R U R A L MN TfcK PRISM FACE 4 J U N E 10. 1925 The faith which removes I mountains now-a-days uses a steam shovel. F aith without works is dead. RURAL ENTERPRISE Aa luOnpnndnnt—Nvt a o a u e l—aowe paper, published tve iy Weduetday, My W B . M. International Daddy’s Evening Fairy Tale S. S. Lesson (B y M I V F » . F ÍT Z W A T M . o f Um tfc« » « n la < S ch ko o e l i. M o « 4 C v v«rdn • t l t g l « • a / f C h h U is g a f i Q u .) I D D B ib lo la - HALSEY STATE BANK i By M ary Graham Bonner. Copyrighted | by Western Newspaper Union Halsey, Oregon l i l t , W w o r a Nawapap«r U aioa.) *1.50 a year d vertí ring, 20c an inch; no diacoun lo r um e or »pace . no charge lor coin *O4i Ron u* i -mugen, ka •‘Fnlo-tui Earagrapbe," Cc a lion. Mo ndvnrtm.og dlsgulnod aa b o w a The federal supreme court has put its 0 . K. on another trust—the cement combine. | BLADES OF GRASS Lesson for June 14 C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $35,000 “Ob. we're so excited," said the little blades ot grass on tho Lawns. “Ob. we’re so excited," said the little Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited The state grange wants an in­ blades ef grass on the hillsides. LESSON T E X T — Ante U ilS -S t . GOLDEN T E X T — The d leclplea w ere come tax. Tax-shirking prof­ "They're so excited." said the King called C h ristin as first In A n tio ch .— ef the Clonda to the Army ef Rain­ iteers don’t. A cts 11:1». PRIM ARY TOPIC— Som e P eop le W ho drops “They're waiting for you to AN IMPUDENT COMBINE R eceived a N ew Nam e. help them with their costumes. You're Did you ever hear of a gentle JUNIOR TOPIC— B arnab as In A n ­ like a firm ef tailors and dieaamaken tioch. HOW TO SOLVE A CROS8-W 0RD PUZZLE The Oregon motor association pacifist whose name was G. C. W h o a th e c arver« le t t e r s a re p la c e » la th a w h it e apaeaa th ia IN TE R M E D IA T E A ND SENIO R 1)0 P- to the Grass family. jlergdoll ? “So don't forget any of them. You w i l l s p e ll w o rd « bo th v e r t ic a lly a a d h o r la o a t a lly . T h a « r a t le t t e r la eac h black-listed a number of towns 1C— Lev >n From th e Church la A n- T O K . PEO PLE AND ADULT TO P­ don't have to look after them all at w a r d ta In d ic a te d h r a n u m b e r, w h ic h r e fe r s to th a d c < a lt la a M ated for m aintaining speed traps IC— The Seoret o f a G row in g Church. h r lu w th e onesie. T h u a N o. 1 a n tle r th a e o la m a h e a d y d “ h a a t a e a t a l” once, but before you finish, your SeSaee • w o rd w h ic h w i ll a ll th e w h it e apaeca a » t a th a B ra t b la c k Billy Sunday will supply Its impudence in opposition to springtime work, be lure they're all Saul, the new mlealonary, who wta s q n a re to th e H a h t . an d a n u m b e r a a d c r “ v e r t ic a l" de fin es a w o rd w h ic h Wtu an th e w fftte a q a a rc a t a th e B a s t b la c k o a r b e lo w . N a le t t e r s q e la the enforcement of the law, Portland with jazz religion. to lead In the evangel laatlon ot the looked after." th e b la n k sp a re s . A H w o rd a uaad a rc d ic t io n a r y W o rd s, e x c e p t p ro p e r The Army of Raindrops amlled. glis­ heathen, having been miraculously against its _ lawless members a am a a . A k b r a v la tla a a . e la n s , la lt l a l a . te c h n ic a l (Saewi a a d a h a a la ta - tening. sparkling little amllee. and they necessary a r e ia d ic a tc d la th a d e fin itio n s . Say, Bill, Doom is the aafeit called to his work. It reached the sublime height o all said : that a neW religious center be estab­ place for you. ’’•We won’t forget." — lished. Antioch became that center. asking the state highway com­ “Every one ef us must have a beau­ I. Preaching the Word of God at mission to build around Gold tiful green costume," said tha little Antioch (w . 19-21). Hill so they could get by with blades of grass on the lawns. Persecution at Jerusalem scattered out having their speeding held "Xvery one of us mast have a beau­ the dleclplea abroad. Home went up. The commission didn’t set among the Jews only with the gospel tiful green costume," said the little it th a t way, b u t Gold Hill got message, while those from Africa and blades of grass on tha hillsides. "Everyone of them must have cold feet and there was an of­ Cyprus courageously crossed the line ficial shake-up and now motor­ and preached to the Greeks also. The beautiful green costume," said the , Lord blessed their work In granting King of the Clonda to the Army of ists are invited to run over Gold many conversion». So great was the Raindrops, and you must see that they Hill and its citizens a t will. have I t " stir that the news reached Jerusalem, There are good citizens in “We will aee," said the Army ot | the mother church. Persecution plenty who run automobiles, The Junction City Times in a worked for good In this caae as well Raindrops. "We will he refreshed and then our | but their lives are endangered ecent booster edition published as In many since. These humble peo­ when they do bo by speed some facts about th is valley ple with hearts touched with the costumes will look io new and lovely," said the little blades ot grass oa the maniacs, v hich it will do our readers no Spirit went out with the glad mes­ lawns. One half of them from a harm to review and which some sage of life to others. "We will be so refreshed and then II. Barnabas Sent to Inspect the distance th a t go through Hal­ of them may well send to friends our eoetumee will look eo new and Work (vv. 22-20). lovely,” said the little blades of grass ] sey violate the speed law. in other parts who m ay prof- 1. The Character of Barnabas (v. on tbe hillsides. The Eugene Register says : tably learn more of this agri­ 24). “They will be so refreshed and their | cultural paradise. The follow­ “ A »peed trap is a device for He was a good man. It la Important costumes will look ao new and lovely," ing is from the Times: In sending a man tq follow up the catching m otorists who are ex­ the King ot the Clouds to the | The more fertile area of Ore­ work of the Spirit that his character said Army of Raindrops, “and you must | ceeding the speed limit. gon is made up of three majoi be good. He must not only have an each and all do your parts." •' The state of Oregon make» alleys, the acknowledged best unblemished character, but hla sym­ “They will be so refreshed and their | the speed laws, and—thanks to of these being the Willamette pathy must be broad. He must be eoetumee look so new and lovely, and I a sensible enactm ent—these valley, averaging sixty miles in capable of entering in full apprecia­ we will each and all do our parts to laws are uniform. T hirty miles width and upward of one hun­ tion of the things about him. Barna­ make them look so," the Army of Rain-1 was full of the Holy Bplrit. Thia drops said. an hour is th e lim it on the open dred fifty miles long. It con- bas Is an essential qualification for pas­ “We will want to grow with the help I highway and 20 miles is the h sts of approximately five mil­ toral work. Only a Spirit filled man of the warm sunshine and the soft lim it in cities and towns. lion acres of land. I t exceeds can discern the workings of the Spirit springtime breeies." ¿aid the little | “'n tere are usually two sides in area the states of Massa­ of God. He was likewise a man of blades of grass on tbe lawns by Wee tern Newspaper Union.) to these speed trap complaints. chusetts and Rhode Island com- great faith. Only a man of faith Horizontal. "We will want to grow with the I Vortical. I — AacaaAoO This writer, for example, talked bned and exceeds them indes­ should Instruct young Christiana 1— D la aa a p , o v a re a m a w i t h Snap help of the warm sunshine and the B—-P e rw a t 2. W ork Done by Barnabas (vv. 23, 2— C o n v a rs le a of p ro p e rty la te only two days ago to one of the cribably in natural resources 25, 20). toft springtime breeies," said the little | • — C k u e k be a c h aae a e y IO — F r e e e a w a t e r blades of grass on the hillsides. Gold Hill ‘victims.’ The victim ai d S— N ic h t b ird productiveness, together (a) He heartily endorsed the work 15— P o a 4 l« 4— N u a ab ar b e la w l a * "They will want to grow with tho I adm itted cheerfully enough with th at great lure of climate and earnestly exhorted them to con­ l k" O m i J— O p aa c o u n tr y help nt the warm sunshine and tbe soft O aw elle o f T ib e t a n p la te a u th a t when arrested he was go­ Tiie • — U ae lo a ad ( p o e tic ) states of M assachusetts tinue steadfastly In the faith, and to 1 6 - —A u s t r a lia a b ird 7— S h a w ing 34 miles an hour, which is and Rhode Island have an ap­ cleave unto the Lord. There are 10— B o r*a n ic k n a m e 8— S ta p e li co IT — »Anoleat A th e n ia n p o lit ic a l s u b - 14 miles above th e legal limit. proximate population of 3,200,- many allurements to tempt young I t — K it t e n is h d lr ta io n Christiana I T — R e v e r e n t ia l “Motor associations are in 000 while the Willamette valley, 10— O v e r 18— A r t is t 's s ta n d a rd (b) He rejoiced over the work >0 l o n n d a r y m ighty poor business when exclusive of the city of P ort­ »1— Im p le m e n t f a r w a a h ln g fia a rn J which had been done. This shows ■B— M ends 23— F la b e ggs J ‘ ■ they begin to s tir up a fuss in land, has less than 250,000. This that OO C o lle c tio n o f a n im a ls Barnabas could rejoice over the 2d— P a a tc h o a rd a i M P ia tr o a a i l f n a l behalf of those who violate the great valley could and will some successful work done by others. 27— E x p re a a g r a t it u d e SO—Bead 28— W e d d e d laws. They are in even worse day support five million people (c) He brought Sanl from Tarsus OB— C om as In c o n ta c t w it h 20— A r t lS c la l e o n d e lt to oarvy adf (v. 25). business when they urge the in ease and luxury. w a te r M— JPlaee w h e r e bod? o f w a t e r la S3— N a t iv e m e ta l did more than merely inspect sta te to boycott villages ahd a k a llo w The Willamette valley is not the He work. S.1— P e rio d o f tlio o Doubtless he preached also • > — H e « a r d In » ( a b b r .) towns th a t are m erely enforcing a wilderness. The tomahawk 87— R odent • 4 « a r r o w In le t for many people were added unto the th e sta te ’s own laws. M — S k ill la a n y b ra n c k o f le a r n in g and tepee disappeared here long Ixird. The work grew to such an ex­ ' ‘It is doubtful if the 20-mile ago. The people of Oregon and • T — U nc o o k e d tent that he bought Saul to help him. C anine T h o a o la tlo a w i ll appear I* lim it in cities and towns is too the Willamette valley are as They labored together for a year with -B o r n a e x t laaai low. Foot traffic has its rights cultured as those of old Vii- great success, and carefully taught 41— C re e p f u r t iv e ly and cross traffic certainly has ginia. -H a m p e r The average annual the people. Relievers, after they have its dangers The driver in ri :nfall of the valley is 38 confessed Christ, need careful teach­ The Biada» of Grata Are Ready. ing. Barnabas had the good Judg cation or tuberculosis. ■—* towns and cities should travel inches. This occurs mainly In a recent Investigation a farmer a t a speed a t which he can stop from October to about the mid­ ment to seek Saul for this Important springtime breeies," »aid Mr, Sun, work. It Is the duty of church offi­ "and you, my little Ray», must help admitted having lost between 80 anti his car quickly for either foot or dle of Maich- There is an abun­ cials to seek out men and women who them." 1U0 chickens from disease. He h al Failure to destroy or bury deeply cross traffic.” "We will help them," »aid the little the carcasses of animals that die from thrown the dead fowl« Into the hog dance of w ater underlying the are qualified for the Lord's work, The place to amend a law is entire valley. It is but neces­ bringing them from their places of Raya "Indeed we wUl help." natural causes, so that other animals pen nnd had also hauled tbe cleaff* in the legislature or a t the elec­ sary to drive a pipe down into obscurity and setting them to work In "So w ill we help," said tbe Breese cannot have access to them, is re­ Ings from the chicken bouse Into a the Lord's vineyard. Saul was a more Brothers. tion o f'le g isla to rs. sponsible for the spread of much In­ field In which his hogs ran. Tnbei» the gravel to a depth of from And the lovely refrethlng rain», the fection on farms. This warning, fre­ culln testing showed about 25 per cent The m otorist hits no more 12 to 20 feet to get an inex­ Important man than Barnabas. There are many men In obscurity who re­ g»y and encouraging showers, the »oft quently given by veterinary special­ Infection of tuberculosis among tbe rig h t to violate a law of which haustible supply. quire a Rarnnbaa to bring them forth. hreeie«. the beautiful warm sunshine ists of tbe United States Department fowl«; and a sow that was tested with he disapproves than any other I II . The Dlsclplee First Called Chrl». made the grass so green, so soft, so of Agriculture, Is shown to be very avian tuberculin proved to be tuber­ Farm ers usually begin seed­ citizen has. pretty, so sprlogllke. ing in September for fall grain tlane (v. 261. Important In connection with the eradl- culous and Indicated moreover that tha The thief or th e bootlegger and hay and continue plowing They were not called by this name It made everyone feel better Ju»t to Infection was of the fowl type. In derision us often usserted. Stiller look at the fovely green grass. does not like a “stool pigeon’’ and seeding until April. well says, “What Luke Intends to con­ Kvery Uttle blade w ai wearing a and a violator of th e speed law Trouble In keeping the boy on tbe ey Is that Saul and Bumabas taught lovely fresh green suit does not like a “speed trap .” farm? Make the farm a real succeed la the church for a year and the dis­ None of them wanted te wear any The Best Key and the boy will stay. Th« city of Drain makes it easy other color, nor did they want touches One’» own self 1» the beat key one ciples were first called Christiana • e • for the autolst to obey the l|w . ha» to the undenitiindlng of. the uni- The name was a consequence of the of any other color. ' Laundry sent Tuesdays The hope of profit on most farms teaching." Green renders the passage “Just suppose," said one of the Uttif When lie enter», on tho highway, vert«..—American Friend. \gency Hub Cleaning Works lies In the relutlon of crop yield aad thus: “And It came to pass with them blades of grass, "that one of ua wanted a large board sign tells him this is cost of productlou; tbe farmer Is a that they were combined even for a a suit trimmed wtth blue buttons and manufacturer. the city limit of Drain and he rhole year In the church, and taught another with red buttons and a third nuch people, and that the disciples with yellow lace, bow different It know» that the law require« him to Tiie June bride may or irtay not were first celled ChrtsUans at An­ weuld be. out down to SO mile». Whan he need glasses, but X am sure she tioch." This distinctive t i t l e came "We let flower» nettle In amongst reachei th» opposite city boundary need» a complete line of silver. We through Divine guidance. It waa ow­ us oa the bllleldes end tbe dandelions a aituilar lign, facing cityward, have several pattern« that are ing to the teaching of Saul and come to us la their bright yellow cos- telle him eo and he can legally latent and moat exquisite in de- Barnabas that this body called the lumas and than blow their fluffy selvae away, but we all drees alike and It Is] was given Its unique standing »lgn, and a tea set makes the table church •peed up to 30. und place, l.et It be remembered that ao much better. still more attractive. If »vary «mail town would put It was not given as a term of re­ "The grass wouldn't be to pretty and proach but because of the close re eo restful If it *e re of different color«. up ancb aigm and then work a semblance of the body to Its head " It Is so much better for us all to] “ »peed trap" to the limit th» fines Christ dree« Just alike la lovely, cool green would pay th» coat of training the coetutea." IV. Benevolenee of tho Church at Antlooh (vv. 27-80). Harry," said Mistreat Springtime, animal» who are doing th» braying They made up money for the poor "the blades of grass are ready to look and after that training there would saint» at Jerusalem and sent It by the their best and we must all help them." be more respect for law and more hands of Barnabas and Saul. The "Hurry,” said the King of the| genuineness of the work at Antioch Clou da and the Army of Raindrop«. safety. Is proven by their good deeds It was "Hurry," eald M r gua. and the Raya further emphasized In that there was What would have happened to and the Breese B roth «« no division between Jew and Oentlle "Ob, eee how quickly the grass has thoee “ eeientista ” who prediated i'h rlst tan a. The GentUea ministered hecoiae green," said the people all that th» earth'» seasons would to the Jews. about and the blalee of grass waved a ba oolder and oolder until 1926, little ta the soft breeie and whispered Optometrist Every thistle cut thl» year means a to each other: when then would ba no summer st lot loss next year. • How nice It Is to dress up once ta o p t ic ia n all, if they had fallen into th« • 0 0 a while." OREGON Uncle Ab eayt when dollar» begin hands ef tha people of the middle ALBANY te get scarce la a good time to sate IFA m < W m »U Bt weet last week? 'em. "What 1« a shepherdY' asked the I leecher of the small pupils in the | There are 38 tiroes as many dairy Juvenile class There isn’t much consistency I n,.y communicate with Enugn Lee of ,he Army cattle as beef cattle In New York in growlit.g because a law which The class failed te reepond. »tate. Whtte Shield Home, 5 « Mayfair .venue, Pottlau.l, Oregon. "Well," eootln-ued tbe teacher, "«up. I ; we like is violated by somebody pose you were all larobe— th«t 1« little and deliberately violating You like salt with your meals; try another because we disapprove All work done promptly and reaaon It on Torn aad NeMlo oat la the bore» •beep—what would I be)" "A big »beep," replied tbe bey at ably. Phone .’»9 of it. _ , »’ abia ___ — tbe foot of tbe class. T H E CHURCH A T ANTIO CH a V/AVlAA AAAAAAAA vtt CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No.' 25 A Rich Valley of F ive Million Acres Bigger than C onnecticut and M assachusetts T ogether Carcasses Injurious to Various Kinds of Stock A Modern BarberShop A B E S PLACE THE JUNE BRIDE A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay y 18 w orth ju s t as m uch in sto rag e as y o u m ig h t get for it in case o f fire. T h j A m erican Eagle F ire In su ra n ce co m p an y Will p ay you 85% o f th e cash value in easel o f loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent E. C. Meade, H. Aibro, TeacAer F. M . G R A Y , j Any Girl in Trouble D RAYM AN 1 he wisest girls keep out of trouble