The Great Outdoors \\ here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and V igorous Humanity are Produced Government Helps Washington-Oregon Farms Pay § Electric Fan Cures W heat Gamblers Linen Mill Starts of Linn’s Taxes Fresh-cut Grain to see what has made the blessed thing balk. Tbe day may he near when all the farmer needs in the way of harvest weather will he dry days io which to cut bis grain aad stack it in sheds and be w ill cure it there, rain or 9hine, all at Jess cost than by present methods. And tbereassill be no more weather- stained grain. Choice of Tractor Shearers of Lambs Buy I he Birth ol a New Coast Halsey Next to Lowest It Is Done at Less Cost Depends on Needs I and Sell More Crops Industry That May City in Ih© County Than Under the Old Than Exist Mean Millions per Capita Method Several Suggestions Made (U . 3. Senator Sbjpatead of Min nesota in Dearborn Indepedont) (Aumsville S tar) Tax atatistits compiled by the Oregon to Use as a Guide. The 48th annual convention oj Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Nipple Voter for every county in tbe state re' Talleyrand is said to have boiled the National Electric Light asso­ Before buying a tractor most fann­ and son and wife and Mr. and veal tbe (act that in Linn county 30.72 down bia philosophy, in substance, per cent ol the total tax it paid by prop­ ciation is in session in San Fran­ ers want to know what kind will meet Mrs- A. E. Bradley went to Van erty within cities while 69.2 perS cent to the following; “ Society cisco thia week. Is it possible that the need of their farms. Because of . , " , . I frequent requests from farmers for couver, Wash., where they a t­ ia paid by property outside ol citie«. In , , . , , divided into taro classes—the fo rty-eig h t years have passed since help in this matter the engineering the state 52.64 per cent of the taxej are there was first a field fo r such an staff at tbe New Jersey State College tended the opening of the new shearers and the shorn. Wise men paid on poperrty in cities and 47.36 on organization? F o r ty .fo u r years of Agriculture, New Brunswick, has join the former and avoid being Washington-Oregon linen mill. litat outside. ago tlie editor of the E n terp ris e drawn up a group of suggestions which Mrs. P. E. Thomason closed the caught with the latter.” Farm property pays 40 28 per cent ot niaJ he- used as a guide to prospective After the bulk of the wheat switch th at set the machinery l.sne county Uxes snd 25.97 per ennt of first saw au electric lig h t o ther buyers than the aurora borealis. I t was leaves the farm, during the autnmn in motion. those of the state. Here are the used to light the boring of the 4. Choose from tbe ranks of those mouths the price begins to soar. Supt. Crawford and wife and sources of Linu connty taxes: tunuel for the coast raiiroad which have been tried by years of use, The " b u ll " movement reaches its James Hawthorn, assistant sup­ Outside of Cities Amount Per Cent through the mountains between from tbe manufacturer who has a local peak somewhere between the end Farm property»......$ 4 5 1 ,4 7 3 40.28 San Francisco and Santa Cruz. representative with a stock of repair of January and the first of March. erintendent of the state prison Lumber and tim b e r.. .206.557 parts near at hand. 1» 31 Hax plant, B. C. Miles, wife and Two soccessive crews of Chinese Then the " wise men ” of high - ---------- ----------- — m u Railroads r o a n i a n and a u utilities t u n i » 98,822 98,822 2. A reasonable amount ot service 8.76 c . G. Boyer, county clerk, ah o th e r..................... 21,%9 workers had beeu killed by the should go w ith a machine of tide type. 1.94 finance take their profile, the ¿on, o y 1 rv George v-m. A Ayer of CJ 1 - - - ■ were Tn * > * ■ In f" Cities explosion of natural gas in that and Salem, See i f your agent Is In the habit of market collapses, the public shoul­ Railroads and utilities 35,845 3.18 tunnel while coal-oil lanterns were following up bis sales to see that he ders the wreck and we have the among the visitors. A ll o th e r..................3160,67 27.53 used, and in desperation the con­ has satisfied customers. The first piece of linen that "fleecing of tbe Iam b i.” 3. A belt pulley controlled by a fric­ tractors resorted to the uew light. During tbe paet four years the came from the mill was given Total----- ; ................ »1,128,333 10(. 00 desired. sti Study The next year the same editor re-i tion — clutch is m usually u*uauy aesirea. couu ry has gone through that to Mrs. Thomason and the sec­ The average rate in Linn county un­ ceived by telegraph for hit paper I tlle Blze ®nd ‘“nation of this pulley, shearing process three sessoos, as ond went to Mrs. Bradley, who territory ia 32.35 mills, the account of the in itia l turning j * mechanlcal governor is very v follows: has been exhibiting the pro- incorporated slightly above tbe average of 31.93 for on of the current in the streets of ea ra le ior belt work. Year Peak Price Shearing time price Juct to growers and others here all incorporated territory in the state. San Jose, tbe fitst city on the coast „ L Pi T T Price of gasoline this week. Within Linn county citie» the rate ia to so use electricity. 1I2J January 28, »2.06 April 3, $1.3« “ ill ™ “ tra?tor tia t 58.8 mills, against 47 38 for all the cities J. F. Galbreth, in charge of in Oregon. » * rch 172 J“ ‘ r i os ▲ / j a a • « . I WU1 operate successfully on kerosene A survey reported at thia week’s at any lead kerosene 1« 1 February 2.02>iApril 1.23% the new mill, said th at inside of Following are the rates and per capita 8. An air cleaner Is essential to intrinsically, or acoording to ten days he would have a crew taxes for Linn connty citiea and towns San Francisco meeting shows that 44 per cent of the homes in the long ‘ ............. life of the engine I f used In dusty the law of supply and demand, of men at West Stayton putting C l‘ y Rate Per Capita United States, and 68 per cent of fields. wheat wee more valuable in the up the llax retting and scutch­ A lb a n y ......................... 58.2 »44 25 T. A magneto with an Impulse those within reach of electric 38.57 spring, when the price was at the ing plant and it would be ready Lebanon.......................... 64.1 Krownsville.....................62.5 29.77 service, are lighted by electricity. starter provides as nearly as possible lowest ebb, than in the peak-price to take care of this year’s crop. n *l«»v............................ 41 8 29.75 A good many farmers where it sure Ignition and ease and safety in winter montha. Both the carrying H a rris b u rg .................. ...5 3 .6 33 57 a oosta and the diminished supply seould have added to their value But what has the question of cost or vslue to do with the gambling of th ) bulls and bears? In three years out of four the market price on the grain ex- change drone an average of 70 cents a bushel In 60 or 90 days I f the lots were confined to the actual wheat handled the shrinkage on the American wheat crop would »mount to hundreds ol millions of dollars a year. But March 18 last C'hiasgo aloua sold 149,000,000 bushels of whsat ’’ fu Fruit Outlook aa ....................... 30 62 Sweet H o w e ................... 56.4 Raspberries are better than k t t rear. 13.37 is available are using the wire- brought power. I t it taking the drudgery out of washing, ironing, I churning and many tasks on the Halsey is next to the lowest per capita Linn county w ill pay 370.620 lot high l ‘v X a“. ! snd grade schools and »79,674 toward t he prune crop will piobably be higher institurionj of learning. Roads every a » ). DJ- « r ,r and road bonds will t«ke (345,835. one-fourth of neriual. f° “ nd ,0F U cranking. 8. It Is very Important to see that the tractor hitch and lmplenlent Implement bitch hitch «re l“a7erri‘ S r a t m ^ t Bnd , 8- M0St Work,n* »“«»hl be In- I dosed, and run in oil. » M »»d > »•*>■ , l a A tr ,c t° r pulling a two-bottom ¡ HE use of poor twine is likely to cause ex­ pensive delay in the rush of the harvest season. W hy take a chance? Tying troubles are min­ imized w hen Plym outh brand is used. Made of high-quality fiber and spun to the Plymouth standard,' which means smooth-run­ ning twine o f uniform size, length and strength. Plym­ outh Twine is scientifically treated against insect dam­ age, and can be fuftiished in either the regular or Plymouth Compact Ball. T H ILL& © -------- HALSEY .. ,r Value of Crops . and Live Stock Weighted Prices Have Been Used in Estimating Worth of Product. (P rep a red b / th e U n ited S ta te s D e p a rtm en t o f A g r ic u ltu r e .) The combined value of crop and live stock production In the United States Ripon. W n ., cured the crop from I plow would sult mogt N#w. Jerg Evergreen blackberries were a field of barley by using an fa" “»on which a tractor can be proflt- last year was $12,404.000.000, which T H E m a r k e t s lawaged more by the freeze than electric fan. As fast s's the grain ably used. Some wight need a three- was »58,000,000 more than In 1923 my other fruit. was cut it was stacked around a bottom outfit. Only a few would re­ when the total value was »12,348,000,- Portland 000, according to estimates by the quire a larger one. W- M. AA atk ¡n<|g of Sweet Home Wheat — Hard white, soft white framework in the shape of an United States Department of Agricul­ “is a White Leghorn pullet three northern spring, »1.69; western red Indian wigwam, under which was ture. Recommended n >uths old that is ls/io g .; western white, »1.68; hard winter and tbe eutlet of a pipe receiving air “Flushing” figures ror for last last year year are are c „ TV _ I . The “ higher ,‘ u' r insures from tbe fan. | Oregon shipped 003 oars of $1.67. ior tne Breeding Ewes due to lhe ‘“creased value of crops A stack of barley 16 feet in Hay - Alfalfa. »19@20 too; valley for breeding breeding Is tho be- “J ” the precedln* F««r, Inasmuch aa , Preparation , ----- lnnlniF of i»f ♦ Ka». direct work . for the I tue liv« av.v zvfe production tbe vuiue value at of live stock timothy, »gofcgi; ««.tern Oregon diameter and 17 feet high was ginning the built over the frame. It contained harvest of lambs hoped for the next shows a decline. timothy, »23*24. 0DO bushels of wheat futures, or 1450 bundles built that production bad a form value --------— w and m ii was iuoi so I »Pring. The period of gestation In I . . . . " Crop ■■»u a iunn vaiue Butterfat—42c delivered Portland. Loganberries are a total failure double the world visible supply. all parts of it afforded practically I she«P 1« 147 to 150 days. The mating of ° f »11,404,000,000 •*34,000,000 compared with »10,- K»P»ign CaUle— Prime steers. »8.50*900. creased In value last year at > .03. soared to »2.06 at the end ->ro\ ed. former times or th»n people are to rape. While rape will grow on poor .The value of the corn erop last year of January, kept ite high f|,g|„ M ilk Is owning Into Its own. Per in parts of the country wher sour aolla, It will not grow as much h . Pu, f T 1 at *2.890,000,000 at compared for about thirty days to $2 02 forage as It will on good sweet rich capita omauroptlon Increased seven occasionally a " tw is te r” comes w t $143,000.000 and oats $799.000 000 . ^ * r<' L 2 1ao d fi" a,,J ,el1 ,0 *«Hb _______ most likely pay to tosses ______ them _____ into tree- *,n d ; bu> 11 quarts during the paet year, figures along and compared with »554.000,000 below »1.40 by April 3 ° f M for h°8’ n wou,<1 sJ « >ou seed. Is valued at »1.701,000,000 last Agricurture Indicate. --------- - I “ “ “ 8 | , would a ptW the land first, '‘ and (hen • • • naturally net about 15 p«r cent - “ n turn townships. work It down well with a disk before Washington, D. C.— Only t* below the cbioagn " fu tu re ." eo It will cost less for a farmer to help On a rainy- day a family cau go hrI grower» o, the largely increased of Prospective settler, ou rert.m atlon a neighbor rid hla fields of chinch bugs forty or fifty mile* in a closed car, sowing the rape. prap-cts have tM h c y lt a l of more than to combat them himself when 1925 acreage may look forward t< make a day’a yiait and go home in they crooa hla property line, say, the Clover Improves Soil • farm price Iwtween $1 and »1 25 than »2500. the »vaoiog, over a smooth psvs- I nlted States Department of Agricul­ S r it u r , o» projects I . estlx.t Sweet clover Is a very good crop to As this is not a political ment, non» the worse for the ture. Wheat fields developing Infeata- Hay and forage crops are riven . Improve th« land. That Is, where oaropaigh year, they mutt not cd In Oregon. Washington. Utah. Neva- tlon should be sprayed In June, aad weather, unlesa the chauffeur of sweet clover grows well. It will not do «inn". " ‘« •M have from expect " rainbow ’’ prosperity. the party finda it necessary to i»-operation helps $4000 to »7000 to succeed. well on acid or aour soil unless the crawl Under the car occasionally soil Is limed. Better crops of grain ^ 8 .0 0 0 ,Otxi compared with This Is the summary of ecdnomlc. A wheat yield of approximately 600 • or corn can be expected after a good 000, vegetables »1.018.000,0^ - 000-- a,P* r" ,a •■»«•»ced CM bushel, w ill be harves.ed ,n the hvP°pi* Reclamation Settlers Need More Money !S ” t T,7 Tale lake country this year, accord leg to an estimate made by C A « • “»•"•oe- Klamath county agent H eath er condition, this year have ksss better for K l . » „ h farm er, than ■■ man? rears. • • • FertOlsers are plant food, not mere Mtmniaats. and should be given In »rsperly balanced rations. ly I * * ’ I Well made wvy bean hay has about xne taxue feeding v«lue aa alfalfa hay a U one or tbe other should be used whenever poealble. • • • * * * d br* dln< «»d »•!«>• Uen the rrtum s of the farmer’s Invest- Z *’ ,?d f*“ b* ‘“«-"«sed Much mere than n> any other way. Kes alrradv been a.-<-omoiish«d hy Elwood Mead, commissioner of reclamation. The statement results horn a , twi , h " T ’ mad* by M W « * » ‘ M lv e . n. T “°n « ’»«bora, and h . fommltteea of banker, * and business men. The conclusb.n of those participating came to the .’ h a V i? ’,“'? “ •" * M,d’ P0,n""< «»• L ir a " a • " ,CUBd ,0 < UL * “ h «“’• Id * Investigators l. mh* . f ,robl* ,n Presented, In h l. view, U making up t„ cr.d lt the difference N-tween the capital the would be set Her ha. a v .ll.b l. , B(1 th, , UB h - needs to see him through Mnn »tih era. n“ mb* r’ *«r»- •»<« «he fed crsl or the state goverament must ««ep forward with the advance, which settlers must have J crop of sweet clover. It la not difficult pared with »1,109,000.000 Nearly all animal ¿re'L to get rid of sweet clover. Buckwheat to a goo» crop to plow under to lm in value as compare-' d“cta declined prove the soil, but net nearly go good '•lo e of dairy pre<, J w th ‘ »28; the b*1“ « »2.58«,- as sweet clover because It Is not n OOonoo against ' cedlngyear;» ♦2-’w2-000.000 the pre- Isgnma. WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY i. W hole or Ground FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER Give» better results Pears Gaining in Favor Plred > ,t h « l A ^ O O ^ 000*000 com- »re now a year around fruit to th« market and growing »lowly in favor as a fresh fru it while their poi utorlty as a canned fruit for us« varloua demerit Is Increasing stesdiiv" Blum* »“ d some nth. » The pear has an Interesting blstnn • • •»< * * * * f,,rnlshJng ennn»h *" It Invaded the United S ta £ , from ra the h e^Tta * C,ar northeaftt and seuthwea, " e n X « .n d ^ J b ^ . the country In th« day. of , £ ™ ' W° " ’ hree rn m ^ . ? ° ul? good r. ,hr*’ Crimea • f brood. If a settlers «lueen p ^ .^ , deal of bon‘, 7 7 o" rod t h .? ? *" ' takes ' * * ‘ bat the heei h. * brooa-' Î roper spraying of the early irt.h 2 * 7 win d w t a S V . 7 « ’ « A or potato crop ha. Increased the 74 bushels per aero, according to '. making a big m em Z.' . ’ * cret mada by Dr. R. W. LalH v * * 1» having vour co|o?e , ° f hOney “ « • ’’f bem ^before ? h . ' . T ? ‘ * d Carolina experiment station. JTU> • fa r u 8 n’ * ll‘ boaey flow v is