N ew s Notes From A ll O v er O regon Gleaned by the VV estern Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple tro v .r,y ,nto t5e I legal determtnalloa aa to whether the state or the government la la control of the property. Governor Pierce sent a telegram to the secretary of war stating that as executive of the state of Oregon he would support and cooperate with the government in carrying out the plans for national defense test day on July j A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros U. S. & C. T. C. Tires New, low-priced Gill More service ' Batteries for No more cost Ford, and Skilled Auto repairing I ^tar, other hevrolet small cars Auto accessories .Chev A Clackamas county road bond is­ Klatfiath county’s annual fair w ill ba bvld from September S to S Inclu­ sue of »335.600 was sold by the coun­ ty court to the combined bid of the ! sive. Wells-Dickey company. Detroit Trust Fire chiefs of the state held their company and A. D. Wakeman at par, annual convention at Forest Grove accrued interest and a premium of I this week. »20,200. The University of Oregon medical The funeral of Simon R. Lane, fifth school, Portland, w ill graduate 45 stu son « General Joseph Lane, the first dents this year. territorial governor of Oregon, was M O R E S E R V IC E F O R LESS M O N E Y T h e N ew Law Governor H art Still T rium phant for Campgrounds State and county traffic officers held at Roseburg. Mr. Lane died after long illness dne to the inflrm l from all sections of Oregon held their Judge Decides No Crime Had ties of advanced age. He was 93 semi-annual conference in Salem. years old. Been Committed Under The Wheeler Lumber company now Attorney-General Van W inkle. In a Is operating a small box factory In Washington Laws. connection w ith the sawmill at Wheel­ legal opinion, held that Frank Bram­ well la state superintendent of banks, er. One of the new laws in Ore­ despite the charge made recently that Robert Krumholtx, seventeen, of Tacoma, Wash. — Judge Govner Announcement of the erection this year which is good the new banking code adopted by the Glenn Frank, editor of Century mag­ Springfield, Ohio, who won first prize gon this Teats In superior court sustained the year of a new Masonic temple and a last legislature terminated his serv­ azine, who has accepted the position of »760, In the American Legion na­ from a sanitary point of view labor temple in lu g en e baa been and also keeps in sight the cus­ demurrer of the defense to the In­ ices In that capacity. of president of the University of W l» tional essay contest. made. tom ary provision for revenue formation accusing Louis F. Hart, ox- A letter received by George C. Baer, «one In. of soliciting a split of the The McKcnxle past Is expected to be for some official is th a t requir­ governor, manager of the Round-up at Pendleton, fees In the liquidation of the defunct opened by June 20, according to O ing . a sta te license before a Scandinavian-American bank. from Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly, in E. Hoffman of the bureau of public municipality, community or pel;- command of the aerial squadron at The demurrer of the defense set roads. Vancouver barracks, stated that be­ forth that no crime had been commit­ The public servloe commission has 1 tourist or auto camp, whether ted under the Washington state laws, Issued an order reducing the mini tween 35 and 60 planes would make the trip to the Round-up this year. even if the allegations set forth In the free or for fees. mum rate cm electric service In the Klamath Falls.—On the heels of an Portland, Or.—Alva R. Kilbourn, 24. The Oregon law, which provides for city of Banks from »1.60 to »1, Application, accompanied by complaint were true. The Information Governor Pierce Issued a commis­ Ihe search of automobilea, boats and announcement here by Robert E. Stra­ of Eyerett, Wash., who Is at a hos­ a $10 fee, m ust be made to the charged that the ex-governor had at­ horn that the Southern Pacific had pital bore suffering from four serious sion to Edgier B. Piper, of Portland, other vehicles for contraband liquors, state board of health each calen­ tempted to Induce Forbea P. Haakell started relocation surveys for a branch bullet wounds In his arms, confessed appointing him a trustee of the stats without a search warrant and without dar year. The board will not­ Jr„ liquidator of the bank, and Guy E. Kelly, h it attorney, to split their filing of an affidavit, is unconstttution. line to the M errill and Malin country, to Portland police that he was the library for a period of five years. the Oregon Trunk road filed with ths third man who figured In the attempt ify the county health officer, fees with him. al, It was held in an opinion given at An old bridge that spanned the Uma­ county clerk a deed to 160 acres of to rob the bank at Bothell, Wash.. who m ust inspect the _ , place and . ________ There can be no bribery of any tilla river a t ; Stanfield collapsed re­ Tillamook by George R. Bagley, cir­ land in the railroad and industrial sec­ Friday. His two companions were I re POl"t within 30 days, and Up- official nor can the crime of asking cuit judge. cently. I t was constructed In 1883. tion of the city, which it plans to use kllled by gunfire as they speeded from | on his report the issuance of a bribe be made against him unless Oregon pensions have been granted No one was on the structure when It for a terminal in event the Interstate the scene of the robbery. the license will depend. the official Is to be governed and con­ at follows: John L. Herpellnk, Port­ fell. | commerce commission grants It auth­ In his confession Kilbourn said he trolled by In .... the . . discharge - - . O f th e $10, 75 per cent goes - the -— bribe --------- ....... land. »12 a month; Rose B. Wilson, Hearing requested by the House­ ority to construct the projected line bad started hie career of crime a year to the COUnty.and 25 per cent to of hl* offlcl*l duty,’’ Judge Teate said wives Council c f Portland, In connec­ Prineville, »20; A rthur W. McConnell, from Bend to Klamath Falls. airumJ"unner acroes the Cana J the state for health board p u r - |t n d e c l a l °a- tion with the flg?ht for lower fares on Grants Pass. »1«; WUllam J. Keeling. Added interest was given the Ore­ e»’ t part of their buying in the away a t 60 miles an hour if no A dispatch from Amsterdam regard­ busy. Make your dollars work in Rotrert J. Tatro. 30, a transient, was weeks while shipments were above the larger town. Those who go to Albany ing financial crisis through which speed cop catches him- our savings department. A lb a n y S ta TF J shot and m o rtally wounded by a gro­ awerage Reports by 11» mills show­ to transact business will find the firms tbe Stlnoes organization in Germany named below ready to fill their require­ B a n k . Under government supervision cery store ndgiht watchman at Klamath ed manufacture of »7.0J1.277 feet, Is pasting, says Stlnnee Interests are ments with courtesy an-l fairnrst. Falla when. ^According to the police, tales of 94,189,982 feet and shipments i.s Sue Breckenridge unable to meet liabilities abroad total­ * ’ ft Hemstitching. Stamped goods he was attsm p tln g to break Into the Of 112,148,734 feet. ACCESSORIES ANO TIRES ing 120,090,000 marks. Difficulties de­ 33J West Second street, Albany, Oregon Lewis groc sry store. Rapid progress It being made with Auto Supplies clared due to calling la of various Phone 452R J. H. AltIZO N Philip Meta Cham of 444 East construction of the new line of the foreign credits. Efforts to obtain naw 442 West First St. Twanty-se-joud street. Portland, ’ was Southern Pacific company over the London.—Germany’s failure to car­ credits In United States said to have OSCOE AMES HARDWARE named b y . the war department ax Cascades between Oakridge and Klam­ ry out the disarmament requirements failed. LINDAHL, hardware, * Dinnerware Repreaentbt'tlve C turn packer's first ap­ ath considering the difficulties en ' of the Versailles treaty were outlined The Winchester Store! . Tin shop io connection pointee to the U nited States m ilitary countered, according to Nelson F. Mac .. r in detail in the note the allied powers | 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon Hoot Toll Mounts Ovsr Vie East. duff, supervisor o f the Cascade na ________________ GTIM8ON THE SHOE DOCTOR have presented to the German gov­ academy y lt W eat Point. Chicago. 111.— The death toll from Second street, opposite Hamilton’s ernment. snow and mud I A lbany Floral Co. Cut flower* Joseph Jefferson, about 38 years I tlonal forest. Rain, th a t W iiv lr 4 vs m I » fill n la n ta ________ store. the nine days of hot weather and and plants, Floral I art for every of an employe of the Clarke & | have hampered the work to a great Oermany m utt comply with an ex­ ” Sudden Service.” and all occasions. WUson . Lumber company, was burned I &XL37lt’ b * tensive Hat of rectlflcstlona and de­ storms from tbe Rocky mountains to Flower phone 458-f, The state engineer haa issued am aido Anderson & Mon. distrib­ mands before the disarmament obli­ the Atlantic seaboard fs believed to 1® deaf h In a fire which destroyed order authorising the sale of one-hall utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ gations of the peace treaty are con­ total 476. The number must be con­ tha "Waucoma h o te l a frame three- TAatenport Music company offers mers, Essex, Hudson A Hupmobile cars. sidered fulfilled. Justifying the eva­ siderably In excess of this figure, for interest In the Warmsprings Irrigation Piano-case organ, good as new sttiry k ulldlng at Linnton. Accessories, a police. 1st A Broadalbin district reservoir and one-half of the Ketey organ, good as new luation of the Orel, or Cologne, zone the reason that many small I towns Rai p h Waldo Elden, Portland author­ Pianos to reut have not reported single deaths. In surplus water to the United States Used Pianos. of occupation In accordance with the VVOODWORTH DRUG CO. ity or i‘ advertising and author of sev- addition, hundreds have been stricken reclamation service for use on the Versailles pact. Brunswicks and Victrolas E ’astburn Bros.—Two big grocery eral ■w ell-known service books, com- Vale project. The sale must be con­ 1 J stores,.212 W. First and 225 Sonth Radios The chief of these demands Includes down by the heat and will suffer ling­ mitt M suicide by burling himself from | Pianot told on easy terms firmed by the circuit court of Malheur Main. Good merchandise at the right the / b r radical modification of the Relchs- ering Illness. Many of these cases brink of a 300-foot precipice at will not zurvlvs long. county before It Is binding on either prices. webr'a general staff, reduction of the V E SPECIALTY SHOPPE El' / rock on the W illam ette river. party to the contract. f t bemetitchisg and stamped gcodl. country's m ilitary forces to 100,000 / polite Cafeteria and confectionery Albany, Oregon men, and suppression of short-term en­ 8t. Paul Man Mads Solicitor General. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ J18 W. Second st. / Oregon w ill receive an allotment of Owner, Irene McDaniel. listments. The m ilitary chstracter of ings. Courteous, efficient service. Washington. D> C.— President Cool­ iae.3X» ef federal funds under the | F r e n c h - B r i t i s h We make our own candies. tbe security police must be abolish­ idge appointed W illiam D... Mitchell term s of «be Clark McNary law. a c -11 3-»llliai» W . S. D u n c a n . New ed and the force Itaelr reduced from of St. Paul, Minn., to be solicitor gen­ F U R N IT U R E A N D cording to Information received at the and 180.000 to 160,000. Wholesale destruc­ eral of the United States, succeeding EpOKD MALES AND SERVICE offices of the state forester. This law used F A R M M A C H IN E R Y ft Tires ami accessorie» tion of Industrial plants of the Kruppt James M. Beck, resigned. was enacted at the last session of Repairs Paris.— The Havas News agency cor­ bought, told aod exchanged at all times and a dozen other big concerns Is de­ congress and authorized an annual ap­ K im k -P o l la k Moron Co. manded. respondent at Geneva says be Is auth- propriation of not to exceed »2,500,900 Stand Palls at Wedten, 8 Injured. BEN T. SU D TELL ofixed to announce that In the note The note concludee with an earn to be allotted the various states to Lj\)rtmiller Furniture Co., furni. Pendleton, Or.— Six persons were In- tare, mgs. linoleum, stoves ranges Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin s t , Albany •at appeal to the German government assist them In forest protection. A which Fcg-atgn Secretary Austen Cham­ * lured Haturday at Weston when a sec­ to "liquidate with the necessary good berlain of Great Britain delivered to Funeral directors. 427-43J west Pirat total of »4(0,000 was appropriated for • will all outstanding matters, the set­ tion of the grandstand collapsed In Foreign Minister Brlnnd, Great Bri- street, Albany, Oregon. the fiscal year. tlement of which controls the gravity the tent where sessions of tbe pion- - _ ______ __ U ln ruaranteea the security of the ■ he first step on the part of the Rhine frontier ns laid down In the Ver- P U L L E R GROCERY, 285 Lyot of the situation, Thia Is the only way »ere’ picnic were held. ft (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) •stats to recover possession of Sand ealUes peace treaty and wUl consider by which the Oerman gevernment can, Groceries Fruits Produce W rite for booklet deacribing our 20- is.and. near the mouth of the Colum- aa a cause for war any violation of the Phone 2t>3R . In Its own words, bring alleviation to Bureaus Switched to Hoover's Charge. vear Rural Credit Amortized Loans la river, wae taken when the state territorial clauses regarding the Rhine­ Washington, D. C.— President Cool­ Germany by liberation of a portion of Hie loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ T1OLMAN & JACKSON land beard leased whatever fishing land. idge Issued sn executive order trane- tiring tbe principal. Cheap rates. No the occupied territory." Grocery—Bakery Jelay. ' * ht* it had In the property to the Great Britain offers to place at the B ram L a n d Co., tacrlng the bureau of mines from the E verything in the line of eatt 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. 'olum bla River Packers’ association disposal of France and Belgium. In Britain Would Ban Polson W ar Gaa Interior to the commerce department. Opposite I’ostoffice The Barbey Packing company, with order to guarantee the security of London. - If Prnoldent Coolidge «»Ils The Inferior will retain control of the ub Candy Co., Fir»t atreet, next sadquarters at Astoria, recently ac- the Rhine frontier In case of attack, en International conference to outlaw leasing of mineral and oil linda. door to Blain Clothing Co. ’ ulrrd • lease on the Island from the the entire British military, naval and pAlson gas In warfare, he will have the Noon lunches. , edsral government for a period of five air forces. The guarantee does not ex- ' full support of Great Britain." It was M«Cumber Put en Joint Commission Home-made candy and ice Cream. at lowest rate of interest ” l r ’ at annual charge of »45.000 I tend to Germany's eastern frontiers, said at the British foreign office, fol Washlagtoo. D. C. — Porter J Me- predicted that the government | between, Poland and Csecho-Slovakla. IM PE R IA L CAFE. 209 IV. Eire- Real Estate Insurance I lowing receipt of news dispatches Cumber, former republican soaator 1 “ dxfedd its claim «to the Island, I f , • O ------- k-— ___ Harold O. Murphy Prop. ’rompt service. Courteous treatmest. I from Washington that President Cool from North Dakota, wax xpp ^n t.d to Phone 645 W m B a iw . Room 5,»First •Savings Bank l 1^ * co?l«»Pl«ted asking, nations to TWt would1 throw the entire eoa-1 • gch«.!-'m netiofi'llondny night, tho international joint commission by Wg NgVEB CLOSI dísonas tbe a usar Inn. bailaiftg,' Albany" President Coolidge. They Must Be Inspected, Licensed and Kept Sanitary W ounded R obber O regon Trunk Buys M akes Confession I,“ " T y provid'i or ™dnu"‘ » at K lam ath Falls ^/^bany^7)irectory M . M M' ILf A R W: Alliance Formed FA R M LOANS H FA R M LOANS I Germany Rem inded of Delinquencies