JCNE 12. I%5 and prove I'm all right. T H O R NAne WAS LEGION! Whereupon he hurried dowa the street, whi^g Bart Rogers, with a new confldeat-e. went on toward his eelf appointed duty. Soon he was on the main street, and at tbe first "em porium" he turned iu. “I want the proprietor,” he aa nounced to the be-aproned person be­ hind the bar. “I ’m him. W hat'll you have?' “What are you selling here? Hard stuff?" Bart bad hidden hla badge. The bartender grinned aud nodded. “Sorry, old man," Bart answered, “but the town doses up tomorrow night—and doses tight. That glTes yon 24 hours to get out.” Bart departed. At a dance hall next door he made the same announcement, received in- sturtng silence. Then he went on, finally to stop In front of a small tent, in which a lean, check- suited man bent over a small coun­ ter, manipulating as he did so three pla«er-filled halves of English wal­ nuts. Money was being piled on the coun­ ter. Bart swept It aside. “Nix on that butf-ln stuff!" came sharply. “Who let you In here?” 'T h e same person who's going to let you out,” enme with equal asperity from the marshal. "Rogers- I * ray name. I'm marshal here. Now dose up this Joint and get out of town In 24 hours. Understand?” “N i t !" the gambler had become sud denly serious. “You’re on the wrong guy, honest. I ’ui fixed, see? Every- Why suffer from bead aches? Hare YOUR EYES Examined F. M. French & Son BNTE r pr is K RURAL erecting rigs and dachihery o»t at the ‘. n d ' k a u y o u get it. laud which Bart Roger, „nee had , You’ll be back, tor von'U not forget it; called h l. o » n - .n d that the law hurt- Our 4lm ,, lo' pltMe X m ^ u^ : . p Into the main street. 7 : : . , . . d Theo, shifting h l, belt in preparation for a resump tlon of his task, he started again upon hla Interrupted mlaelon. a yelping. sqeawklag "cootch" shew waa hie first Jeweler«, Optometrists paragon cafe a ir in v — G EO . i _ M. G I L C H R I S T decent, respectable show people to, night, that you had this deputy of yours open up the Jail aad let out n prisoner, sad then deliberately «hot an Innocant man, to make it appear that—" "Where do you get that stuff?" The accusation had gtveu Bud Tlirko »oA- den strength. "W hile you're lyin’, you're tailin' a good ooe, ain't you» Yoo—" "B hrat” A man rose la the ante* mobile, and In the glare of tbe Haute«. Bait saw the narrow featured gamlder ha had arveeted that afternoon "Boil" waved a haad. "How about thlst Who turned you looser objective. At the ticket «and a cel- lurtes« man. talking la a law, yet pen­ Albany, Oregon etrating voice, was telDng In conflden I v v v v v v w v v w v v v v v w w v w v v » tlal manner of the lecherous perform «nee to be seen beyond the canvas £4e thlng^ all right with me—I'm a right sldewilllng. Bsrt approached him. In­ guy. I've put In. my ante.. Don’t crut terrupting: “Youll have to close this show und get out of here In 24 hoora— the party on me here. I ’m— ” “Fixed? Oh. are jou? Well, you sa ve yr “Just as you please,” the man an fixed with the wrong person— tliut CCoutlDuad) swered quickly. Bart, still surprised fist Into an open palm. “Yon never stuff doesn't go! Step*fast or— ” at the quiet manner In which his ulti­ Bart th M moved stnwty down the can. tell aboM thou» thteys until you key and was looking.through the bars matum had been received, walked on try. When do you take office?" aldewalk, brushing pa« men with nt hla prlaener. Then h» weflt to the "A week from today." Everywhere It was the same. Po­ heavy shYchet*; others with cnnvaa front entrance, te await the arrival liteness greeted his announcement. •’Then If you're still willtng to stick baffx on their «boulders; women la to your offtw. H l be glsd to take the of the eaemy. Nor was the wait a Perfect harmony was accorded Ills or­ long one. der that the town must he rid of Its job— of cleaning up this town I ” loud raiment, a hasy Idee wae in-Ms Five minute« peeaed» Then the bootleggers, Its dance halls. Its wom­ "That fellow there.» mind— be bad «ought to the laat mo­ sound of steps from around tbe cor­ en and Its gambling hy the next night "You mffan this depaty?" CHAPTER VI ment to doubt the word of “Bull” ner. Bart squared h it shoulders for What could it meant W hat could it "Yah. Then, Jnat as l waa coratug Frannlete» aed of Lawyer Leoa Bav- tbe conflict, and. palled hla holster into portend? “Bull” Frannlston had threat­ oat, he happened ta see Rocky Jamlsea row«. He had filled, and through a position In which It could he reached The New Marshal ened him, in a quiet, determined man­ here, passing the Jail on the way home; •ome sense of Justice, he felt that It with ease. A moment mere— It was seven days later that Bart ner, then strode away as to the carry­ and he detlberatety palled out h ll gun waa necessary to tell them so. “Bull" Frannlston faced him, a Rogers stopped short aa he left t ing out of a purpose. Yet nowhere and abet hlnx I jumped on Mtn abeut W ith thia thought he made hl» way tiny building which had serTed foe slight apRearance of surprise on his that Bart turned had be met opposi­ that time, and tbau-yoa fellows runs» up the broad, wooden itaSrcaae to the years aa Bellalne'a combination city countenance-. tion. «long. Hu set the.place on lire ..to *" office of Leoa Barrows, there to knock hall, Jail and "police department.” Ilk “Oh, It’s you. huh?” he announced.. At last he went hack to the city Ganping. gpggle eyed, the, elongated upon the door and await an answer In had just received the administration hall and found Bad Tarko waiting for Bud Tarko reeled forward, hla bloody vain. Evidently the attorney already of his oath of office, and Bart Rogers him with hla honorable discharge pa­ fists clenched, his arms churning bel­ had departed for Mannington to pro­ could not evade the realization of the pers and other references In hla hands. ligerently. bate the will and eemewhat unwilling­ toughness of hla job. " It’s a good thing you're here,” "I can whip the dirty pup that start­ ly, Bart turned down the street to­ From a village of hundreds, Beilalne Bart said with a grim smile. "Your ed that Ue I" ward the ramshackle, two-story build­ had metamorphosed to a mushroom of first night on duty's liable to he any­ "Tarko 1” Bad had caught, bins by ing which housed the office of “Bull' thousands Canvas dance halls and thing but a bed of rosea." thy arm. "Stay, back bsrei* He Frannie ton. "soft drink" emporiums, where the Gosh I Spill the news, Cap'n. Spill dragged hla deputy to safety., then He mounted the - stairway, only to softest thing served waa three-day-old the news I” h*ned again to "Bull” Pfaonlsto». halt aa he circled • the banister and “mMuitaln dew," were on nearly every Bnrt talked— of the experiences of " It we did all this, why- do you stand started toward the grimy door of 'the street corner. Kalsoalnsd women tlie afternoon—and of the qoewrness here telling us about It t " he demand* little office. Voloee were coming- from leered aud smirked In the crowds of of tbe events that had followed. ed. "Why don’t you— w within— the voice» of two men, "Bull” the street—the world had turned new Tarko cocked hla head and nodded But "Bull” Frannlston had sneered. and Otd Jim. The voice of the latter and raw and unwholesome with the with evident glee.. "W hat do you sup­ " I Just wanted you to know that you was pleading! Influx of a nation's offal, swooping pose Is In the wind?' he questioned. needn’t thlak you’re-gvinff i»*g e t asedy. “B u ll" he was laying, “you're going down upon a place that oil had turned "I don’t' know. But I believe we’d with anything. Thnt’a ril. New U yen too far. I ’ve stood ta see yoo beat into a new frontier and where the better work In double Itarness until think you can, Juat start out and try her, I ’ve «ood to see you mistreat her. mob. by Its streagt h, might rule. midnight, anyway. "EuH” Fraunlston it I've stood for pretty near everything, threatened me this afternoon— I'm He re entered the antomoplle then* in the world,' figuring that the worst Pitted again« thia waa the feverish sure, too, that he passed tbe word A moment later ha was gone, leaving you could do would be better than activity of anothsr set of bhomers— not to start any trouble If I came ttls s y tha two men »taring almost vacuous!? what would happen If I'd ever force- the legtttmate followers o f the gtjsher; around again. But why—” after him. Bart the« a• slated tbe*-l»- you to come out In the open and lay men In corduroyr clothing, and high- "Don't know. Certainly looks funny I” Jured man to a passing aulomobU* your cards on the table. But— ” topped boots, who went about tlusii Eleven o’clock came and went. Then nnd had hltq,taken to,h«a roosa. There; "WNIY Judf a mlnutei Jim I" The business In a quiet, orderly, deter­ midnight. Tbe crowd had hegua to thin he gave the dilapidated Task» lnte rumbling voice of the other man had mined manner; men who seemed nevei an hour or so more and tbe «ree l the keeping of the landlord and called cut In aneerlngly. "You're always to see the smiles of the women, 01 would be deserted by all save a few. a physician. Following thia he re­ talking about what I ’ve got up my tlie beckoning banners of tbe soft1 Bart turned to hla deputy. turned to the fire, and sought the sleeve. Have I ever told you that. I drink partom I t looks like we wera wrong," came mayor. knew anything about you? Or what— " Young men, old men, they hurried his conclusion. “If you think you can The city hall was doomed.- Bart “No. but you know that I know It1— about, their, clothing and shoes handle things all right now, I'll turn wormed his way until be reached th » you don't have to tell me that the splashed with oil from their visits to mayor’s «ldc, there tq, tsli - his stevy, Growns, bridge work and fillings. It' will In.” name of Leon Barrow a is a fake same: the discovery w ell; all Intent upon "Sure.” Bud Tarko aqulnted down sad te receive the eatouraglnc new» pay you to get my prices on your dental work, Or that, wbae. yenYe always so care­ their work, all seeking to cram a life­ the street. “Nothing doing around here for which he bad hoped. ful te keep locked up In that safe isn’t time Into 24 hours that they, too, Cusick bank building, Albany a-tall. I'll trot down to the coop and "Lies I" came tersely from the old' what—what I think It Is I” might be the person» to aid In a new see how our chicken la" cattleman, sertnus and grtnr-rntured* "Ton'd better be quiet, Jim," an­ flow of the black liquid, the first to "Bare." They parted. Tarko to stroll for once ta hla life. "D^-w IU»1—every swered Franaiston. was ready to see It through. A. mo­ T 'd heard there was a new marshal carry the news of another guelder. once more down the street before go­ word of It. Go get the sheriff on th»- ment of hesltntloa, and then, delib­ There waa a queer, Implied threat In down here." Then sidling closer, he Already Juet outside- the village the voice—and one which met with In­ limits, the first of a forest of derricks, erately he sturted up the street to the adopted a paternal' air of almost ing to the little jail, Bart to turn wire ahd td t him th a t.L a a ld lo »end. stant response. "You’ve got one of my toward bis hdtel. In Us room, tired you help. No, better than that« get a» hud appeared, while, under hardiwork- fulfillment of the first duty be had set friendship. after his long first day In his new Job. horse or an automobile and go aa» “I —I didn't mean It, 'Bull' ” The Ing, slmutlng foreman. the work of for himself, the throwing down of the boys IB there.” eld pleading had returned. "But, "So?" Bsrt Rogers rxpre«»r BARBER SHOP m First-class