PAGB * RURAL RNTKRRRJSK Three Days Rietoian of loas, and little daugh- ter. O F E X C IT E M E N T T. J. Jackson was in Albany Friday. William P. Wahl’s infected eye is better, a /te r expert tre a t­ ment in Eugene. The days can’t grow much longer, but the accomplishment per day can, with most of us. Featuring Prominent Speakers I Baseball and Sports succeeds the Pioneer Reunion ate J. J. H. W Vannice Hussey as superinten­ dent of the Methodist Sunday school. Frank Kirk was home for The Brownsville Pioneer Pic­ nic has grown up with the coun lecoration day from the Oaco try. People went to it thirty orchard, Monroe, where he is years ago, when there were no employed. automobiles or pavements. Mrs. J. W. Miller’s brother, Your automobile will bring you George Mill, who has been visit­ to the picnic grounds in a few minutes, and this year’s Picnic ing her, has gone to Latah is going to be too good to miss. Washington. TRY TORRANCE HOT POTATO SALAD Reconditioning Shop in your new Electric Range Oven Lyraao W. Patton is our school principal for the next term. He There will be a ball game comes from Drain and with bis each day in the new ball park. family will occupy the D. 8. Mc­ Williams house immediately. Foot racing and other athletics will be held as usual- Good Camping i o r all who wish to camp there will be ample room in the beautiful city park on the banks of the Calapooia. If you have been planning a camping trip you will not go wrong by coming to Brownsville for the three-dav Picnic. LINN COUNTY In the morning boil six medium-sized potatoes. W hen cold skin and cut into thin slices. i Cover bottom of baking pan with potatoes. Sprinkle each layer nth finely chopped parsley, green onions and celery. Mix two tablepoons each of tarragon vinegar and cider vinegar and lour tablespoons olive oil. One slice lemon. J- A. Steveneon and wife bad ae Sunday guests their son Stanley »nd family of Eugene and Mrs. Mary Robnet of Brownsville, the vouogsr Mrs. Stevenson's mother. Dr. Ficq, the Albany dentist vhoee name is familiar to Enter­ prise readers, became an Amerioao utizen Monday by naturalization. He is a native of Switlerland, but uad become a citizen of Canada. Sheriff Richard found, among other loot in a railroad ear occu >ied by Mexican employes, prop- irty etolen some time ago from the stores of Homer Speer at Tangent and J. H . Rowlaud at Jefferson, *12 East First s„ Albany the (skating r.nk Fry two strips bacon : cut in small b its ; bring to boiling P<»nt; pour over potatoes; cover and place in oven. Set time and heat controls and serve hot when you come home. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER Co. 12, North 3:24 a. m. flag b a *' l o s' , b.l6 m. „ flar 14,Jl2:O9 p. a. m. * 3», 4:0» p- in. South 17. i 2:W p 15’ 33 12'45 8 -1 2 P- n “ m • a £' “ 2 ’ P' “ ' fll 31’ 1 j Nos. 14 and 16 stop to let off passes» from south of Eugene. “ No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfi» points. Passengers for sjuth of Eugene shou take traia No. 17. Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves H i sey at 7 a. ru and 12:15 and 8:1» p J K 8/ « BrownaviHe at 7:4° ■- in. an 3-35 and 8.45 p. m , Outgoing Mail A t the Halsey postoffice ms close going north at 11:50 a i aud 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. at 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. at 12m . Morning stage to Brown ville goee on to Crgwfordsvill Holley and Sweet Home. Paid-for Paragraphs ther and—" T h a t s about enough !" Barrows con­ tinued to point a lean, vibrating finger at him. "AU I ’ve got to say for you la that you’re a welcher and a quitter and yellow! Your father took this man's money on a gamble. When yon come In and tried to pay It back I wouldn’t accept It, and I told you that the notes were only a matter of form. You were very well satisfied with that. But now that they've Struck crawl OUt out - oil --- you're trying to VrUWI / i f ■> /laaJ ^ou «ay cattle at Sweet Home and Casca­ word had brought to the serious fe doubt Just go out and see If vou o>»a w h « he was signing, and that he had J. D. Pittm an and family a rt deliberately and knowingly saved the tures of Bart Rogers the reaemblan dia. scare up a different will. Incidentally” •tome from their California trip of a grin. Bud Tarko swung hls arm the words were burning with sar- copy of a document that was to rob B. M. Bond and family went to The “glorius climate” did not hls son of millions. What would that “ What’d you like to have me from caam-—"you might look In that safety Oeldeadale Saturday, returning nold them there. safety box yield? he queried. “Since the time that M Sunday. h 01' Y° ° mlght flnd 8 C°W dogged me hack up the harbor at Brw of this document there-w here your Frank Porter and wife and father put it for safekeeping! I a the I ve been In everything that ev< CHAPTER V u S i H ’ Davidaou and Frank looked like an outfit." daughter Amy were up from Hadley and wives were in Lebauon Portland decoration day. Tht meantime, get out of my office.” " I know. But your original ontfltl u, F °.r . a l0ng ,uon,«»t Bart Rogers D isappointm ent Wednesday. Oh that?" Bud Tarko untangle l<' lies and Mrs. William Portnr stood trembling there like a muscle- The next morning Bart entered the himself to hls full height and beams Sam Garland of Lebanon (has ■'ridhedd V‘sited Halsey irien, tensed tiger before the spring. H |g bank sind asked to see hls father’s genially down upon Rogers. "The res hands were clenched, h l, eyes narrow safety-deposit box. bssu appointed ou the state fiih Began Their Perusal. one, huh? Read ’em and weep—th w d glaring; slowly down h l. chin oomnaiseion. Oh. it's all right, I guess." The Jim Drinkard took p^rt 1 b trickled a thin flow of blood from u bank clerk shrugged hls shoulders. rather curiously. The clerk bobbed hls Fifth marines, brother.” Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Staluak.r Bart Rogers put forth a hand. he state shoot a t Eugene Fri- tear m hls lower Up where teeth had Your name’s on there In your fa­ head. of Corvallis visited at T. P. Pal. "He showed it to me that day— he ^ “Same division, friend,” came quit! thers writing—and I know you're r a l» r t “ lJOt,r <*’ UP<’" Hla 8rn” lay and Sunday. Mra, Tkrfak. ton’s deeoration day. raised slowly and the flsta clenched. young Rogers. But I gueas I ’d better thought It wag a great joke." n d went w ith him , • "Joke? On whom?" "Huh? the Second? Stand bad ien, suddenly they dropped and Burt n named ’Bull’ Frannlatonr ■y out of the bank. of debt. Then— a folded paper which handsome. Slip me your m itt A The sheriff rose and stretched. 8. C. Hyder of Lacomb show d nounced this the finest sectioi b“ d dreamed vaguely of finding caused Bart Roger,’ heart to thump now” he rubbed moutnfuUy at “Think they did." came hla an another will U the safefy box or tn Albany 83 strawberries which ot agricultural country he hat.1 He brought It forth and read It, line lengthy stomach— "where’s that Legl nouncement In an offhand manner haps some explanation of the docu- Weighed six pounds, and be sav> •ver seen. after line— the final blow. It was the outpost? Where does the Legtoa ke Ain t you got a copy of your own?" n lih t ’¡£J«Ch had h* * n read to hlm th# they were not selected, but were will. Its employment office? I just came night before. But there had beeu - , ddenly 2 a e tired, u ‘, lx >M ■°” Bart Rogers, the run of the patch. "Guess that was about the last trip on that special." He nodded down tl suddenly cognisant of a M X m ° f the • ° r t lDat{,ad’ the street. If you miss the cross-word pus- o rea t, turned toward the door. “ Yes’’ your father made tn here— , bout a «»«Uable proof of the genuineness of “Queer-looking outfit,” assert« year ago— the day he put that will —yss, I guess I ’ve got a copy of It ” *le from this issue of the Enter n ^ UtPr nt? ad Conie ,0 hl111 frem Bart, noticing the vanguard of a mo Hs went out into the night then, and In the box,” came from one tide, and prise, and want It, say so. We ot the cIerk- recounting the to the return from what he now saw Bart looked down into the features toddent of h l. father’s last v and ley mob. do not want to carry the feature ? ? eer7 Bud Tarko Jabbed him I of the clerk, forgotten for the moment. nad been a hopeless and foolish quest term aCt 0 - 1 he had b°a sted Ot bet­ the ribs. "Woree'n that. Buddy. Ouaa unless subscribers want it. Yes.' Regers Juraed toward him tering a man he did not like I was the only honest man oa th j A* , Car*Y »«d wife and rion -*'h .there’’ “ ‘east that con9° la ’ train. Say, who’a Frannlston here? nl h ‘#r y*«‘»rday for The he L nk “ UrmU‘* d’ aa ha atood ° ° Frannlston?" Rogers asked th Dallea. Gilbert joined them at of . teñí Í 7 0tchln« the erection question with a sudden Interest. "He’ lo rtla n d . He will work thia sea ThJÓ , ?Ce ha" acrow ,he « re e t a sort of land agent and politics« ■on in the Wenatchee orchards. hm def ? £’ lf ln rea,,aatlon of Ran for mayor at the election a fev breath mm'h.6 “!11 R° d bargain b»r had dinner at the donation looking for him myself, i f you won'l claim taken up in early days hv th e rZ -™ * * . “ * “ d one- That'« «H Jar loose with any info aho»t thal M r. Stafford s grandfather. Legion post. There he .topped shortly, , nd turned Mr, and Mra. Fred Parker ef "1 * 7 « ‘h a f T h « Bart abort hls head. But I can't help you. T h « q Portland ware driving between tan t any Legion post ln to w n " Shedd and Tangent Sunday when “No Legion post?” The human f « « they met a email child and its par- « Bx t h . B e ll R v o S io a t., Is c . WNU rail doubled again and a long ting«, •°.‘ a ProP«»l7. on the poked Bart Borers m the cheat "Do Jslt side of the pavement. Parker • • ne a.ked hl> q u w lo n ^ you mean to stand there and tell ma •werved to his left to give them (Continued from page 3) that is relished at all times by A lantern-jawed person he was. that there ain’t a Legion po« t , t? ,! » • r n r « ) m > when the child eud- Young and old alike is our ?htm* bOr* ,ha" 8,1 feet ln belgM ¡ 2 fact Your faB *c « “ I deoly darted in front. To avoid reived rton.A-o,,, Hull’ Frannl 'c* erssm. It is from t h .. •Because there aren't enough vet- 6001 hla twinkling grnv eye, . - ä ' i m o u ii r rnnni hitting the little one he ewung »«on » In . payment r r« u ^ b i a t a he mad. to, , Pore, unadulterated cream .nd he ” w . i° ” i PPOrt ° “* ' ,M w a r*« * • « * thouaand wrinkles. Yet etill farther to the left and hit flavored with pur, frnit rtgTort *«e wa» young. well, where can I eat?" asked the i »’0 î Ur“ 0V* r ’ . ° la hl,n lengthy Tarko. " machine ran into the ditch, re « i T im d ’^ “ ln«c»l r t< M a -th tt.r, ,h* of | h* *** announcing. o y »oms whenever you can. Ther^ “wh?re ? * suiting in a broken shoulder for coqraa, being only , technicality Now Bart pointed up the street; t h « as 1» no more wholesome or del ¡clou« The ”ut * ‘“n« Mrs. Parker yoM're kicking about It I" refreshment on earth. Parties.nd the sidewalk toward the restaurant • T a kicking becao.« I believe thaï '■mtlies supplied la any quantity. Mrs. lost Freeland is sntertain- there a «»me trickery .bout It. that after “ “ w,th ‘»t*«"’ lag her daughter, Mrs. Elaine Sd®e alvaatage waa taken of my fa fo rt, gamblers, loose women «n.t esi. There was something likable »bout the elongated, freckled man B u 'd y T WhX ' P0W something wholesome. aomethm. ■Gt ¡ x m u m,n i,ke o set S wash up and some worthwhile and companionable. , ( T o be continued) BROWNSVILLE June 17, 18, 19 Halsey Happenings I ft IHaluon — H a I,SEY C jt ARAGE Union Gas and Oil S i p ire,8t®nu 8.nd Gatos Tires »nd Tubes r ord 1 arts and Accessories ? n y_yoSrJtire’ uhere an'l «»ve monev All work done here i9 guaran teed ' A Popular Refreshment - -x . - - Clark s Confectionery