J p h l RURAL ENTERPRISE A g rc u lt u re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A \ \ eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land JVNK 10. 1<#?5 H a ls e y H ap p e n in g s D a iry P o u ltry W ool earlier, and they were ripe and A lfo rd A rro w s P in e G ro v e P o in ts B row nsville Briefs M ost Successfnf delicious. and C o u n ty E vents J. M. Rice, a Holley pioneer, (Enterprise Correspondent) < Enterprise Ccrreependenoe) Y e a r of S ch o o l iB y an Entarpiisc Reporter) was buried Saturday. Miss Frances Booker is visit­ Doings of Our Populace Miss Mary L&Rue is visiting' A- E. Whitbeck has been con Miss Mary Heinrich was hpme ing in Portland this week. Best Attendance Record fined to his home with a bad for the week end. Chronicled in Brief at Grass Valley. cold. Miss Marvel Lawrence is in Oregon...Tardiness Paragraphs Bert Haynes was a Browns­ working for Mrs. Will Howe. Alonso Neal and family have E. D. Isom and E. A. Starnes ville visitor Saturday. Reduced One-half returned here from Browns-! Rev. Mr. Parks of McMinn­ J. E. Southworth got " that ville to reside. were callers in Harrisburg Clarence Eagy and friend ville is to preach at the local Halsey-Brownsville 7-day mail Thursday. ( u _ “Commencement is when you visited at L. E. Eagy’s Siinday. Baptist church Sunday. Dr. J. P. Wallace died at his contract. He gets $480 a year. quit.” That fits the school home in Albany Thursday, aged Lee Ingram and family sent The Pine Grove orchestra will Mrs. Etta Chastain of Port­ The first eggs. 1,200,000 of commencement. Halsey’s was Sunday afternoon at John Bur» go to Riverside next Saturday land is visiting relatives and at the Methodist church Thurs­ them, have been placed in the nett’s at Harrisburg. evening. Mrs- E. C. Miller spent last friends in and about town this Roaring River fish hatchery. day evening and it marked the week visiting her parents, Mr. week. . E- A. Starnes and family Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten Dorothy and Alfred English and Mrs. T. M. Burnett of Le­ called at the home of Ralph went to Lebanon to the straw­ close of the most successful are visiting their grandmother banon. She also took in the Dannen, at Shedd, Friday. Miss Gretia Harrison is home term our schools have ever had. berry fair Friday. in Eugene. for the summer- She has been There was an attendance record strawberry carnival. Mr. and Mrs. George Chand­ taking nurse’s training at Cor­ of All pupils of the Alford Miss Nettie Spencer got home 97.7 per cent for the entire George Maxwell brought to ler attended the graduating vallis. • Wednesday, after a successful the editor’s home twelve straw­ school who took the state ex­ exercises schools and it was 97.9 per cent at Shedd Friday even­ a, year as principal of the Elkton berries which weighed a pound. aminations passed successfully. ing. fcValorus > atv tu a uuu and Gall Wood- w o o o - . i for u i the u ic m g i i scnooi- larainess High school- Tardiness schools. They were of the Goodell variety worth accompanied their father was but that of preceding Joe Ingram of Harrisburg The Misses Grace Pehrsson, to Brownsville from Ashland' year> being less than .6 of 1 Miss Amanda Mitzner is and had been sent by his step­ spent Saturday and Sunday at Agnes Chandler, Eunice Sylves­ for a months’ visit. per cent. son. the home of his nephew, Lee home from Portland and she and ter, Iona Albertson and Ruth High school graduates were Ingram. . * a t * her sister have been attending Mrs. E. J. Adams and son A number of friends of Reece Iona McNeil, are all at home for va- Albertson, Agnes Chand­ the Methodist tent meetings. Mallow gathered at his horn» ler, Fred and daughter. Oscar and Raohel, Miss Lillie Richard was home vation. Heinrich, Milford Mul­ Sunday evening and helped him ler. Grace Pehrsson, Gladys The Hussey family ‘intend to of Prosser, Wash., called at the over the wedk end from Eu­ Miss Anna Heinrich came celebrate his fortieth birthday. I remain on the Robnett farm. Wheeler home Monday on their gene, where she has been taking from Corvallis and Miss Pearl The son who came home from way to Los Angeles, where Mr. medical treatment. The ladies of the Baptist Rina Walker. Pehrsson from Monmouth to church entertained Rev.. Mr. | In the eighth grade they Washington will remain and Adams is employed as buildei Mrs. A. C. Armstrong was attend the graduating exercises Woodworth at dinner in the were Donald Wesley, Keith have charge of the work. by the Shell Oil company. agreeably surprised Sunday at Halsey Thursday evening dining room of the church Sun-'Hayes, Edna Vannice, Franoes Mrs. Robert Montgomery of when her mother arrived from A meeting will be held at A large number of Pine day. I Norton, Jennie Nicewood, Ruth Tangent Friday night to per­ Medford is visiting Mrs. M. Id- California and her brother from Grove people attended the class The annual strawberry “feed” . Sturtevant, JY.ahl, James Ward, her mother, and Mrs. Al­ Roseburg. , fect the organization of a co­ night and graduating exercises of the Ash Swale Hunt dub n s McPherson, operative cheese factory as­ bert Miller, her sister. Anothex Halsey Wednesday and will be held this week Wed-1 , C«rtlficat08 of perfect atten- Mrs. L- E. Bond of Albany at daughter of Mrs. Ward, Mrs. sociation. Thursday evenings, four mem­ nesday at the Ash Swale school- j “ “ ™ » ay arTded spent last week at E. D. Isom’s. T™?«* Hettie Taylor of Seattle, is also I Robnett, Carl Isom, Carl Wil­ The pioneer picnic begins on here and Mrs. Ward’s son E. Mrs. Isom and daughter Bever­ bers of the graduating class of house. liams, Jennie Nicewood, Frances Bunker Hill day, June 18, and G. of Eugene, was with her Sun­ ly accompanied her home Sun­ eight being from Pine rove. Miss Irene Harrison and John Norton, Edna Vannice, Russell day for a visit of several days. lasts three days. The manage i day. The supper given by the O’Keefe were married last Fri- Norton, Vivian Frum, Bessie ment announces that it will be a The Richard and Galvert Community club for the benefit day. They go to housekeeping Reynolds, Gertrude Robins, Wil- Several carloads of people clean picnic with clean enter­ enjoyed a reunion at of the Pine (Trove orchestra I in the little Sanders cottage o n . lis Reeves, Iris McPherson, Her- tainment. Pioneers and their from Peoria and a number from families the McFarland church Sunday. Friday evening was wgB attend­ Shelton hill. Lake Creek were at the Metho­ , man Koontz, Lucille Shook, Gil- descendants and friends will be ed and $51.52 was made above ’ There was speaking and music dist tent meeting Monday night. a u o... i [bert Hayes and Donald Wesley. there from all parts. Browns­ expenses. The program was Bruce Burson of Ash Swale Where the attendance would is increasing interest and a general good time. i ville was a noted spot in early There furnished by people from Al­ drove to Portland one day last have stood if chick“ C; J O had manifested. Yesterday the days. These picnics, in one of E. D. Isom and family, Mr9. bany collage uncoc the directiou week, accompanied by Mias • not invaded the district £ w ground • was liberally covered the most beautiful parks na­ with straw. L. E. Bond, Henrietta Starnes, of the Albany chamber of com­ Gladys Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. • be h d t Arvid Nelson and little daugh- s‘uchd an attendance record as turally, in the world, are fa­ Thelma Ingram and Kate and merce. mous. Roy Bierly died Saturday at Hkzei Green attended the ter Donna Jean the above Is a high testimonial Thursday’s Democrat Herald was buried Sunday from the grange picnic at Pence’s grove The Pioneer Picnic to the efficiency and popularity Misses Theima .and Edna Har the state insane asylum' and Saturday. of Thursday reported “the first English and his rison and their uncle and aunt, I of Principal — — .— W. C. Hawley of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison, i corP8 of assistants, local raspberries of the season” Methodist church. He was 36 years old. Mrs. Mar£ S. Bierly as having come tn ita office that of Harrisburg is his mother and WAR IN CHINA EXPECTED representative in-congress, and went to Riddle last Saturday j “Hitch your wagon to a Sunday star” was not quoted by Prof, day from Mrs. Russ Kneeland, there are two married sisters Report* Indicate Japan and Russia I. E. Vining, Ashland, president morning, returning of the state chamber of oom- evening. While there (they i Duback of O. A. C., who made on the Halsey-Brownsville road. in that city and one in Albany- Backing Rival Faetions. The publisher of the Enterprise Ralph and Hiram Bierly of Hal­ Washington, D. C. — In form a Hop eree, will he the principal visited their grandfather, M. S-! the address, but that wa3 his | theme. He would have each at the Linn county Ryan. and his wife bought three boxes sey and Paul of Harrisburg are from authentic sources of the swift speakers --------- I graduate set a high mark of pioneer picnic, which, opens in of these berries about a week brothers. approach In China of general warfare, the Brownsville city park June Mr. and Mn. Arthur Mill«’ «mbition and ever work with a Mr. and Mrs. J. B Neff of Los which promisee to dwarf present dis­ 17 and continues three days. view to gaining that high mark. baby died. turbances In Shanghai. Canton and Albany’s Angeles, on their annual tour Changsha, Jennie Nicewood, Edna Van- The opening day will be a get- Is in the hands of the Wash­ Mr. Taylor is making the J nice, Daniel Wesley, Frances only through the northwest in their ington government. together day especially in the car, were at the Wheeler home The purport of this Information Is honor of pioneers and their Times a whopping good local Norton, Iris McPherson and EXCLUSIVE Friday night. Mr. Neff says that Keith Hayes were among 188 It is expected ’ that newspaper a clash for m ilitary mastwry of families. the boom in Los Angeles is flat China Is Impending. Chang Tso Lin, Linn county pioneers and des­ R. N- Matlock has sold his eighth-grade students in tha OPTICAL PARLORS and at least a third of the room­ Manchurian war lord, with his force of cendants of pioneers will join Crawfordsville farm to William county who were awarded ing houses are vacant and it 200.000 men, and Feng Yu Hsing, with with pioneer families of neigh­ Walton of SMedd. eighth grade diplomas upon Mrs. looks as if it will take a long a following of 176,000, are being watch­ boring counties in a general re­ Geer’s compilation of the re­ E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L The Hxwe chinchilla rabbit farm sults of the examinations. time to fill the places of 200,0001 ed by observers. union. people who have left the south Chang has the sympathy and prob­ The Halsey high school pu­ Bancroft Optical Co. Prizes will be given by the it unable to supply- the demand ably some form of substantial aid from Pioneer Association for numer­ for bunnies for breeders. land. pils picnicked at Triangle lake, 313 We«t First street, Albany,Or. Japan. Feng, the so-called Christian ous races and near Blachly, Saturday and had other contests Claire Kirk, garage man, ran (Continued on page 6) general, admittedly Is receiving ac­ and a ball game between the a great time at rowng, bathing, so big a sliver into his leg that tive’ and material assistance from Brownsville team and a team he had to resort to a surgeon’s fishing and other sportl. Prof. soviet Rrasta. Unquestioned sources English went along. from some neighboring town knife to get it out. have reported a continuous supply of The seventh and eighth grade will .be played each day. • arms to be reaching Feng's troops Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Davidson of school pupils pick nicked at Craw­ The second day will start at from Moscow and Urga. the city park at 10 o’clock with Brownsville, who crossed the (gains fordsville Saturday. Mi«« Weddle an address of welcome by H- R. to Oregon in the early 60s. celebrated took tbe fourth, fifth and sixth grade« to Lak« Ogle the previous » Mussolini Orders Investlgatlen. Geil, pastor of the Brownsville their 68th wedding anniversary. Washington, D. C.— Thorough inves­ day. Presbyterian church, W. W. Rev. J. W. Craig of Browns­ tigation of an attack by Fascist! upon Poland of Shedd will respond. ville, a pioneer among pioneers, Frank C. Oowen, American vice-consul* Following Mr. Poland, Mr. Vin­ preached at Peoria May 31.. He Pine Grove Gathering at Leghorn, Italy, has been ordered by ing will speak. • F. E- Callister, president t>: Premier Mussolini, according to a had long ago been pastor there In tbs afternoon Mr. Hawley and was presiding elder when the Linn county forum, presidet telegram to the state department from • “ Preferred Stock ” means all that the name at Pine Grove Friday eveninj Ambassador Henry P. Fletcher. The will give the main address and a that church was built. attack took place May U during an when the Albany chamber ol number of other speakers will • implies—the choice of the pack. assembly of several thousand Faaclatl be called on. commerce and the Pine Grov< Coolidge le Asked to Help Amurfdeen. from various parts of Italy. While community, to the number ol The third day will be devoted • When you buy Preferred Stock goods you i crossing New York.— In response to an ap­ a public square, Oowen, ac­ entirely to the grangers of the • have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se- , cording to reports, was attacked with­ county, who will put on the peal from the Norwegian Aero club, more than two hundred, met at thi Grove schoolhouse. A to American newspapers. Pine • lected for size, flavor and quality. i out apparent reason by a member of complete program. An indus­ addressed Preeident Coolidge was asked to give cafeteria meal was served b) tbe Fascist! delegation and was struck trial parade, in which all the Immediate consideration to the poe the local ladies. 9 Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred J , twice over the head. granges in Linn county are ex­ si b II Ity of tending the Lot Angeles or Dean Sullivan of Albany Col­ • Stock with other brands and it will meet with ( Belgian Debt so u , Arrive In July. pected to take part, will be the the Shenandoah to Oreenland Itf lege delivered the principal ad Washington. D. C.— An official com- opening feature of this program. search of the missing Amundsen-Ella dress, in which he stressed thi • your discriminating choice i worth polar party. 1 mission appointed by the Belgian gov- importance of law observance At the Harrisburg railroad sta­ i eminent to negotiate with American participation in civic and politi­ • Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet J for the settlement of the tion ona lady asked another: “ Do Em ergency Board Slaehea Requests. cal activities and co-operation • a price. They are sold only to those who ap-1 authorities war debt owed the United States will vou hstpen to know where Mr*. Salem, Or. — The state emergency in diagnosing community needs Carrie Rice lives?” And then they board, after being advised by Thomas and applying remedies. • preciate first quality. i ' visit thia country In July. discovered that they were eietere B. Kay. state treasurer, that It bad no There was vocal and instru­ had ooiue in on the same train authority to set Itself up as a legit 9 It is true some brands are sold cheaper, but ] If “Dicky” Loeb has gone in­ and mental music and community knowing it. They were lature and override the vetoes of Oov- • they arc sold solely on price appeal. < sane, as reported, as a result of without Mre. E. M. Bryan of Pullman, ernor Pierce, pruned prospective de­ singing and a general good get- imprisonment for the Fra:nk Wash., a«d Mrs. Bart Smith of ficiency appropriation requests from together time. We are distributers of about thirty varieties ! I murder, his punishment is nea r- Tillamook. Mre. Rice wae their approximately $81,000 to $21.846. Tha W. F- M S. o f the M. E • of Preferred Stock goods. < i er what he deserved than hang­ sitter and they bad coma for a visit with bar. The Bulletin telle tbe Gibbone Put Out In 12th by Tunnsy. church held its regulxr wasting a ing would have been, becao&e story. New York. -Cene Tunney of New the chttroh Wednesday Instead o more severe. But let him sta.v York. American llgbt-heavywelght Friday as is usual. Over $70 wa A ren't' these (Looting affrays there. Even if he is not sham­ champion, knocked out Tom Olbbons realised from tbe epeaing of thi ming he deserves no more mercy becoming awfully freqaent? A of 8t. Paul, heavyweight pride of the mite boxes. A good crowd was ii HALSEY, OÇEOON w than he gave his victim. “With heading io thia m orning'« Orygop- middle went.' in t t y l i t i * round at a attendance and alter a ahort pro . 1 1 such measure as ye mete it shall tan eaya: k , "Columbia > Rapid« schedateti 16-rouad bout at the1 Pole gram ice cream and Tookiea wer served. be meted unto you.” j Shpt.” grounds. : Preferred Stock : Canned Goods Q 2 M. V. KOONTZ CO. !