\ - Z A / 1' j » Vitamins Grown in Our Gardens The Great Outdoors W h e r e B re ad , M eat, C lo th in g 1, H e a lth a n d V ig o ro u s H u m a n ity a r e P ro d iic e d W h e a t Penalties H ints for L inn Tuberculosis Being Swine Production Eradicated Rapidly j A r e C ut D o w n C ounty F arm ers of Big Im portance I infection Reduced to Less Necessary Feeds Should Be L in e n M ill S ta r ts R u n n in g Discounts Up to 10 Per Cent f Than 1 P er Cent. ...C a n a d a T h is tle H a s Considered First. . Mixture Dropped By Grain (Prepared by tba United stataa Department F irm F o o th o ld of Afrtcuitur«.) IPraparad br tha Ualtad stataa D apartm .et Association. ~ Eradicating bovine tuberculosis not . «1 AxrlcultuTa.) A dvantages of V egetables for Fam ily N eeds and Likes A re M any. (Prapa-ad kr tba United Stataa D apartm aat «1 A sricultor«.) A cúmplete lin e of bee .uppH. Closely associated in our minds with the vitamins they supply are the a t reasonable prices. vegetables that can be grown In al­ most any home garden— spinach, cab­ bage, lettuce, carrot* string beans, peas, rutabagas, tomatoes, all the leafy vegetables known as “greens," and many others. We also obtain necessary minerals from these vegeta­ ble»—Iron, calcium, phosphorus— and depend on them for bulk, or “rough­ age." But our first thought Is apt to be—vegetables for vitamins! ave M oney. e c u re dependable only from Individual herds but also The Washington and Oregon in utilizing farm wastes and In con­ W all* Walla, Wash — Penalties for from entire counties. Is gaining favor verting the concentrates raised on the Linen company announced that •P to 10 per cent mixture In dark among livestock'owners, according to farm Into a marketable product, the its new m ill at Vancouver would •ortbern spring, dark hard winter, a recent announcement of the bureau hog Is by far the most valuable farm of animal Industry, United Stales De­ unlmal, points out the bureau of ani­ begin operation yesterday. bard white, bluestem and early hard partment of Agriculture. The coun­ mal Industry, United States Depart­ H irst blood for Vancouver ! Advantages of Vitamins. wheat were eliminated In the sched­ ty-wide plan Is known os "area work.” ment of Agriculture. In Its new The advantages eif growing vitamins ule of discounts adopted by the Pa­ On January I of this year, approxi­ Farmers’ Bulletin 1437, Swine Pro­ I he capital for the new linen In our gardens are many an^ obvious. cific Northwest Grain Dealers' asso­ mately 485 counties in tlie United duction. All regions of the United m ill lit Selena is about all eub- To begin with, there Is the matter of ciation. Up to 10 per cent mixture is States were engaged In some form of States may he considered suitable for ■cribed. freshness. No matter how near the permitted, except t^at 1 cent taken area wort. Of these. 55 counties had raising hogs. The feeds used to grow market may be to the home, It Is A rettin g p la n t at S layton w ill reduced the extent of Infection to nff for tO-pound wheat If mixed, all and fatten hogs can be produced to a usually a long way from the farmer ether classifications showing no dif­ less than half of 1 per cent, aod are greater or less extent in practically handle flax this year which w ill go who produced the vegetables. Garden officially designated as modliied ac­ every part of the country. ference«. Without to the Vancouver m ill. products that have been carried over credited a reus. One hundred others the hog, profits in the big .cattle-fat­ Discounts on soft white, western a dusty road, and perhaps exposed for had completed one or more tests of tening Industry of the Central West White, hard winter, yellow hard win hours before they were sold, cannot all the cattle within their [girders would be Jeopardized. C a n a d a T h is tle W in s ter, northern spring and western red be compared In desirability of flavor and were approaching the disease-free The feeds necessary to grow and remain the same as last year. On goal. I t is annouuoed th a t the Canada! ®r « ’“ ’¿tlon with those Just oft the P lan ts Should Be Controlled fatten hogs should he given first con­ dark northern spring wheat dockage These 485 counties constitute about sideration when the question of loca­ thistle has got beyond co n tro l in vlne 0T out ®f the earth- The vitamin fo r Good Crop. for grain containing over 5 and up to 18 per cent of the total number of tion of a farm for hog raizing Is being sections of L in n county. When content of vegetables Is also dependent 10 per cent mixture Is three cents less counties In the country and contain contemplated. Feeds can be produced the first efforts to head it off were to some extent upon freshness. Weeds ore persevering thlevea than last year. Dockage for dark win nearly eleven million cattle. The no Again, when the vegetables are ac- J hey are at work continuously and more abundantly in some localities mads in thi» stats the present ter, hard white, bluestem or early Bart tlvlty Is going on In all portions of than in other* Other factors, such editor of the Enterprise who in tually at hand In the garden, waiting rob the garden of sunlight, plant food L m T ^ the 2 ” chances 2 “ ^ Is two cents less than last year. Mak the country. Following the suppres­ as markets, climate and quality of his youth cu ltiva te d croó . " n tí» I t to h e be v gathered; are that and moisture which are most essen­ I 2 ey wl 1 be used oitan*«> and nnd in tial to the growth of cultivated vege­ Ing It the same as for wheat with no sion of foot-and-mouth disease in Cali­ toll also should be studied. It Is best home of the Canada th ia iu dieted that thev » ñ í r i / r ’ ’ P r e | ar* er l aantltlM ’ «ban «hen some one fornia, that state, along with the to start with but a few sow * As mixtures, except full test wheat, If Oregon ° ? ,0 ‘ ° to 8 store t0 ‘«’ em. The tables. They* should be controlled to others, Is now showing renewed ac­ tlie herd Increases In number a care­ mixed, is docked one cent. have a successful garden. tivity In banishing tuberculosis. ful study of the farm should be made * . was U .v u ü é te to r m any price often Influences thd quantity The differential on bulk grain was “Succulent, tender vegetables can be years in being free from th is weed, bought wken the housekeeper goes to , The cattle In Freeborn county, Minn., to determine what crops it will pro- raised to 4 cents from 3, the cost of were tested under sdvere difficulties duce most successfully nnd how and but once here there is no known » « k e t, but when she steps Into her grown only in the presence of the resacklng raised to 10 cents from 8, l-ecause of below-zcro weather. Forty- maximum amount of moisture, light I t garden she Is apt to bring ln as much to what extent hogs fit Into the gen­ practical way of banishing it. and plant food," says Glenn O. Ran­ due It was stated, to the higher cost two veterinarians started work De- eral plan for that particular farm may be eradicated from a field by as she believes her fam ily w ill con­ dall. extension horticulturist for the of sacks this year over last, they ember 8, using teams Instead of auto­ I t Is always advisable to use pure thorough and continuous c u ltiv a ­ sume. North Carolinn State college exten­ ketog quoted at 11 cents coast points mobiles. They tested more than 611,- bred animals In founding a herd. Much The convenience of having a garden sion service. "For the home gardener tion, but the wind w ill b ring the Sow. Bad oondttlon sacks are dock 000 cattle on 800 farms, finding shout time and money are lost by starting seed 4rom afar and restock the frequently leads to a beneficial change to get the most profitable returns from ed 3 cents, the same as last year. 3.100 reactors. Federal officials have with low-grade sows and building up ground. ln the proportions of the fam ily diet. his efforts, therefore, he must make Richard J, Stephens of Spokane, classed this activity as "a good piece the quality of the herd by the use of are serven served mors more aoundant- abundant- these conditions favorable and he cer­ I f you have a u n i r >1 Vegetables ' «re pure bred boars. president for three years, wus unanl of work." Canada thistles of co n . I b* cauae they are •▼■«•bl«, and they tainly should not allow weeds to take Copies of the bulletin may be had arsa you can r ó .h . COU*,derabJ® ••««•'y the craving for bulk, lessening mously reflected from the floor with­ charge. ^ee, as long as the supply lasts, from them when thi- ? k i g° ° d U8C ° th* deslre for other fooda w,llch » M out going through the formality of an Mix Barley and Oats to "Many gardeners allow their en- the United States Department of Agri­ . ah en ,be k ts t blossoms begin l«ck the necessary vitamins. Almost election by the directors. Get More Feed M aterial culture, Wushington, D. G. thuslasra for th© plot to lag when the to snow color. Cut them and tu rn automatically the garden tends to in- weather gets hot and the weeds begin That a mixture of barley and oats tDem in to silage and you w ill have crea»« the use of vegetables, T H E M A R K t ls to grow. I t Is possible to have plenty produces more digestible feeding ma- a rich and n utritiou s feed. A n y The garden must, of course, be care- Apple Scab Is Cause of of vegetables In mid summer and late lerlal par sera than either crop alone »ter in the p la n t’ s grow th the fuUy Plann* m o U C 8 l S sources U U rC V S O ila - Seattle tures, resulted In the highest yield four years. Apple scab Is caused by enontrh t? T fla t,Wlde ,w e *P«- wi(G ,nlM ' Tomatoes are comparable with weeds in check, the garden wiu be a par ax I Lie fungus which lives during w h T e ,t7 ! Oft , 1 8 ,: * e,tern of digestible feeding material ob­ enough to overlap some so as to the winter on the dead leave* under 6ut over a ll the ground, in the citrus fruits as sources of vitamins, most profitable. I t costa money 2» tained per sere, 2,039 pounds, with n neglect the home garden.” and when the latter are lacking, toma­ W‘nter’ ” ««I western the trees. mixture er acre. to two weeks old. Docking Is best the straggling thistles th a t came plan. Eggs—Ranch, 33®3>c. The results obtained In these tests against Infection by this fungus, the done with a heated pal, of pinchers, Hogs—Prime. »1 »25 ©12.60. are supported by similar yields ob­ most efficient and practical materials up in and around the h ills of corn. or It may be done with a sharp knife “ The oorn was followed bv a A verage Cost o f Pig at and the best time te use them present CaMle-^Cholce steers. 88 26®».50. tained In New York and Ontario tests, and the wound disinfected with a mild - problem upon which the station crop of barley. T o see a clean, Cheese—Oregon fancy to retailer« "»>»- On good land there is W ean in g Tim e W ill V ary disinfectant solution. Ram lambs that haa been working for alx year«. JTo per lb.; do standards. 25c; Wash I a. p"—lbu,,y of getting a higher yield criap abundant crop, free from Records kept by Pennsylvania farm­ are to be marketed as feeder or fat During thia time experiment« have thistles was a sweet reward for the of grain and a higher production of Ington fancy triplet*. 26c. ers show that during the past three lambs should be castrated at three to been conducted lu 26 commercial digestible feeding material with the tro u b le ,’’ years the average cost of a pic at six weeks eld. They should not be al­ barley and oats mixture, he states. A orchards ln Adams county, as well as lowed to go longer than this or there Spokane. t T 7 5 75 h“’ V8rled fr° m In the experiment station orchard« tn late maturing variety of barley and Hog»—Good to choice, »12 50©l2.7(. may be some loss as a result of cas­ Twelve Lancaster county Centre county, and one orchard each S ta y to n P ic k lin g P la n t medium to early maturing variety of (Pennsylvania) farmers kept cost of tration. .Cattle—Prime eteers, »9.00©».6o. In Franklin and Cheater counties. oats should be used so that both A p ic k lin g p la n t of 2500 l a r - , Production records ----------------- for 43 ww. sows ln In co Eighteen different materials wer« ap. ripen together. reís capacity is being put in shape “^ « t i o n with the extension depart plied ok nine varieties involving ever WHEAT PROSPECTS BRIGHT Plan to D estroy Lice two hundred separte plot« and 111 at West Stayton to handle cuctim- .m*Bt ° L .th* p« “ “ YH»nla State col- A simple plan to destroy lice that Best of Conditions for barrel *,e ' aowa averar ' » « • Of the nnd dusts are given In the bulletin w ill be etnployed as p io ktrs d u rin g 'W e r than on sprtng-faírow^ pi*J7 water for a few day* With this solu­ corn, and It Is preferable that the corn Pacifia north watt will have a »too so that growers Interested ln the-con th ? H three season of should have succeeded a welt-manured tion wash the animals affected with 000 000 wheat crop th i. yM r „ , h< field of clover or alfalfa. It Is bent trot of apple scab may easily get the lice thoroughly ,11 ovei aboot tw<> L in n c o u n ty ’s fi st pickle 3row. “ d 1WS. »>* costs oil f«n PUs ~ breaent brilliant crop prospect, con not to mennre the corn crop Immedi­ latest Information on this vital sub­ ng of considerable amount wae M 43’ *‘‘ 0C and »<-87- For the spring or three day. later repeat the dose tlnue and the market holds at the ately preceding the potatoea, since ject. an over again. It is very , e|dom that a»t season. | ■•••ons of 1822 and 1823 the Present level. It 1, likely costs two doses do not cleanse the animal of freshly applied manure tends to scab were »5.06 and 85.75 per pig. Grade or be degraded, says the New these things wilt happen. the potatoea. Potatoea that are plant­ lice completely. Use cold water Jersey potato. * -iL- I a result of the study the Pent, to C™P '* " ow ••««»•«ed at about ed on sod ground are often subject to A m dkiog shorthorn cow in N ew «Tlvania extension department l» u e . •oak the stems. • • • «0.000.000 bushels for Oregon, Wash- extensive attacks by white grub« A ' Y a ,M “ ada lb # w orld I l í * J®11® * 1“* amnmary of the cost of Make the homo garden yield a va­ ngtou and northern Idaho. I .«at y . , r year of cultivated crop, such a t corn, riety of vegetable* record for m ilk and b u tte rfa t I for « brood sow raising R aising Lambs for M arket ahead of the potatoea, gets rid of tlie * • • ere was not much over 60,000.000 She produced 1614 pounds of r ’ V ® weanlM age: com bethe,r ” ” h”* t0 har* the '«mbs grub«, allows the roqja and the veg­ t “ ' ° f WllB“t , r ® * n ln «be tern Cussing the Insect» will not help b utterfat, equal to 2017 p6uuds. or L X r ’ u i w ' etable matter to deeny, and produces come eerly or late will depend upon hoar*). . «ory tributary to Portland nnd the the heat of conditions for the potato ■a cron. Give 'em the poison tpruy. over a too, of b utter. Her m ilk B,ddln« circumstances and conditions The yield was 82,522 pounds. " r a w " * .i::; man who raises pure-bred sheep te tell of «he hard crop. w inter the crop altuatlon I . f , r better ra «"^edlng stock will almost always Cash e ip .n a . b“ rV ‘ • MO. A great deal Equlpni.nt . . . J the early lambs mere profitable Interest ........ .h 2 * ? ” ' • ° * ° ’ raln WM but on account of greater six.. In pr7 the land wee replanted thle spring and «'Oh O ffleiai. of during market lambs there are some, Tetal .......... • IS 4 .1 5 Credit, manure advantage« In the early lamb. On th» b« -PrtM wheat I . doing exceeding Participate. .. IS O ther hand, there are some thing« la ly well In every aectlon. • hSL 7 Ul' M 'nn ~ Gathering ef 3( Net coat ........ when ,hf ,,aT‘n i th*m .913-16 bygdelaga," or neunion of group, when the ewes are on pasture. Bench land farms la Um atilla coun­ from th . . . m . A c tio n . o “ n o 2 . v ty have rechlved ao much rain re- A.ner?1 "h*“ 111« ber® <* ’ «>• Norse •••1er than a rust coat’ / deal The crop season cently that spring planting work has Am’ r ic n centennial celebration at the usually demanda more time than is been delayed. M lnnerot. . t a t . fair ground. available. Farm ««tím ate, oi the wheat crop in ••b y id *.l« :, ’ ” ‘a*- • P° n,Or’,d by ‘ h® at G . • V ° f * ° ° aeb«rrie . 1. over Um atilla county aro that more milling ed « .J “ ,h° U,h ,he prtce r®ca‘ v. oyga.l««,, » a , arranged to cel. wheat w ill be produced than ever be a « J ì CanMrle’ WM ° n,y ’ « « • be done on rainy day» - W U Imm7. C," ‘ ®"ar5r of N «r.e group fo r * due to the fact that so much of £ 2 2 £ ,0 An,' rt,a ,n « * « 3 or during wet L 7 “ J . „ con,pared to 7 ‘ ®B,a ia*« weather. the sen club wheat was froten out last 8 u C , ’ rh,ch winter and was roseeded with federa , L ? ° , rw a r Jaly * »«»• «Ion and hard federation. It has h e n (h i W ANTED o ' ° f ,0Ur ao" r » m e n t . - Sudtell • A uction Exchange, •»tingle«! .th a t- hard federation win * he I Qited State* CahaA. *» «bo purchase of 2» h. . d B#“ by rteld clase to 1,000.000 buahels and and Iceland—participated orwa7 A lbany, Or»., * 'th e J, •bat with present favorable conditions da aDd i ’ u<>rn8(‘y breeds The 1 0 tOni C h i t f gira-. D 1 »teck [MeraDon max yl*(H » oao 000 bushel* •lav whs President C o o lijg i tr T S * p“ rchMed c w. ili. a * nnl” oa for • lump .urn of ? artn m »chinery, mower«, b in de « stock. Weeds Rob Gardens of Food and Water NORSE CELEBRATION HELD F o r thrifty, healthy chicks feed ISHER’S CIICK FEED and « O. Developing Mash w . F R I II \ tiara of vn,ttem Bark etc. P honeTflR ‘