nothingness, strM ng to en­
drunk as the shouting, roaring “Bull,”
unusurl legislation burnt up
compass It alL
" I wonder If you’d mind attending a
who egged him on from the doorway.
hours for which taxpayers paid
Now, first row I
meeting with me about nine o’clock T” adding machine)
Old Jim, begging piteously with hla
thousands of dollars in
Bart asked.
shot like red flame through the brain
drunken brute of a master for some
Jamboree, stick up your mitts 1 U>w-
to their lawmakers.
"Tonight! Where?”
evidence of human commiseration, was
“Out on the alkali flat. Some of the U— " be turned suddenly to Bart—
Marcus Kavanagh of
unheeded. About them the crowd
men who are working eround here "how In blazes do you say unanimous)
hands of "Bull" Frannlston, simply the superior
court, of Illinois
laughed and Jeered as the gambler
and who belong to the American
because he knew that even this was says:
continued hla lurching efforts to force
Legion are going to get together for ( fourth, fifth—huh. It looks like every­
better than the discovery that her fa­
Three powerful lawyers are
body’s coming to the party.’’
ther was a murderer? Did he know
tb a of Anita Frannlston to hla. a few minutes. WUl you be there) ,
that once he crossed the evil. Ugly responsible . for the failure of
And with that, Bart Rogers swept for­ r i l need you."
Then he turned to Tom Jordan.
tempered "Bull" Frannlston, hla secret our Criminal law. They are the
“Meet roe here at 8 :90." I t waa said '
"Mayor, I may need $1,000 to carry
the legislature, the
would be a secret no longer? Was lawyer in
He tore the gambler away from quietly and tersely. “I f I am a few
thia thing through. Are you willing
that why be had begged the man he lawyer on the bench
and the
minutes late, don’t worry. Til be here."
to advance It, knowing that you'll get
"Let go of that girl I" I t was "Bull"
Still with the grin on hla feetnres, It back from the city when tbe fines Around It Stood a Curious, Gaping served to be more lenient with the lawyer at the bar.
g ir l; why he bed beeeecbed him not
Frannlaton. weaving forward now, hla Tom Jordan went out tha door, while begin coming In?"
He bases the statement on
to force the issue to the breaking
right hand fumbling In tha direction of Bart Rogers looked after him In al­
"It's advanced whether I ever get built, and around It stood a curious, point? Instinctively, Bart knew the flimsy technicalities thrown into
a hip pocket.
most worshipful fashion.
For Bart
It back or not."
Tom Jordan was gaping crowd.
answer—and y e t with It all, there the law by lawyers in the legis­
"Bart I" It was a screaming voice had learned that one thing he had
chewing at a cigar, somewhat viciously.
To the stockade Bart went then, to etlU lingered the mystery, the unsol lature, pleaded by lawyers be­
from one aide, where Old Jim waa feared waa untrue. Old Tom JordaD
"Very well. You’ve got a charge ac­ examine the barbs, to 4eat the heavy, uble question of— why?
fore the bar, and sustained by
scrambling forward,
Bart 1 Look ; had a genial face. He had a soft,
count at the Royal Hardware company, wire-studded gate, and stepping Inside,
There were too many questions, lawyers on the bench.
easy manner. He had a penchant for
out! He's got a gunl"
haven't yon? Take Bud Tarko and to regard the poasl bill ties and Impos­ even for conjectures. More, Jim hid
Bat half-way to hla pocket Frannla- following the easiest way. But now,
these men np there and get sufficient sibilities of escape. Once more he spoken of a girl upstairs, a girl who
ton's hand halted, and be whirled In Bart saw, when Tom Jordan came
The Union Bridge company
barbed wire, staples, posts and every­
was broken-hearted and weeping. Bart
frenzied fashion aa tbe thin, suddenly to the barrier, he could prove him­ thing else thlTs necessary to build turned to Tarko.
appealed to the Oregon su­
'T il be back to relieve you In a few turned In search of Mrs. Jordan, then,
superstrong Old Jim lunged toward self a thoroughbredj
a fence six feet high around the place minutes, aa soon as I get thia stuff up with her beside tilm, went to Anita's preme court from the decision
He st-etched himself on the lounge. where tbe City hall stood. Get that,
him, with both thin hands, grasping hla
to the mayor's house. You're needlDg room. A little heap of humanity was of Judge McMahan which en­
heavy wrist. A great fist drew back,
AI l ’s just going to be a bit of a Tarko?”
curled In a chelr, weeping. The wom­ joined the maintenance of the
and tbe black eyes of tbe bulking nap,” he said to himself. “Only a few
"Do I?”
The long deputy swung
"Who, me? Bay, I never went to an hurried to her.
new Albany bridge approach
beast seemed to pull together In a minutes— ’’
his anns. “Oh. baby I A stockade!" look a bed In the face again. Boy,
"He told roe the whole story," came without the payment of dam­
But when ha turned at last, to a
spasm of anger.
“That’s It. I want It built by to­ I'm ratin' to go.”
“He killed my mother!" ages to Barrett
"Let go there!’’ ha ordered, and tugging at a shoulder, the light with­
brothers for
morrow afternoon at alx o'clock. In
■’You'll rear better after you've Then the sobs came again. Mrs. Jor­
atruok wildly at the dodging, twisting out had faded. Tom Jordan was grin­
the meanwhile I want twenty men who snored ewblle.” Then Bart Rogers, dan nodded to Bart and quietly be de­ damage to their property.
form of the old man. “Let go there!" ning down at him.
can scare up rifles and revolvers, to bla old enthusiasm returned, a portion parted. An hour later—
"Have to step lively, youngster,"
" IH not let go!" O ld Jim waa
walk post, ten to stand duty tonight at leaest of his zest In life restored,
PAID for false teeth, den-
In the big living-room dowatalrs, a
screaming now, with a sort of fierce
tai gold, platinum and di (carded
and ten to relieve them at eight In the followed the truck and the long, sad-faced, motherly woman stood by
terror, " I'll not I I t ’s my flesh and sleep ’till the last mlnnte. Hurry out morning, to keep everybody away and
jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refining
blood, ’Bull,’ and I ain’t going to stand there In the kitchen and get the grub to answer no questions. Do I get 'em?" casket-llke boxes to the home of the the window, talking to Bart Rogers. Co.. Otsego, Mich,
mayor. There he called for Old Jim,
" It’s not a pleasant story,” Came
It any longer! You ain’t going to hurt my wife's fixed for you. It's half past
"Stop your crowdin’, will you guys? that he might eld In the work before quietly. Maybe It's not true— but If It
her and you ain’t going to hurt him I eight 1"
They's pleDty of work left I” Bud was them. But when the man appeared Is, I cen t help feeling sorry for Old
Drop that gunl Drop that gun. I
Bart obeyed hurriedly, then Joined pushing back the volunteers.
Bart Bart rescinded hie order.
Jim, even I f he Is a murderer. Per­
say 1"
the mayor, who was waiting In the Rogers went on.
Jim appeared ghastly DI and fright­ haps, I ’m too sympathetic. But when
"Let go 11" The big voice thundered machine. A mile past the center of
“The rest of you report at the may­ ened.
H alsky . O kkoon
Instinctively Rogers went to a man bee paid and paid and paid—
the command and again the heavy, town they veered their course, and,
or's home at ten o'clock tomorrow him and grasped him by a thin, trem­ I Just can’t help It.”
free flat of tha man swished through leaving the road, started straight
night with what elde-arms you cen bling shoulder.
**I don’t understand, Mrs. Jordan.
tbe air, to catch the older man on tbe across the prairie toward tbe alkali
scare up. In the meanwhile I want
“Neither do I —In a way," was the
"Jim I" he ordered, "buck up here I
aide of the head, to stun him momen­ fla t Now Bart was leaning anxiously
one or two men who are well known Whet's the matter with you? No­ quick rejoinder. "Old Jim may have
tarily and to send him staggering, forward, straining for the sight of
to the state adjutant of tbe Ameri
Invented the whole story.
body's— ”
while the gunhand again swung up­ men— and at last to be rewarded.
can Legion of Wyoming io go to Chey­
“He's looking for me." The voice there Is nothing but hie word for IL
"They’re there I” came bla enthusi­ enne with me tonight. Wbo'i on?"
Efficient S ir vice.
Motor Hearse.
was strange and cracked and llfelees. however.
Then a shot tore Its way Into the astic announcement, "Fully a hundred
Two boars later, In the light ot A band twitched In the general direc­
Lady Attendant
"According to what he told Anita,
sidewalk as Old Jim once more leaped of them. See I There by the campfire I"
Rogers tion of outdoors. "I— I saw him go be and a young lawyer. Mason Bar­ Brown«ville.......... .............. . . . . . Oregon1
to the attack and grasped the wrist of
Five minutes later they drew up at stepped to one side as a roaring, hal­
down the street.”
tholomew, were rivals for tbe tame
th^larger man. A third shot, a fourth the flat, and Bart alighted, to find tbe
lowing person strode past him.
"Looking for yon? Saw him—what girl befk In Alkonla.
She bad be­
—and then a shriek I
enlongated Tarko striding toward him.
"Aw— right I" sounded the howling are you talking about r*
came engaged to Bartholomew, simply,
The teeth of Old Jim clamped on the
“Ain’t I a good man?" he naked as
He came Into town In a according to Jim, because he seemed
wrlaL and the blood began to splatter he Jabbed forth a disfigured hand. voire. "Make 'er snappy I La’s r«t
& Funeral Director
Post carriers— hurry a half hour ago. H e’s—he's to exert some sort of hypnotic Influ­
on tha aldewalk. The gun had dropi*d “May he a little mussed up— but a eome action here!
Halsey tad Harrisburg
from tha deadened grasp of “B uir' good man's a good man any ele time.
' Call D T a y lo r , Halsey, or
"Oh. look here I" A slight air of him— even after she had given her
Frannlston, while Jim leaped and Look 'em over, Cap'n. Thera they are stand by t ’ shove off!"
W, L. W r io h t , Ilarriabnrg
It was Bud Tarko, shouting the Hag» disgust crept Into Bart's voice at tbe
»»lied It, then, whirling, swung It high —a hundred and forty of ’em."
ft he/ dlellke; once she ran sway
of thq seg MU the Jabber oi Ute AHRJ •'-QJBtlntKd fear of Ute o ib v man
sad brpogkt UlS bull grggidag down . Bart Introduced Utf B aiol ud
6y Courtney
tok, Ryley Cooper
F. M. French & Son
Jewelers, Optometrists
C. FICQ, Dentist
Amor A. Tussing
Funeral Director and Li­
censed Embalmer